Structured Streaming with Apache Spark coded in Spark.SQL - apache-spark

Streaming transformations in Apache Spark with Databricks is usually coded in either Scala or Python. However, can someone let me know if it's also possible to code Streaming in SQL on Delta?
For example for the following sample code uses PySpark for structured streaming, can you let me know what would be the equivalent in spark.SQL
simpleTransform = streaming.withColumn(" stairs", expr(" gt like '% stairs%'"))\
.where(" stairs")\
.where(" gt is not null")\
.select(" gt", "model", "arrival_time", "creation_time")\
.queryName(" simple_transform")\
.format(" memory")\

You can just register that streaming DF as a temporary view, and perform queries on it. For example (using rate source just for simplicity):
then you can just perform SQL queries directly on that view, like, select * from my_stream:
Or you can create another view, applying whatever transformations you need. For example, we can select only every 5th value if we use this SQL statement:
create or replace temp view my_derived as
select * from my_stream where (value % 5) == 0
and then query that view with select * from my_derived:


Writing data into snowflake using Python

Can we write data directly into snowflake table without using Snowflake internal stage using Python????
It seems auxiliary task to write in stage first and then transform it and then load it into table. can it done in one step only just like JDBC connection in RDBMS.
The absolute fastest way to load data into Snowflake is from a file on either internal or external stage. Period. All connectors have the ability to insert the data with standard insert commands, but this will not perform as well. That said, many of the Snowflake drivers are now transparently using PUT/COPY commands to load large data to Snowflake via internal stage. If this is what you are after, then you can leverage the pandas write_pandas command to load data from a pandas dataframe to Snowflake in a single command. Behind the scenes, it will execute the PUT and COPY INTO for you.
I highly recommend this pattern over INSERT commands in any driver. And I would also recommend transforms be done AFTER loading to Snowflake, not before.
If someone is having issues with large datasets. Try Using dask instead and generate your dataframe partitioned into chunks. Then you can use dask.delayed with sqlalchemy. Here we are using snowflake's native connector method i.e. pd_writer, which under the hood uses write_pandas and eventually using PUT COPY with compressed parquet file. At the end it comes down to your I/O bandwidth to be honest. The more throughput you have, the faster it gets loaded in Snowflake Table. But this snippet provides decent amount of parallelism overall.
import functools
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
from snowflake.connector.pandas_tools import pd_writer
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_csv(csv_file_path, blocksize='64MB')
ddf_delayed = df.to_sql(
with ProgressBar():
dask.compute(ddf_delayed, scheduler='threads', retries=3)
Load Driver Class:
Add following code block as a dependency
Spring :
maximumPoolSize: 4 # Specify maximum pool size
minimumIdle: 1 # Specify minimum pool size
driver-class-name: com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver
Python :
import pyodbc
# pyodbc connection string
conn = pyodbc.connect("Driver={SnowflakeDSIIDriver};; Database=VAQUARKHAN_DB; schema=public; UID=username; PWD=password")
# Cursor
# Execute SQL statement to get current datetime and store result in cursor
cus.execute("select current_date;")
# Display the content of cursor
row = cus.fetchone()
How to insert json response data in snowflake database more efficiently?
Apache Spark:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
/ Use secrets DBUtil to get Snowflake credentials.
val user = dbutils.secrets.get("data-warehouse", "<snowflake-user>")
val password = dbutils.secrets.get("data-warehouse", "<snowflake-password>")
val options = Map(
"sfUrl" -> "<snowflake-url>",
"sfUser" -> user,
"sfPassword" -> password,
"sfDatabase" -> "<snowflake-database>",
"sfSchema" -> "<snowflake-schema>",
"sfWarehouse" -> "<snowflake-cluster>"
// Generate a simple dataset containing five values and write the dataset to Snowflake.
.option("dbtable", "<snowflake-database>")
// Read the data written by the previous cell back.
val df: DataFrame =
.option("dbtable", "<snowflake-database>")
Fastest way to load data into Snowflake is from a file

How to execute HQL file in pyspark using Hive warehouse connector

I have an hql file. I want to run it using pyspark with Hive warehouse connector. There is an executeQuery method to run queries. I want to know whether hql files can be run like that. Can we run complex queries like that.
Please suggest.
I have following solution where i have assumed that there will be multiple queries in hql file.
HQL File : sample_query.hql
select * from schema.table;
select * from schema.table2;
Code : Iterate over each query. You can do as you wish(in terms of HWC operation) in each iteration.
with open('sample_query.hql', 'r') as file:
hql_file =
for query in [x.lstrip().rstrip() for x in hql_file.split(";") if len(x) != 0] :

How to do append insertion in sparksql?

I have a api endpoint written by sparksql with the following sample code. Every time api accept a request it will run sparkSession.sql(sql_to_hive) which would create a single file in HDFS. Is there any way to do insert by appending data to existing file in HDFS ? Thanks.
sqlContext = SQLContext(sparkSession.sparkContext)
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(ziped_tuple_list, schema=schema)
sql_to_hive = 'insert into log.%(table_name)s partition%(partition)s select %(title_str)s from TMP_TABLE'%{
'table_name': table_name,
'partition': partition_day,
'title_str': title_str
I don't think this is possible case to append data to the existing file.
But you can work around this case by using either of these ways
Using Spark, write to intermediate temporary table and then insert overwrite to final table:
existing_df=spark.table("existing_hive_table") //get the current data from hive
current_df //new dataframe
union_df.write.mode("overwrite").saveAsTable("temp_table") //write the data to temp table
temp_df=spark.table("temp_table") //get data from temp table
temp_df.repartition(<number>).write.mode("overwrite").saveAsTable("existing_hive_table") //overwrite to final table
Hive(not spark) offers overwriting and select same table .i.e
insert overwrite table default.t1 partition(partiton_column)
select * from default.t1; //overwrite and select from same t1 table
If you are following this way then there needs to be hive job triggered once your spark job finishes.
Hive will acquire lock while running overwrite/select the same table so if any job which is writing to table will wait.
In Addition: Orc format will offer alter table concatenate which will merge small ORC files to create a new larger file.
alter table <db_name>.<orc_table_name> [partition_column="val"] concatenate;
We can also use distributeby,sortby clauses to control number of files, refer this and this link for more details.
Another Approach3 is by using hadoop fs -getMerge to merge all small files into one (this method works for text files and i haven't tried for orc,avro ..etc formats).
When you write the resulted dataframe:
result_df = sparkSession.sql(sql_to_hive)
set it’s mode to append:

PySpark throwing ParseException for syntactical correct Hive Query

I got a DDL query that works fine within beeline, but when I try to run the same query within a sparkSession it throws a parse Exception.
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, HiveContext
# Initialise Hive metastore
# Create Spark Session
sparkSession = (SparkSession\
Pyspark Exception:
pyspark.sql.utils.ParseException: u"\nmismatched input 'LIKE' expecting <EOF>(line 1, pos 53)\n\n== SQL ==\nCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE B LIKE A\n-----------------------------------------------------^^^\n"
How Can I make the hiveQL function work within pySpark?
The problem seems to be that the query is executed like a SparkSQL-Query and not like a HiveQL-Query, even though I got enableHiveSupport activated for the sparkSession.
Spark SQL queries use SparkSQL by default. To enable HiveQL syntax, I believe you need to give it a hint about your intent via a comment. (In fairness, I don't think this is well-documented; I've only been able to find a tangential reference to this being a thing here, and only in the Scala version of the example.)
For example, I'm able to get my command to parse by writing:
Now, I don't have Hive Support enabled on my session, so my query fails... but it does parse!
Edit: Since your SQL statement is in a Python string, you can use a multi-line string to use the single-line comment syntax, like this:
There's also a delimited comment syntax in SQL, e.g.
which may work just as well.

How to create an EXTERNAL Spark table from data in HDFS

I have loaded a parquet table from HDFS into a DataFrame:
val df ="hdfs://user/zeppelin/my_table")
I now want to expose this table to Spark SQL but this must be a persitent table because I want to access it from a JDBC connection or other Spark Sessions.
Quick way could be to call df.write.saveAsTable method, but in this case it will materialize the contents of the DataFrame and create a pointer to the data in the Hive metastore, creating another copy of the data in HDFS.
I don't want to have two copies of the same data, so I would want create like an external table to point to existing data.
To create a Spark External table you must specify the "path" option of the DataFrameWriter. Something like this:
The problem though, is that it will empty your hdfs path hdfs://user/zeppelin/my_mytable eliminating your existing files and will cause an org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted.. This looks like a bug in Spark API...
Anyway, the workaround to this (tested in Spark 2.3) is to create an external table but from a Spark DDL. If your table have many columns creating the DDL could be a hassle. Fortunately, starting from Spark 2.0, you could call the DDL SHOW CREATE TABLE to let spark do the hard work. The problem is that you can actually run the SHOW CREATE TABLE in a persistent table.
If the table is pretty big, I recommend to get a sample of the table, persist it to another location, and then get the DDL. Something like this:
// Create a sample of the table
val df ="hdfs://user/zeppelin/my_table")
option("path", "/user/zeppelin/my_table_tmp").
// Now get the DDL, do not truncate output
spark.sql("SHOW CREATE TABLE my_table_tmp").show(1, false)
You are going to get a DDL like:
CREATE TABLE `my_table_tmp` (`ID` INT, `Descr` STRING)
USING parquet
`serialization.format` '1',
path 'hdfs:///user/zeppelin/my_table_tmp')
Which you would want to change to have the original name of the table and the path to the original data. You can now run the following to create the Spark External table pointing to your existing HDFS data:
CREATE TABLE `my_table` (`ID` INT, `Descr` STRING)
USING parquet
`serialization.format` '1',
path 'hdfs:///user/zeppelin/my_table')""")
