Apache Pulsar Unauthorized to validateTopicPolicyOperation for operation [WRITE] on topic - apache-pulsar

We've been trying to add JWT auth on our 2.8.1 Apache Pulsar cluster and it seems to be working properly, except for permissions. So basically, the state we are right now is that:
Without token, client gets a 401
With a token, it can access but has a trouble producing or consuming, so we added this :
./bin/pulsar-admin --admin-url https://pulsar-xxx-broker.pulsar-xx.svc.cluster.local:8443 --auth-plugin org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken --auth-params file:///pulsar/tokens/broker/token namespaces grant-permission "xxx-dev-FR/lol" --role pulsar-token- --actions produce,consume
And it was better, permissions seems to be pretty straightforward on namespaces and only consume,produce are allowed seeing the code. But then we hit that error:
org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException$NotAuthorizedException: Unauthorized to validateTopicPolicyOperation for operation [WRITE] on topic [persistent://xxx-dev-FR/ns-common-0.8.0/workflow-tag-new: com.xxx.xxx.commons.engine.workflow.xxxEngine] on policy [PARTITION]
So apparently we need some more permissions, so we looked into adding an admin role when creating the tenant and this is what we've done but unfortunately, it's not better.
Pulsar permissions schema
Do I miss something here?
Thanks a lot.

#Kin, from your example it seems you granting permission on one namespace xxx-dev-FR/lol but then trying to use a topic in a different namespace xxx-dev-FR/ns-common-0.8.0.

Yes it's true, but this was just an example sorry. I did launch the query grant permission command on the right namespace afterwards.
I feel like the grant-permission command is missing some permissions as only those two are available:
But apparently it doesn't work for changing a topic or namespace policy. Is there a way to make this work without being full admin?
edit : just in case it's not clear in my first post, while creating the tenants in pulsar-manager, we used the equivalent of this command:
./bin/pulsar-admin tenants create test --admin-roles <my_app_role>

You can validate below params are configured in broker.conf for all brokers, these are used when broker connects to other brokers
(for below configs, subject of token and superUser should match)
Configure one from below, based on the key(symmetric or asymmetric) you have used to generate the token, this will be used to decode the token

I managed to fix the issue which was not working because of the Token subject not being the same as the role input in the tenant admin permissions. For instance in CLI it meant:
pulsarctl token create -a HS256 --secret-key-file SECRETKEY --subject xxx-admin 2> pulsar-token-xxx-admin
kubectl exec -it pulsar-xxxx-broker-0 -- bash
./bin/pulsar-admin --tls-allow-insecure --admin-url https://pulsar-xxx-broker.pulsar-xxxx.svc.cluster.local:8443 --auth-plugin org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken --auth-params file:///pulsar/tokens/broker/token tenants create <my_tenant> --admin-roles xxx-admin
We also had to add the following in the broker's configuration:
"topicLevelPoliciesEnabled": "true"
"systemTopicEnabled": "true"
Bye and thanks for your help.


Which Azure role / permission needed for command using Azure function

I've created a solution that will auto-tag all resources in Azure when they're created using the "Creator", "Date", and "Time." These work perfectly if someone creates from the web interface. Unfortunately, I use Terraform to create resources and would like it to take the terraform appid and convert it to the name using the following command.
(Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId "123456-4564-464651651").DisplayName
Unfortunately, I get the following error, basically saying i don't have privileges to do it. Is there a list that lets me know which roles correspond to which command i need to run? I only want to allow privileges to map Service Principle App ID display name (and nothing more).
[Error] ERROR: [Authorization_RequestDenied] : Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.Exception :Type : System.ExceptionMessage : [Authorization_RequestDenied] : Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.HResult : -2146233088CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ ConsistencyLevel …ect = , Expand = }:<>f__AnonymousType5`7) [Get-AzADServicePrincipal_List], ExceptionFullyQualifiedErrorId
The solution is based on this link using Event triggers https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/core-infrastructure-and-security/tagging-azure-resources-with-a-creator/ba-p/1479819
You should you at least Application.Read.All permission , Please see the doc for more info - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/serviceprincipal-get?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
Hope this helps

Automating SharePoint scripts/code with LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled set to false

We use the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client library to automate SharePoint work from our workflow engine but yesterday, one of our client informed us they wanted to disable the Legacy Authentication (LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled to false).
Once I tried it on our end, I ended up getting an Unauthorised exception.
All in good wanting to disable the Legacy Authentication for obvious security reason, but the problem with the Modern Authentication is that it requires user interaction which is clearly not a solution since we are running tasks in the background.
I've been googling this for quite some time but I haven't found a solution as of yet on how to handle automatic authentication for background work.
Is there a way to "authenticate" to SharePoint without any user interaction while LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled is set to false?
I found an article that suggested using the App Authentication but after reading more about it, I believe this is considered an old method to authenticate and is likely to be deprecated as well over time, but I thought I'd still give it a go just in case but it did not work. When I got to
Where tenant is our company domain name, and I click on the "Create" button after filling in all the relevant fields, I get the following error, which is completely useless:
Sorry, something went wrong
An unexpected error has occurred.
According to this article HOW TO HARDEN YOUR SHAREPOINT ONLINE ENVIRONMENT BY DISABLING LEGACY AUTHENTICATION, Legacy Authentication was no longer be an option as of the 13/10/2020, yet here we are, and the option is still available in SharePoint 365 and while the article is interesting explain why Legacy Authentication should be switched off, etc... it does not get into any details as to how automated solutions should be handled.
Also found an old thread "LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled" and Scripted Logons to SharePoint Online? where #DeanWang suggests leaving it turned on as:
All custom CSOM, PowerShell code will stop working
This may also prevent third-party apps from accessing SharePoint
Online resources.
I'm going to stop here as I could keep going and the question is already too long for my liking and bottom line is, does anyone know if there is a way, and what is the best way, to authenticate to SharePoint while running automated "scripts/code" from a background task without requiring any user interaction while the Legacy Authentication is switch off?
After reading articles after articles, I've yet to connect to SharePoint 365.
I also spend more time on the PnP Framework as recommended by numerous articles. I created a dummy app with the following sample code which is used again in various articles, including this one:
Secure Authentication of SharePoint with PnP Framework with C#(Code)
My code is identical as you can see:
var clientContext = new AuthenticationManager().GetACSAppOnlyContext(
using (clientContext)
//Get Lists
var web = clientContext.Web;
var lists = web.Lists;
foreach (var list in lists)
And even though I've granted full control in Azure for the specific test app that's using the specific ClientId and SecretId
I'm still getting the following error (401 - unauthorized):
Message=Token request failed.
at SharePointPnP.IdentityModel.Extensions.S2S.Protocols.OAuth2.OAuth2S2SClient.Issue(String securityTokenServiceUrl, OAuth2AccessTokenRequest oauth2Request) in /_/src/lib/PnP.Framework/Utilities/OAuth/OAuth2S2SClient.cs:line 18
at PnP.Framework.Utilities.TokenHelper.GetAppOnlyAccessToken(String targetPrincipalName, String targetHost, String targetRealm) in /_/src/lib/PnP.Framework/Utilities/TokenHelper.cs:line 116
at PnP.Framework.Utilities.ACSTokenGenerator.GetToken(Uri siteUrl) in /_/src/lib/PnP.Framework/Utilities/ACSTokenGenerator.cs:line 37
at PnP.Framework.AuthenticationManager.<GetContextAsync>b__59_0(String site) in /_/src/lib/PnP.Framework/AuthenticationManager.cs:line 971
at PnP.Framework.AuthenticationManager.<>c__DisplayClass75_0.<GetAccessTokenContext>b__0(Object sender, WebRequestEventArgs args) in /_/src/lib/PnP.Framework/AuthenticationManager.cs:line 1336
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRuntimeContext.OnExecutingWebRequest(WebRequestEventArgs args)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.FireExecutingWebRequestEventInternal(WebRequestEventArgs args)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.GetWebRequestExecutor()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.GetFormDigestInfoPrivate()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.EnsureFormDigest()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.ExecuteQuery()
at ConsoleApp5.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\ConsoleApp5\ConsoleApp5\Program.cs:line 23
This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:
[External Code]
SharePointPnP.IdentityModel.Extensions.S2S.Protocols.OAuth2.OAuth2WebRequest.GetResponse() in OAuth2WebRequest.cs
SharePointPnP.IdentityModel.Extensions.S2S.Protocols.OAuth2.OAuth2S2SClient.Issue(string, SharePointPnP.IdentityModel.Extensions.S2S.Protocols.OAuth2.OAuth2AccessTokenRequest) in OAuth2S2SClient.cs
Inner Exception 1:
WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Is there another section I should be looking at (and change) in the App Registration in Azure
Since it's the SharePoint Online that we are talking about, one easy way to connect to different SharePoint Sites is by using the Azure AD App-Only approach and since you are talking about a Deamon Service you can easily use Application Permissions when registering the App Registration.
You can, and you should, read more about it from the linked Microsoft Docs article.
You can also loggin via certificate or app registration secret as it is discribed in the Log in to Microsoft 365 in order to create automated CI CD SPFx pipelines, for example.
Hope the above helps, if not feel free to ask :)
Update: Please read below in order to have a better understanding.
Firstly, in your code segment you are using a wrong method from the PnP.Framework package.
The above method refers to a completely different method of obtaining an authentication token, more specifically the Sharepoint App-Only model, which... well.... more or less is not being used nowadays quite so ofte. I think I read somewhere that MS is thinking of retiring this kind of Authentication and going onwards on the path of Azure Active Directory authentication, but, unfotunately, I cannot seem to find the link.
Furthermore, I have collected three projects and uploaded them to github for you to see. You can simply clone the repo and run the projects as-is from HERE.
As you will be able to see for yourself, there are three projects in the solution, which you can run each one individually from VSCode or Vs.
More in detail:
(sorry for the name but forgot to switch it :) )
This is a Deamon Console Project that references the PnP.Framework namespace and tries to utilize all of the goodies that the good folks form the PnP Community have contributed.
The procedure is straight forward and is the same for all three projects ->
Read the AppConfiguration
Request the Access Token with appropriate scopes (Depending the service that i am referencing)
Declare the Token to be used by our Client Context.
In the PnP.Framework-related project the above cycle can be seen as below
AuthenticationConfiguration config = AuthenticationConfiguration.ReadFromJsonFile("appsettings.json");
var authManager = new PnP.Framework.AuthenticationManager(config.ClientId, config.Certificate.CertificateDiskPath, config.Certificate.CertificatePassword, config.Tenant);
using (var cc = authManager.GetAccessTokenContext("https://<REPLACE:name of tenant>.sharepoint.com/sites/testsite2", (string siteURL) => authManager.GetAccessToken(siteURL)))
As the name suggests this Deamon Console App utilizes GraphServiceClient graphClient in order to get all the information that you request through the graph endpoint.
Subsequntly, you will notice that for this porject the scope name changes to
string[] scopes = new string[] { "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };
In addition, we request a collection of all the lists that currently reside in our SharePoint Root Site with the below segment:
var lists = await graphClient.Sites["root"].Lists
This app is the default and most simple way of accessing data on Sharepoint.
The projects utilizes MSAL.Net and Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client namespaces in order to fetch an access token and, subsequently, embed that token in all our next requests.
In order to keep the answer a bit short, please refer to here in order to see how we initiate a Confidential App Client, request for a token and, later on, embedd it in our ClientContext object.
I have listed in the Readme.md of the repo, which permissions you should give to your app registration. You can view them Here.
I am using the Sites.FullControl.All but you can narrow down the list of sites that the app registration will have access by using the Sites.Selected.
All of the above projects, reference a common class library that serves as a strongly typed configuration object.
IMPORTANT you should always use a certificate to authenticate the client app as it is mentioned here. The previous link also describes the way you can create a certificate and upload it to the store of the app registration.
Amazing! Thank you very much #Jimas13. For the last 2 weeks I was struggling to find solution to my problem!! You saved me!! If you ever been in Greece let me buy you a drink!

How to delete GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) cluster using python?

I'm new to GKE-Python. I would like to delete my GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) cluster using a python script.
I found an API delete_cluster() from the google-cloud-container python library to delete the GKE cluster.
But I'm not sure how to use that API by passing the required parameters in python. Can anyone explain me with an example?
Or else If there is any other way to delete the GKE cluster in python?
Thanks in advance.
First you'd need to configure the Python Client for Google Kubernetes Engine as explained on this section of the link you shared. Basically, set up a virtual environment and install the library with pip install google-cloud-container.
If you are running the script within an environment such as the Cloud Shell with an user that has enough access to manage the GKE resources (with at least the Kubernetes Engine Cluster Admin permission assigned) the client library will handle the necessary authentication from the script automatically and the following script will most likely work:
from google.cloud import container_v1
project_id = "YOUR-PROJECT-NAME" #Change me.
zone = "ZONE-OF-THE-CLUSTER" #Change me.
cluster_id = "NAME-OF-THE-CLUSTER" #Change me.
name = "projects/"+project_id+"/locations/"+zone+"/clusters/"+cluster_id
client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient()
response = client.delete_cluster(name=name)
Notice that as per the delete_cluster method documentation you only need to pass the name parameter. If by some reason you are just provided the credentials (generally in the form of a JSON file) of a service account that has enough permissions to delete the cluster you'd need to modify the client for the script and use the credentials parameter to get the client correctly authenticated in a similar fashion to:
client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient(credentials=credentials)
Where the credentials variable is pointing to the JSON filename (and path if it's not located in the folder where the script is running) of the service account credentials file with enough permissions that was provided.
Finally notice that the response variable that is returned by the delete_cluster method is of the Operations class which can serve to monitor a long running operation in a similar fashion as to how it is explained here with the self_link attribute corresponding to the long running operation.
After running the script you could use a curl command in a similar fashion to:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \
by checking the status field (which could be in RUNNING state while it is happening) of the response to that curl command. Or your could also use the requests library or any equivalent to automate this checking procedure of the long running operation within your script.
This page contains an example for the command you are trying to perform.
To give some more details that are required for the command to succeed -
Your environment needs to contain environment variables, this page contains instructions for how to do that.
Once your environment is successfully authenticated we can run the delete cluster command like so -
from google.cloud import container_v1
client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient()
response = client.delete_cluster(name=projects/<project>/locations/<location>/clusters/<cluster>)

Error running Vorto Dashboard for Bosch iot suite

I am trying to run Vorto dashboard on Raspberry Pi to visualize my Bosch IoT "things" data.
In order to run the Vorto Dashboard, I installed npm and nodejs and created the config.json file.
I am getting the below error whenever I try to run the dashboard using the command: sudo vorto-dashboard config.json, knowing that I already added the OAuth2 Client credentials.
No credentials given, can not get things
Could not get the token with given credentials. - StatusCodeError: 400 -
Invalid client credentials"}
I am currently contributing the Vorto Project as an Intern at Bosch. Due to changes in the Vorto-Dashboard we combined and merged the functionality of a previous dashboard with another coexisting updated UI, providing advanced ways to visualize the existing devices.
As the uploaded state was work in progress, we temporarily disabled the config.json methodology and removed existing references from the documentation. Apparently, the reference in the tutorial you found was omitted, sorry for that!
Today, I deployed a new version 0.5.0 of the vorto-dashboard which should work as usual. You are now able to work with either process.env.[...] varibales or a config.json file. Thank you Mena for the quick response!
Feel free to let me know if you need any further help or have additional feedback.
To resolve your issue, store your OAUth credentials as environmental variables.
E.g. in debian et al., export BOSCH_CLIENT_ID=... etc., then start the dashboard in the same terminal.
I was about to ask the same question, as I got the same error message no matter how I referenced the config.json file (relative path, absolute path, no reference, etc.).
For clarification, the tutorial pointing to a config.json resource for storing OAuth credentials is here.
While the dependencies are being installed, create the config.json file and insert client_id, secret and scope from your Already created
OAuth2 Client. The content of the file has to look like this:
"client_id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
"client_secret": "<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
"scope": "<YOUR_SCOPE>",
"intervalMS": 10000
The reference to the config.json file has been removed from the README.md resource in the vorto-dashboard module of vorto-examples.
The latest README.md suggests providing the OAuth credentials through environmental variables:
You can provide your OAuth2 credentials through environment variables.
The three environment variables you have to provide are:
Looking at the source, I can only find an explicit reference to a config.json in the start script entry for package_for_deployment.json (nor anything around the source seems to be consuming, say, argv[2] for that matter).
The AuthToken.js resource in charge of handling OAuth credentials only seems to reference environmental variables through the process.env.[...] references.
This is only speculation at the time of writing, but I suspect the reason why the config.json methodology has been abandoned might have something to do with strengthening security, i.e. not storing OAuth credentials permanently in a file.
If that much is true, then the tutorial page should probably be amended with the latest instructions from the README.md.

auto creation of aws iot thing and attaching it to a thing group

I have created thing , certificates , policy and attached them successfully using python.
And i have founded a idea that instead of creating a policy for every new thing that is created , we can create a thing group and create a policy for that group and adding the thing to it and then share that group policy to every new thing we created.
I didn't have any idea on how to implement my idea and i keeps on searching for a reference to do that still i didn't find any usefull links or guides.If you know anything post that
Hi everyone after a long search i find the solution.
def add_thing_to_thing_group():
client = boto3.client('iot')
thing_group_name ='your thing group name'
thing_group_arn ='your thing group arn'
thing_name ='your thing name'
thing_arn ='your thing arn'
thingGroupName= thing_group_name,
thingGroupArn= thing_group_arn,
thingName= thing_name,
thingArn= thing_arn
need boto3 package
thing group arn and thing arn are available in aws iot console
