How do I show all values in an aggregated tooltip? - altair

I would like myval to show the name of each car for each aggregated year, ex. "chevrolet chevelle malibu".
The [object Object] thing appears to be JavaScript related.
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
import pandas as pd
import pdb
df =
mychart = (
.transform_joinaggregate(count="count(*)", myval="values(Name)", groupby=["Year"])
timeUnit=alt.TimeUnitParams(unit="year", step=1),
y=alt.Y("count", type="quantitative"),

This is a great question, and I'm not sure there's a satisfactory answer. The reason this is displayed as [object Object], [object Object], etc. is because the values aggregate returns a list of the entire row for each value. So the full representation would be something like this:
[{'Name': 'chevrolet chevelle malibu', 'Miles_per_Gallon': 18.0, 'Cylinders': 8, 'Displacement': 307.0, 'Horsepower': 130.0, 'Weight_in_lbs': 3504, 'Acceleration': 12.0, 'Year': 1970, 'Origin': 'USA'}, {'Name': 'buick skylark 320', 'Miles_per_Gallon': 15.0, 'Cylinders': 8, 'Displacement': 350.0, 'Horsepower': 165.0, 'Weight_in_lbs': 3693, 'Acceleration': 11.5, 'Year': 1970, 'Origin': 'USA'}, ...]
and those are just the first two entries! So clearly it won't really fit in a tooltip. For what it's worth, newer versions of Vega improve on this (which you can see by viewing the equivalent chart in the vega editor) but it's still not what you're looking for.
What you need is a way to extract just the name from each value in the list... and I'm sure that Vega-Lite transforms provide any good way to do that (the vega expression language does not have anything that resembles list comprehensions or function mapping).
The best I can think of is something like this, to display, say, the first 4 values:
mychart = (
.transform_joinaggregate(count="count(*)", myval="values(Name)", groupby=["Year"])
timeUnit=alt.TimeUnitParams(unit="year", step=1),
y=alt.Y("count", type="quantitative"),
tooltip=alt.Tooltip(["first_val:N", "second_val:N", "third_val:N", "fourth_val:N"]),
Another option would be, instead of using a tooltip, to use a second chart that updates on mouseover:
base = (
.transform_joinaggregate(count="count(*)", values="values(Name)", groupby=["Year"])
selection = alt.selection_single(fields=['Year'], on='mouseover', empty='none')
bars = (
timeUnit=alt.TimeUnitParams(unit="year", step=1),
y=alt.Y("count", type="quantitative"),
text = (
y=alt.Y('Name:N', axis=None),
chart2 = bars | text
I'd be interested to see if anyone knows of a more complete solution.


convert Array of polygons to Multipolygon

I have an array of Polygons. I need to convert the array in to Multipolygon.
["POLYGON ((-93.8153401599999 31.6253224010001, -93.8154545089999 31.613245482, -93.8256952309999 31.6133096470001, -93.8239846819999 31.6142335050001, -93.822649241 31.614534889, -93.819589744 31.6141266810001, -93.8187199179999 31.6145615630001, -93.818796329 31.6166099970001, -93.8191396409999 31.616805696, -93.822160944 31.6185287610001, -93.8259606669999 31.6195415540001, -93.827173805 31.6202834370001, -93.826861 31.621054014, -93.826721397 31.6210996090001, -93.825838469 31.621387795, -93.823763302 31.620645804, -93.8224278609999 31.620880388, -93.8207344099999 31.6214468590001, -93.817712918 31.621645233, -93.8171636009999 31.6218779230001, -93.8170138 31.622175612, -93.816896795 31.622408104, -93.816843193 31.622514901, -93.8172703129999 31.623758464, -93.817027909 31.6250143240001, -93.816942408 31.624910524, -93.8153401599999 31.6253224010001))", "POLYGON ((-93.827875499 31.6135011530001, -93.8276549939999 31.6133218590001, -93.830593683 31.613340276, -93.827860513 31.616556659, -93.825911348 31.6159317660001, -93.825861447 31.615915767, -93.826296355 31.6149087000001, -93.8272805829999 31.614407122, -93.827341685 31.6143140250001, -93.827875499 31.6135011530001))"]
I am using the following code to convert the Multipolygons using Apache Sedona
select FID,ST_Multi(ST_GeomFromText(collect_list(polygon))) polygon_list group by 1
I am getting the error like "org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.GenericArrayData cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String" .How can I overcome this issue ? is the same thing can be achieved using Geopandas or shapely?
The answer given by #Antoine B is a very good attempt. But it won't work with the polygons that have hole(s) in them. There is another approach that works with such polygons, and the code is easier to comprehend.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
from shapely import wkt
from shapely.wkt import loads
# List of strings representing polygons
poly_string = ["POLYGON ((-93.8153401599999 31.6253224010001, -93.8154545089999 31.613245482, -93.8256952309999 31.6133096470001, -93.8239846819999 31.6142335050001, -93.822649241 31.614534889, -93.819589744 31.6141266810001, -93.8187199179999 31.6145615630001, -93.818796329 31.6166099970001, -93.8191396409999 31.616805696, -93.822160944 31.6185287610001, -93.8259606669999 31.6195415540001, -93.827173805 31.6202834370001, -93.826861 31.621054014, -93.826721397 31.6210996090001, -93.825838469 31.621387795, -93.823763302 31.620645804, -93.8224278609999 31.620880388, -93.8207344099999 31.6214468590001, -93.817712918 31.621645233, -93.8171636009999 31.6218779230001, -93.8170138 31.622175612, -93.816896795 31.622408104, -93.816843193 31.622514901, -93.8172703129999 31.623758464, -93.817027909 31.6250143240001, -93.816942408 31.624910524, -93.8153401599999 31.6253224010001))", "POLYGON ((-93.827875499 31.6135011530001, -93.8276549939999 31.6133218590001, -93.830593683 31.613340276, -93.827860513 31.616556659, -93.825911348 31.6159317660001, -93.825861447 31.615915767, -93.826296355 31.6149087000001, -93.8272805829999 31.614407122, -93.827341685 31.6143140250001, -93.827875499 31.6135011530001))"]
# Create a list of polygons from the list of strings
all_pgons = [loads(pgon) for pgon in poly_string]
# Create the required multipolygon
multi_pgon = MultiPolygon(all_pgons)
This is a list of strings of polygons with holes.
# List of polygons with hole
poly_string = ['POLYGON ((1 2, 1 5, 4 4, 1 2), (1.2 3, 3 4, 1.3 4, 1.2 3))',
'POLYGON ((11 12, 11 15, 14 14, 11 12), (11.2 13, 13 14, 11.3 14, 11.2 13))']
The code above also works well in this case.
a MultiPolygon is just a list of Polygon, so you need to reconstruct every Polygon in a list and then pass it to MultiPolygon.
With the format of the string you gave, I got it to work like that :
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
poly_string = ["POLYGON ((-93.8153401599999 31.6253224010001, -93.8154545089999 31.613245482, -93.8256952309999 31.6133096470001, -93.8239846819999 31.6142335050001, -93.822649241 31.614534889, -93.819589744 31.6141266810001, -93.8187199179999 31.6145615630001, -93.818796329 31.6166099970001, -93.8191396409999 31.616805696, -93.822160944 31.6185287610001, -93.8259606669999 31.6195415540001, -93.827173805 31.6202834370001, -93.826861 31.621054014, -93.826721397 31.6210996090001, -93.825838469 31.621387795, -93.823763302 31.620645804, -93.8224278609999 31.620880388, -93.8207344099999 31.6214468590001, -93.817712918 31.621645233, -93.8171636009999 31.6218779230001, -93.8170138 31.622175612, -93.816896795 31.622408104, -93.816843193 31.622514901, -93.8172703129999 31.623758464, -93.817027909 31.6250143240001, -93.816942408 31.624910524, -93.8153401599999 31.6253224010001))", "POLYGON ((-93.827875499 31.6135011530001, -93.8276549939999 31.6133218590001, -93.830593683 31.613340276, -93.827860513 31.616556659, -93.825911348 31.6159317660001, -93.825861447 31.615915767, -93.826296355 31.6149087000001, -93.8272805829999 31.614407122, -93.827341685 31.6143140250001, -93.827875499 31.6135011530001))"]
polygons = []
for poly in poly_string:
coordinates = []
for s in poly.split('('):
if len(s.split(')')) > 1:
for c in s.split(')')[0].split(','):
coordinates.append((float(c.lstrip().split(' ')[0]),
float(c.lstrip().split(' ')[1])))
multipoly = MultiPolygon(polygons)
The resulting MultiPolygon looks like that :
I would try
ST_Multi(ST_Collect(ST_GeomFromText(polygon))) polygon_list
group by 1

How to parse complicated CSV file

I received a CSV file that includes a combination of string and tuple elements and cannot find a way to parse it properly. Am I missing something obvious?
"26cc7957-5a6b-4bde-a996-dd823f54ece7","3-Axial Skeleton F18","937c47b0-cc66-4938-81de-1b1b58388499","001","3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4","MOVESCI 230","Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy","62d059e8-9ab4-41d4-9eb8-00ba67d9fac9","A blow to which side of the knee might tear the medial collateral ligament?","{"choices":["medial","lateral"],"type":"MultipleChoice"}","{"solution":[1],"selectAll":false,"type":"MultipleChoice"}","2018-09-30 23:54:16.000","7b5048e5-7460-49f8-a64a-763b7f62d771","{"solution":[1],"type":"MultipleChoice"}","1","57ba970d-d02b-4a10-a64d-56f02336ee08","Student","One","","Student"
"26cc7957-5a6b-4bde-a996-dd823f54ece7","3-Axial Skeleton F18","937c47b0-cc66-4938-81de-1b1b58388499","001","3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4","MOVESCI 230","Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy","f82cb32b-45ce-4d3a-aa74-b3fa1a1038a2","What is the name of this movement?","{"choices":["right rotation","left rotation","right lateral rotation","left lateral rotation"],"type":"MultipleChoice"}","{"solution":[1],"selectAll":false,"type":"MultipleChoice"}","2018-09-30 23:20:33.000","d6cce4d9-37ae-409e-afc5-54ad79f86226","{"solution":[3],"type":"MultipleChoice"}","0","921d1b9b-f550-4289-89f1-2a805b27eeb3","Student","Two","","Student"
where 1st row is titles, 2nd starts the data
with open(filepathcsv) as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in readCSV:
numcolumns = len(row)
print(numcolumns,": ",row)
20 : ['presentation_id', 'presentation_name', 'sectionId', 'sectionNumber', 'courseId', 'courseIdentifier', 'courseName', 'activity_id', 'activity_prompt', 'activity_content', 'solution', 'event_timestamp', 'answer_id', 'answer', 'isCorrect', 'userid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'role']
25 : ['26cc7957-5a6b-4bde-a996-dd823f54ece7', '3-Axial Skeleton F18', '937c47b0-cc66-4938-81de-1b1b58388499', '001', '3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4', 'MOVESCI 230', 'Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy', '62d059e8-9ab4-41d4-9eb8-00ba67d9fac9', 'A blow to which side of the knee might tear the medial collateral ligament?', '{choices":["medial"', 'lateral]', 'type:"MultipleChoice"}"', '{solution":[1]', 'selectAll:false', 'type:"MultipleChoice"}"', '2018-09-30 23:54:16.000', '7b5048e5-7460-49f8-a64a-763b7f62d771', '{solution":[1]', 'type:"MultipleChoice"}"', '1', '57ba970d-d02b-4a10-a64d-56f02336ee08', 'William', 'Muter', '', 'Student']
27 : ['26cc7957-5a6b-4bde-a996-dd823f54ece7', '3-Axial Skeleton F18', '937c47b0-cc66-4938-81de-1b1b58388499', '001', '3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4', 'MOVESCI 230', 'Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy', 'f82cb32b-45ce-4d3a-aa74-b3fa1a1038a2', 'What is the name of this movement?', '{choices":["right rotation"', 'left rotation', 'right lateral rotation', 'left lateral rotation]', 'type:"MultipleChoice"}"', '{solution":[1]', 'selectAll:false', 'type:"MultipleChoice"}"', '2018-09-30 23:20:33.000', 'd6cce4d9-37ae-409e-afc5-54ad79f86226', '{solution":[3]', 'type:"MultipleChoice"}"', '0', '921d1b9b-f550-4289-89f1-2a805b27eeb3', 'Noah', 'Willett', '', 'Student']
csv.reader is parsing each row differently because of complicated structure with embedded curly braced elements.
...but I expect 20 elements in each row.
The in the records, not the code. Your code works fine. To solve the problem you need to fix csv file because the fields with json content weren't serialised correctly.
Just change one quote sign " to two signs "" to escape them.
Here the example of fixed csv row.
"26cc7957-5a6b-4bde-a996-dd823f54ece7","3-Axial Skeleton F18","937c47b0-cc66-4938-81de-1b1b58388499","001","3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4","MOVESCI 230","Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy","f82cb32b-45ce-4d3a-aa74-b3fa1a1038a2","What is the name of this movement?","{""choices"":[""right rotation"",""left rotation"",""right lateral rotation"",""left lateral rotation""],""type"":""MultipleChoice""}","{""solution"":[1],""selectAll"":false,""type"":""MultipleChoice""}","2018-09-30 23:20:33.000","d6cce4d9-37ae-409e-afc5-54ad79f86226","{""solution"":[3],""type"":""MultipleChoice""}","0","921d1b9b-f550-4289-89f1-2a805b27eeb3","Student","Two","","Student"
And the result of your code after fix:
20 : ['26cc7957-5a6b-4bde-a996-dd823f54ece7', '3-Axial Skeleton F18', '937c47b0-cc66-4938-81de-1b1b58388499', '001', '3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4', 'MOVESCI 230', 'Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy', 'f82cb32b-45ce-4d3a-aa74-b3fa1a1038a2', 'What is the name of this movement?', '{"choices":["right rotation","left rotation","right lateral rotation","left lateral rotation"],"type":"MultipleChoice"}', '{"solution":[1],"selectAll":false,"type":"MultipleChoice"}', '2018-09-30 23:20:33.000', 'd6cce4d9-37ae-409e-afc5-54ad79f86226', '{"solution":[3],"type":"MultipleChoice"}', '0', '921d1b9b-f550-4289-89f1-2a805b27eeb3', 'Student', 'Two', '', 'Student']
Thank you all for your suggestions!
Also, my apologies, as I did not include the raw CSV file I was trying to parse (example here:)
"b5ae18d3-b6dd-4d0a-84fe-7c43df472571"|"Climate_Rapid_Change_W18.pdf"|"18563b1e-a467-44b3-aed7-3607a1acd712"|"001"|"c86c8c8d-dca6-41cd-a010-a83e40d93e75"|"CLIMATE 102"|"Extreme Weather"|"278c4561-c834-4343-a770-3f544966f633"|"Which European city is at the same latitude as Ann Arbor?"|"{"choices":["Stockholm, Sweden","Berlin, Germany","London, England","Paris, France","Madrid, Spain"],"type":"MultipleChoice"}"|"{"solution":[4],"selectAll":false,"type":"MultipleChoice"}"|"2019-01-31 22:11:08.000"|"81392cd3-28e9-4e2e-8a33-018104b1f4d1"|"{"solution":[3,4],"type":"MultipleChoice"}"|"0"|"2db10c95-b507-4211-8244-394361148b22"|"Student"|"One"|""|"Student"
"ee73fdaf-a926-4899-b0f7-9b942f1b44ad"|"6-Elbow, Wrist, Hand W19"|"48539109-529e-4359-83b9-2ae81be0532c"|"001"|"3b5b5e49-1798-4eab-86d7-186cf59149b4"|"MOVESCI 230"|"Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy"|"fcd7c673-d944-48c3-8a09-f458e03f8c44"|"What is the name of this movement?"|"{"choices":["first phalangeal joint","first proximal interphalangeal joint","first distal interphalangeal joint","first interphalangeal joint"],"type":"MultipleChoice"}"|"{"solution":[3],"selectAll":false,"type":"MultipleChoice"}"|"2019-01-31 22:07:32.000"|"9016f36c-41f5-4e14-84a9-78eea682c802"|"{"solution":[3],"type":"MultipleChoice"}"|"1"|"7184708d-4dc7-42e0-b1ea-4aca51f00fcd"|"Student"|"Two"|""|"Student"
You are correct that the problem was the form of the CSV file.
I changed readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile) to readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter="|", quotechar='|')
I then took the resulting list and removed the extraneous quotation marks from each element.
The rest of the program now works properly.

Funnel Chart in plotly

I am trying to create a funnel chart using plotly and am not having any luck. Even the canned examples from plotly don't work for me, can someone please help?
from plotly import graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel(
y = ["Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "invoice sent"],
x = [39, 27.4, 20.6, 11, 2]))
I get this huge traceback error:
Invalid value of type 'plotly.graph_objs.Funnel' received for the 'data' property of
Received value: Funnel({
'x': [39, 27.4, 20.6, 11, 2],
'y': [Website visit, Downloads, Potential customers, Requested price, invoice
The 'data' property is a tuple of trace instances
that may be specified as:
- A list or tuple of trace instances
(e.g. [Scatter(...), Bar(...)])
- A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties where:
- The 'type' property specifies the trace type
One of: ['area', 'bar', 'barpolar', 'box',
'candlestick', 'carpet', 'choropleth', 'cone',
'contour', 'contourcarpet', 'funnel',
'funnelarea', 'heatmap', 'heatmapgl',
'histogram', 'histogram2d',
'histogram2dcontour', 'isosurface', 'mesh3d',
'ohlc', 'parcats', 'parcoords', 'pie',
'pointcloud', 'sankey', 'scatter',
'scatter3d', 'scattercarpet', 'scattergeo',
'scattergl', 'scattermapbox', 'scatterpolar',
'scatterpolargl', 'scatterternary', 'splom',
'streamtube', 'sunburst', 'surface', 'table',
'violin', 'volume', 'waterfall']
- All remaining properties are passed to the constructor of
the specified trace type
(e.g. [{'type': 'scatter', ...}, {'type': 'bar, ...}])
It seems like you’re using version 3, in which case you will need to use go.Figure(data=[go.Funnel(...)]) (basically wrap your funnel trace in an array... only in version 4 is this optional)

Numpy Array value setting issues

I have a data set that spans a certain length of time and data points for each of these time points. I would like to create a much more detailed timescale and fill the empty data points to zero. I wrote a piece of code to do this but it isn't doing what I want it to. I tried a sample case though and it seems to work. Below are the two codes.
This piece of code does not do what I want it to.
import numpy as np
TD_t = np.array([36000, 36500, 37000, 37500, 38000, 38500, 39000, 39500, 40000, 40500, 41000, 41500, 42000, 42500,
43000, 43500, 44000, 44500, 45000, 45500, 46000, 46500, 47000, 47500, 48000, 48500, 49000, 49500,
50000, 50500, 51000, 51500, 52000, 52500, 53000, 53500, 54000, 54500, 55000, 55500, 56000, 56500,
57000, 57500, 58000, 58500, 59000, 59500, 60000, 60500, 61000, 61500, 62000, 62500, 63000, 63500,
64000, 64500, 65000, 65500, 66000])
TD_d = np.array([-0.05466527, -0.04238242, -0.04477601, -0.02453717, -0.01662798, -0.02548617, -0.02339215,
-0.01186576, -0.0029057 , -0.01094671, -0.0095005 , -0.0190277 , -0.01215644, -0.01997112,
-0.01384497, -0.01610656, -0.01927564, -0.02119056, -0.011634 , -0.00544096, -0.00046568,
-0.0017769 , -0.0007341, 0.00193066, 0.01359107, 0.02054919, 0.01420335, 0.01550565,
0.0132394 , 0.01371563, 0.01959774, 0.0165316 , 0.01881992, 0.01554435, 0.01409003,
0.01898334, 0.02300266, 0.03045158, 0.02869013, 0.0238423 , 0.02902356, 0.02568908,
0.02954539, 0.02537967, 0.02927247, 0.02138605, 0.02815635, 0.02733237, 0.03321588,
0.03063803, 0.03783137, 0.04110955, 0.0451221 , 0.04646263, 0.04472884, 0.04935833,
0.03372911, 0.04031406, 0.04165237, 0.03940343, 0.03805504])
time = np.arange(0, 100001,1)
data = np.zeros_like(time)
for i in range(0, len(TD_t)):
t = TD_t[i]
data[t] = TD_d[i]
But for some reason this code works.
import numpy
nums = numpy.array([0,1,2,3])
data = numpy.zeros_like(nums)
data[0] = nums[2]
data[0], nums[2]
Any help will be much appreciated!!
It's because the dtype of data is being set to int64, and so when you try to reassign one of the data elements, it gets rounded to zero.
Try changing the line to:
data = np.zeros_like(time, dtype=float)
and it should work (or use whatever dtype the TD_d array is)

Python flickrapi returns the same picture on every page

I'm testing the flickrapi for python and have some code that randomly chooses a picture of Chinese food. It does this by getting 1 result on 1 page and using the total number of pages in that result to choose 1 result on 1 random page. Here is the code I'm using to get the images:
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key='mykey', secret='mysecret', format='parsed-json', cache=False)
data1 ='Chinese Food',
data2 ='Chinese Food',
page=randint(1, data1['photos']['pages']),
No matter what I do the result in data2 is always the exact same image returned in data1, I could get the first result from page 1 and the first result from page 3472 and the image is exactly the same every time.
Here is a sample of the data returned
//From data1
{'photos': {'page': 1, 'pages': 70007, 'perpage': 1, 'total': '70007', 'photo': [{'id': '35800805325', 'owner': '24171591#N06', 'secret': '408928a034', 'server': '4261', 'farm': 5, 'title': 'Personalized Maple Wood Chopsticks', 'ispublic': 1, 'isfriend': 0, 'isfamily': 0}]}, 'stat': 'ok'}
//From data2
{'photos': {'page': 41043, 'pages': 70007, 'perpage': 1, 'total': '70007', 'photo': [{'id': '35800805325', 'owner': '24171591#N06', 'secret': '408928a034', 'server': '4261', 'farm': 5, 'title': 'Personalized Maple Wood Chopsticks', 'ispublic': 1, 'isfriend': 0, 'isfamily': 0, 'url_l': '', 'height_l': '859', 'width_l': '1024'}]}, 'stat': 'ok'}
Notice the id and title in both sets of data are exactly the same and the page numbers are different. I've tested this in the Flickr API explorer with the exact same parameters and I do get the same image when I specify page 1 but I also get a completely different image if I specify any other page, so this seems to be an issue with the python flickrapi implementation or one of its dependencies maybe?
I can't seem to find the issue. What is going on?
Looks like other people have been having this issue with Flickr's API since 2011 and it still hasn't been fixed. So, it doesn't seem to be related to Python or the Python Flickr module. I was able to improve the "randomness" by increasing the number of results per page which is something I didn't want to do but it's the only thing that works.
