authenticate a user from local linux host using python script - python-3.x

I want to authenticate a user from a local linux host using subprocess. I have used this code and i doubt login is the perfect command to do because login command prompts for password and I want to provide the password upfront. login man
If not login then is there any other linux command through which I can authenticate a local user ?
import subprocess
import cgi
cred = cgi.FieldStorage()
username = cred.getvalue("user")
password = cred.getvalue("password")
# print(username)
# print(password)
cmd = f"echo {password} | sudo /usr/bin/login {username}"
# cmd = "ls -la"
output =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
This is the output I am getting as of now.
CompletedProcess(args='echo ashu234 | sudo /usr/bin/login ashu', returncode=1, stdout='')

You can use pexpect. Unless you are running your script as root you will need to supply a password to sudo (as you will have to for any answer that uses sudo). To make the script more portable also supply a sudo user name but you could hard code this if using root. This code was written for Ubuntu 21.10 and may need the strings updating for other distributions. I think the code is self-explanatory, you spawn a process, interact with it and expect certain responses during exection.
import pexpect
sudo_user = 'whatever your sudo user name is'
sudo_password = "whatever your sudo user password is"
user_name = "whatever local user name is"
password = "whatever local user password is"
child = pexpect.spawn(f'/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/login {user_name}', encoding='utf-8')
child.expect_exact(f'[sudo] password for {sudo_user}: ')
return_code = child.expect(['Sorry, try again', 'Password: '])
if return_code == 0:
print('Can\'t sudo')
print(child.after) # debug
return_code = child.expect(['Login incorrect', '[#\\$] '])
if return_code == 0:
print('Can\'t login')
print(child.after) # debug
elif return_code == 1:
print('Login OK.')
print('Shell command prompt', child.after)
For more detail see the docs


Python3 telnetlib - telnet with username and password and then execute other commands

I would like to be able to telnet, input login and password credentials and then execute commands once connected but my code seems to not continue after password is entered.
import getpass
import telnetlib
HOST = ""
user = input("Enter your remote account: ")
password = getpass.getpass()
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)
tn.read_until(b"login: ")
tn.write(user.encode('utf-8') + "\n")
if password:
tn.read_until(b"Password: ")
tn.write(password.encode('utf-8') + "\n")
tn.write(b"command to be issued")
with this code I want to telnet, input login credentials, input password, and once connected issue a command
Looks like the problem was a timing issue, I needed to import time and add time.sleep(2) after issuing the command before print(tn.read_all()).

sudo as user within a python program

I am trying to sudo as another user which is generic account in shell , however userid is still same after su , any idea on how to fix it ?
import os,glob,pwd,subprocess,pexpect,getpass
var_command = "su user"
var_child = pexpect.spawn(var_command)
i = var_child.expect(["Password:", pexpect.EOF])
if i==0: # send password
print('Login SusccessFul' )
elif i==1:
print("Got the key or connection timeout")
except Exception as e:
print("Oops Something went wrong buddy")

wait till command completed in paramiko invoke_shell() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Execute multiple dependent commands individually with Paramiko and find out when each command finishes
(1 answer)
Executing command using "su -l" in SSH using Python
(1 answer)
Closed 5 days ago.
I wanted to wait the given command execution has been completed on remote machines. this case it just executed and return and not waiting till its completed.
import paramiko
import re
import time
def scp_switch(host, username, PasswdValue):
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
# Logging into remote host as my credentials
ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=PasswdValue ,timeout=30)
# switcing to powerbroker/root mode
command = "pbrun xyz -u root\n"
channel = ssh.invoke_shell()
while not'Password',str(channel.recv(9999), 'utf-8')):
channel.send("%s\n" % PasswdValue)
#Executing the command on remote host with root (post logged as root)
# I dont have any specific keyword to search in given output hence I am not using while loop here.
cmd = "/tmp/ cool >/tmp/slp_log.txt \n"
print('Executing %s' %cmd)
channel.send(cmd) # its not waiting here till the process completed,
res = str(channel.recv(1024), 'utf-8')
print('process completed')
except Exception as e:
print('Error while switching:', str(e))
except Exception as e:
print('Error while SSH : %s' % (str(e)))
""" Provide the host and credentials here """
HOST = ''
username = 'heyboy'
password = 'passcode'
scp_switch(HOST, username, password)
As per my research, it will not return any status code, is there any logic to get the return code and wait till the process completed?
I know this is an old post, but leaving this here in case someone has the same problem.
You can use an echo that will run in case your command executes successfully, for example if you are doing an scp ... && echo 'transfer complete', then you can catch this output with a loop
while True:
s = chan.recv(4096)
s = s.decode()
if 'transfer done' in s:

Python code for telnetting DUT needs further optimization

I need to further optimize my code in Python.
I was earlier executing commands on the Device Under Test step by step which was a lot as I also required sleep timers. However I was able to minimize it through a list and calling elements of the list in a for loop:
I need your inputs to further optimize this code:
ConfigListBFD = ['conf t' , 'int Fa1/0' , 'ip address', 'no shut']
for i in ConfigListBFD:
tn.write(i.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
print (i, "command entered successfully")
Please note: I am telnetting the DUT as ssh is not supported.
i am using this optimized common code for telnet. we can create a common file where you can add this method
import telnetlib
import time
def telnet(host):
user = <username>
password = <password>
try :
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host)
except :
print("Unable to connect")
tn.read_until(b"Username:") # read until username prompt
tn.write(user.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
if password:
tn.read_until(b"password:") #read until password prompt
tn.write(password.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
return tn #return telnetlib handle
than import this method to another file, where we write our script

How to connect to the remote computer using PSexec connection in Python script

import subprocess,time
psexecloc ="C:\\Users\\administrator\\Desktop\\sample\\bin\\psexec.exe"
username = "XXXr"
password = "XXXXXXX"
remotehostname = "XXXXXXXX"
args =
[psexecloc, "-u", username, "-p", password, remotehostname, remotecmd]
output = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdoutstr = outstr[0]
stderrstr = outstr[1]
print ("Output Tupple: ",outstr)
Just a cmd will popup for a ms, facing issue in this code please help
Be aware that the syntax of PsExec for your needs is:
psexec \\hostname -u user -p pass executable and if it's a GUI, add the -i flag.
From san's comment, it takes more time for the GUI executable to load, than a non-gui exe
So the following does work now that I've tested it:
The part that was missing is the backslashes before the hostname
import subprocess,time
psexecloc ="psexec.exe"
username = "XXXr"
password = "XXXXXXX"
remotehostname = "\\\\my-pc-name"
args = [psexecloc, "-i", "-u", username, "-p", password, remotehostname, remotecmd]
output = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdoutstr = outstr[0]
stderrstr = outstr[1]
print ("Output Tuple: ",outstr)
