How to deal with lib/arm/<.so file> file or folder missing? - .so

I'm facing a challenge with my app from playstore. My app has the .so files which are in jniLibs folder for different ABIs. My app works well during testing but when I download from play store, logs show that lib/arm/.so file or folder is missing. However, when I download the universal apk directly from my console, it works and it has the 4 abi folders each with my .so file.
I don't know why the apk generated for delivery lacks the lib folder. If anyone knows the solution, please tell me. I have made several updates but nothing seems to work. I unzipped the app I downloaded from play store and found out that it didn't have the lib folder inside.


Can't access dependencies in node modules folder

In the project folder, I'm using the pnpm install command on a linux enviornment to download the node module dependencies, but for some reason none of the files either are accessible or downloaded correctly. Visual Studio Code can't access the individual folders and when checking the files on the drive, all the relevant files show as having 0KB and give a pop-up saying that "The file can't be accessed by the system" when I try to access them manually. However, despite not being able to edit the files on the development level, I'm able to run the web application perfectly fine.
I checked the security settings for the files and I do have the relevant permissions. I double-checked the Node.js version on my system and it is the proper version. In all of the files for the project, whenever use of a dependency comes up VS Code gives an an error such as "Cannot find module '#remix-run/node' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)."enter image description here

How to download npm packages instead of using the command line

I'm working in a completely offline environment & lately, I've had to code some react applications. I wonder if there is a way to download npmjs packages manually without using the command npm install <package-name>.
For example, while I'm coding with python in the same offline env, I'm downloading everything from PyPi manually & use the .whl in my offline environment using removable devices from one online environment to the offline environment.
I'll appreciate for any help or direction to the solution.
You need to download their source from the github. Find the main file and then include it in your main file.
You need to find the source and go through the package.json file. There you can find which is the main file. So that you can include that in your application.
To include example.js in your app. Copy it into your application folder.
Once you do that, your requirements will just be:
var moduleName = require("path/to/example.js")
It will always look for a node_modules directory at the root of your app (and a few other places as well).
It's important you download the full repo and not just the lib folder if you plan to use it this way since the package.json file is used to find the main entry point. As long as the repository has a valid package.json file it should work.[

readFileSync - no such file or directory on packaged app

I am working on an Electron app.
I have several JSON files from my src folder that need to be copied over to a user-folder during app initialization (settings, config, etc).
It works well when on dev mode and when I do import the JSON files.
But based on how I need it, readFileSync is the best way to implement this.
var srcPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../config/settings.json')
I am getting an error though when running the packaged exe app (in asar).
Getting error messages like this:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
readdirSync() also does not work for the same reason.
I understand that my relative path is different in the packaged version
I checked the asar file and I can't seem to find my JSON files. Not sure if I am checking correctly though since it is bundled up by Webpack.
My file in this example is located in:
How can I make this work?
Is there a way to force electron (I am using Electron-Packager with Quasar framework) to include my JSON files in the packaged app?
Does Webpack not bundle up the JSON files??
Thoughts? Help please!
As a workaround, I just created a folder that will contain 'post-packaging' scripts. One of which does a copy from my src folder to my dist\electron\appName\resources folder (using robocopy).

How can i download file inside app folder ?[ after packaging ]

This is my current folder structurebefore packaging
WRM_80.. is my downloaded folder.
I have these two lines of code inside index.js to download and show html in my electron window
fs.createReadStream('./').pipe(unzip.Extract({ path: './'+folderName }));
in development mode its working fine, file downloaded inside the same folder where my index.js exists. But after packaging the app file is downloading outside app folder. Packaged folder structure is given below WRM_80.. is my downloaded folder.
after packaging
That's why I can not load that downloaded file into window. How can I download file inside app folder? If that is not possible, how can I load external file from resources\app location ?
By referencing the directory as ./folder_name you are essentially telling the application to download to the working directory. In this case, the working directory is the folder that the program is contained in. While developing and using the electron command, the working directory is the root of your application. However once installed and running as a .exe, the working directory changes to the location of the executable.
To solve this problem, do not use the current working directory. Instead use the user / application data folder to store this information. It is not only a consistent location across development and deployment, but it is also the semantically correct place to store application data.
In Electron you can get the path to the application data folder for your app with:
const {app} = require('electron');
So your code should look something like this:
var userData = app.getPath('userData');
fs.createReadStream(`${userData}/`).pipe(unzip.Extract({ path: `${userData}/${folderName}` }));

copy static files to build output folder in gradle

I was using ANT before (Android Project) and i had "static" files in the same packages as my code
Here is an example
When executing the unit tests, the json file was copied into the gen folder, therfor it was possible to access the json in the test with
I had to convert the project to gradle, but now the tests are failing.
After checking the "build" folder, i've realised, the .json files are not there, therefor the getResourceAsStream method returns null.
Any idea how to include these "static" files (json, xml, ...) into the build folder?
Moving the files into the resources folder did not work out of the box in Android Studio (even though is should have)
This should be fixed in Android Studio 1.2.
However, this is what i did:
Moved all static files into the resources folder.
In my unit-test module i've added this to the build.gradle file
task copyTestResources(type: Copy) {
from "${projectDir}/src/test/resources"
into "${buildDir}/classes/test"
processTestResources.dependsOn copyTestResources
Now, all files located inside src/test/resources will be copied into /classes/test where i can access them with
If i keep the package structure inside the resources folder the same as it was in the java folder, i don't need to adjust any code.
To complete the story a bit more:
JUnit4 runner requires
while Robolectric requires
The files you are asking about are called "resource files" in Maven/Gradle lingo.
Gradle assumes that you are using the Maven Standard Directory Layout.
So, either you move your files into src/test/resources (then Gradle will pick them up automatically), or you tell Gradle that it should look for resources in some other place.
In the latter case, you need to modify the processTestResources task. However, keeping resource files in the same directory as source code is a bad practice. So I advise the former option.
if your problem is happen when you create apk with AndroidStudio.
you can create a jar file that includes your resources with jar.exe
for example i put a.txt into resources directory
and run this code in cmd:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin\jar" cvfe res.jar -c resources
after that a jar file "res.jar" was created
then add that res.jar into libs folder in your project
when your apk is creating resources are added to your final apk and you can use this code to acsess a.txt:
with this job no need to change Gradle setting.
