Error getting an item from json file in Ansible - azure

I am trying to get the subnets from a json query in Ansible. My debug is result is as below:
"msg": [
"address_prefix": "",
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxx/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/MYVNET/subnets/MySubnet",
"name": "MySubnet",
"network_security_group": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxx/resourceGroups/MYVNET/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/mynsg",
"provisioning_state": "Succeeded",
"route_table": null
I am trying to get the name of the subnet. My Ansible play is as below:
- name: "Retrieve resourcegroup infos"
register: object_vnet
- name: get subnet name
debug: msg='{{ item.value }}'
with_dict: "{{ object_vnet.virtualnetworks }}"
- item.key == 'subnets'
- is match *MySub*
The error that I get , is as below:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check ' is match *-MySub*' failed.
The error was: template error while templating string: unexpected 'end of statement block'.
String: {% if is match *MySub* %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}\n\n
The error appears to be in '/myplay.yml': line 41, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\n
The offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: get subnet name\n ^ here\n"}
Any ideas to help?

subnets are a list, so you need to loop on subnets objects of your vnets and loop on all subnets in a vnet.
to do this, you can create a separate file to loop and you subnets and loop on this file:
- name: create facts azure_subnets_result
azure_subnets_result: >-
( azure_subnets_result | default([]) )
+ [ az_sub_item ]
loop_var: az_sub_item
loop: "{{ az_sub }}"
when: ( | lower ) is match(".*mysub.*")
main file:
- name: "Retrieve resourcegroup infos"
register: object_vnet
- name: create azure_subnets object
azure_subnets: "{{ object_vnet.virtualnetworks | json_query(vnet_query) }}"
vnet_query: "[*].subnets"
- name: loop on all object subnets and all sub objects
include_tasks: loop.yml
loop_var: az_sub
loop: "{{ azure_subnets }}"
- name: debug message
debug: msg='{{ azure_subnets_result }}'


Multiple with_items in an Ansible module block

I want to create multiple logical volumes with a variable file but it return a sintax error found character that cannot start any token, I have tried in different ways but still doesn't work
- name: playbook for create volume groups
hosts: localhost
become: true
- include_vars: vars.yml
- name: Create a logical volume
vg: vg03
lv: "{{ item.var1 }}"
size: "{{ item.var2 }}"
- { var1: "{{ var_lv_name }}", var2: "{{ var_lv_size }}" }
- lv05
- lv06
- 1g
- 1g
Use with_together. Test it first. For example,
- debug:
msg: "Create lv: {{ item.0 }} size: {{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ var_lv_name }}"
- "{{ var_lv_size }}"
gives (abridged)
msg: 'Create lv: lv05 size: 1g'
msg: 'Create lv: lv06 size: 1g'
Optionally, put the declaration below into the file vars.yml
var_lv: "{{ var_lv_name|zip(var_lv_size) }}"
This creates the list
- [lv05, 1g]
- [lv06, 1g]
Use it in the code. The simplified task below gives the same results
- debug:
msg: "Create lv: {{ item.0 }} size: {{ item.1 }}"
loop: "{{ var_lv }}"
The previous answer it's totally correct but In my humble opinion we should be getting into the new way to do the things with loop and filters.
Here's my answer:
- name: playbook for create volume groups
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
become: true
vars_files: vars.yml
- name: Create a logical volume
vg: vg03
lv: "{{ item[0] }}"
size: "{{ item[1] }}"
loop: "{{ var_lv_name | zip(var_lv_size) | list }}"
In this answer you're using the new way to use loops with keyword loop and using filters like zip and turning the result into a list type for iteration in the loop.

Ansible Undefined variable in vars_files item but the variable was defined using set_fact

I'm trying to select a local file based on what motherboard version exists on the machine on which Ansible will deploy those files.
So my approach was to use dictionary in format {"<board_name>" : "<local_file>.yml"}. And use this dictionary to populate a new variable (pcu_config here) that will finally store the name of the file to be used by ansible. I've gotten so far as shown in my implementation, and I'm get undefined variable error at line
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/pcu_config/{{ pcu_config }}"
But as can be seen in the debug msg in the image of the output just before this play, pcu_config is indeed defined(and is the correct filename too).
- name: Find the pcu_config
hosts: vehicle
gather_facts : no
VirtualBox: virtual.yml
n1: n1.yml
n2: n2.yml
n3: n3.yml
n4a: n4a.yml
n4b: n4b.yml
- name: Find the motherboard name
shell: cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name
register: board_name
- name: Find the motherboard version
shell: cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version
register: board_version
- debug:
msg: "board_name : {{ board_name.stdout }}, board_version: {{ board_version.stdout }}, {{pcu_config_dict}} "
- name: Assign the PCU_config file for other than n4's
pcu_config: '{{pcu_config_dict[ board_name.stdout | default("this cpu does not exist in the dict")] | default("") }}'
when: board_name.stdout != "n4"
- name: Assign the PCU_config file for n4
pcu_config: '{{pcu_config_dict[board_version.stdout | default("this cpu_version does not exist in the dict")] | default("") }}'
when: board_name.stdout == "n4"
- name : Check pcu_config is available elsewhere in playbook
hosts: vehicle
- debug:
msg: "{{ pcu_config }}, {{ playbook_dir }}"
- name: Deploy software to vehicle
hosts: vehicle
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/pcu_config/{{ pcu_config }}"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/os_config/deb-files-cache.yml"
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/os_config/python_dep.yml"
- role: logger_network
tags: base
Here is the output when I run this playbook on my virtual machine.
Suggestions welcome to solve the X or Y problem.(ref #Zeitounator's comment)
Not the best approach but to access the variables set by set_facts elsewhere in the playbook, using cacheable: yes works.
- name: Assign the PCU_config file for other than n4's
pcu_config: '{{pcu_config_dict[ board_name.stdout | default("this cpu does not exist in the dict")] | default("") }}'
cacheable: yes
when: board_name.stdout != "n4"
- name: Assign the PCU_config file for n4
pcu_config: '{{pcu_config_dict[board_version.stdout | default("this cpu_version does not exist in the dict")] | default("") }}'
cacheable: yes
when: board_name.stdout == "n4"

Ansible loop to add member in Azure AD group using graph api

I have been stuck to loop over each "members" in variable file. Reason to take each members is to get user_id and passing those user id in graph api will be able to POST those members in specific AD group.
- name: Check if Group Exists
include_tasks: tasks/groups/check_group.yml
- name: Create Group
include_tasks: tasks/groups/create_group.yml
when: item.state == "present" and az_group_id == ""
- name: Populate the group with members
include_tasks: tasks/groups/add_member.yml
when: az_group_id != "" and item.state == "present"
loop: "{{ az_group_config_data }}"
- name: Get Azure AD User ID
include_tasks: tasks/users/gets/get_user_id.yml
- name: Add Member to a group
url: "{{ graph_api_base_url }}{{ group_service_context }}/{{ az_group_id }}/members/$ref"
method: POST
body: "{{ lookup('template','./add-group-member-body.j2') }}"
status_code: 204
return_content: yes
use_proxy: no
Authorization: Bearer {{ token }}
body_format: json
register: group_create_result
- name: Register list of Azure Users as Ansible Fact
url: "{{ graph_api_base_url }}{{ user_service_context }}?$top=999&$select=mail,id"
method: GET
status_code: 200
use_proxy: no
Authorization: Bearer {{ token }}
register: user_list_result
- name: Register User {{ az_user_mail }} ID as Ansible Fact
az_user_id: "{{ user_list_result.json.value | json_query(az_user_id_query) }}"
- az_group_name: ghe-test-users
aws_account: sbx
environment: poc
state: present
az_group_name: "{{ item.az_group_name }}"
az_user_mail: "{{ item.members }}"
# api helpers
graph_api_base_url: ""
group_service_context: "groups"
user_service_context: "users"
# query helpers
az_group_id_query: "[?displayName == '{{ az_group_name }}'].id | [0]"
az_user_id_query: "[?mail == '{{ az_user_mail }}'].id | [0]"
"": "{{ az_user_id }}"
Below code works to fetch email accounts
- name: latest-debug
az_user_mail: "{{ populate.1 }}"
loop: "{{ az_group_config_data|subelements('members') }}"
loop_var: populate
My issue is only last email account is getting created.

Print json output in Ansible and store in a list?

Ansible playbook:
- task:-
- code goes here
- name: Trying to get instance Private IP from ASG
- "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ INSTANCE_IDS_FROM_ASG }}"
register: instance_ids_result
- set_fact:
msg: "{{ instance_ids_result | json_query('results[*].instances[*].network_interfaces[*].private_ip_address') }} "
- debug: var=msg
I have the output as follows:
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
But, I would need the output in a list as ["", ""] or "" "".
What is the best way to print it that way?
You could flatten your list using the filter
- set_fact:
msg: "{{ instance_ids_result | json_query('results[*].instances[*].network_interfaces[*].private_ip_address') | flatten }} "

Using ansible launch configuration module ec2_lc and securitygroup names versus id

I want to accomplish the following in aws ec2:
Create security groups using ansible module ec2_group.
Create a launch configuration using ansible module ec2_lc and attach a security group created earlier.
Now, i want to use the security group names instead of id's because i want to be able to recreate the whole infrastructure with ansible if needed.
Recreating security groups will cause the id of the group to be different.
But the ec2_lc module only accepts security group id's.
Is there any way i can map a security group id to a name?
I am defining security groups like this:
- name: create ec2 group
name: "{{ }}"
description: "{{ item.description }}"
vpc_id: "{{ item.vpc_id }}"
region: "{{ item.region }}"
state: present
rules: "{{ item.rules }}"
rules_egress: "{{ item.rules_egress }}"
register: sg
The launch configuration code looks like this:
- name: Create Launch Configuration
region: "{{ item.region }}"
name: "{{ }}"
image_id: "{{ item.image_id }}"
key_name: "{{ item.key_name }}"
security_groups: "{{ item.security_groups }}" # how can i refer to specific group_id based on a group name?
instance_type: "{{ item.instance_type }}"
user_data: "{{ item.ec2_user_data }}"
instance_profile_name: "{{ item.instance_profile_name }}"
assign_public_ip: "{{ item.assign_public_ip }}"
Use the ec2_group-facts to query the security groups by name:
- ec2_group_facts:
- "{{ }}"
register: ec2sgs
- debug:
msg: "{{ ec2sgs.security_groups | map(attribute='group_id')| list }}"
With some tribute to this question, you can try this:
- name: Create Launch Configuration
security_groups: "{{ sg.results | selectattr('','equalto',item) | join('',attribute='group_id') }}"
You can write a filter, that can make an aws api call for you dynamically.
For instance I have something like this in my vars/main.yml
public_sg_id: "{{ 'Public' |get_sg(public_vpc_id, aws_region) }}"
Here is the code for get_sg filter.
import boto.ec2
from ansible import errors
def get_sg(name, vpc_id, region):
connect = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)
filter_by = {
"tag-key": "Name",
"tag-value": name,
"vpc-id": vpc_id
sg_groups = connect.get_all_security_groups(filters=filter_by)
if len(sg_groups) == 1:
return sg_groups[0].id
elif len(sg_groups) > 1:
raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(
"Too many results for {0}: {1}".format(
name, ",".join(sg_groups)
raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(
"Security Group {0} was not found".format(name)
