Does docusign webhooks notify about template changes - docusignapi

Use Case -
We are an origanization who helps universities manage the sport activities and contract of their students. We are planning to integrate docusign in our system both web and mobile app. One feature that we need is the information regarding the created templates, is there a way to get notified about templates via webhooks(like when it was last used, or created).

So, webhooks may not be suitable to know when a new template is created, because currently the webhook is tied to an existing object, and the object is not yet there, so it's a catch22.
What you can use instead is the DocuSign Monitor API. It's a different approach, but using this API, you can get data about anything that happens in the DocuSign account, including templates.
You can make raw API calls, or use the Monitor SDKs for one of six languages.

I'm not 100% on this but one approach would be to use folders. Put your templates in a named folder and use the listStatusChanges API with a folder id as a query parameter (
You can also select "Folders" in the "Include Data:" section of your DocuSign Connect webhook and filter for the folder(s) you're looking for.


Watermark Removal from Docusign "Copyview" Watermark

Question??? My company is using docusign for esignatures and we have run into a situation were we need to have the signed copies of the documents without the copy view watermark on them. To remove them we have turned to a site called eoriginal which will clean up the docs and remove the cope view watermark, however we are continuing to have numerous issues with this service. So I am attempting to find an alternative solution, any feedback or suggestions are much appreciated.
Not knowing what your issues are, I'm not sure I can help, but have you looked at our dev center article about how to export authoritative copy using the DocuSign eSignature SOAP API? It covers this topic in details and explains that you can do this given the following prerequisits:
You must use the SOAP API
Your account must have access to the
Authoritative Copy feature. Contact DocuSign Customer Support and ask
that your API user be granted permission to export Authoritative
If you want to select which envelopes will record an
Authoritative Copy, add "authoritativeCopy": "true" to the envelope
definition in your API call.
If you want all envelopes to use
Authoritative Copy, ask DocuSign Customer Support to set the "Auto
Authoritative Copy:" to Enabled on your account.
Finally, it's important to note this is a one-time action, and once it is done - you can never do it again (for a given envelope).

DocuSign API question - template utilization

We are trying to set up a DocuSign API where we utilize information put in by the user on a website and then send that to our DocuSign account to have a template applied to it. When we are trying to create this scenario do we still need to have the API "tabs" section in the payload that is being sent to DocuSign? Our documents being sent will already have the anchor tags placed into them by another program (Smart Communications).
Thank you.
I am not familiar with Smart Communications. When you send the envelope request (either via a template or directly) you need to specify where the tabs are located.
That tab information can come from any resource (perhaps Smart Communications). If you can elaborate more on your scenario (in terms of how Smart Com works etc.) I can give you a more specific answer. Thank you.

is there rest APIs to create an agreement using a predefined template in Docusign CLM?

I want to integrate a web portal with DocuSign CLM. I have few form fields and a template in DocuSign CLM.
I want to perform the below tasks from the portal:
Mapping fields value sent from portal to form fields in the template
Generate an agreement using the template
View the agreement
Send it for e-signature
I want to know all CLM rest APIs that will allow me to use this programmatically from the frontend by passing values from our portal to CLM.
I went through the below CLM rest API docs but it didn't help much.
Any help would be appreciated.
according to my teammates at DocuSign, you have to process all of your XML before you send it so that it is compatible with the merge template you’re sending it to.
This documentation may be helpful to look further into your question:
this is not a question but rather a demand and is not in the spirit of the stackoverflow. I suggest that you either start doing research to better understand the space that you are working in or find a partner or engage with Professional services
Here are some links to get you started.

Different webhook endpoints for different apps?

Is it possible to have different webhook endpoints for different apps in docusign? I don't seem to be able to set the app in the configurations for webhook
I think, you can try using DocuSign connect, where you can give two different webhook links for different apps. Docusign connect is also more secured.
Not through the web console - Account-level Connect configs are mostly all-or-nothing (although you can enable/disable them by sending user).
If you want one application's envelopes to write to one endpoint and another's to another, you need to set up both applications to include EventNotifications in the envelope definition.
EventNotifications are effectively a Connect configuration embedded into the envelope. They are documented in the schema of the CreateEnvelope call ( and code examples are available here:
You can create two or more webhook "subscriptions" for a single account. One subscribing URL can be used for one of the apps, the other for a second app.
However, both URLs will receive all the notifications (for both apps).
So you need a way for both URLs' servers to only pay attention to the notifications for their own application. Easiest way is to set a metadata envelope-level field in the envelopes. This can be done either via the Envelopes:create method or set within a template.

Is it possible to simulate signing of a document via DocuSign API?

I'm working on testing our application and have the need to simulate signing of a document via the API. These aren't real documents I just need to be able to set the signing the order in a specific order but I don't receive emails for recipients until the previous one has signed. So is it possible to use the DocuSign API to sign a "Sign Here" tab? Or do I have any other options?
I haven't been able to find any clear information on this topic although I fear the answer is not. Looking through DocuSign's REST API there's a couple of endpoints that suggests I might be able to do this but I'm not quite sure it's referencing what I'm looking to do. The following endpoint has a GET and PUT function but not sure it's what I want.
No, the DocuSign API does not have a functionality for 'robo-signing'.
If the goal is to check routing order, you could change a Signer to a Carbon Copy recipient: CC roles are immediately completed.
For reference, the signature_image API calls allow you to view or change a user's adopted signatures. They shouldn't be used to apply a signature to a document.
