Connecting the MenuItem click signal. found solution - menu

I am using gtkmm 2.4 and C++ on Red Hat RHEL 8. I am using a Gtk::Fixed layout. I want to be able to place my widgets where I want them.
I am trying to implement a File Menu. I am trying to build the File Menu manually. I have everything working except connecting to the signal when I click the "OPEN" menu item. How do I connect to the "OPEN" click signal to the OpenStub method?
Here is some code snippets:
Class TestWindow : public Gtk::window
void OpenStub();
// menu
Gtk::MenuItem File;
Gtk::Menu* FileMenu;
Gtk::MenuItem* Open;
// layout widgets
Gtk::Fixed fixed;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow;
// add scrolled window
// add fixed layout
// File Menu
File = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(“_File”));
FileMenu = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Menu);
Open = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(“_Open”));
Gtk::MenuBar* menubar = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuBar);
//add menu
fixed.put(menubar, 0, 0);
void TestWindow::OpenStub()
std::cout << “Open Stub “ << std::endl;
I have found the solution.
Open = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(“_Open”));


Does the CTab_Ctrl class require an additional property to draw in its "window"?

I've got a "default looking" dialog box like the following:
And I'm attempting to modify the tabs and insert a RichEditCtrl in the first tab.
CWnd* pTab = GetDlgItem(IDC_TAB1);
if (pTab) {
CRect rect;
m_TabCtrl = (CTabCtrl*)pTab;
m_TabCtrl->InsertItem(0, "Stats");
m_TabCtrl->InsertItem(1, "Settings");
BOOL getRect = m_TabCtrl->GetItemRect(0, &rect);
return FALSE;
m_font.CreateFont(-11, 0, 0, 0, FW_REGULAR, 0, 0, 0, BALTIC_CHARSET, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Courier New");
The sample I'm modifying previously had only used the RichTextCtrl and "created" it inside of a "placeholder" text box. It worked great, but I wanted to shove that RichTextCtrl into a tab, and create another tab to display some data. The problem is that I now just get 2 blank tabs. I know that the parent dialog settings "Clip Children" and "Clip Siblings" may matter, but I'm not sure which if I need, if either. I also know that my RichEditCtrl still exists because I'm still sending data to it, but it's certainly not displaying.
This piece of my program isn't even really that urgent, and I am just trying to get this to work on principal at this point...
Tab Controls create the illusion, that the dividers and the display area were part of the same control. That's not the case. The tab control is really just the labels, plus the placeholder display area. Bringing the display area's contents to live is the responsibility of the application.
In general, the following steps are required to implement a fully functional tab control:
Create the tab control plus labels.
Create the display area's child controls. It is common to place the controls comprising a single "page" in a dialog.
Subscribe to the TCN_SELCHANGE message, and dynamically update the visibility of the controls, i.e. hide all controls that aren't part of the current "page" and show all controls that are. Placing all controls for a "page" inside a dialog makes this easier by only requiring to toggle the visibility of the dialogs.
This is a rough overview of how tab controls work. Given your code, there are some things you need to change. Specifically, the following need to be taken care of:
The tab control referenced by IDC_TAB1 needs to have the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style, so that the display area doesn't cover the child controls.
m_richEditCtrl needs to be created with the WS_CHILD style.
Calculate the size of the display area using CTabCtrl::AdjustRect and use that to size the m_richEditCtrl to fill the entire display area (if that is what you want).
With those changes you should see a tab control whose display area is filled by a Rich Edit control. Switching between tabs doesn't change the contents of the display area just yet. That's something you'll need to implement as required by your application.
The following code sample is based on a wizard-generated dialog-based application named MfcTabCtrl. The generated dialog resource (IDD_MFCTABCTRL_DIALOG) had all content removed, leaving just a blank dialog template.
Likewise, the main dialog implementation had most of its functionality stripped, leaving just the vital parts. This is the MfcTabCtrlDlg.h header:
#pragma once
#include "afxdialogex.h"
// Control identifiers
UINT constexpr IDC_TAB{ 100 };
UINT constexpr IDC_RICH_EDIT{ 101 };
class CMfcTabCtrlDlg : public CDialogEx
CMfcTabCtrlDlg(CWnd* pParent = nullptr);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnTabChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
// Convenience implementation to calculate the display area
RECT GetDisplayArea();
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
CTabCtrl m_TabCtrl{};
CRichEditCtrl m_richEditCtrl{};
The implementation file MfcTabCtrlDlg.cpp isn't very extensive either:
#include "MfcTabCtrlDlg.h"
CMfcTabCtrlDlg::CMfcTabCtrlDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/)
void CMfcTabCtrlDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
CDialogEx::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
// Resize tab control only after it has been created
if (IsWindow(m_TabCtrl)) {
m_TabCtrl.MoveWindow(0, 0, cx, cy);
// Determine display area
auto const disp_area{GetDisplayArea()};
// Resize child control(s) to cover entire display area
if (!IsRectEmpty(&disp_area) && IsWindow(m_richEditCtrl)) {
void CMfcTabCtrlDlg::OnTabChanged(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult)
auto const cur_sel{ m_TabCtrl.GetCurSel() };
switch (cur_sel) {
// First tab selected
case 0:
// Second tab selected
case 1:
// Allow other subscribers to handle this message
*pResult = FALSE;
// Returns the display area in client coordinates relative to the dialog.
// Returns an empty rectangle on failure.
RECT CMfcTabCtrlDlg::GetDisplayArea()
RECT disp_area{};
if (IsWindow(m_TabCtrl)) {
m_TabCtrl.AdjustRect(FALSE, &disp_area);
return disp_area;
// The message map registers only required messages
BOOL CMfcTabCtrlDlg::OnInitDialog()
// Set up tab control to cover entire client area
RECT client{};
m_TabCtrl.Create(WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, client, this, IDC_TAB);
m_TabCtrl.InsertItem(0, L"Stats");
m_TabCtrl.InsertItem(1, L"Settings");
// Set up rich edit control.
// The WS_BORDER style is set strictly to make it visible.
auto const disp_area{ GetDisplayArea() };
m_richEditCtrl.Create(WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD,
disp_area, &m_TabCtrl, IDC_RICH_EDIT);
return TRUE; // Let the system manage focus for this dialog
The result is a dialog holding a tab control with two labels. Visibility of the contained rich edit control is toggled in the TCN_SELCHANGE notification handler, showing it only when the first tab is selected. A more complex GUI would update the visibility of all controls based on the currently selected tab here as well.
Note that the controls inside the tab control's display area are never destroyed during the dialog's life time. This is usually desirable to persist user data even when switching between tabs. If necessary it is also possible to destroy and (re-)create some or all of the child controls when switching tabs.

Cancel button in searchBar ios 8

tell me how to change the text on the Cancel button in searchBar?
you can do that in this delegate method of UISearchBar
- (void)searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller
[theSearchBar setShowsCancelButton:YES animated:NO];
for (UIView *subView in theSearchBar.subviews){
if([subView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]){
[(UIButton*)subViewsetTitle:#"Button Title"forState:UIControlStateNormal];
after a long way searching the only way i got working in swift
is to set a custom UIBarButtonItem but you will need to show the search bar on the navigation
in ViewDidLoad()
self.searchDisplayController?.displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar = true
and in Delegate Method
func searchBarTextDidBeginEditing(searchBar: UISearchBar) {
var barButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Button Title", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, target: self, action: "here")
self.searchDisplayController?.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = barButton
i hope that works with you
«Another UPDATE
as you said in comments you will need to localize your application, in your case you will only need to localize the storyBoard
first navigate to your project settings then info, under localizations click the + button and add your own languages then check only StoryBoard
and now you have localized your app but you might don't see the changes until you remove the app and install it again or if the device language is set to english you will need to write 2 lines of code to change the language manually here is it
var str:NSString = "ar" // ar stands for arabic you put here you own language small character
var myArray:NSArray = [str]
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(myArray, forKey: "AppleLanguages")
and your button will looks like this
if you want to know more about localization see this Internationalization Tutorial for iOS [2014 Edition]
if you still need help till me :)
There are 2 solutions.
set key/value
[self.searchController.searchBar setValue:#"취소" forKey:#"_cancelButtonText"];
This solution works well, but you have to know that _cancelButtonText property is not public property.(You can not find this property in the documentation page.)
And It's not sure that this solution can pass the apple review process. So, use solution 2 please.
use a delegate.
You can change cancel button title(iOS8) within willPresentSearchController method.
(Assume that the searchBar is in tableView headerView)
- (void)willPresentSearchController:(UISearchController *)searchController{
// You have to set YES showsCancelButton.
// If not, you can not change your button title when this method called
// first time.
self.searchController.searchBar.showsCancelButton = YES;
UIView* view=self.searchController.searchBar.subviews[0];
for (UIView *subView in view.subviews) {
if ([subView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
// solution 1
UIButton *cancelButton = (UIButton*)subView;
[cancelButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"취소", nil) forState:UIControlStateNormal];
Also, You can get infomation about the searchBar through a view debugging tools in Xcode. Set a breakPoint at the willPresentSearchController method.
Good luck.
Actually, the cancel button is not a top view in the Search bar. You should search for it recursively.
for (UIView *subView in v.subviews){
if([subView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]){
return (UIButton*)subView;
}else if([subView isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]){
UIButton* btn = [self findButtonInView:subView];
return btn;
return nil;
UIButton* searchButton = [self findButtonInView:self.searchBar];

MFC menu is not drawing but white blank

Im working on some Window Customizing stuff.
I removed title bar and border of CFrameWnd and added my own title bar.
It seems work nice.
But if I add menu to this window, menu will be on top of this window. (above my title bar)
So I add new CFrameWnd and set my menu to this new CFrameWnd.
this is the code.
CMenu * pMenu = this->GetMenu();
if( pMenu != NULL )
m_pMenuWnd = new CMenuWindow();
m_pMenuWnd->Create(NULL, NULL, 0, m_WindowRects.MenuRect, this, 0, NULL);
And I added this menu window's move handler on my custom CFrameWnd's OnSize, OnMove Message Handler for corrent positionning.
It looks pretty good.
But when I minimize and restore its position, menu windows position is just white blank.
But if I move cursor on there, menus r there.
What am I doing wrong?
I checked OnCtlColor but its not even get called.
Here's CMenuWindow code
void CMenuWindow::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
CRect clRect;
// CMenuView message handlers
int CMenuWindow::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
return 0;

MFC Dialog controls goes invisible while running

I created a MFC application.Sometimes the controls(Button,Label etc) in the Dialog goes invisible at run time.The Dialog form remains.This is a random issue.The screenshots of the dialog in normal time and when goes blank are attached.Can anyone help me to find the solution for this ?
for displaying/hiding the Dialog i used the following code
void CVideoConverter::PopUpDlg(BOOL bValue)
if(bValue) // show
{// hide
The following code was used to position the dialog to bottom right corner of the window.This is called before the PopupDlg()
void CVideoConverter::SetWindowToBottomRightCorner()
CRect rcScreen;
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, (void *) &rcScreen, 0);
CRect rcWindow;
MoveWindow(rcScreen.right - rcWindow.Width(), rcScreen.bottom - rcWindow.Height(), rcWindow.Width(), rcWindow.Height(), TRUE);

How to enable "select all" in UIWebView in an IPhone App?

I am writing an IPhone application which embeds a UIWebView. There are various safari like features like navigation, etc. One of the tasks I am looking for is to present a "select all" option when the user selects on a piece of text on the web view. Currently, I only see a "copy" option. Is there an easy way to enable the "select all" menu item? I have ofcourse tried adding a menu item to the shared menu controller but that doesn't necessarily implement the original safari "select all" functionality. Any help and pointers will be very useful.
Thanks in advance.
The short answer is no, this is not possible.
You could do this by subclassing UIWebView and overriding (without adding anythings to the menu controller yourself):
-(BOOL) canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender
And checking if the selector is selectAll:
Like this:
-(BOOL) canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender {
if (action == #selector(selectAll:)) {
return YES;
} else {
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];
This will show the Select All option on the Hold Menu. However this isn't default behaviour of a webView, and while the app won't crash when you press Select All, pressing it will just do nothing.
You can't even create a selectAll method, and then select everything in webview, because the javascript method .select() doesn't work on Mobile Safari/UIWebView.
You can implement selectAll behavior for non-editable webView (equivalent to behavior at Apple's at runtime using the following category for UIWebView.
The main idea is to use the hint that UIWebBrowserView being the subview of UIWebView is the subclass of UIWebDocumentView which conforms to UITextInputPrivate protocol which is equivalent to public UITextInput protocol
// UIWebView+SelectAll.h
// Created by Alexey Matveev on 28.03.15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Alexey Matveev. All rights reserved.
#interface UIWebView (SelectAll)
+ (void)setEnableSelectAll:(BOOL)enabled;
#import "UIWebView+SelectAll.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
UIWebDocumentView is the superclass for UIWebBrowserView.
UIWebDocumentView conforms UITextInputPrivate protocol which is identival to UITextInput
static IMP canPerformActionWithSenderImp;
#implementation UIWebView (SelectAll)
#dynamic enableSelectAll;
- (BOOL)customCanPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender
if (action == #selector(selectAll:)) {
return ! self.isSelectedAll;
else {
BOOL(*imp)(id, SEL, SEL, id) = (BOOL(*)(id, SEL, SEL, id))canPerformActionWithSenderImp;
return imp(self, #selector(canPerformAction:withSender:), action, sender);
- (void)selectAll:(id)sender
[self.browserView selectAll:sender];
- (UIView<UITextInput> *)browserView
UIView *browserView;
for (UIView *subview in self.scrollView.subviews) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"UIWebBrowserView")]) {
browserView = subview;
return (UIView<UITextInput> *)browserView;
- (BOOL)isSelectedAll
UITextRange *currentRange = self.browserView.selectedTextRange;
if ([self.browserView comparePosition:currentRange.start toPosition:self.browserView.beginningOfDocument] == NSOrderedSame) {
if ([self.browserView comparePosition:currentRange.end toPosition:self.browserView.endOfDocument] == NSOrderedSame) {
return YES;
return NO;
+ (void)setEnableSelectAll:(BOOL)enabled
SEL canPerformActionSelector = #selector(canPerformAction:withSender:);
if (!canPerformActionWithSenderImp) {
canPerformActionWithSenderImp = [self instanceMethodForSelector:canPerformActionSelector];
IMP newCanPerformActionWithSenderImp = enabled ? [self instanceMethodForSelector:#selector(customCanPerformAction:withSender:)] : canPerformActionWithSenderImp;
Method canPerformActionMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self class], canPerformActionSelector);
class_replaceMethod([self class], canPerformActionSelector, newCanPerformActionWithSenderImp, method_getTypeEncoding(canPerformActionMethod));
Of course, you can use global method swizzling for
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender;
in the standard way but it will affect all webViews in your project irreversably.
