will the length alphabet in the deflate algorithm always consist of codes > 256? - deflate

RFC1951 says "5 Bits: HLIT, # of Literal/Length codes - 257 (257 - 286)" and "HLIT + 257 code lengths for the literal/length alphabet, encoded using the code length Huffman code".
So the literals and lengths use the same alphabet and distances use their own distinct alphabet.
It makes sense for literals to be between 0-255. The end of block character is 256, which can't be represented by an 8-bit byte and since anything between 257 and 286 can't be represented in a single byte it doesn't seem unreasonable to conclude that any code in that range is a length code?
There's also the matter of the actual lengths that the length codes represent. In the example I'm looking it it looks like you can determine the actual length (5) from the length code (259) by subtracting 254 I could just take the length code and subtract 254 from it but I'm guessing length codes could exist for which that approach wouldn't work?

Yes. From the RFC:
Extra Extra Extra
Code Bits Length(s) Code Bits Lengths Code Bits Length(s)
---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- -------
257 0 3 267 1 15,16 277 4 67-82
258 0 4 268 1 17,18 278 4 83-98
259 0 5 269 2 19-22 279 4 99-114
260 0 6 270 2 23-26 280 4 115-130
261 0 7 271 2 27-30 281 5 131-162
262 0 8 272 2 31-34 282 5 163-194
263 0 9 273 3 35-42 283 5 195-226
264 0 10 274 3 43-50 284 5 227-257
265 1 11,12 275 3 51-58 285 0 258
266 1 13,14 276 3 59-66


Retaining bad_lines identified by pandas in the output file instead of skipping those lines

I have to convert text files into csv's after processing the contents of the text file as pandas dataframe.
Below is the code i am using. out_txt is my input text file and out_csv is my output csv file.
df = pd.read_csv(out_txt, sep='\s', header=None, on_bad_lines='warn', encoding = "ANSI")
df = df.replace(r'[^\w\s]|_]/()|~"{}="', '', regex=True)
df.to_csv(out_csv, header=None)
If "on_bad_lines = 'warn'" is not decalred the csv files are not created. But if i use this condition those bad lines are getting skipped (obviously) with the warning
Skipping line 6: Expected 8 fields in line 7, saw 9. Error could possibly be due to quotes being ignored when a multi-char delimiter is used.
I would like to retain these bad lines in the csv. I have highlighted the bad lines detected in the below image (my input text file).
Below is the contents of the text file which is getting saved. In this content i would like to remove characters like #, &, (, ).
75062 220 8 6 110 220 250 <1
75063 260 5 2 584 878 950 <1
75064 810 <2 <2 456 598 3700 <1
75065 115 5 2 96 74 5000 <1
75066 976 <5 2 5 68 4200 <1
75067 22 210 4 348 140 4050 <1
75068 674 5 4 - 54 1130 3850 <1
75069 414 5 y) 446 6.6% 2350 <1
75070 458 <5 <2 548 82 3100 <1
75071 4050 <5 2 780 6430 3150 <1
75072 115 <7 <1 64 5.8% 4050 °#&4«x<i1
75073 456 <7 4 46 44 3900 <1
75074 376 <7 <2 348 3.8% 2150 <1
75075 378 <6 y) 30 40 2000 <1
I would split on \s later with str.split rather than read_csv :
df = (
pd.read_csv(out_txt, header=None, encoding='ANSI')
.replace(r'[^\w\s]|_]/()|~"{}="', '', regex=True)
Another variant (skipping everything that comes in-between the numbers):
df = (
pd.read_csv(out_txt, header=None, encoding='ANSI')
Output :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 375020 1060 115 38 440 350 7800 1
1 375021 920 80 26 310 290 5000 1
2 375022 1240 110 28 460 430 5900 1
3 375023 830 150 80 650 860 6200 1
4 375024 185 175 96 800 1020 2400 1
5 375025 680 370 88 1700 1220 172 1
6 375026 550 290 72 2250 1460 835 2
7 375027 390 120 60 1620 1240 158 1
8 375028 630 180 76 820 1360 180 1
9 375029 460 280 66 380 790 3600 1
10 375030 660 260 62 11180 1040 300 1
11 375031 530 200 84 1360 1060 555 1

Is it possible to find repeating characters over multiple CONSECUTIVE lines in the same position?

i have a file with 2 columns, one with random numbers and one with only 0 or 1.
89 0
69 0
202 0
58 1
36 0
66 0
242 0
224 0
I need to find where in the 2nd column there are 20 1s in a row (the file is 240k lines long :| )

how to map two dataframes on condition while having different rows

I have two dataframes that need to be mapped (or joined?) based on some condition. These are the dataframes:
img_names img_array
0 1_rel 253
1 1_rel_right 255
2 1_rel_top 250
3 4_rel 180
4 4_rel_right 182
5 4_rel_top 189
6 7_rel 217
7 7_rel_right 183
8 7_rel_top 196
List_No time
0 1 38
1 4 23
2 7 32
After mapping I would like to get the following dataframe:
img_names img_array List_No time
0 1_rel 253 1 38
1 1_rel_right 255 1 38
2 1_rel_top 250 1 38
3 4_rel 180 4 23
4 4_rel_right 182 4 23
5 4_rel_top 189 4 23
6 7_rel 217 7 32
7 7_rel_right 183 7 32
8 7_rel_top 196 7 32
Basically, df_2's each row is populated 3 times to match the number of rows in df_1 and the mapping (if we can say so) is done by the split string in each row of df_1's img_name column. The names of row elements in img_names may have different names, but each of them always starts with the some number (1,4,7 in this case) and an undescore, etc. So I need to split the correspongding number in each row and map it with the row elements of List_No.
I hope the example above is clear.
Thank you.
Looks like you can just extract the digit parts and merge:
df_1['List_No'] = df_1['img_names'].str.split('_').str[0].astype(int)
df_3 = df_1.merge(df_2, on='List_No')
img_names img_array List_No time
0 1_rel 253 1 38
1 1_rel_right 255 1 38
2 1_rel_top 250 1 38
3 4_rel 180 4 23
4 4_rel_right 182 4 23
5 4_rel_top 189 4 23
6 7_rel 217 7 32
7 7_rel_right 183 7 32
8 7_rel_top 196 7 32
An alternative to #QuangHoang's answer (which I believe you should pick, as it is more robust). This uses the map method, and assumes every value in df2's time is in df1:
List_No=df1.img_names.str.extract(r"(\d)", expand=False).astype(int),
time=lambda x: x.List_No.map(df2["time"]),
img_names img_array List_No time
0 1_rel 253 1 38
1 1_rel_right 255 1 38
2 1_rel_top 250 1 38
3 4_rel 180 4 23
4 4_rel_right 182 4 23
5 4_rel_top 189 4 23
6 7_rel 217 7 32
7 7_rel_right 183 7 32
8 7_rel_top 196 7 32

How to extract lines from a file when the second columns of a file matches the values in another file

I got two files.
file 1:
28 1 2
54 1 2
90 1 1
103 1 1
155 1 17
191 1 1
235 1 1
245 4 1
275 4 1
362 4 1
377 18 1
391 18 1
413 18 2
466 18 2
492 18 2
494 18 41
498 45 1
522 45 1
529 57 3
542 53 1
560 58 6
562 164 25
568 164 5
I want to extract the value from file2 if the second column of file two matches the value in file 1.
So the expected output will be:
245 4 1
275 4 1
362 4 1
377 18 1
391 18 1
413 18 2
466 18 2
492 18 2
494 18 41
498 45 1
522 45 1
542 53 1
I saw many of the solution online is using python or Perl, however, I want to use linux command to do this, any idea?
This should do it?
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++};FNR!=NR{if($2 in a){print}}' file1 file2
245 4 1
275 4 1
362 4 1
377 18 1
391 18 1
413 18 2
466 18 2
492 18 2
494 18 41
498 45 1
522 45 1
542 53 1
we hand awk both files (order is important in this case!).
as long as we read the first file (FNR==NR) we store each value in an array a[$1]++
when we reach the second file we just check if values from the second file's second column ($2) are in the array; if yes, we print them.

Adding rows that match a criteria in another column in Excel

This is a sample data
Polling_Booth INC SAD BSP PS_NO
1 89 47 2 1
2 97 339 6 1
3 251 485 8 1
4 356 355 25 2
5 290 333 9 2
6 144 143 4 3
7 327 196 1 4
8 370 235 1 5
And this is what I'm trying to achieve
1 89 47 2 1
2 97 339 6 1
3 251 485 8 1 437 871 16
4 356 355 25 2
5 290 333 9 2 646 688 34
6 144 143 4 3 144 143 4
7 327 196 1 4 327 196 1
8 370 235 1 5 370 235 1
This is achieved adding up rows which has the same PS_NO, This is what I have tried
=if(E2=E3,sum(B2,B3),0) #same for all the rows
Any help would be much appreciated..Thanks
You could get it to look like your table by adding another condition to check if it's the last occurrence of the PS_No in column E and setting the result to an empty string if not
If the data is sorted by PS_No, you can do it more easily by
which I think is what you were trying in your question
