What is the best way to get different join output in pyspark? - apache-spark

I am wondering which one is most efficient in spark to get below 4 frames
df1 - left_anti
df2 - left_semi
df3 - right_anti
df4 - right_semi
Approach 1: (join - 1, filter - 4)
merged_df = left_df.join(right_df, join_condition, how='full_outer')
df1 = merged_df.filter(sf.col('right_df.col1').isNull()).select('left_df.*')
df2 = merged_df.filter(sf.col('right_df.col1').isNotNull()).select('left_df.*')
df3 = merged_df.filter(sf.col('left_df.col1').isNull()).select('right_df.*')
df4 = merged_df.filter(sf.col('left_df.col1').isNotNull()).select('right_df.*')
Approach 2: (join - 4, filter - 0)
df1 = left_df.join(right_df, join_condition, how='left_anti')
df2 = left_df.join(right_df, join_condition, how='left_semi')
df3 = left_df.join(right_df, join_condition, how='right_anti')
df4 = left_df.join(right_df, join_condition, how='right_semi')
join_condition = (sf.col('left_df.col1') = sf.col('right_df.col1'))
Which of the above mentioned mechanisms is efficient?
Ref: https://medium.com/bild-journal/pyspark-joins-explained-9c4fba124839
Consider col1 to be primary key column (i.e. non-nullable) in both dataframes.

Before commenting on efficiency, just want to point out that generally speaking the df_n in both scenarios may not be identical:
>>> df1 = spark.createDataFrame([{'id1': 0, 'val1': "a"},{'id1': 1, 'val1': "b"},{'id1': None, 'val1': "df1"}])
>>> df2 = spark.createDataFrame([{'id2': 1, 'val2': "d"},{'id2': 2, 'val2': "e"},{'id2': None, 'val2': "df2"}])
>>> df1.show()
| id1|val1|
| 0| a|
| 1| b|
|null| df1|
>>> df2.show()
| id2|val2|
| 1| d|
| 2| e|
|null| df2|
>>> df1.join(df2, col("id1") == col("id2"), how="full_outer").show()
| id1|val1| id2|val2|
| 0| a|null|null|
|null| df1|null|null|
|null|null|null| df2|
| 1| b| 1| d|
|null|null| 2| e|
>>> df1.join(df2, col("id1") == col("id2"), how="full_outer").filter(col('id2').isNull()).select(df1["*"]).show()
| id1|val1|
| 0| a|
|null| df1|
>>> df1.join(df2, col("id1") == col("id2"), how="left_anti").show()
| id1|val1|
| 0| a|
|null| df1|
>>> df1.join(df2, col('id1') == col('id2'), how='full_outer').filter(col('id2').isNotNull()).select(df1['*']).show()
| id1|val1|
| 1| b|
>>> df1.join(df2, col('id1') == col('id2'), how='left_semi').show()
| 1| b|
This is, of course, because of how nulls are treated by SQL joins, and because the result of a 'full_outer' join will contain all unmatched rows from both sides. The latter means that k2.isNotNull() filter used to create df2 ("semi-join"), for example, will not eliminate any null-filled rows produced by right-hand keys that do not match anything on the left-hand side of a full outer join. For example:
>>> df1 = spark.createDataFrame([{'k1': 0, 'v1': "a"},{'k1': 1, 'v1': "b"},{'k1': 2, 'v1': "c"}])
>>> df2 = spark.createDataFrame([{'k2': 2, 'v2': "d"},{'k2': 3, 'v2': "e"},{'k2': 4, 'v2': "f"}])
>>> df1.join(df2, col('k1') == col('k2'), how="full_outer").filter(col('k2').isNotNull()).select(df1["*"]).show()
| k1| v1|
| 2| c|
>>> df1.join(df2, col('k1') == col('k2'), how="left_semi").show()
| k1| v1|
| 2| c|

[Posting my answer hoping it could be revised by a more experienced user]
I'd say It won't matter. Spark will reorganize these operations for optimization so if in the end result is the same, then the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) and the execution plan will be kind of the same.
If the objective is performance, then 1 join would be more conveniente because it can take advantage of a join broadcast (if the df at right is not too big and can be alocated in memory)


delete duplicate records based on other column pyspark

I have a data frame in pyspark like below.
| id|test|
| 1| Y|
| 1| N|
| 2| Y|
| 3| N|
I want to delete a record when there is a duplicate id and the test is N
Now when I query the new_df
| id|test|
| 1| Y|
| 2| Y|
| 3| N|
I am unable to figure out the use case.
I have done groupby on the id count but it gives only the id column and count.
I have done like below.
grouped_df = new_df.groupBy("id").count()
How can I achieve my desired result
I have a data frame like below.
| sn| device| attribute|
|4MY16A5602E0A| Android Phone| N|
|4MY16A5W02DE8| Android Phone| N|
|4MY16A5W02DE8| Android Phone| Y|
|4VT1735J00337| TV| N|
|4VT1735J00337| TV| Y|
|4VT47B52003EE| Router| N|
|4VT47C5N00A10| Other| N|
When I done like below
new_df = df.groupBy("sn").agg(max("attribute").alias("attribute"))
I am getting str has no attribute alias error
The expected result should be like below
| sn| device| attribute|
|4MY16A5602E0A| Android Phone| N|
|4MY16A5W02DE8| Android Phone| Y|
|4VT1735J00337| TV| Y|
|4VT47B52003EE| Router| N|
|4VT47C5N00A10| Other| N|
Not the most generic solution but should fit here nicely:
from pyspark.sql.functions import max
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[(1, "Y"), (1, "N"), (2, "Y"), (3, "N")], ("id", "test")
# +---+----+
# | id|test|
# +---+----+
# | 1| Y|
# | 3| N|
# | 2| Y|
# +---+----+
More generic one:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, count, when
test = when(count(when(col("test") == "Y", "Y")) > 0, "Y").otherwise("N")
# +---+----+
# | id|test|
# +---+----+
# | 1| Y|
# | 3| N|
# | 2| Y|
# +---+----+
which can be generalized to accommodate more classes and non-trivial ordering, for example if you had three classes Y, ?, N evaluated in this order, you could:
(when(count(when(col("test") == "Y", True)) > 0, "Y")
.when(count(when(col("test") == "?", True)) > 0, "?")
If there are other columns you need to preserve these methods won't work, and you'll need something like shown in Find maximum row per group in Spark DataFrame
Another option using row_number:
'row_number() over (partition by id order by test desc) as rn'
).filter('rn=1 or test="Y"').drop('rn').show()
| id|test|
| 1| Y|
| 3| N|
| 2| Y|
This method doesn't aggregate but only remove duplicated ids when test is N
Using Spark SQL temporary tables, I used Databricks Notebook
case class T(id:Int,test:String)
val df=spark.createDataset(Seq(T(1, "Y"), T(1, "N"), T(2, "Y"), T(3, "N")))
%sql select id, max(test) from df group by id
You can use the below code:
#register as temp table
#create single rows
newDF = sqlc.sql(WITH dfCte AS
select *,row_number() over (partition by id order by test desc) as RowNumber
from df
select * from dfCte where RowNumber =1)
#drop row numbers and show the newdf

PySpark : change column names of a df based on relations defined in another df

I have two Spark data-frames loaded from csv of the form :
mapping_fields (the df with mapped names):
new_name old_name
A aa
B bb
C cc
aa bb cc dd
1 2 3 43
12 21 4 37
to be transformed into :
1 2 3
12 21 4
as dd didn't have any mapping in the original table, D column should have all null values.
How can I do this without converting the mapping_df into a dictionary and checking individually for mapped names? (this would mean I have to collect the mapping_fields and check, which kind of contradicts my use-case of distributedly handling all the datasets)
With melt borrowed from here you could:
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
mapping_fields = spark.createDataFrame(
[("A", "aa"), ("B", "bb"), ("C", "cc")],
("new_name", "old_name"))
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[(1, 2, 3, 43), (12, 21, 4, 37)],
("aa", "bb", "cc", "dd"))
(melt(df.withColumn("id", f.monotonically_increasing_id()),
id_vars=["id"], value_vars=df.columns, var_name="old_name")
.join(mapping_fields, ["old_name"], "left_outer")
.withColumn("value", f.when(f.col("new_name").isNotNull(), col("value")))
.withColumn("new_name", f.coalesce("new_name", f.upper(col("old_name"))))
| A| B| C| DD|
| 1| 2| 3|null|
| 12| 21| 4|null|
but in your description nothing justifies this. Because number of columns is fairly limited, I'd rather:
mapping = dict(
.select("old_name", "new_name").collect())
(f.lit(None).cast(t) if c not in mapping else col(c)).alias(mapping.get(c, c.upper()))
for (c, t) in df.dtypes])
| A| B| C| DD|
| 1| 2| 3|null|
| 12| 21| 4|null|
At the end of the day you should use distributed processing when it provides performance or scalability improvements. Here it would do the opposite and make your code overly complicated.
To ignore no-matches:
(melt(df.withColumn("id", f.monotonically_increasing_id()),
id_vars=["id"], value_vars=df.columns, var_name="old_name")
.join(mapping_fields, ["old_name"])
for (c, t) in df.dtypes if c in mapping])
I tried with a simple for loop,hope this helps too.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
l1 = [('A','aa'),('B','bb'),('C','cc')]
l2 = [(1,2,3,43),(12,21,4,37)]
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(l1,['new_name','old_name'])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(l2,['aa','bb','cc','dd'])
print df1.show()
| A| aa|
| B| bb|
| C| cc|
>>> df2.show()
| aa| bb| cc| dd|
| 1| 2| 3| 43|
| 12| 21| 4| 37|
when you need the missing column with null values,
>>>cols = df2.columns
>>> for i in cols:
val = df1.where(df1['old_name'] == i).first()
if val is not None:
df2 = df2.withColumnRenamed(i,val['new_name'])
df2 = df2.withColumn(i,F.lit(None))
>>> df2.show()
| A| B| C| dd|
| 1| 2| 3|null|
| 12| 21| 4|null|
when we need only the mapping columns,changing the else part,
df2 = df2.drop(i)
>>> df2.show()
| A| B| C|
| 1| 2| 3|
| 12| 21| 4|
This will transform the original df2 dataframe though.

PySpark: modify column values when another column value satisfies a condition

I have a PySpark Dataframe with two columns:
| Id|Rank|
| a| 5|
| b| 7|
| c| 8|
| d| 1|
For each row, I'm looking to replace Id column with "other" if Rank column is larger than 5.
If I use pseudocode to explain:
For row in df:
if row.Rank > 5:
then replace(row.Id, "other")
The result should look like this:
| Id|Rank|
| a| 5|
|other| 7|
|other| 8|
| d| 1|
Any clue how to achieve this? Thanks!!!
To create this Dataframe:
df = spark.createDataFrame([('a', 5), ('b', 7), ('c', 8), ('d', 1)], ['Id', 'Rank'])
You can use when and otherwise like -
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
.withColumn('Id_New',when(df.Rank <= 5,df.Id).otherwise('other'))\
this gives output as -
| Id|Rank|
| a| 5|
|other| 7|
|other| 8|
| d| 1|
Starting with #Pushkr solution couldn't you just use the following ?
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df.withColumn('Id',when(df.Rank <= 5,df.Id).otherwise('other')).show()

Unpivot in Spark SQL / PySpark

I have a problem statement at hand wherein I want to unpivot table in Spark SQL / PySpark. I have gone through the documentation and I could see there is support only for pivot, but no support for un-pivot so far.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
Let my initial table look like this:
When I pivot this in PySpark:
I get this as the output:
Now I want to unpivot the pivoted table. In general, this operation may/may not yield the original table based on how I've pivoted the original table.
Spark SQL as of now doesn't provide out of the box support for unpivot. Is there a way I can achieve this?
You can use the built in stack function, for example in Scala:
scala> val df = Seq(("G",Some(4),2,None),("H",None,4,Some(5))).toDF("A","X","Y", "Z")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [A: string, X: int ... 2 more fields]
scala> df.show
| A| X| Y| Z|
| G| 4| 2|null|
| H|null| 4| 5|
scala> df.select($"A", expr("stack(3, 'X', X, 'Y', Y, 'Z', Z) as (B, C)")).where("C is not null").show
| A| B| C|
| G| X| 4|
| G| Y| 2|
| H| Y| 4|
| H| Z| 5|
Or in pyspark:
In [1]: df = spark.createDataFrame([("G",4,2,None),("H",None,4,5)],list("AXYZ"))
In [2]: df.show()
| A| X| Y| Z|
| G| 4| 2|null|
| H|null| 4| 5|
In [3]: df.selectExpr("A", "stack(3, 'X', X, 'Y', Y, 'Z', Z) as (B, C)").where("C is not null").show()
| A| B| C|
| G| X| 4|
| G| Y| 2|
| H| Y| 4|
| H| Z| 5|
Spark 3.4+
df = df.melt(['A'], ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], 'B', 'C')
# OR
df = df.unpivot(['A'], ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], 'B', 'C')
| A| B| C|
| G| Y| 2|
| G| Z|null|
| G| X| 4|
| H| Y| 4|
| H| Z| 5|
| H| X|null|
To filter out nulls: df = df.filter("C is not null")
Spark 3.3 and below
to_melt = {'X', 'Y', 'Z'}
new_names = ['B', 'C']
melt_str = ','.join([f"'{c}', `{c}`" for c in to_melt])
df = df.select(
*(set(df.columns) - to_melt),
F.expr(f"stack({len(to_melt)}, {melt_str}) ({','.join(new_names)})")
).filter(f"!{new_names[1]} is null")
Full test:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([("G", 4, 2, None), ("H", None, 4, 5)], list("AXYZ"))
to_melt = {'X', 'Y', 'Z'}
new_names = ['B', 'C']
melt_str = ','.join([f"'{c}', `{c}`" for c in to_melt])
df = df.select(
*(set(df.columns) - to_melt),
F.expr(f"stack({len(to_melt)}, {melt_str}) ({','.join(new_names)})")
).filter(f"!{new_names[1]} is null")
# +---+---+---+
# | A| B| C|
# +---+---+---+
# | G| Y| 2|
# | G| X| 4|
# | H| Y| 4|
# | H| Z| 5|
# +---+---+---+

How to get the min of each row in PySpark DataFrame [duplicate]

I am working on a PySpark DataFrame with n columns. I have a set of m columns (m < n) and my task is choose the column with max values in it.
For example:
Input: PySpark DataFrame containing :
col_1 = [1,2,3], col_2 = [2,1,4], col_3 = [3,2,5]
Ouput :
col_4 = max(col1, col_2, col_3) = [3,2,5]
There is something similar in pandas as explained in this question.
Is there any way of doing this in PySpark or should I change convert my PySpark df to Pandas df and then perform the operations?
You can reduce using SQL expressions over a list of columns:
from pyspark.sql.functions import max as max_, col, when
from functools import reduce
def row_max(*cols):
return reduce(
lambda x, y: when(x > y, x).otherwise(y),
[col(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in cols]
df = (sc.parallelize([(1, 2, 3), (2, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)])
.toDF(["a", "b", "c"]))
df.select(row_max("a", "b", "c").alias("max")))
Spark 1.5+ also provides least, greatest
from pyspark.sql.functions import greatest
df.select(greatest("a", "b", "c"))
If you want to keep name of the max you can use `structs:
from pyspark.sql.functions import struct, lit
def row_max_with_name(*cols):
cols_ = [struct(col(c).alias("value"), lit(c).alias("col")) for c in cols]
return greatest(*cols_).alias("greatest({0})".format(",".join(cols)))
maxs = df.select(row_max_with_name("a", "b", "c").alias("maxs"))
And finally you can use above to find select "top" column:
from pyspark.sql.functions import max
((_, c), ) = (maxs
.agg(max(struct(col("count"), col("col"))))
We can use greatest
Creating DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[[1,2,3], [2,1,2], [3,4,5]],
| 1| 2| 3|
| 2| 1| 2|
| 3| 4| 5|
from pyspark.sql.functions import greatest
df2 = df.withColumn('max_by_rows', greatest('col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3'))
#Only if you need col
#from pyspark.sql.functions import col
#df2 = df.withColumn('max', greatest(col('col_1'), col('col_2'), col('col_3')))
| 1| 2| 3| 3|
| 2| 1| 2| 2|
| 3| 4| 5| 5|
You can also use the pyspark built-in least:
from pyspark.sql.functions import least, col
df = df.withColumn('min', least(col('c1'), col('c2'), col('c3')))
Another simple way of doing it. Let us say that the below df is your dataframe
df = sc.parallelize([(10, 10, 1 ), (200, 2, 20), (3, 30, 300), (400, 40, 4)]).toDF(["c1", "c2", "c3"])
| c1| c2| c3|
| 10| 10| 1|
|200| 2| 20|
| 3| 30|300|
|400| 40| 4|
You can process the above df as below to get the desited results
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, min
df.select( lit('c1').alias('cn1'), min(df.c1).alias('c1'),
lit('c2').alias('cn2'), min(df.c2).alias('c2'),
lit('c3').alias('cn3'), min(df.c3).alias('c3')
.rdd.flatMap(lambda r: [ (r.cn1, r.c1), (r.cn2, r.c2), (r.cn3, r.c3)])\
.toDF(['Columnn', 'Min']).show()
| c1| 3|
| c2| 2|
| c3| 1|
Scala solution:
df = sc.parallelize(Seq((10, 10, 1 ), (200, 2, 20), (3, 30, 300), (400, 40, 4))).toDF("c1", "c2", "c3"))
| c1| c2| c3|min|
| 10| 10| 1| 1|
|200| 2| 20| 2|
| 3| 30|300| 3|
|400| 40| 4| 4|
