Getting data from my database via my api(express) in react - node.js

I am making my first mern app and i want to populate the dashboard when someone logs in i was thinking that I should make a get request in my server and call my database in the get request and do the work from there but I heard somewhere that I shouldn't do this because its dangerous to call sensitive data in get request , so I am not sure that how I should get that data in my react app.

You can use a Post request.
I Recommend the Axios Library it is the most used HTTP Request library
then do"", {
data1: "hallo",
data2: "secret data"
in express the data is then in req.body.data1
EDIT: the Data is only secure when the url starts with https://


Create cookies on other domains via javascript

I'm working on a project where I need to create a cookie in another domain of my application, I know that doing it directly is not possible because that would be a security flaw.
Example scenario:
Streaming Backend:
Reason: I need a <video> tag to be pre-authenticated in the streaming domain, since you can't pass any type of header in the tag.
For that I thought of making the frontend make a request to the backend and pass in the "body" of this request (GET) the value of the cookie I want to create, but for some reason when axios makes this request the cookie is not created, in however, if i open the route manually works fine!
How could I get the frontend to place a cookie on the backend?
My attempt code:
async createCookie(req, res){
const session = req.params.session;
res.cookie("sessao", session, { maxAge: 1000000 });
"status": "ok"
PS: I know that in the video tag I could pass the url with the authentication in the src itself, but I would rather not do it.

Difference between express.js and axios.js in Node

We use axios for http requests such as get, post, etc.
We use express for the same purpose also.
However according to what I read, they are for different purposes.
Please explain how.
PS: If you explain it by giving an example, it would be great!
You can think of express.js as a warehouse:
app.get('/item/:name', async function (req, res) {
res.send(await findItemByName(;
If you want to get an item, for example a pencil, from this warehouse, you can use axios.js.
Axios is used to send a web request whereas express is used to listen and serve these web requests.
In simple words, express is used to respond to the web requests sent by axios.
If you know about the fetch() method in javascript, axios is just an alternative to fetch().
I would say that express is used to create HTTP servers. So the server runs somewhere and responds to a request.
Axios is an HTTP client. It creates requests!
In very simple words axios is just passing the web request to the server-side (express). They basically work together (axios -> express -> DB)

Express API response directly outputted in browser instead being handled by Nuxt.js

I have an express server that is connected to mongodb. I have a nuxt route for /account under pages directory. I also have a same route in the express server app.use('/account', account) which is handling the requests.
The database model has been set correctly and the response is sent by the server using return res.status(200).json(User) whenever the route is called upon using a get request. I'm also seeing the response being delivered to the browser.
But the problem is the response is being outputted directly in the browser as raw json. Nuxt is not being loaded to handle the response. I haven't setup any $axios data call in the component using asyncdata or fetch yet.
Here's the sample response that i see in the browser
I'm not sure what the issue is?

How can I return server side error to the client's HTML page in Express/node js?

I am creating an web app I which the user requests to create an account. The request from client's page will reach the server and query the database. Now what is the proper way of displaying User already exists error in my registeration page. In short, how can I send server side errors to my clients in Node JS?
There are some options to get what you need. The approach that I would not follow will be using the http protocol and sending a 500 response for example.
One good approach would be creating a status and a message fields in your response.
You could use code 200 for the sucessful requests and a different code for the rest. You could have a dedicated code to inform the api user that the backend coud not insert the data.
Example response:
code: 789
message: "User could not be inserted"

Node.js works with CouchDB and Backbone.js, How json is being served?

I am trying to build a test app for learning Node.js. I came from wordpress background and Apache has setup most of backend logics for me. But now, I have to build my own. I have a question about how to serve JSON files from server side to client side. What is the workflow -- Backbone.js handle all client side Data manipulation, send/save/get/fetch from couchDB, serve JSON object from NODE.js backend?
I am using Express Microframework for building HTTP server, installed the Cradle middleware for access CouchDB NoSQL database. I successfully posted the data from Client side HTML (Jade template engine) to the CouchDB Database/Document and able to retrieve those data back from Server through Cradle middleware. Things work out great. But it was all done by Backend.
I want to use Backbone.js for my client side Javascript. Backbone.js is looking for JSON object which send back from the HTTP server. Cradle Middleware is able to create JSON object but only send them directly to the Jade Template, I could use Jade syntax for loop to iterate over the data object but it still not meet what I want for Backbone.js handle all the data entry. I realize that I need to get JSON obj via ajax ( either a file generated by HTTP then send back to the client OR send straight object to the client ). Cradle Middleware could not do that.
I did more research on this questions. I tried CouchApp, it does what I need. Using the Backbone.js to handling all the data, send/save/fetch data from CouchDB database. But it is a running in CouchApp, it is not an Express Node.js workflow. ( Maybe I am wrong or just do not how it work )
I tried backbone-couchdb.js. I read through the Details and still do not know it is going to help me to get what I want. ( Maybe need more tutorial or code example ). I am still thinking that I need a Backbone CouchDB driver to connect those two and somehow serving them by NODE.js backend.
Is there anybody who could tell me about how JSON file is being served by Node.js, how backbone.js interact with data save/fetch/get from CouchDB? What is the best practice / workflow? Other good resources, code examples, useful tools?
Cradle Middleware is able to create JSON object but only send them directly to the Jade Template
This is incorrect. You can just send the json back without rendering a template.
function(req, res, next){
db.view('user/byUsername', { key: 'luke' }, function (err, doc) {
res.send(doc); // or res.json(doc);
