Use variables from a custom name script file provided by user - python-3.x

I'm currently building an user friendly program in Python. Currently, the user is able to modify the input values provided in an init script that we can call At this moment the user can open in Spyder, the and run/execute the whole process or just typing the classical command:
The file import all the variables needed from the and run normally. What I would like to do now is to add a feature which allows the user to change the name of the file. For example to be able to build
And use the following command :
How can I be able to import variables in from a script which can change name (that should be provided by the user in the command line)?
And in the case where nothing is specified we keep the classical
What such feature will induce as changes in the case where someone just want to do F5 using Spyder without precising input names?
Thank you in advance for your help

You can probably do something with exec
import sys


importing a function defined in a different directory

Disclaimer: I am studying Python. I am given a task of reusing functions.
the function is simple:
def calculate_session(session_type, session_code):
return 3 # just to save space
Now i need to use the function from a different file but for the life of me, I failed to import it. I have already added to utils directory, to the app directory as well.
from utils.calculators import calculate_session
but when I run it, it fails saying module not found. I am in a virtual environment and all the files go in app directory.
What am I missing?
You'll want to specify the full path of the file (including the root directory) and import the specific function. Example below:
from app.utils.calculators import calculate_session
This should then import your function, regardless of whether you're using a virtual environment.

Jupyter does not see changes in the imported module

I have a file called "Notebook.ipynb". I want to import my own module into it Let's say in I have a variable a=1. If I print it in Jupyter after importing it, I expect to get 1. But if I change the value of the variable to Jupyter will continue to think that the variable a is equal to one. At the same time, of course, I restart the cell in which the variable is imported from
What do I need to do to make Jupyter understand that the value of the variable has changed?
Suppose we have a file at folder_name/ and call it in some .ipynb
def some_func():
which was modified like this
def some_func():
In this case, second call of the following code in .ipynb
import folder_name.filename as module_name
returns test
To update the function, you need to reload the module:
# you can reload "folder_name.filename" if you do not use molude name alias
This code will return test2
Don't forget to import importlib before you run reload
This has happened to me.
You need to restart the python kernel so jupyter can read the new state of the python scripts located in the working directory.
Then the variable a should print the new assigned value.
There's actually a nifty IPython extension for this called autoreload. This answer shows how to use it in an IPython shell, but you can do the same in a Jupyter notebook. Just add:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
before you import the module whose changes you want to have tracked, and it'll be re-imported before every cell you execute.
Just in addition to #ilia post:
Let's say the module's name is
That's the code I put in the Jupiter's notebook cell, just before calling functions from the main module
import importlib
imported_module = importlib.import_module("main")
from main import *

Run a function in py file on import

I've written an interpreter in python, saved it to a .py file. To use it in my jupyter notebook I type-
import galickgun #galickgun is the interpreter name
this function asks for an input and I enter my new language syntax in the input and get and an output. Everything is fine there.
I'd like to run the read_eval_printloop function as soon as import the .py file for the interpreter in my python environment. As in -
import galickgun
Are there better ways to do this? What are some ways I can interact with this new "language".

How can I get Jupyter Notebook to import a python file?

I have a very simple .py file,
def caller():
print("Here is a print statement from")
I can import and use the function defined in other files, and from the python shell. However, when I try to import the function in a Jupyter Notebook, it can't find the module:
ImportError: No module named 'displayD3caller'
What can I do to fix this?
Before Jupyter Notebook uses any change to the source code of related files, the kernal needs to be restarted. This includes creating a new file.
If you make a new module after Jupyter is already running, you need to restart the kernal before it will find it. From the top menu, select Kernal > Restart. You will need to re-execute any cells whose outputs you depend on.

Python3x - Write a python script to run other python scripts?

I have a number of python scripts that I would like to automate using Python's Datetime and Schedule module.
They are too numerous to consider breaking apart and adding to one large file.
What is the easiest way to write a python script that will open and run these other python scripts?
I have browsed similar questions but none offered a concrete answer that I could find. Thanks for your help.
A minimally demonstrative example
In a file called "", write a file to the current directory:
with open('test', 'w') as f:
f.write('hello world')
Then, in a file called "", execute the "" script:
import subprocess['python', ''])
Now, from your command line, you can type (assuming both "" and "" are in the current directory):
In the next instant, you should see a file called "test" in your current directory. Open it up. What do you see?
Well, hello world of course!
The above example makes a child of the current process (meaning it inherits the environment variables in the parent), and waits until the child process completes before returning control to the parent. If you want the child script to run in the background, then you need to use Popen:
subprocess.Popen(['python', ''])
