Azure Linked Service for a Synapse workspace - azure

Whenever I create a Source in an activity in a Synapse Pipeline, in the Linked Service tab, I get an option to either create a new Linked Service or to select from the dropdown (as shown below). One selection of that dropdown includes a default Linked Service (shown below) that shows as MySynapseWorkspaceName-WorkspaceDefaultStorage (where MySynapseWorkspaceName is name of a Synapse workspace that you create).
It seems that MySynapseWorkspaceName-WorkspaceDefaultStorage is the linked service that gets created when you specify an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLSGen2) account for your Synapse workspace.
Question: If a Dataset for the source or destination (Sink) of an activity in Synapse Pipeline is a ADLSGen2 storage, can we just select the above default linked service MySynapseWorkspaceName-WorkspaceDefaultStorage for that dataset; or choosing this linked service (created for Synapse workspace) for other datasets may cause an issue - and hence we should avoid using this linked service for other datasets inside our Synapse workspace?

From your comment, I understood that You want to know Whether same Linked Service can be used in both Source and Sink datasets ?
Unfortunately, you can not use same Linked Service in both Source and Sink. It may cause an issue and hence you should avoid using same linked service.


Not able to transform and load from ADLS(csv) to Dedicated SQL Pool by using Azure Synapse's Dataflow

I am trying to transform data from ADLS by using Azure Synapse's Dataflow and store it in a table in Dedicated SQL Pool.
I created a Dataset 'UserSinkDataset' pointing to this table in Dedicated SQL Pool.
This 'UserSinkDataset' is not visible in sink dataset of dataflow
There is no option to create a dataset pointing to Dedicated pool from dataflow
Could someone help me understand why is it not being shown in the dropdown?
There is no option to create a dataset referring to dedicated SQL pool instead it provides Azure Synapse Analytics. That is why it is not showing the UserSinkDataset (Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL pool) in the dropdown. So, you can use Azure Synapse Analytics option to point to the table in dedicated SQL pool and create your dataset.
You can follow the steps given below.
Once you reach the sink step, click on new.
Browse for Azure Synapse Analytics and continue.
Create a new linked service by clicking on new.
Specify your workspace, dedicated SQL pool (the one you want to point to) and authentication for the synapse workspace. Test the connection and create the linked service.
After creating the linked service, you can select dbo.SFUser from your SQL pool and click ok.
Now you can go ahead and set the rest of the properties for sink.
You can also create ‘UserSinkDataset’ by choosing azure synapse analytics instead of azure synapse dedicated SQL pool before creating dataflow. This way the dataset created will appear in the dropdown list on sink dataset property.

Azure Datafactory Copy activity from SAP system on Unpartitioned data

How to read TetaByte of data from On-prem SAP system into Azure blob storage very fastly using Azure datafactory?
Refer to this LINK
MSFT has provided detailed documentation on ADF connectivity with SAP. You can first create a linked service to SAP, create a Dataset and use that dataset as Source in a Copy Activity

Azure Table Storage Backup

In my azure subscription I have a storage account with a lot of tables that contains important data.
As far as I know azure offers a backup point-in-time for the storages and blobs, and geo redundancy in event of a failover. But I couldn't find anything regarding the backup of table storages.
The only way to do so is by using azCopy which is fine and a logic, but I couldn't make it work as I had some issues with permissions even if I set the Azure Blob Data Contributor to my container.
So as an option, I was thinking if there is a way how to implement this using python code to loop throu all the tables in a specific container and make a copy into another container.
Can anyone enlighten me on this matter please?
Did you set the Azure Storage firewall: allow access from all networks?:
Python code is a way but we can't help you design the code. And there isn't an example for you. It doesn't meet Stack Overflow's guideline.
If you still couldn't figure it out with AzCopy, I would suggest you think about use Data Factory to schedule backup the data from table storage to another container.
Create a pipeline with copy active to copy the data from Table
Storage. Ref this tutorial:Copy data to and from Azure Table
storage by using Azure Data Factory.
Create a schedule trigger for the pipeline to make the jobs
If the Table storage has many tables, the easiest way is using Copy Data Tool.
Copy data tool source settings:
Sink settings: auto create the table in sink table storage

How to save a snapshot of Azure Synapse SQL Pool (Data Warehouse) in another Active Directory Subscription?

There is a data warehouse (Azure Synapse SQL Pool) in Azure Active Directory (ABC).
For learning purpose, we wanted to create same copy in another Azure Active Directory (XYZ).
Currently, I couldn't find any option to save the restore point in storage account.
Is there a way to save a restore point in storage account and then restore it from there in target resource group ?
The best option is to use a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT statement to export tables to files in Azure storage. Then script out the external tables and apply them to your second DW. Then read from the external tables to read data into your second DW.

Error trying to copy data from Azure SQL database to Azure Blob Storage

I have created a pipeline in Azure data factory (V1). I have a copy pipeline, that has an AzureSqlTable data set on input and AzureBlob data set as output. The AzureSqlTable data set that I use as input, is created as output of another pipeline. In this pipeline I launch a procedure that copies one table entry to blob csv file.
I get the following error when launching pipeline:
Copy activity encountered a user error: ErrorCode=UserErrorTabularCopyBehaviorNotSupported,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=CopyBehavior property is not supported if the source is tabular data source.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'.
How can I solve this?
According to the error information, it indicateds that it is not supported action for Azure data factory, but if use Azure sql table as input and Azure blob data as output it should be supported by Azure data factory.
I also do a demo test it with Azure portal. You also could follow the detail steps to do that.
1.Click the copy data from Azure portal.
2.Set copy properties.
3.Select the source
4.Select the destination data store
5.Complete the deployment
6.Check the result from azure and storage.
If we want to use the existing dataset we could choose [From Existing Conections], for more information please refer to the screenshot.
For Data Factory(v1) copy activity settings it just supports to use existing Azure blob storage/Azure Data Lake Store Dataset. More detail information please refer to this link.
If using Data Factory(V2) is acceptable, we could using existing azure sql dataset.
So, actually, if we don't use this awful "Copy data (PREVIEW)" action and we actually add an activity to existing pipeline and not a new pipeline - everything works. So the solution is to add a copy activity manually into an existing pipeline.
