Abort this node-fetch request without aborting all other requests - node.js

The only way I found to set a timeout on a node-fetch request is to use the abort-controller:
import AbortController from 'abort-controller'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
const fetchWithTimeout = async (url, options) => {
const controller = new AbortController()
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)
const response = await fetch(url, {
signal: controller.signal,
return response.text()
Besides the fact that this looks ugly, it also has a huge issue that I don't know how to dodge:
The controller.abort() aborts ALL current requests, not just one. So, if I call fetchWithTimeout() 10 times in parallel and one of them gets aborted, then all the others get aborted too.
I've kinda solved it with even more awkward code:
import AbortController from 'abort-controller'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
const aborted = {}
const fetchWithTimeout = async (url, options) => {
const controller = new AbortController()
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
aborted[url] = true
}, 10000)
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {
signal: controller.signal,
return response.text()
} catch (e) {
if (aborted[url] || e?.type !== 'aborted') {
delete aborted[url]
throw e
} else {
return await fetchWithTimeout(url, options)
But this is so wrong and inefficient. What else can I do with it besides replacing node-fetch with an alternative?

I tried to reproduce the behaviour of controller.abort() aborting ALL current requests, but it seems to work as expected and I doubt that it's a bug in node-fetch.
I think the problem is how you handle the errors when you execute the requests in parallel (presumably) using Promise.all. As stated in the docs it rejects immediately upon any of the input promises rejecting or non-promises throwing an error, and will reject with this first rejection message / error.
You are probably looking for Promise.allSettled instead, as it resolves after all of the given promises have either fulfilled or rejected independently of each other. So it could look something like this:
(async () => {
const parallelRequests = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const result = await Promise.allSettled(parallelRequests);
// result will be an array holding status information about each promise and the resolved value or the rejected error
The reason why your second approach works with Promise.all, is that you actually catch and handle errors from the fetch-call. But be aware that in case of non-aborted error, you re-throw the error which will again cause an immediate rejection regardless of the other requests.

I've spent too many hours on various node fetch libraries. Just use curl. It just works.
import { exec } from 'child_process'
async function curl (url: string) {
return await new Promise(async resolve => {
const command = `curl "${url}" -L --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 12`
exec(command, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 10 }, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
console.error(err, stderr)
} else {
export default curl


Chunking axios.get requests with a 1 second delay per chunk - presently getting 429 error

I have a script using axios that hits an API with a limit of 5 requests per second. At present my request array length is 72 and will grow over time. I receive an abundance of 429 errors. The responses per endpoint change with each run of the script; ex: url1 on iteration1 returns 429, then url1 on iteration2 returns 200, url1 on iteration3 returns 200, url1 on iteration4 returns 429.
Admittedly my understanding of async/await and promises are spotty at best.
What I understand:
I can have multiple axios.get running because of async. The variable I set in my main that uses the async function can include the await to ensure all requests have processed before continuing the script.
Promise.all can run multiple axios.gets but, if a single request fails the chain breaks and no more requests will run.
Because the API will only accept 5 requests per second I have to chunk my axios.get requests to 5 endpoints, wait for those to finish processing before sending the next chunk of 5.
setTimeout will assign a time limit to a single request, once the time is up the request is done and will not be sent again no matter the return being other than 200.
setInterval will assign a time limit but it will send the request again after time's up and keep requesting until it receives a 200.
async function main() {
var endpoints = makeEndpoints(boards, whiteList); //returns an array of string API endpoints ['www.url1.com', 'www.url2.com', ...]
var events = await getData(endpoints);
The getData() has seen many iterations in attempt to correct the 429's. Here are a few:
// will return the 200's sometimes and not others, I believe it's the timeout but that won't attempt the hit a failed url (as I understand it)
async function getData(endpoints) {
let events = [];
for (x = 0; x < endpoints.length; x++) {
try {
let response = await axios.get(endpoints[x], {timeout: 2000});
if ( response.status == 200 &&
response.data.hasOwnProperty('_embedded') &&
) {
let eventsArr = response.data._embedded.events;
eventsArr.forEach(event => {
} catch (error) {
return events;
// returns a great many 429 errors via the setInterval, as I understand this function sets a delay of N seconds before attempting the next call
async function getData(endpoints) {
let data = [];
let promises = [];
endpoints.forEach((url) => {
setInterval(function() {
for (i = 0; i < promises.length; i += 5) {
let requestArr = promises.slice(i, i + 5);
.then(axios.spread((...res) => {
.catch(err => {
}, 2000)
// Here I hoped Promise.all would allow each request to do its thing and return the data, but after further reading I found that if a single request fails the rest will fail in the Promise.all
async getData(endpoints) {
try {
const res = await Promise.all(endpoints.map(url => axios.get(url))).catch(err => {});
} catch {
throw Error("Promise failed");
return res;
// Returns so many 429 and only 3/4 data I know to expect
async function getData(endpoints) {
const someFunction = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('222'), 100)
const requestArr = endpoints.map(async data => {
let waitForThisData = await someFunction(data);
return axios.get(data)
.then(response => { console.log(response.data)})
.catch(error => console.log(error.toString()))
Promise.all(requestArr).then(() => {
console.log('resolved promise.all')
// Seems to get close to solving but once an error is it that Promise.all stops processing endpoint
async function getData(endpoints) {
(async () => {
try {
const allResponses = await Promise.all(
endpoints.map(url => axios.get(url).then(res => console.log(res.data)))
} catch(e) {
// handle errors
It seems like I have so many relevant pieces but I cannot connect them in an efficient and working model. Perhaps axios has something completely unknown to me? I've also tried using blurbird concurrent to limit the request to 5 per attempt but that still returned the 429 from axios.
I've been starring at this for days and with so much new information swirling in my head I'm at a loss as to how to send 5 requests per second, await the response, then send another set of 5 requests to the API.
Guidance/links/ways to improve upon the question would be much appreciated.

TypeScript: type for returning an async function call inside a setTimeout()?

I have a function for fetching credentials for an external API (oversimplified):
const fetchCredentials= async () => {
return await fetch(/* url and params */);
And another one which calls the above and keeps retrying to call if it the response is not ok.
const retryFetchCredentials = (initialDelay = 250): Promise<Credentials | void> => {
return fetchCredentials().then(async res => {
if (res.ok) {
const parsedResponse = await res.json() as Credentials ;
return parsedResponse;
else {
// The issue is with this timeout/return:
setTimeout(() => {
return retryFetchCredentials (initialDelay * 2);
}, initialDelay);
My problem is that I don't know how to strongly type the return inside the setTimeOut function, I keep getting a Promise returned in function argument where a void return was expected. error. I have tried several return types for the functionretryFetchCredentials to no avail.
Any clues about how to solve this?
Just removing the return from the the function inside setTimeout should make the error go away without affecting the behavior of the rest of the code.
As a side note, you shouldn't mix async/await with .then for consistency. And if you use async/await whenever possible, your code is going to increase its readability.

Problem with async when downloading a series of files with nodejs

I'm trying to download a bunch of files. Let's say 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg and so on. If 1.jpg exist, then I want to try and download 2.jpg. And if that exist I will try the next, and so on.
But the current "getFile" returns a promise, so I can't loop through it. I thought I had solved it by adding await in front of the http.get method. But it looks like it doesn't wait for the callback method to finish. Is there a more elegant way to solve this than to wrap the whole thing in a new async method?
// this returns a promise
var result = getFile(url, fileToDownload);
const getFile = async (url, saveName) => {
try {
const file = fs.createWriteStream(saveName);
const request = await http.get(url, function(response) {
const { statusCode } = response;
if (statusCode === 200) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
I don't think your getFile method is returning promise and also there is no point of awaiting a callback. You should split functionality in to two parts
- get file - which gets the file
- saving file which saves the file if get file returns something.
try the code like this
const getFile = url => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get(url, response => {
const {statusCode} = response;
if (statusCode === 200) {
async function save(saveName) {
const result = await getFile(url);
if (result) {
const file = fs.createWriteStream(saveName);
What you are trying to do is getting / requesting images in some sync fashion.
Possible solutions :
You know the exact number of images you want to get, then go ahead with "request" or "http" module and use promoise chain.
You do not how the exact number of images, but will stop at image no. N-1 if N not found. then go ahed with sync-request module.
your getFile does return a promise, but only because it has async keyword before it, and it's not a kind of promise you want. http.get uses old callback style handling, luckily it's easy to convert it to Promise to suit your needs
const tryToGetFile = (url, saveName) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
http.get(url, response => {
if (response.statusCode === 200) {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(saveName)
} else {
// usually it is better to reject promise and propagate errors further
// but the function is called tryToGetFile as it expects that some file will not be available
// and this is not an error. Simply resolve to false
const fileUrls = [
const downloadInSequence = async () => {
// using for..of instead of forEach to be able to pause
// downloadInSequence function execution while getting file
// can also use classic for
for (const fileUrl of fileUrls) {
const success = await tryToGetFile('http://' + fileUrl, fileUrl)
if (!success) {
// file with this name wasn't found
This is a basic setup to show how to wrap http.get in a Promise and run it in sequence. Add error handling wherever you want. Also it's worth noting that it will proceed to the next file as soon as it has received a 200 status code and started downloading it rather than waiting for a full download before proceeding

NodeJS Async / Await - Build configuration file with API call

I would like to have a configuration file with variables set with data I fetch from an API.
I think I must use async and await features to do so, otherwise my variable would stay undefined.
But I don't know how to integrate this and keep the node exports.myVariable = myData available within an async function ?
Below is the code I tried to write to do so (all in the same file) :
const fetchAPI = function(jsonQuery) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var reqOptions = {
headers: apiHeaders,
request.post(apiURL, function (error, res, body) {
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
} else {
var wallsData = {}
const fetchWalls = async function (){
var jsonQuery = [{ "recordType": "page","query": "pageTemplate = 1011"}]
let body = await utils.fetchAPI(jsonQuery)
let pageList = await body[0].dataHashes
var page = pageList[i]
wallsData[page.title.fr] = [page.difficultyList,page.wallType]
return wallsData
throw new Error("WOOPS")
const wallsData = fetchWalls()
exports.wallsData = wallsData
The output of console.log(wallsData) shows Promise { <pending> }, therefore it is not resolved and the configuration file keep being executed without the data in wallsData...
What do I miss ?
A promise is a special object that either succeeds with a result or fails with a rejection. The async-await-syntax is syntactic sugar to help to deal with promises.
If you define a function as aync it always will return a promise.
Even a function like that reads like
const foo = async() => {
return "hello";
returns a promise of a string, not only a string. And you need to wait until it's been resolved or rejected.
It's analogue to:
const foo = async() => {
return Promise.resolve("Hello");
const foo = async() => {
return new Promise(resolve => resolve("Hello"));
Your fetchWalls similarly is a promise that will remain pending for a time. You'll have to make sure it either succeeds or fails by setting up the then or catch handlers in your outer scope:
The outer scope is never async, so you cannot use await there. You can only use await inside other async functions.
I would also not use your try-catch for that outer scope promise handling. I think you are confusing the try-catch approach that is intended to be used within async functions, as there it helps to avoid nesting and reads like synchronous code:
E.g. you could do inside your fetchWalls defintion:
const fetchWalls = async function (){
var jsonQuery = [{ "recordType": "page","query": "pageTemplate = 1011"}]
try {
let body = await utils.fetchAPI(jsonQuery)
} catch(e) {
// e is the reason of the promise rejection if you want to decide what to do based on it. If you would not catch it, the rejection would chain through to the first error handler.
Can you change the statements like,
const wallsData = fetchWalls();
wallsData.then((result) => {
exports.wallsData = wallsData; // when importing in other file this returns as promise and we should use async/await to handle this.

Axios.all, how to configure axios wait time to mitigate hung up?

My application uses an internal webservice for fetching data, i have a job which creates approx 500 requests which getsfired async to complete the fetch operation.
I make use of Axios, by creating an array of axios promises and then resolving them using using Axios.all();
It works fine until some 200 requests but post that i get socket hung up, however on the server side i see the requests are being processed.
How to configure axios to set custom time out, or is it a better idea to splice my promises array and then run them as multiple batches ?
Source code
let getAxiosPromiseArray = (urlList) => {
var axiosArrayofPromise = [];
return new Promise ( (resolve, reject) => {
try {
urlList.forEach ( (URL) => {
catch (err) {
reject("There is a problem getting Axios array of promises " + err);
async function processAxiosPromises (PromiseArray) {
try {
var results = []
results = await axios.all(PromiseArray);
return results;
catch(err) {
throw("There was a problem resolving promises array (Axios) " + err);
getallID().then ( (urlList) => {
return getAxiosPromiseArray(urlList);
}).then( (AxiosPromises) => {
return processAxiosPromises(AxiosPromises);
}).then ((resultData) => {
There was a problem resolving promises array (Axios) Error: socket hang up
First, that pair of functions getAxiosPromiseArray() and processAxiosPromises() needs fixing.
Your new Promise() construction is unnecessary. You can simply return Promise.all(arrayofPromise) (or axios.all(...) if you must) and do away with the other function.
Renaming the remaining function to something meaningful, you would end up with eg :
let getData = (urlList) => {
return Promise.all(urlList.map(URL => axios.get(URL)))
.catch(error => {
error.message = "There is a problem getting Axios array of promises " + error.message; // augment the error message ...
throw error; // ... and re-throw the errror.
And call as follows :
.then(resultData => {
}).catch(error => {
That will put you on solid ground but, on its own, is unlikely to fix a concurrency problem (if that's what it is), for which the simplest approach is to use Bluebird's Promise.map with the concurrency option.
The caller code can remain the same, just change getData(), as follows:
let getData = (urlList) => {
let concurrency = 10; // play with this value to find a reliable concurrency limit
return Promise.map(urlList, URL => axios.get(URL), {'concurrency': concurrency})
.catch(error => {
error.message = "There is a problem getting Axios array of promises " + error.message;
throw error;
// where `Promise` is Bluebird.
const axios = require('axios');
const axiosThrottle = require('axios-throttle');
//pass axios object and value of the delay between requests in ms
const options = {
method: 'GET',
const urlList = [
const promises = [];
const responseInterceptor = response => {
return response;
//add interceptor to work with each response seperately when it is resolved
axios.interceptors.response.use(responseInterceptor, error => {
return Promise.reject(error);
for (let index = 0; index < urlList.length; index++) {
options.url = urlList[index];
promises.push(axiosThrottle.getRequestPromise(options, index));
//run when all promises are resolved
axios.all(promises).then(responses => {
