Nest js failed to execute command: with 'node' - nestjs

I'm trying to init my first NestJS project but met this fail:
$ nest new testproj
⚡ We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to execute command: node #nestjs/schematics:application --name=testproj --directory=undefined --no-dry-run --no-skip-git --no-strict --package-manager=undefined --language="ts" --collection="#nestjs/schematics"
Tryed to reinstall NodeJS, but no luck.
$ node -v
$ nest -v
$ npm -v
Any help will be appreciated.

If your PATH somewhere has a file in it and not a folder (can also be in the middle of a path, with some \other\stuff appended like C:\stuff\somefile.txt\stuff), then this can happen due to an error when Git bash is translating PATH before calling cmd.exe, resulting in part of the PATH not being forwarded and making binaries in that part "not found".
After some investigation via chat, it turned out that the root cause was a bad GRADLE_HOME environment variable.
Yes, Gradle has nothing to do with node.js or nest, but bear with me, this is one of those moments where a TV episode starts with a totally crazy scene and you wonder what the heck happened that led to this, and then you get "6 hours earlier..." 😁
So, Git bash obviously succeeded in finding node, because it ran the nest CLI (which is a node script). But then, somehow, cmd (which is called by node when executing shell commands) did not find node. This normally should not happen.
Tracing the events with Process Monitor revealed that bash (sh.exe) passed a truncated PATH variable to node.exe. It just ended abruptly somewhere in the middle, and C:\Program Files\nodejs (which was towards the end of it) was not passed along.
The reason for this turned out to be an entry in the PATH that looked like this: C:\foobar\\bin. The transition into bash worked, as the full path (including this bad entry as /c/foobar/ could be seen in bash's $PATH, and /c/Program Files/nodejs was there too.
But the transition from bash to node.exe failed. In the process of converting the Linux-style paths to Windows-style paths before passing the variable on to node.exe, bash silently failed in the middle of the string and stopped processing it - as soon as this /c/foobar/ entry was encountered. C:\foobar\ did exist, and it turns out Git bash behaves like this when it unexpectedly encounters a "not a directory" error from the OS when querying the path segment ("file not found" is fine) - as a result of attempting to access a "subdirectory" of a file. Removing this entry from the PATH made everything work normally.
The source of this entry was actually %GRADLE_PATH%\bin in the Windows PATH, and the reason this caused the problem was that GRADLE_PATH itself was incorrectly set to a file (C:\foobar\ instead of a directory.
There are three ways to resolve this:
Remove %GRADLE_PATH%\bin from the PATH.
Fix GRADLE_PATH to point to a directory.
Delete or rename the C:\foobar\ file.


Unable to run node from git bash

I am no longer able to run node from the git bash terminal. It works from Git CMD and the standard windows CLI. If I try to run a file (e.g. node index.js) or even just start node via node, I go back to the input prompt except now I can't see any of my character inputs.
This is not a result of PATH not being set, as where node gives me C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe and which node gives me /c/Program Files/nodejs/node and echo $PATH does have /c/Program Files/nodejs included.
If I type another command (such as ls), it actually will work even though I will continue to not be able to see my input.
I think this problem arose after the latest Windows 10 OS update was pushed to my system (10.0.17763). I've tried reinstalling Git for Windows and Node, and neither have resolved the issue. I can't find any other settings that might be affecting this.
Using Git CMD or Windows CLI is a workaround, but neither of those have a "Git Bash Here" option, which is the #1 thing I want this for. It is also nice that I get the visual indication of branch in Git Bash where I do not get that with Git CMD or the Windows CLI.
I don't need or want to use Git GUI, and besides that won't allow me to run local node files which I need to do for testing.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get Git Bash working with node again?
UPDATE: By running stty -a after node fails, I see that echo has flipped to -echo, which is why I can't see the input anymore. But that doesn't explain why node isn't loading and echo is getting turned off. Hoping that gives someone some additional context to figure out what's going on here. brkint, icrnl, ixon, opost, isig, and icanon are also getting flipped to the - versions after attempting to run node.
There are 2 possible workarounds (based on what your problem is) that I have tried-
Enter node first of all:
1) Try typing in reset and hit enter. You may not be able to see the input logging in, in the bash terminal window, but it works after that.
2) Or try typing any random alphabet and hit enter(again you won't see it on the screen),it will throw a 'command not found' error but you will have node working after this.
I am afraid these aren't exactly proper fixes, but they get the job done.
More information can be found here:

strange npm problem, command never finishes, hangs forever

This is windows 10, node-v10.15.3-x64.msi install.
using either command prompt or power shell I type npm and nothing happens and it doesn't bomb or returns to the prompt. Just the little blinking dot that lies to me saying it is doing something. When I stop being fascinated by this blinking dot and hit control c it says Terminate batch job (y/n) ? y gives me back my prompt. Obviously there was some process running but I am not getting a functioning program. Any ideas? I know this is the head scratch kind of problem that does not usually get answered but I can't be so special nobody else has this happen.
What underlying tech does npm rely on? python?
Ok with help from the other thread I got it figured out.
Yes I screwed with prefix to my detriment. The reason why I kept going round and round deleting and reinstalling is I missed .npmrc in my user directory. The prefix in it was set to a path that no longer existed. I deleted my profile .npmrc and it started working again. I have now learned that is the file to edit to set prefix and cache.
Now the structure of the nodejs stock install for npm is bizarre imho. The npm executables are in the nodejs directory. Node itself is installed nodejs/node_modules/npm. The npm modules are path nodejs/node_modules/npm/node_modules.
Initially I changed my personal .npmrc to this contents
prefix="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm"
cache="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm"
This stopped npm from installing into my appdata/roaming directory but it kept bombing because it could not create the cache directories because it was in Program Files
But I was happy because it was trying to install global into one directory instead of my profile roaming. The main reason I started this odyssey is I wanted global modules in ONE location.
So what I did was moving nodejs from program files to another directory.
change my profile .npmrc to this
changed the path entry for nodejs in paths in system properties / advanced / environmental variables / system variables / path to C:\nodejs.
I also keep deleting path in the top path in user variables but it seems to keep coming back like Freddy Krueger. Doesn't seem to do any harm now though.
A lot of examples try to set prefix to nodejs\npm. Maybe that was kosher at one time but now the npm executable called npm is in the nodejs root directory.
Okay I am not a tech writer but I hope this will provide clues to other clueless like me. Cheers!

YEOMAN YO ERROR yo it is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file executable.

When installing node.js for the first time and using the YEOMAN library, I found that it did not recognize the library despite installing it correctly.
When executing in console
yo swaggerize
Returns the error "yo it is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file executable"
After several laps the problem is in node.js and in the PATH.
I post the solution in the next post.
The solutión for me, it's simple.
In windows-> go to pc properties->advanced configuration-> environment variables
Show Path variable and edit.
C:\Program Files\nodejs;
Save restart your console and run the command again
Each and every thing was fine
only problem was path
so I set path in environment variable.
This path I set in environment variabel
where 'user' is my user name, please use your user name.
Then my 'yo', 'bower' command start to executed

Issue with running Bash script in linux.

Im having an issue with a bash script i picked up from google code. I have all the dependencies installed and i have it setup to what i think is correct.
To run the code im typing into the console ./
The error its saying is
[!] FATAL: You must run jasagerPwn from inside the directory...
....WHAT DIRECTORY? I dont know what directory it expects me to run it from?
You can see the script i am using here:
When you run the script, it looks in the current dir if you have something matching jasagerPwn. If not, the error you was encountering appears.

Running Azure node.js Tools on Ubuntu

I have followed these instructions.
And as far as I can tell I have successfully installed node.js azure tools. No error - nothing to suggest it failed.
However, I cannot, and the documentation says, simple run "azure"...
Maybe there is something I am missing with node.js?
There are a few problems you may be experiencing.
First of all, I would ensure you are running Node.js v0.6.20. You can do this by opening the command prompt and running:
node -v
You should have v0.6.20 echoed back.
If this doesn't work, you may be missing a path variable to Node.js or the NPM cache. Verify the Environment variables exist by running [in the command prompt]:
you should see two paths:
[x64 Machine]
[x86 Machine]
If this doesn't work, I would check to ensure that the azure module was loaded into the %appdata%\npm\node_modules directory.
It could be the PATH issue. In my case, the azure program is located at ~/.npm-global/bin.
run "export PATH=$PATH:~/.npm-global/bin". Or just add to bash source file
