Azure services overview - azure

I have many services on the azure plateform .instead of going on azure portal always and checking which services are running i want main parameters of azure services on my dashboard like pipelines successfully ran in data factory,storage used in data is there any api which can do or fetch this data?

Almost all the Azure resources have REST API exposed to get their status and key metric/attributes, so you need to write some script or code to pull these and display in your UI(may be simple javascript based). For example to get the pipeline run details, refer this


Azure DevOps REST API, how to allow Azure Function to create workitems in DevOps project?

I'm creating a schedule-triggered Azure Function which will run tests once a day. If during the run any test fails, I want it to create a bug on a Azure DevOps project which includes a log of the failed tests.
I know I could create a PAT so that it can authenticates with the DevOps REST API but I don't like its downsides:
it can be valid for 1 year at maximum, I will need to remember to extend its expiration period
every bug created like this will have me as its creator
I found out I could use a MS Flow - there's a DevOps connector that can create workitems, still it has a downside of having me as workitem's creator but it's not such a pain...
Still would much appreciate to learn about other options...
Is there any better way I can let my Azure Function to create bugs on my DevOps project?
An alternate option would be the use azure logic app along with azure function.
Here the azure function would directly call a azure logic app and the logic app would create a bug workitem .
Refer the following article by Stefan stranger
On how to create logic app which will create the bug. Here we will be using azure webhooks for the creating of bugs.
Now you can either send the data to a storage account where the logic app using some trigger to get the data and then use it to create bug, or you can directly connect to the logic app .
Refer the following article by Laura KokKarinen for this .

Client Credentials Flow for Azure DevOps

I have been looking at this issue for days and I know from experience that I usually work these things out but this time I have hit a brick wall.
I have a python app that gets instantiated inside an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline.
The app calls the Azure DevOps REST API to create a repository
The app uses a PAT (personal access token) to authenticate
Firstly issue is, a personal access token is connected to me as a human user. If I leave the company the PAT will be revoked which is not good for an app that needs to run in a non-user context.
So now I want to setup my Python app to authenticate to the Azure DevOps REST API using client credentials flow.
My issue is, I can't find consistent information about this.
I have created an app in Azure DevOps:
My plan would be to get this all working in Postman and then port my finding to Python code.
So really, I am looking for help with the setup I do in Postman and I can work the rest out myself in Python.
Many posts talk about Azure DevOps and Azure AAD (Azure Active Directory) together but, seeing as I create my app registration in Azure DevOps, as shown in the picture, I don't see why I would do anything in AAD.
(Note, my Azure DevOps instance was created outside Azure. Azure knows nothing about my Azure DevOps instance)
Any pointers to the CORRECT information about how to do this would be good. And remember, I definitely need the client credentials type flow. There is no human interaction between my app and the Azure DevOps REST API.
Here is what I have in Postman right now:
You can see the check boxes which I am using to toggle application/x-www-form-urlencoded key / value pairs on and off
the resource - 499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798 is apparently the GUID for Azure DevOps and doesn't change
If I look inside the HTML from the 500 error I see this: Could not find partition for hostId: 499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798 which is the DevOps resource GUID mentioned above.
And here is the 500 error I get from Azure Devops:
It's all very confusing but I am sure I just need to tweak one or two things to get it working.
I want to use client_credential flow in Azure DevOps for the same reasons as you! Last time I spoke to support they told me it was planned for Q3 2020. Reviewing the roadmap I can't see it on there at the moment. I also couldn't see any feature requests currently raised on Dev Community so you could consider trying to raise the profile of this issue on there.

Can Azure Insights API be used for completely stand-alone custom metrics?

I am hoping I can put in some simple API calls in legacy systems so I can capture point-in-time metrics "somewhere" in Azure, so that I can then take advantage of the Azure Portal dashboard and metrics graphing. I looked into Insights SDK but that seems to require that whatever I'm running be deployed somewhere in Azure cloud. I just want to run a simple powershell script or simple .net console app that connects to a legacy database in our internal network, pulls very basic point-in-time counts for message processing backlog... and then pushes that info with a timestamp out "somewhere" for visualization.
Any ideas what I can use for this in Azure?
You can use the TrackMetric API in Application Insights SDK.

Does azure Java SDK support metric collections?

I am looking at the GitHub repo and ( and I can't seem to find any example on how to obtain the metrics from Azure environment. Is it even supported by the SDK ?
You can refer to the sample code in the Azure SDK for Java GitHub code repo for example on how to get the Azure Storage Account Usage Metrics.
You can also get the test result of the sample code here.
Update 1:
You'll need to use the Azure Monitor REST API for retrieving the granular level metrics for Azure resources such as Virtual Machine or Storage Account.
List metrics for a resource in Azure Monitor REST API
E.g. For retrieving metrics for virtual machine, issue GET request with the below sample REST API.
At present, Azure SDK for Java does not have the package which supports the Azure Monitor REST API as above. You will need to use some REST client and custom code to manage the REST APIs calls for your usage.

Azure worker role automation

I created my custom Azure Worker Role. This code is ready. What I'm trying to do is to create instances of this Azure-Worker-Role in specific Azure data-center, at the requested time. For example, I'm want to send command to Azure to create 10 instances of my Custom-Azure-Worker in West-Europe data-center - now.
It's important to pass this command also a parameter that will be the input problem to be solved by my workers.
I pretty sure that this automation task must be covered by Azure automation. Is that true? Looking for more information\directions.
Thank you!
You can use Azure Management Libraries to create and deploy your cloud services from C# code. Just create application (eg ASP.NET MVC) to manage your cloud services by sending commands and deploy it also on Azure or even keep it locally.
See this article for more details
You'll want to leverage the service management API to spin up and tear down roles. It can be accessed any number of way, including directly via REST.
RE: providing a parameter to the worker role, one option is leveraging the cloud service configuration file that you provide with the cspkg. Define specifics for the role there.
Depending on the complexity or simplicity of your scenario, you may also get away with simply having a table in storage that you personally poke with desired configuration values and that the worker can read to retrieve.
The Azure Automation service should definitely be able to automate this task for you. Anything you can script via the Azure PowerShell module, can be imported as a runbook and called manually, via a third-party system, or on a schedule in Azure Automation.
Whether there is an existing runbook for the specific task you are looking to automate, I do not know. But Azure Automation has a gallery of community-contributed content for many common processes, so this may be available there.
