Using Uncompyle6 library with virtual environment (virtualenv ) - python-3.x

I'm creating virtual environment with virtualenv library.I want to decrypt the .pyc extension file.The purpose of me using this library is that Uncompyle6 library doesn't support python 3.9 it yet.
I installed the 3.8.0 version of python in the virtual environment.Then i installed Uncompyle6 library.
Up to this point there was no problem.When I checked the python version in terminal, it showed 3.8.0
uncompyle6 file.pyc >
When I run this code I get the following error.
RuntimeError: Version 3.9 is not supported.
My questions is:
Why doesn't it reference my version of python in the virtual environment? and
How can I run it with the python version I installed in the virtual environment?


error no such option: --build-dir pycharm

I installed a second older Version of python (3.6) because I couldn't do something in my newer version. I created a new pycharm project with a new virtual environment and 3.6 as base interpreter. But when I try to install a package in pycharm (for example numpy) I get the error: no such option: --build-dir
Some things of note, that might be important to answer my question: I haven't added 3.6 to the path, when I installed it because the newer version is the one I mainly use. Also according to the following code my pip version is 21.3.1 :
import pkg_resources

libboost_python-dev for Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 22.04

I have a production server with Ubuntu 20.04 and Python v3.8.10.
My development environment is Ubuntu 22.04 with Python v3.10.6.
Both environments make use of a virtual environment when running python code.
Thus far the differences between Python 3.8 and 3.10 have not necessitated that I match my environments exactly. However, I am now forced to use a poorly maintained Python library in my code (provided by a payment gateway), and I encountered version-specific bugs with the library immediately after installing it. Needless to say, I am not confident that if I get it working in the development environment, it will work in the production environment as well. I need to be sure it works in production the first time.
I believe I have managed to successfully install Python 3.8 from source on my development system (without uninstalling Python 3.10). I managed to set up the virtualenv with the older version of Python successfully as well. The installation of requirements, however, fails with /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_python: No such file or directory during the installation of the pgmagick package. My understanding of the error is that I am missing the libboost_python-dev package for Python v3.8.
How can I install the older libboost_python-dev package on ubuntu 22.04?

python virtual environment version issue

I installed python version - 3.10.6 but because some of
AWS services can not support the runtime, I downgrade system python version to 3.9.14 and then try to create the virtual environment using the virtualenv .dev but, the new environment created with python version 3.10.6 beside of 3.9.6
Can not understand that how it is possible? and how to solve it? Please help. Thank you for time and consideration.

Decompile python 3.8 bytcode on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm trying to decompile python 3.8 from a project I'm working on.
Ive tried uncompyle6 version 3.8.0 and decompyle3 3.9.0 with mixed results.
decompyle3 only outputed assembly code and uncompyle6 could decompile a part of the file but complained this:
# file sdk_actions.pyc
# Deparsing stopped due to parse error
sdk_actions.pyc --
# decompile failed
Is there any python3.8 decompiling working? I also need it to run on Ubuntu 18.04

Can’t make python work in conda environment (GLIBC not found)

I'm trying to set up a conda environment with python 3.6 on a remote server working on CentOS. The installation goes well, but once I try to execute python I get the following message python: /lib64/ version 'GLIBC_2.15' not found. I noticed that for other python version older than 3.4 this doesn't happen.
Given this, I tried installing glibc before python, but after installing python 3.6 and trying to run it, now I get Segmentation fault (core dumped).
Note that I don't have permissions to update conda and that the version the server is using is 4.4.7, so I haven't tried updating it. However, I had previously set an environment without any problem. After I tried to install a package my jupyter notebooks wouldn't work so I removed the environment.
What would be the new system and the old one.
The old system -- the remove server running CentOS, has GLIBC that is older than 2.15.
The new system -- the one on which your Python 3.6 was compiled, used GLIBC-2.15 (or newer).
You need to either find a Python 3.6 build which is targeted to your version of CentOS, or you need to compile one yourself on a system with GLIBC matching whatever is installed on your remote server.
P.S. Saying "server running CentOS" is like saying "system running Windows" (i.e. not saying much). Which version of CentOS?
