Sequelize Complex Filter | Node.js - node.js

i want to filter, but that depend to the user, for example
where: {
name: {
[Op.or]: [
{ []: ['%samsung%'] },
{ []: ['%iphone%'] },
{ []: ['%alcatel%']}
If the user selects only Samsung, how do I go about filtering only by Samsung?

Assuming req.query.brands stores either a single search string or an array of strings we can build Op.or conditions on the fly:
const brands = [].concat(req.query.brands)
const brandConditions = => ({
[]: `%${x}%`
const foundItems = await Data.findAll({
where: {
name: {
[Op.or]: brandConditions


$or Operator in Mongoose

I am using the $or operator in mongoose for searching through the name and description fields of the database. I want to check if the queryWord string contains any part of the database field(s). This is the code I am using:
const query = {
$or: [
{ name: `/${body.queryWord}/i` },
{ description: { $regex: `/${body.queryWord}/i` } },
Food.find(query, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
But it returns, only, an empty array!
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
I think the problem is because you wrap the regular expression in ``, which is understood as a string. You can try this way:
const queryWordRegex = new RegExp(body.queryWord, "i");
const query = {
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: queryWordRegex } },
{ description: { $regex: queryWordRegex } },

check an array of string value with array of object in mongodb

I have array of strings like this
let fromHour = ['2.5','3','3.5']
let toHour = ['2.5','3','3.5']
I have an array of object saved in mongoDB
timeRange = [
I want to check if any of my array of string value exist in that object value
I have tried this but it give me this error ( Unrecognized expression '$match' )
checkAppoint = await Appointment.aggregate([
$project: {
date: myScheduleFinal[k].date,
status: { $in: ['pending', 'on-going'] },
timeRange: {
'$match': {
'from': { $in: fromHolder },
'to': { $in: toHolder },
also I have tried this solution and it work for me but it take to much time so I am trying this with aggregate
checkAppoint = await Appointment.findOne({
date: myScheduleFinal[k].date,
status: { $in: ['pending', 'on-going'] },
So anyone have a solution for that
Just try $elemMatch and $in operators,
using find() method
checkAppoint = await Appointment.find({
timeRange: {
$elemMatch: {
from: { $in: fromHour },
to: { $in: toHour }
using aggregate() method
checkAppoint = await Appointment.aggregate([
$match: {
timeRange: {
$elemMatch: {
from: { $in: fromHour },
to: { $in: toHour }
So I have found a way around to solve this problem and I will share the solution I used
First I want to minimize my request to mongodb so I am now making just one request that bring all the appointment with the required date
and I want to make it this way because my fromHour and toHour array will change many time through single request
helperArray => contains all the day I want to check it's range
let checkAppoint = await Appointment.find({
date: { $in: helperArray },
status: { $in: ['pending', 'on-going'] },
now inside my for loop I will go through that data
checkAppoint.filter((singleAppoint) => {
if ( === myScheduleFinal[k].date) { => {
if (fromHolder.includes(singleTime.from)) {
busy = true;

Mongoose multiple optional 'and' conditions

I am trying to filter a collection with 3 optional 'and' conditions.
Here is my model:
const Company = mongoose.model(
new Schema({
name: { type: String },
sectors: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Sector' }],
industries: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Industry' }],
countries: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Country' }],
And my component:
const getCompanies = (skip, limit, filter) =>
...filter.countries && { countries: filter.countries },
...filter.sectors && { sectors: filter.sectors }, && { industries: },
.sort({ date: -1 })
const getAll = async (req, res) => {
try {
const countries =;
const sectors = req.query.sector;
const industries = req.query.industry;
const skip = parseInt(req.query.skip, 10);
const limit = parseInt(req.query.limit, 10);
const filter = {
...countries && { countries },
...sectors && { sectors }, && { industries },
const result = await getCompanies(skip, limit, filter);
return res.status(200).json(result);
} catch (e) {
return res.status(500).send({ message: (e.message) });
This is working when the filter is empty, but when there is one or more items in the filter, I get an empty array.
If I hard code data in getCompanies like so:
countries: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c77e',
sectors: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c754',
industries: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c7ad',
or :
countries: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c77e'
I get the data I want.
I also tried to console.log the filter in getCompanies to make sure the data was correct, and I get this if all fields are requested:
countries: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c77e',
sectors: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c754',
industries: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c7ad',
and this for just one:
{ countries: '5d5e913e20c01070fef5c77e' }
So it seems fine to me.
I also tried using '$and' like so:
Company.find({ $and: [
{ ...filter.countries && { countries: filter.countries } },
{ ...filter.sectors && { sectors: filter.sectors } },
{ && {industries: } },
or using '$in':
...filter.countries && { countries: { $in: filter.countries } },
...filter.sectors && { sectors: { $in: filter.sectors } }, && { industries: { $in: } },
But no luck either.
Here is a sample URL:
GET /api/internal/member/get?skip=12&limit=6&country=5d5e913e20c01070fef5c77e&sector=&industry=
I have found some other threads with questions somewhat similar to mine, but they were to different to help me solve my case.
Looking forward to your helpful advice.
I finally got it to work. Turns out I was not clearing the data in the frontend at each change, which caused an issue with the skip/limit fields.
I also changed the find as advised by #whoami like so:
Company.find({ $and: [
...filter.countries && { countries: { $in: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filter.countries)] } },
...filter.sectors && { sectors: { $in: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filter.sectors)] } },
...filter.sdgs && { sdgs: { $in: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId(filter.sdgs)] } },

How to sort by column?

When I sort by role_name column, this error occurs:
column users.role_name does not exist
If sort by any other column, then there will be no problems. How to sort by column for which join is performed?
module.exports.getAll = async function (req, res) {
try {
const query = {
where: {
[Op.or]: [
full_name: {
[Op.iLike]: `%${}%`
username: {
[]: `%${}%`
Sequelize.where(Sequelize.col((Roles, "role_name"), "varchar"), {
[]: `%${}%`
include: [{
model: Roles,
attributes: ["role_name"],
required: true
offset: +req.query.pageSize * ( - 1),
limit: +req.query.pageSize,
order: [
[req.query.sort, req.query.order]
const users = await Users.findAndCountAll(query);
} catch (e) {
errorHandler(res, e);
If add to include:
order: [
[Roles, req.query.sort, req.query.order]
then it does not work. And if add this after include, it will not be possible to sort by the remaining columns.

Select fields in mongoose query where field value not equal to something

I am basically trying to update a document and then select the fields from the result where the field value is not equal to something. Assume jwt_id to be b816cf00e9f649fbaf613e2ca2d523b5.
const removeDevices = await Identity.findOneAndUpdate(
userID: user_id
$pull: {
activeTokens: {
jti: {
$ne: jwt_id
).select(["-_id", "activeTokens.jti"]);
Now, running this query gives the following output:
{ activeTokens:
[ { jti: '5d872359af2c47e5970c1fae531adf0e' },
{ jti: 'd3ac84f520614067b1caad504d7ab27f' },
{ jti: '25c6fa96705c4eec96e1427678c3ff50' },
{ jti: 'b816cf00e9f649fbaf613e2ca2d523b5' }
How can I get all the jti fields except { jti: b816cf00e9f649fbaf613e2ca2d523b5 } from the select command?
Desired Output
{ activeTokens:
[ { jti: '5d872359af2c47e5970c1fae531adf0e' },
{ jti: 'd3ac84f520614067b1caad504d7ab27f' },
{ jti: '25c6fa96705c4eec96e1427678c3ff50' },
It's hard to say for certain without testing, but i don't think mongoose returns the document after it was modified, but rather simply returns the matching document. So, i think in the case of findOneAndUpdate, you would have to have your query match to do the pull, and then manually filter the array again in application code to get the desired output.
This might work:
const removeDevices = await Identity.findOneAndUpdate(
userID: user_id
$pull: {
'activeTokens.jti': { $ne: jwt_id }
).select(["-_id", "activeTokens.jti"]).then(identity=>identity.activeTokens.filter(token=>token.jti!==jwt_id));
If the above doesn't work for some reason, then i would try something more simpler
const removeDevices = await Identity.findOne({userID: user_id}).select(["-_id", "activeTokens"]).then(identity=>{
const removedTokens = []
identity.activeTokens = identity.activeTokens.filter(token=>{
if(token.jti===jwt_id) {
return true;
console.log('doc saved')
return removedTokens;
or (atomic):
const removeDevices = await Identity.findOne({userID: user_id}).select('activeTokens','jti _id').then(identity=>{
const removedTokens = identity.activeTokens.filter(token=>token.jti!==jwt_id);
const result = await Identity.update({userId:user_id},{$pull:{'activeTokens._id': { $in:>t._id) } }});
return removedTokens;
