How to use create-react-app with Windows 7 - node.js

Tried to fire up a new react app yesterday using create-react-app. Unfortunately, when I used the command npx create-react-app my-app, it says "Create React App requires Node 14 or higher." However, when I try to update to Node 14 or any later version, it says Windows 8 or higher is required to update. Since I'm on a work PC, it is a slow process to get my computer upgraded to Windows 10 and might affect other software I have on my computer.
I've been trying to understand Webpack and Babel but having a lot of issues that don't pop up with create-react-app. Is there any way to use create-react-app on Windows 7?
Thanks in advance.

The current latest release of the create-react-app project is v5.0.0 where support for Node 10 & 12 was dropped.
The only solution you have here, other that upgrading to a newer version of Windows and installing Node 14 is to use an older version of create-react-app.
The newest version that supports Node 10 & 12 is v3.4.0.
You can initialise your project using the older version with this command:
npx create-react-app#3.4.0 my-app
Note that this is not the latest version, and therefore is outdated and will not include the latest features of create-react-app.

Is you want to Use Node and react Js on Windows 7 32 bit system.Then just install following versions of node and create-react-app.
use Node 13.12.0
and to create react app use create-react-app version 3.4.0
npx create-react-app#3.4.0 my-app
this is working without any error and tested till installations
Otherwise consider upgrading your system as well as your software.


it is posible to install nodejs version >=14 on linux 32bits?

Im using a linux laptop 32bits and i wonder if there is a way to install nodejs version >=14 ?
Im trying to use React on VSCode and when i try to start a project it tells me i need Node 14 or higher
saberx#saberx:~/Documents/react$ npx create-react-app miapp
npx: installed 67 in 11.768s
You are running Node 9.11.2.
Create React App requires Node 14 or higher.
Please update your version of Node.
i searched on internet but cant find a way to install a higher version of nodeJs on my linux 32bits
Unlikely, Node 10 removed offical linux x86 builds (32bit).
There were unofficial/untested builds up to v12.16.2 but they ended there. I would guess they went from "unsupported" to "not possible".

Angular Version Update Not Reflected

I've been following this Angular guide ( to upgrade the Angular version of my project from 9 to 10 (12 ultimately) but when I execute ng --version command it still shows 9.1.13.
I have provided links to two images. The first one showing the update from Angular version 9 to 10 and the second showing the current Angular version of the project.
Upgrade Angular Version
Current Angular Version
Anyone know what may be the issue?
If you are running ng --version command outside of your project folder and you have global #angular/cli installed on your machine, so maybe it's normal.
You can have a specific #angular/cli version installed for your project and another global installed on your PC.
Try to run npm i -g #angular/cli#12.2.18 and then run your ng --version
It will install a global #angular/cli#12.2.18 on your PC. No matter on witch folder you are.

npm does not support Node.js v13.14.0

Hello hope you are well!
I try to install a project react in my pc so I started to install npx create-next-app hulu-2-yt.
but me display this error in my cmd.
npm does not support Node.js v13.14.0
You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we can't make any promises that npm will work with version.
I try to make upgrade for Last version of the nodejs but I have windows 7 and said me that can not support for windows 7.
Do you have any solution.
You should upgrade node manualy all you have to do uninstall the old node version and watch this video Installing Latest Node and React In windows 7 or Low End PC is helped me lot to resolve the problem i hope it working for you as well.

Running old mean stack project in latest versions of node and angular

I wanna run this project in my local machine
But this project was developed 2 years ago
Can i run this project on my local machine where angular 9 and node 12 are installed or should I downgrade both of them to match the project's version?
And should i even downgrade my npm version?
The angular version doesn't matter as Node will download your dependencies based on package.json.
You could have issues with the Node version. I recommend you to install with you current version of Node and check if it runs or or if it doesn't.
If it doesn't then you need to update some of the dependencies. Which you should anyways if you are planning to revive and old project.
You can also look into Docker to run it in a container with a Node version from two years ago. This may be easier and quicker than upgrading the dependencies and the code. (And neater too.)
In general you would not want to downgrade you development environment. We should go forward rather than backward.

Angular Node Problems

Trying to learn angular recently, but I am stuck in an error of angular. So here it is.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04, installed node latest version via nvm.
But I have "two" nodes in Ubuntu,[default] nodejs which is v8 now, and the node v13.
When I try to create angular project with ng new my-first-project it runs good, but it keeps warning of some deprecated dependencies for example core-js. I upgraded core-js to the latest(forced using sudo). But the deprecation warning did not disappear, I thought to use sudo ng new my-first-project but this time it brings me error
You are running version v8.10.0 of Node.js, which is not supported by Angular CLI 8.0+.
The official Node.js version that is supported is 10.9 or greater.
Please visit to find instructions on how to update Node.js.
How can I change angular's using nodejs -> node?
You have two Node.js versions installed with nvm, v8 and v13. It seems that Node.js v8 is active, you can check this with node --version command line command. If the version is really v8 you have to change it with nvm to v13 using nvm use 13.{x.x} command. The {x.x} should be the concrete installed version. If you don't know the installed versions by heart you can check them with nvm list command line command.
If you change the active Node.js version to v13 with nvm it will be used by Angular CLI and you won't get the above mentioned error.
