I have the following rows in a dataframe:
Each record/row in that dataframe contains the amount of data that has been sent between a sender and receiver within a 10s time window. The timestamps marks when that individual time window started.
Now, I want to compute the amount of data between every pair of sender and receiver within a "flow".
With a flow, I mean that data is continuously transferred between sender and receiver.
If for a longer period of time (say 1 hour) no data is transferred, I want the flows to be split. In the example above, I would like to get:
flow_AB_1 = 200 bytes
flow_CD_1 = 300 bytes
flow_AB_2 = 550 bytes
flow_AB_2 would be a separate flow, as 2147487657 - 2147483657 = 4000 that is greater than 3600.
Is there a way to achieve this with pyspark/Apache Spark?
To solve your issue you can:
create a new column flow using the sessionization algorithm based on Spark's window described in this blog post
group by flow, sender and receiver to sum bytes
optionally, build your flows' names by concatenating sender, receiver and flow column
The complete code would be as follows:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Window
window = Window.partitionBy('sender', 'receiver').orderBy('timestamp')
result = dataframe \
.withColumn('flow_split', F.when(F.col('timestamp') - F.lag('timestamp').over(window) > 3600, F.lit(1)).otherwise(F.lit(0))) \
.withColumn('flow', F.sum('flow_split').over(window)) \
.groupby('sender', 'receiver', 'flow') \
.agg(F.sum('bytes').alias('bytes')) \
F.concat(F.lit('flow_'), F.col('sender'), F.col('receiver'), F.lit('_'), F.col('flow') + 1).alias('flow'),
With the input dataframe in your question, you will get the following result:
|flow |bytes|
|flow_AB_1|200 |
|flow_AB_2|550 |
|flow_CD_1|300 |
I am working on one CSV file below using PySpark(on databricks), but I am not sure how to get the total scan (event name) duration time. Assume one scan per time.
Below are some of my thoughts:
first get scan start time
scan_start = df[(df['event'] == 'scan') & (df['value'] == 'start')]
scan_start_time = scan_start['timestamp']
get scan end time
scan_end = df[(df['event'] == 'scan') & (df['value'] == 'end')]
scan_end_time = scan_start['timestamp']
the duration of each scan
each_duration = scan_end_time.values - scan_start_time.values
total duration
total_duration_ns = each_duration.sum()
But, I am not sure how to do the calculation in PySpark.
First, do we need to create a schema to pre-define the column name 'timestamp' type in timestamp? (Assume all the column types (timestamp, event, value) are in str type)
On the other hand, assume we have multiple(1000+files) similar to the above CSV files stored in databricks, how can we create a reusable code for all the CSV files. Eventually, create one table to store info of the total scan_duration.
Can someone please share with me some code in PySpark?
Thank you so much
This code will compute for each row the difference between the current timestamp and the timestamp in the previous row.
I'm creating a dataframe for reproducibility.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Window
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace, col, lag
import pandas as pd
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("DataFarme").getOrCreate()
data = pd.DataFrame(
"timestamp": ["2020-11-17_19:15:33.438102","2020-11-17_19:18:33.433002","2020-11-17_20:05:21.538125","2020-11-17_20:13:08.528102"],
"event": ["scan","scan","scan","scan"],
"value": ["start","end","start","end"]
# +--------------------+-----+-----+
# | timestamp|event|value|
# +--------------------+-----+-----+
# |2020-11-17_19:15:...| scan|start|
# |2020-11-17_19:18:...| scan| end|
# |2020-11-17_20:05:...| scan|start|
# |2020-11-17_20:13:...| scan| end|
# +--------------------+-----+-----+
Convert "timestamp" column to TimestampType() to be able to compute differences:
regexp_replace(col("timestamp"),"_"," "))
# +——————————-------------———+---——+—---—+
# |timestamp |event|value|
# +————————————-------------—+---——+—---—+
# |2020-11-17 19:15:33.438102|scan |start|
# |2020-11-17 19:18:33.433002|scan |end |
# |2020-11-17 20:05:21.538125|scan |start|
# |2020-11-17 20:13:08.528102|scan |end |
# +——————————-------------———+---——+---——+
df = df.withColumn("timestamp",
regexp_replace(col("timestamp"),"_"," ").cast(TimestampType()))
# [('timestamp', 'timestamp'), ('event', 'string'), ('value', 'string')]
Use pyspark.sql.functions.lag function that returns the value of the previous row (offset=1 by default).
See also How to calculate the difference between rows in PySpark? or Applying a Window function to calculate differences in pySpark
df.withColumn("lag_previous", col("timestamp").cast("long") - lag('timestamp').over(
# WARN WindowExec: No Partition Defined for Window operation! Moving all data to a single partition, this can cause serious performance degradation.
Using Window without partition gives a warning.
It is better to partition the dataframe for the Window operation, I partitioned here by type of event:
df.withColumn("lag_previous", col("timestamp").cast("long") - lag('timestamp').over(
# +———————————-------------——+---——+—---—+—------—————+
# |timestamp |event|value|lag_previous|
# +———————————-------------——+---——+---——+------——————+
# |2020-11-17 19:15:33.438102|scan |start|null |
# |2020-11-17 19:18:33.433002|scan |end |180 |
# |2020-11-17 20:05:21.538125|scan |start|2808 |
# |2020-11-17 20:13:08.528102|scan |end |467 |
# +—————-------------————————+---——+—---—+—------—————+
From this table you can filter out the rows with "end" value to get the total durations.
I have a huge PySpark dataframe and I'm doing a series of Window functions over partitions defined by my key.
The issue with the key is, my partitions gets skewed by this and results in Event Timeline that looks something like this,
I know that I can use salting technique to solve this issue when I'm doing a join. But how can I solve this issue when I'm using Window functions?
I'm using functions like lag, lead etc in the Window functions. I can't do the process with salted key, because I'll get wrong results.
How to solve skewness in this case?
I'm looking for a dynamic way of repartitioning my dataframe without skewness.
Updates based on answer from #jxc
I tried creating a sample df and tried running code over that,
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['id'] = np.random.randint(1, 1000, size=150000)
df['id'] = df['id'].map(lambda x: 100 if x % 2 == 0 else x)
df['timestamp'] = pd.date_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01'), periods=len(df), freq='60s')
sdf = sc.createDataFrame(df)
sdf = sdf.withColumn("amt", F.rand()*100)
w = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("timestamp")
sdf = sdf.withColumn("new_col", F.lag("amt").over(w) + F.lead("amt").over(w))
x = sdf.toPandas()
This gave me a event timeline like this,
I tried the code from #jxc's answer,
sdf = sc.createDataFrame(df)
sdf = sdf.withColumn("amt", F.rand()*100)
N = 24*3600*365*2
sdf_1 = sdf.withColumn('pid', F.ceil(F.unix_timestamp('timestamp')/N))
w1 = Window.partitionBy('id', 'pid').orderBy('timestamp')
w2 = Window.partitionBy('id', 'pid')
sdf_2 = sdf_1.select(
(F.lag('amt',1).over(w1) + F.lead('amt',1).over(w1)).alias('new_val')
sdf_3 = sdf_2.filter('rn in (1, 2, cnt-1, cnt)') \
.withColumn('new_val', F.lag('amt',1).over(w) + F.lead('amt',1).over(w)) \
.filter('rn in (1,cnt)')
df_new = sdf_2.filter('rn not in (1,cnt)').union(sdf_3)
x = df_new.toPandas()
I ended up one additional stage and the event timeline looked more skewed,
Also the run time is increased by a bit with new code
To process a large partition, you can try split it based on the orderBy column(most likely a numeric column or date/timestamp column which can be converted into numeric) so that all new sub-partitions maintain the correct order of rows. process rows with the new partitioner and for calculation using lag and lead functions, only rows around the boundary between sub-partitions need to be post-processed. (Below also discussed how to merge small partitions in task-2)
Use your example sdf and assume we have the following WinSpec and a simple aggregate function:
w = Window.partitionBy('id').orderBy('timestamp')
df.withColumn('new_amt', F.lag('amt',1).over(w) + F.lead('amt',1).over(w))
Task-1: split large partitions:
Try the following:
select a N to split timestamp and set up an additional partitionBy column pid (using ceil, int, floor etc.):
# N to cover 35-days' intervals
N = 24*3600*35
df1 = sdf.withColumn('pid', F.ceil(F.unix_timestamp('timestamp')/N))
add pid into partitionBy(see w1), then calaulte row_number(), lag() and lead() over w1. find also number of rows (cnt) in each new partition to help identify the end of partitions (rn == cnt). the resulting new_val will be fine for majority of rows except those on the boundaries of each partition.
w1 = Window.partitionBy('id', 'pid').orderBy('timestamp')
w2 = Window.partitionBy('id', 'pid')
df2 = df1.select(
(F.lag('amt',1).over(w1) + F.lead('amt',1).over(w1)).alias('new_amt')
Below is an example df2 showing the boundary rows.
process the boundary: select rows which are on the boundaries rn in (1, cnt) plus those which have values used in the calculation rn in (2, cnt-1), do the same calculation of new_val over w and save result for boundary rows only.
df3 = df2.filter('rn in (1, 2, cnt-1, cnt)') \
.withColumn('new_amt', F.lag('amt',1).over(w) + F.lead('amt',1).over(w)) \
.filter('rn in (1,cnt)')
Below shows the resulting df3 from the above df2
merge df3 back to df2 to update boundary rows rn in (1,cnt)
df_new = df2.filter('rn not in (1,cnt)').union(df3)
Below screenshot shows the final df_new around the boundary rows:
# drop columns which are used to implement logic only
df_new = df_new.drop('cnt', 'rn')
Some Notes:
the following 3 WindowSpec are defined:
w = Window.partitionBy('id').orderBy('timestamp') <-- fix boundary rows
w1 = Window.partitionBy('id', 'pid').orderBy('timestamp') <-- calculate internal rows
w2 = Window.partitionBy('id', 'pid') <-- find #rows in a partition
note: strictly, we'd better use the following w to fix boundary rows to avoid issues with tied timestamp around the boundaries.
w = Window.partitionBy('id').orderBy('pid', 'rn') <-- fix boundary rows
if you know which partitions are skewed, just divide them and skip others. the existing method might split a small partition into 2 or even more if they are sparsely distributed
df1 = df.withColumn('pid', F.when(F.col('id').isin('a','b'), F.ceil(F.unix_timestamp('timestamp')/N)).otherwise(1))
If for each partition, you can retrieve count(number of rows) and min_ts=min(timestamp), then try something more dynamically for pid(below M is the threshold number of rows to split):
F.expr(f"IF(count>{M}, ceil((unix_timestamp(timestamp)-unix_timestamp(min_ts))/{N}), 1)")
note: for skewness inside a partition, will requires more complex functions to generate pid.
if only lag(1) function is used, just post-process left boundaries, filter by rn in (1, cnt) and update only rn == 1
df3 = df1.filter('rn in (1, cnt)') \
.withColumn('new_amt', F.lag('amt',1).over(w)) \
.filter('rn = 1')
similar to lead function when we need only to fix right boundaries and update rn == cnt
if only lag(2) is used, then filter and update more rows with df3:
df3 = df1.filter('rn in (1, 2, cnt-1, cnt)') \
.withColumn('new_amt', F.lag('amt',2).over(w)) \
.filter('rn in (1,2)')
You can extend the same method to mixed cases with both lag and lead having different offset.
Task-2: merge small partitions:
Based on the number of records in a partition count, we can set up an threshold M so that if count>M, the id holds its own partition, otherwise we merge partitions so that #of total records is less than M (below method has a edging case of 2*M-2).
M = 20000
# create pandas df with columns `id`, `count` and `f`, sort rows so that rows with count>=M are located on top
d2 = pd.DataFrame([ e.asDict() for e in sdf.groupby('id').count().collect() ]) \
.assign(f=lambda x: x['count'].lt(M)) \
# add pid column to merge smaller partitions but the total row-count in partition should be less than or around M
# potentially there could be at most `2*M-2` records for the same pid, to make sure strictly count<M, use a for-loop to iterate d1 and set pid:
d2['pid'] = (d2.mask(d2['count'].gt(M),M)['count'].shift(fill_value=0).cumsum()/M).astype(int)
# add pid to sdf. In case join is too heavy, try using Map
sdf_1 = sdf.join(spark.createDataFrame(d2).alias('d2'), ["id"]) \
.select(sdf["*"], F.col("d2.pid"))
# check pid: # of records and # of distinct ids
sdf_1.groupby('pid').agg(F.count('*').alias('count'), F.countDistinct('id').alias('cnt_ids')).orderBy('pid').show()
| 0|74837| 1|
| 1|20036| 133|
| 2|20052| 134|
| 3|20010| 133|
| 4|15065| 100|
Now, the new Window should be partitioned by pid alone and move id to orderBy, see below:
w3 = Window.partitionBy('pid').orderBy('id','timestamp')
customize lag/lead functions based on the above w3 WinSpec, and then calculate new_val:
lag_w3 = lambda col,n=1: F.when(F.lag('id',n).over(w3) == F.col('id'), F.lag(col,n).over(w3))
lead_w3 = lambda col,n=1: F.when(F.lead('id',n).over(w3) == F.col('id'), F.lead(col,n).over(w3))
sdf_new = sdf_1.withColumn('new_val', lag_w3('amt',1) + lead_w3('amt',1))
To handle such skewed data, there are a couple of things you can try out.
If you are using Databricks to run your jobs and you know which column will have the skew then you can try out an option called skew hint
I recommend moving to Spark 3.0 since you will have the option to use Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) which can handle most of the issues improving your job health and potentially running them faster.
Usually, I suggest making your data more even-sized partitions before any wide operation, and Increasing the cluster size does help but I am not sure if this will work for you.
I have a stream of data coming from on Kafka call it a SourceStream.
I have another stream of Spark SQL queries whose individual values are Spark SQL queries along with a window size.
I want those queries to be applied to the SourceStream data, and pass the results of queries to the sink.
Source Stream
Id type timestamp user amount
------- ------ ---------- ---------- --------
uuid1 A 342342 ME 10.0
uuid2 B 234231 YOU 120.10
uuid3 A 234234 SOMEBODY 23.12
uuid4 A 234233 WHO 243.1
uuid5 C 124555 IT 35.12
Query Stream
Id window query
------- ------ ------
uuid13 1 hour select 'uuid13' as u, max(amount) as output from df where type = 'A' group by ..
uuid21 5 minute select 'uuid121' as u, count(1) as output from df where amount > 100 group by ..
uuid321 1 day select 'uuid321' as u, sum(amount) as output from df where amount > 100 group by ..
Each query in query stream would be applied to the source stream's incoming data at window mentioned along with the query, and the output would be sent to the sink.
What ways can I implement it with the Spark?
my data structure is like this:
train_info:(over 30000 rows)
odt:string (unique)
array:array<double> (with variable length depend on different odt and holiday_type )
useful_index:array<int> (length same as vectors)
...(other not important cols)
label_data:(over 40000 rows)
od_label: string
l_origin_array:array<double> (with variable length)
...(other not important cols)
my expected result is like this(length same with train_info):
my solution is like this:
if __name__=='__main __'
loop_item = train_info.collect()
result = knn_for_loop(spark, loop_item,train_info.schema,label_data)
----- do something -------
def knn_for_loop(spark, predict_list, schema, label_data):
result = list()
for i in predict_list:
# turn this Row col to Data Frame and join on label data
# across to this row data pick label data array data
predict_df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([i]).toDF(schema) \
.join(label_data, on=['holiday_type', "od_label"], how='left') \
UDFuncs.value_from_array_by_index(f.col('l_origin_array'), f.col("useful_index"))) \
# pandas execute
train_x = predict_df.l_array.values
train_y = predict_df.label.values
test_x = predict_df.array.values[0]
test_y = KNN(train_x, train_y, test_x)
result.append((i['odt'], i['holiday_type'], i['od_label'], test_y))
return result
it's worked but is really slow, I estimate each row need 18s.
in R language I can do this easily using do function:
something my tries
I tried to join them before use,and query them when I compute, but the data is too large to run (these two df have 400 million rows after join and It takes up 180 GB disk space on hive and query really slowly).
I tried to use pandas_udf, but it only allows one pd.data.frame parameter and slow).
I tried to use UDF, but UDF can't receive data frame obj.
I tried to use spark-knn package ,but I run with error,may be my offline
installation is wrong .
thanks for your help.
I'm trying to take out samples from two dataframes wherein I need the ratio of count maintained. eg
df1.count() = 10
df2.count() = 1000
noOfSamples = 10
I want to sample the data in such a way that i get 10 samples of size 101 each( 1 from df1 and 100 from df2)
Now while doing so,
var newSample = df1.sample(true, df1.count() / noOfSamples)
What does the fraction here imply? can it be greater than 1? I checked this and this but wasn't able to comprehend it fully.
Also is there anyway we can specify the number of rows to be sampled?
The fraction parameter represents the aproximate fraction of the dataset that will be returned. For instance, if you set it to 0.1, 10% (1/10) of the rows will be returned. For your case, I believe you want to do the following:
val newSample = df1.sample(true, 1D*noOfSamples/df1.count)
However, you may notice that newSample.count will return a different number each time you run it, and that's because the fraction will be a threshold for a random-generated value (as you can see here), so the resulting dataset size can vary. An workaround can be:
val newSample = df1.sample(true, 2D*noOfSamples/df1.count).limit(df1.count/noOfSamples)
Some scalability observations
You may note that doing a df1.count might be expensive as it evaluates the whole DataFrame, and you'll lose one of the benefits of sampling in the first place.
Therefore depending on the context of your application, you may want to use an already known number of total samples, or an approximation.
val newSample = df1.sample(true, 1D*noOfSamples/knownNoOfSamples)
Or assuming the size of your DataFrame as huge, I would still use a fraction and use limit to force the number of samples.
val guessedFraction = 0.1
val newSample = df1.sample(true, guessedFraction).limit(noOfSamples)
As for your questions:
can it be greater than 1?
No. It represents a fraction between 0 and 1. If you set it to 1 it will bring 100% of the rows, so it wouldn't make sense to set it to a number larger than 1.
Also is there anyway we can specify the number of rows to be sampled?
You can specify a larger fraction than the number of rows you want and then use limit, as I show in the second example. Maybe there is another way, but this is the approach I use.
To answer your question, is there anyway we can specify the number of rows to be sampled?
I recently needed to sample a certain number of rows from a spark data frame. I followed the below process,
Convert the spark data frame to rdd.
Example: df_test.rdd
RDD has a functionality called takeSample which allows you to give the number of samples you need with a seed number.
Example: df_test.rdd.takeSample(withReplacement, Number of Samples, Seed)
Convert RDD back to spark data frame using sqlContext.createDataFrame()
Above process combined to single step:
Data Frame (or Population) I needed to Sample from has around 8,000 records:
test1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(df_grp_1.rdd.takeSample(False,125,seed=115))
test1 data frame will have 125 sampled records.
To answer if the fraction can be greater than 1. Yes, it can be if we have replace as yes. If a value greater than 1 is provided with replace false, then following exception will occur:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Upper bound (2.0) must be <= 1.0.
I too find lack of sample by count functionality disturbing. If you are not picky about creating a temp view I find the code below useful (df is your dataframe, count is sample size):
val tableName = s"table_to_sample_${System.currentTimeMillis}"
val sampled = sqlContext.sql(s"select *, rand() as random from ${tableName} order by random limit ${count}")
It returns an exact count as long as your current row count is as large as your sample size.
The below code works if you want to do a random split of 70% & 30% of a data frame df,
val Array(trainingDF, testDF) = df.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3), seed = 12345)
I use this function for random sampling when exact number of records are desirable:
def row_count_sample (df, row_count, with_replacement=False, random_seed=113170):
ratio = 1.08 * float(row_count) / df.count() # random-sample more as dataframe.sample() is not a guaranteed to give exact record count
# it could be more or less actual number of records returned by df.sample()
if ratio>1.0:
ratio = 1.0
result_df = (df
.sample(with_replacement, ratio, random_seed)
.limit(row_count) # since we oversampled, make exact row count here
return result_df
May be you want to try below code..
val splits = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
val (trainingData, testData) = (splits(0), splits(1))