Differences shallow and deep CNN - conv-neural-network

I try to confirm the performance differences between shallow CNN model (AlexNet) and deep CNN model(ResNet). When the training datasets are small, shallow CNN outperforms the deep CNN. But when the training datasets became to large, the performance differences decrease. Finally, deep CNN outperforms shallow CNN. Could you please these detailed backgrounds or let me know the related paper? Regards,

Since this hasn't been answered in a while, I'll give my humble understanding of shallow vs deep CNNs based on multiple experimentations using different models/datasets. The main points are summarized below:


Why my ELMo-CNN model gives worse performance than Word2vec?

I want to compare the performance between ELMo and word2vec as word embedding using the CNN model by classifying 4000 tweet data on five class labels, but the results show that ELMo gives worse performance than word2vec.
I used ELMoformanylangs for ELMo and pretrained 1 million tweets for word2vec
Curve loss of word2vec-cnn
Curve loss of ELMo-cnn
It shows that the 2 models are overfitting, but why can ELMo be worse than word2vec?
From the elmoformanylangs project you've linked, it looks like your generic ELMo model was trained on "on a set of 20-million-words data randomly sampled from the raw text released by the shared task (wikidump + common crawl)".
Given that many tweets are larger than 20 words, your 1-million-tweets training set for word2vec might be larger training data than was used for the ELMo model. And, coming from actual tweets, it may also reflect words/word-senses used in tweets better than generic wikidump/common-crawl text.
Given that, I'm not sure why you'd have expected the ELMo approach to necessarily be better.
But also, as you've noted, the fact that your classifier is performing worse with more training is highly indicative of extreme overfitting. You may want to fix that before attempting to reason any further about the relative merits of different approaches. (When both classifiers are massively broken, exactly why one's brokenness is a bit better than the others' brokenness should be a fairly moot point. After they're both fixed to do as well as they can, then the remaining difference may be interesting to choose between, or understand deeply.)

What type of optimization to perform on my multi-label text classification LSTM model with Keras?

I'm using Windows 10 machine. Libraries: Keras with Tensorflow 2.0 Embeddings: Glove(100 dimensions).
I am trying to implement an LSTM architecture for multi-label text classification.
I am using different types of fine-tuning to achieve better results but with no luck so far.
The main problem I believe is the difference in class distributions of my dataset but after a lot of tries and errors, I couldn't implement stratified-k-split in Keras.
I am also experimenting with dropout layers, batch sizes, # of layers, learning rates, clip values, validation splits but I get a minimum boost or worst performance sometimes.
For metrics, I use mainly ROC and F1.
I also followed the suggestion from a StackOverflow member who said to delete some of my examples so I can balance my dataset but if I do that I will have a very low number of examples.
What would you suggest to me?
If someone can provide code based on my implementation for
stratified-k-split I would be grateful cause I have checked all the
online resources but can't implement it.
Any tips, suggestions will be really helpful.
Metrics Plots
Dataset form+Embedings form+train-test-split form
Dataset's labels distribution
My LSTM implementation

Tensorflow and Bert What are they exactly and what's the difference between them?

I'm interested in NLP and I come up with Tensorflow and Bert, both seem to be from Google and both seem to be the best thing for Sentiment Analysis as of today but I don't understand what are they exactly and what is the difference between them... Can someone explain?
Tensorflow is an open-source library for machine learning that will let you build a deep learning model/architecture. But the BERT is one of the architectures itself. You can build many models using TensorFlow including RNN, LSTM, and even the BERT. The transformers like the BERT are a good choice if you just want to deploy a model on your data and you don't care about the deep learning field itself. For this purpose, I recommended the HuggingFace library that provides a straightforward way to employ a transformer model in just a few lines of code. But if you want to take a deeper look at these models, I will suggest you to learns about the well-known deep learning architectures for text data like RNN, LSTM, CNN, etc., and try to implement them using an ML library like Tensorflow or PyTorch.
Bert and Tensorflow is not different thing , There are not only 2, but many implementations of BERT. Most are basically equivalent.
The implementations that you mentioned are:
The original code by Google, in Tensorflow. https://github.com/google-research/bert
Implementation by Huggingface, in Pytorch and Tensorflow, that reproduces the same results as the original implementation and uses the same checkpoints as the original BERT article. https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
These are the differences regarding different aspects:
In terms of results, there is no difference in using one or the other, as they both use the same checkpoints (same weights) and their results have been checked to be equal.
In terms of reusability, HuggingFace library is probably more reusable, as it is designed specifically for that. Also, it gives you the freedom of choosing TensorFlow or Pytorch as deep learning framework.
In terms of performance, they should be the same.
In terms of community support (e.g. asking questions in github or stackoverflow about them), HuggingFace library is better suited, as there are a lot of people using it.
Apart from BERT, the transformers library by HuggingFace has implementations for lots of models: OpenAI GPT-2, RoBERTa, ELECTRA, ...

Can you train a BERT model from scratch with task specific architecture?

BERT pre-training of the base-model is done by a language modeling approach, where we mask certain percent of tokens in a sentence, and we make the model learn those missing mask. Then, I think in order to do downstream tasks, we add a newly initialized layer and we fine-tune the model.
However, suppose we have a gigantic dataset for sentence classification. Theoretically, can we initialize the BERT base architecture from scratch, train both the additional downstream task specific layer + the base model weights form scratch with this sentence classification dataset only, and still achieve a good result?
BERT can be viewed as a language encoder, which is trained on a humongous amount of data to learn the language well. As we know, the original BERT model was trained on the entire English Wikipedia and Book corpus, which sums to 3,300M words. BERT-base has 109M model parameters. So, if you think you have large enough data to train BERT, then the answer to your question is yes.
However, when you said "still achieve a good result", I assume you are comparing against the original BERT model. In that case, the answer lies in the size of the training data.
I am wondering why do you prefer to train BERT from scratch instead of fine-tuning it? Is it because you are afraid of the domain adaptation issue? If not, pre-trained BERT is perhaps a better starting point.
Please note, if you want to train BERT from scratch, you may consider a smaller architecture. You may find the following papers useful.
Well-Read Students Learn Better: On the Importance of Pre-training Compact Models
ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations
I can give help.
First of all, MLM and NSP (which are the original pre-training objectives from NAACL 2019) are meant to train language encoders with prior language knowledge. Like a primary school student who read many books in the general domain. Before BERT, many neural networks would be trained from scratch, from a clean slate where the model doesn't know anything. This is like a newborn baby.
So my question is, "is it a good idea to start teaching a newborn baby when you can begin with a primary school student?" My answer is no. This is supported by numerous State-of-The-Arts achieved by the pre-trained models, compared to the old methods of training a neural network from scratch.
As someone who works in the field, I can assure you that it is a much better idea to fine-tune a pre-trained model. It doesn't matter if you have a 200k dataset or a 1mil datapoints. In fact, more fine-tuning data will only make the downstream results better if you use the right hyperparameters.
Though I recommend the learning rate between 2e-6 ~ 5e-5 for sentence classification tasks, you can explore. If your dataset is very, very domain-specific, it's up to you to fine-tune with a higher learning rate, which will deviate the model further away from its "pre-trained" knowledge.
And also, regarding your question on
can we initialize the BERT base architecture from scratch, train both the additional downstream task specific layer + the base model weights form scratch with this sentence classification dataset only, and still achieve a good result?
I'm negative about this idea. Even though you have a dataset with 200k instances, BERT is pre-trained on 3300mil words. BERT is too inefficient to be trained with 200k instances (both size-wise and architecture-wise). If you want to train a neural network from scratch, I'd recommend you look into LSTMs or RNNs.
I'm not saying I recommend LSTMs. Just fine-tune BERT. 200k is not even too big anyways.
All the best luck with your NLP studies :)

Keras layers explaination

I want to get a deep idea about how this keras layers works in a model. What does each layer doing in the model etc. I followed kers documentation and information isn't enough. If any of you know place to get more knowledge let me know.Thanks in advance
Keras layers are widely used CNN, DNN and RNN layers. There is atleast one research paper for each of them and there is a lot of educational material out there. If you are really curious you could look at keras' code. Some links for you:
