I run Jest with a simple custom reporter. For now event handlers of this reporter merely write their name to console. In the course of test run, among the many event handlers (that are defined in Reporter interface), the onTestStart and onTestResult are not called at all.
Find code here: https://github.com/zoltan-boros/dummy-jest-reporter
Is this due to some mistake in my code? Or, are these event handlers decommissioned, i.e. is Reporter interface out of sync with current behavior?
onTestStart and onTestResult have the same usage as onTestFileStart and onTestFileResult. They will only be called if the onTestFile... method is not defined.
It seems to me that there is no method for a single test.
Is there a way i can find out during runtime if a module is mocked via jest?
Since mocked modules get required normally and therefore the code gets executed (as seen here: jest module executed even when mocked
We need this because we have checks on top of each file to fail early when a mandatory environment variable is not set, which causes our tests to fail even if the module is mocked.
if (!process.env.SOME_ENV) {
throw new Error(`Mandatory environment variable 'SOME_ENV' not set`)
We are looking for something like this:
if (!process.env.SOME_ENV && utils.isNotMocked(this)) {
throw new Error(`Mandatory environment variable 'SOME_ENV' not set`)
where utils.isNotMocked(this) is the magic function which checks if the module is currently mocked.
As #jonrsharpe mentioned, it is typically not desirable that software can distinguish whether it is under test or not. This means, you will probably not find the feature you are hoping for in any mocking framework. Moreover, there may be more fundamental problems to provide such a feature, because you might have mixed test scenarios where for some test cases an object of the mocked class is used, and for other test cases an object of the original class is used.
Since you are using the early exit mechanism as a general pattern in your code, as you describe: What about creating a library function for this check - which then again can be doubled during testing such that in that case the function does not throw?
I am using enzyme to "mount" a component wrapped with withApollo, hence it has a client object in context that it finds available in the props. The component writes on the client cache using writeQuery conditionally, and I am writing a unit test that simulates those conditions, I would like to be able to assert that this cache method has been called with the expected arguments.
Following Apollo-Client guidelines, I am using the MockedWrapper. I think this would a good place to intercept the client object and replace its writeQuery function with a mock function. I do not know how or if it is even possible.
Alternatively, I could ditch the MockedProvider and simulate the context entirely, but I do not know the expected object inside the context nor its shape/schema.
Wanted but not invoked: However, there were other interactions with this mock:
This is a mockito error you would catch when trying to verify the invocation on an object on specific method, but what happens is you have interacted with other method of that object but not the one mentioned.
If you have an object named CustomerService and say it has two methods named saveCustomer() and verifyExistingCustomer(),
and your mockito looks something like verify(customerService, atleast(1)).verifyExistingCustomer(customer), but in your actual service you called the saveCustomer() at least one.
Any idea how to resolve this ?
From what you are describing, it looks like you are telling your mocks that you are expecting verifyExistingCustomer() to be called but you are not actually calling it.
You should probably look at your test design, specifically ensuring that you can (via mocking) isolate your tests to test each method individually.
If there is something in your code that decides whether to call saveCustomer() or verifyExistingCustomer() then you should try to mock the data that the code inspects so that you can test each individually.
For example if your code looked like this:
if (customer.getId() == 0) {
} else {
Then you could have two separate tests that you could isolate by setting a zero value and non-zero value for the id in customer.
If you'd like to share your code I could probably give you a better example.
How can I test the initBefore method of Groovy Domain-Classes with a unit test in Grails?
I created the dummy object but the beforeInsert-method is not called until myObject.save() is invoked and save is unavailable in the testing environments.
Edit: its a unit-test. there is no error, but the method beforeInsert is not called
beforeInsert is called during unit tests. I can verify this in my tests. A couple things to consider:
ensure you use a beforeInsert method, and not a closure. A closure will not work correctly.
it is called when the object is flushed, so perhaps you are having silent save errors beforehand. In your test when you save the object do .save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
Do you want test if the beforeInsert method is being called or the logic of beforeInsert is correct?
If you want to test if beforeInsert is being called the test class should extend the GrailsUnitTestCase. Do so should give you mocking capabilities and add all the methods like save() and validate(). You can verify if the mocked object called the beforeInsert method or not when you do a save().
If you are testing the logic of beforeInsert then you don't need to mock it. You can create the object and test the logic just like other unit test.
Hope this helps.
Just creat a domain object and save() it. Then check whether or not the "beforeInsert" manipulated your Object.
save() is available in the testing enviroments. Please show your Stacktrace when calling myDomainobject.save()
I had the same exact problem! In GORM (at least until the current version) the save method does not take effect immediately just because it is called! If you want it to take effect right away you need to specify flush:true like this domain.save(flush:true).
it says here http://grails.org/doc/2.2.x/ref/Domain%20Classes/save.html
The save method informs the persistence context that an instance
should be saved or updated. The object will not be persisted
immediately unless the flush argument is used:
To answer your question, beforeInsert is not called until the save is persisted (save takes effect) therefor you should invoke save with flush to test beforeInsert and beforeUpdate methods.
Hope this helps!
I am trying to use authlogic's test helpers in Cucumber, calling activate_authlogic.
Our application_controller has a current_user_session method.
When we drop into the debugger mid-story, controller returns a Authlogic::TestCase::MockController.
But when we call controller.current_user_session.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.current_user_session.
How does this mock suddenly become a nil?
And does this mock controller know about our application controllers' code?
I don't know authlogic (and if this answer is helpful at all), but where does that mock object come from in the first place? You shouldn't be using any mocks in you cucumber stories. Cucumber is like an integration test, testing the complete Rails Stack.
I use it, to make sure, that my view, controller and model specs haven't diverged from each other.