Get performance of submitted changelist in Perforce - perforce

We want to do some analysis on our past project and I would like to gather information on some changelist submissions that happend a few month's ago. How can I query or parse that information?
I'm looking for information like:
Submission time (x files submitted in x amount of time)
Load on server

Perforce server performance information is in the server logs; the format depends on how your server is configured, but by default you should generally see performance tracking output for any operation that takes significant time to complete, e.g.:
Perforce server info:
2020/10/06 08:15:22 pid 23556 Samwise#Samwise-dvcs-1509687817 unknown [p4/2016.2/NTX86/1568552] 'user-submit'
--- lapse 66.4s
A submit is broken into three phases -- user-submit, dm-SubmitFile, and dm-CommitFile. The first phase corresponds to the user initiating the operation (filling out the changelist form etc), the second phase is the file transfer, and the third phase is the final commit of the new revisions to the repository.
If you want to do serious analysis of server performance, you probably want to look into structured logging:


How to copy managed database?

AFAIK there is no REST API providing this functionality directly. So, I am using restore for this (there are other ways but those don’t guarantee transactional consistency and are more complicated) via Create request.
Since it is not possible to turn off short time backup (retention has to be at least 1 day) it should be reliable. I am using current time for ‘properties.restorePointInTime’ property in request. This works fine for most databases. But one db returns me this error (from async operation request):
"error": {
"code": "BackupSetNotFound",
"message": "No backups were found to restore the database to the point in time 6/14/2021 8:20:00 PM (UTC). Please contact support to restore the database."
I know I am not out of range because if the restore time is before ‘earliestRestorePoint’ (this can be found in GET request on managed database) or in future I get ‘PitrPointInTimeInvalid’ error. Nevertheless, I found some information that I shouldn’t use current time but rather current time - 6 minutes at most. This is also true if done via Azure Portal (where it fails with the same error btw) which doesn’t allow to input time newer than current - 6 minutes. After few tries, I found out that current time - circa 40 minutes starts to work fine. But 40 minutes is a lot and I didn’t find any way to find out what time works before I try and wait for result of async operation.
My question is: Is there a way to find what is the latest time possible for restore?
Or is there a better way to do ‘copy’ of managed database which guarantees transactional consistency and is reasonably quick?
The issue I was describing was reported to MS. It was occuring when:
there is a custom time zone format e.g. UTC + 1 hour.
Backups are skipped for the source database at the desired point in time because the database is inactive (no active transactions).
This should be fixed as of now (25th of August 2021) and I were not able to reproduce it with current time - 10 minutes. Also I was told there should be new API which would allow to make copy without using PITR (no sooner than 1Q/22).
To answer your first question "Is there a way to find what is the latest time possible for restore?"
Yes. Via SQL. The only way to find this out is by using extended event (XEvent) sessions to monitor backup activity.
Process to start logging the backup_restore_progress_trace extended event and report on it is described here
Including the SQL here in case the link goes stale.
This is for storing in the ring buffer (max last 1000 records):
ADD EVENT sqlserver.backup_restore_progress_trace(
[operation_type]=(0) AND (
[trace_message] like '%100 percent%' OR
[trace_message] like '%BACKUP DATABASE%' OR [trace_message] like '%BACKUP LOG%'))
ADD TARGET package0.ring_buffer
ALTER EVENT SESSION [Verbose backup trace] ON SERVER
STATE = start;
Then to see output of all backup events:
a AS (SELECT xed = CAST(xet.target_data AS xml)
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS xet
JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions AS xe
ON (xe.address = xet.event_session_address)
WHERE = 'Verbose backup trace'),
d.n.value('(#timestamp)[1]', 'datetime2') AS [timestamp],
ISNULL(, d.n.value('(data[#name="database_name"]/value)[1]', 'varchar(200)')) AS database_name,
d.n.value('(data[#name="trace_message"]/value)[1]', 'varchar(4000)') AS trace_message
CROSS APPLY xed.nodes('/RingBufferTarget/event') d(n)
LEFT JOIN master.sys.databases db
ON db.physical_database_name = d.n.value('(data[#name="database_name"]/value)[1]', 'varchar(200)'))
NOTE: This tip came to me via Microsoft support when I had the same issue of point in time restores failing what seemed like randomly. They do not give any SLA for log backups. I found that on a busy database the log backups seemed to happen every 5-10 minutes but on a quiet database hourly. Recovery of a database this way can be slow depending on number of transaction logs and amount of activity to replay etc. (
To answer your second question: "Or is there a better way to do ‘copy’ of managed database which guarantees transactional consistency and is reasonably quick?"
I'd have to agree with Thomas - if you're after guaranteed transactional consistency and speed you need to look at creating a failover group and
A failover group for a managed instance will have a primary server and failover server with the same user databases on each kept in synch.
But yes, whether this suits your needs depends on the question Thomas asked of what is the purpose of the copy.

node.js persistent store json with minimal performance penalty

I'm running a node web server using express module and would like to include the following features in it:
primarily, track every visitors source IP, time and unique or repeated visit by saving it to a JSON file.
secondly, if someone is hitting my server more than 10 times in last 15 seconds looking for vulnerabilities (non-existent pages) then collect those attempts in a buffer (that holds 30 seconds worth of data) and once threshold is reached, start blocking that source IP for X number of hours.
I'm interested in finding out the fastest way to save this information with very minimal performance penalty.
My choice so far is to create a RAMDISK and save this info into a continuous file on that RAMDISK.
The info for Visitor info gets written to a database every few minutes.
The info for notorious visitors will be reset every 30 seconds so as to keep the lookup quick.
The question I have is - Is writing to RAMDISK the fastest way to retain information (so its not lost during a crash) or is there a better/faster way to achieve this goal ?

Aggregator that releases partial group based on correlation but holds on to rest of the messages

I want to set the correlation strategy on an aggregator so that it uses a date out of the incoming file (as message) name to correlate files so all files with todays date belong to the same group. Now since I might have multiple days worth of data its possible that I have aggregated 2 days of files. I want to base the release strategy on a done file (message) that includes the date in the filename as well so essentially each day will have a bunch of files and a done for file. Ingesting done file should release files for that day from the aggregator but still keep the other day files until the done file for that day is ingested.
so in this scenario, correlation is obviously simple - but what I am not sure about is how to release not all but only some specific messages from the group based on the correlation key. Documentation talks about messagereaper but that goes into messagestore stuff and I want to do all this in memory.
let me elaborate with an example
i have these files on a directory which im polling by a file inbound channel adapter
as these files are being polled in i have an aggregator in the flow where all incoming files are being aggregated. To correlate I was thinking I can extract the date and put that in correlation_id header so that first 3 files are being considered to belong to one group and then second 2 files belong to the second group .. now once I consume the done-2014.04.27.dat file at that time I want to release the first 3 files to be further processed in the flow but hold on to
until I receive the
and then release these 2 files.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am not sure what you mean when you say "correlation is simple" but then go on to say you only want to release part of the group. If they have different dates then they will be in different groups, so there's no need to release part of a group, just release the whole group by running the reaper just after midnight (or any time the next day). It's not at all clear why you need a "done" message.
By default, the aggregator uses an in-memory message store (SimpleMessageStore).
Just put the done file in the same group and have your release strategy detect the presence of the done file. You could use an expression, but if the group can be large, it would be more efficient to implement ReleaseStrategy and iterate over MessageGroup.getMessages() looking for the done file.
The next step depends on what's downstream of the aggregator. If you use a splitter to split them back to separate files, you can simply add a filter to drop the done file. If you deal with the collection of files directly, either ignore the done file, or add a transformer to remove it from the collection.
With respect to the reaper; assuming files arrive in real time, I was simply suggesting that if you, say, run the reaper once a day (say at 01:00) with a group timeout of, say 30 minutes, then the reaper will release yesterday's files (without the need for a done file).
See my comment on your "answer" below - you have 2 subscribers on filesLogger.

How to know OPC job status using Syncsort or anyother method?

My objective is, I need to get the current timestamp using Syncsort if one OPC job(existing Job) run fine in production. In my case I can not interpret my new job after existing OPC job. Is there any facility to check the existing job ran fine in production ?
I mean any reference table to have production job details with status for each day ?
Please help anyone to move.
There are commercial packages that track jobs and job status. CA (computer associates) is one such vendor.
However, these packages cost a lot. A simple, home grown solution, is to have a dataset known to both jobs and write a one line record into that data set when job1 completes and the second job2 can read the dataset to "KNOW" if the job ran. IF this is what you are trying to do, it is not exactly clear from your question. But any solution along these lines works, until management wants to cough up $50K (or whatever) for a commercial package.

How to analyse log with > 30m measurements

Consider a Java application that receives financial trading transactions to determine their vality by applying several checks, such as if the transaction is allowed under contractual and legal constraints. The application implements a JMS message handler to receive messages on one queue, and a second queue to send back the message to the consumer.
In order to measure response times and enable post-processing performance analysis, the application logs the start and end time of several steps, e.g. reception of message, processing, prepare and send answer back to the client. There are approx. 3 million messages received by the application per day, and hence a multiple of this number of time measurements (around 18 million logged measurements a day). Each measurement consists of the following data: ID of measurement (e.g. RECEIVE_START/END, PROCESS_START/END, SEND_START/END), time stamp as given by java.lang.system.nanoTime(), a unique message id. The time measurements are sent to a log file.
To find the processing times, the log file is transformed and stored in a MySQL database on a daily basis. This is done by a sequence of Python scripts that take the raw log data, transform and store it into a MySQL table, whereby each record corresponds to one processed message, with each measurement in one column (i.e. the table groups records by the unique message id).
My question is this: what are the best tactics and tools to analyse this relatively large data set (consider a month or several month worth of log data)? In particular I would like to calculate and graph:
a) the distribution of measurements in terms of response times (e.g. SEND_END - RECEIVE_START), for a selected time frame (e.g. monthly, daily, hourly).
b) the frequencies of messages per time unit (second, hour, day, week, month), over a selected time period (e.g. day, week, month, year)
Any hints or reports on your own experience is appreciated.
We've had a lot of success with splunk for processing/reporting on large log files. It's a tool that's built specifically for that purpose. You can run SQL-like queries on your data files to get the kind of reports/graphs you are looking for. I believe it can be pretty expensive though, IIRC they charge you based on the amount of data that you process.
