Deploy node.js in hostinger VPS but not running - node.js

I have my node app upload into hostinger and npm start run well.
But I still can't access http://my-ip:3000
node and npm and mysql have been installed
but no luck.
Am I missing some important steps?

this problem could come from your code || network
pm2 logs
see if there are some error logs
check on vps that if your service online
if no resposne, you should fix the service code
check if your service runs on the right port
netstat -an | grep 3000


Why node js project not run on IP address on alibaba cloud

I have successfully deployed node js project on Alibaba cloud and running on port 2021 and 2020 i have export that port no and also added on ECS on Alibaba cloud instance.
when i run command pm2 start 0,1 its status is online but when i hit that port no with IP address on browser its not working i google it and spend lots of time but not found any solution this is my first deployment on Alibaba cloud any help thanks in advance.
Based on the screenshots provided, the application is kept restarting so it seems like the application is not stable enough to accept the connections.
Try to curl the application on server with port and check if it returns the answers with the following
curl http://localhost:2000
curl http://localhost:2021
more on curl request can be found here
If there are no answers then try checking the logs by running
pm2 logs

Node web server not visible externally, but Python is (MacOS)

I'm just starting to build an Ionic 2 app, but I can't get it working on my mobile device.
Python (works)
To demonstrate that the phone can see the host, I tried a Python server:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
If I go to on my phone, it connects fine and displays the directory listing.
Node (fails)
However, when I start Ionic:
$ ionic serve -p 8000
[INFO] Development server running
Local: http://localhost:8000
I can load it in my host's web browser, but I can't see it from my phone nor another computer (it times out). I also tried a basic node server:
$ npm install http-server -g
$ http-server -p 8000
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
With the same result as Ionic: accessible from the host, but not from the phone.
Is there something blocking the request? Or is there some Node configuration I'm missing? I'm new to both Mac OS and Node, so I don't know where to look.
Embarrasingly, this turned out to be a firewall issue. In System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall > Firewall Options, Node was explicitly set to deny incoming connections:
Changing it to Allow has fixed it. Phew!
Just execute ionic address and you'll get an IP address in your command line. Try with that ipaddress:port number from your mobile which will enable you to access your site from your phone.
Just incase if the ionic address command doesn't return anything, you need to execute the below command to point it to your ip,
ionic serve --address YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
Hope this helps!

Can't see my server on an azure vm

I have an Azure vm with Ubuntu 12 and I want to make an Angular2 server with angular-cli. When I run ng serve --port 80 I just can't see the page with a browser. When I check with CURL from the vm I can see the HTML properly but I get an error when I try to see it from the internet.
The strangest thing is that anything else I try works perfectly, I also have an old node server on the vm and when I run that I can see it normally from CURL and from the internet.
Okay so apparently I needed to specify host : sudo ng serve --host --port 80.
Thanks to evilSnobu.

Running node app digitalocean and accessing it

Im running my node app with grunt on a DO droplet. I start the server
Running "connect:server" (connect) task
Waiting forever...
Started connect web server on http://localhost:3000
But when I navigate to my dropletIP:3000 I cannot see the app, I get:
This site can’t be reached
mydropletIP refused to connect.
Shouldn't my app be available? I don't have nginx or anything installed.
I was having similar problem but the solution was simple. Change from 'localhost' to '' i.e
.listen(8080, '');
And then to test your api just enter your static ip of droplet with port that you have entered i.e droplet-ip:8080
Check the particular port is opened or not ,using following command
sudo ufw status
If any Firewall enabled and any port is block means you can see that.
netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " ( List of listening port on server)
I need this info ,then only we can find a problem

Getting 404 on sails project when reaching through machine name

I am pretty new to sails module on node.js
I created a basic web-app and it launches good on
but when I try to access with my machine name like
it goes 404 page. I also tried to access from another PC in same domain and same 404 error.
I expect both requests should return 200 response.
Am I missing something?
Here is a little information and some suggestions. Here I am on MAC OS X.
First, yes it should work out of the box:
$ sails new app && cd $_ && npm install
$ sails lift --port 1338
are all equivalent (loopback, my local IP, my local machine name respectively).
Try a port scan and see if the port you think it is running on is actually running or else already occupied.
On Mac OS X.
lsof -i :1337
Perhaps try starting on a different port:
sails lift --port 1338 (i did this for the above)
Did you install sails globally? If so, you could try uninstalling and reinstalling:
npm uninstall -g sails
npm install -g sails
If you are still having problems, they are local and very unlikely specific to SailsJS. Do usual troubleshooting for network / port related issues locally etc.
Finally, to gain access for other users to your local machine, i usually use ngrok. Ngrok exposes your localhost to the web - example:
$ npm install ngrok -g
$ ngrok http 1338
See this example usage:
In the above example, the locally running instance of sails at: localhost:1338 is now available on the Internet served at:
