Stripe error: EventEmitter is not a constructor - stripe-payments

I'm working on project that use Stripe for payments, framework this project uses is SvelteKit and for convenience I also use TS.
I implemented Stripe payments, tested locally, everything worked fine, then I deployed project to Firebase cloud functions and then 1st error showed up. Endpoint for creating payment intents failed every time I called it (but only in FB cloud function, it never failed locally).
So I decided (not just because of this bug) to move function for generating payment intents to one of my __layout.svelte, where it can be called from front-end and executed on back-end without need to make HTTP request to endpoint that is exposed to whole internet.
Stripe config:
import Stripe from "stripe";
console.log('secret defined:', import.meta.env.VITE_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY);
const stripe = new Stripe(import.meta.env.VITE_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, {
apiVersion: '2020-08-27',
console.log('after stripe conf');
export default stripe;
I moved that function to desired __layout.svelte and got error EventEmitter is not a constructor.
Then I found this question, and did what answer advised. Then I got different error:
http.Agent is not a constructor.

Well, this is quite difficult problem, it is related to Vite. Stripe API for back-end is written in CJS and Vite has problems with processing CJS code when using SSR. According to docs I should include stripe for optimization, but that didn't work. These Github issues better describe this problem: Svelte issue Vite issue.
I'm lucky enough that I use Firebase, so I fixed this by moving function for generating payment intents to Cloud Functions. So this is solution for me, and not for everyone, but I hope this will help someone.


fastify-swagger is not picking up my dynamic routes

I've been a fan of ExpressJs for a long time but in a Youtube video I stumble upon Fastify and wanted to give it a try
I'm struggling in making the fastify-swagger plugin work as I assume it should work - dynamic setup to pick up the schema from each route, but I'm certainly missing something πŸ˜”
here's my test repo that after running, none of my routes appear
my setup for the plugin is the default one
but all I see is
I've read in the read me that because of OpenAPI specs, some properties, like description are mandatory or will not pick up the route, but I've added in one route, and still does not pick up, I've also added tags wondering if that was also mandatory, but nothing...
does anyone know what am I missing? must be a simple thing, but got me puzzled this last few days πŸ˜”
I ran into the same issue and ended up solving it by following the first Usage example line-by-line:
const fastify = require('fastify')()
(async () => {
// set up swagger
await fastify.register(require('#fastify/swagger'), {
...swagger config
// define all your routes
// then call these
await fastify.ready()
Consider the order in which your plugins are loaded, the routes need to be registered before fastify swagger. If fastify swagger comes first, it doesn't detect any route.
I encountered this issue in my project. In my case, I solved it using fastify-plugin. Looking at the source code for fastify-swagger, it seems to rely on a hook listening for onRoute events to detect routes. I'm thinking maybe encapsulation can interfere with the plugin's ability to receive the events.

Is there a way to handle the payment in the Backend Nodejs?

I made a website with react and i used "react-paypal-button-v2" package to integrate paypal to my website,
so everything is working well, but Now what i would like to do is to hide the " ClientId " which is one of the properties of react-paypal-button-v2 as below:
onSuccess={(details, data) => onSuccess(details, data)}
clientId: "YOUR_CLINET_ID"
because it is not secure to put sensitive data in the front-end as they said in the documentation from react apps documentation, so for that i decided to handle this on the backend and save the ClientId as a variable and use it each time request payment is fired.
so my question is what is the best way to make the payment on the server side?
or if I'm wrong and there is way better than this please tell me.
thank in advance guys.
The Client ID is not sensitive information. It is intended to be used on the client side.
A server integration uses a client ID + secret for API calls. Server integrations are more robust and secure, so if you have the resources and ability to integrate with a backend it's recommended that you do so.
Vanilla JS+backend approach
Create two routes on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order', documented here. These routes should return JSON data. The latter one should (on success) store the payment details in your database before it does the return.
Pair those two routes with the following approval flow:
React specifics
react-paypal-button-v2 is not an official module, try the newer react-paypal-js instead. See the "Docs" tab of the Storybook.

testcafe issue when returning from a Node ExpressJS redirect

I'm currently testing a React front-end application with TestCafe. Current environment is:
React: 16.3.2
Node: 8.10.0
TestCafe: 0.23.0
MacOS Mojave 10.14.1
We've written about 65 tests which all run great. We've introduced a Single Sign On component into our application which has posed some automation challenges. Instead of trying to drive TestCafe against our app AND this particular SSO provider, we're using a fake API call instead.
Simplified order of operations for the app during normal usage is:
React app starts, detects no SSO credentials
Environmental service provides app with a proper SSO URL, react app redirects user to SSO login page using window.location
User logs in and SSO redirects back to our react app with a an additional URL query param & respective value.
React app proceeds forward in a 'logged in' state
Pretty basic stuff.
When the React app is being tested, we just provide different URLs which point to a local ExpressJS instance on localhost:3002. When the React app performs a window.location to the fake SSO API (http://localhost:3002/fakeOAuth) the ExpressJS instance simply performs a response.redirect(http://localhost:3000/?sso=fakeCode) and now we are back to our React app with the additional synthetic SSO data. This scheme works great when not being driven by TestCafe.
When we drive the React app via TestCafe, TestCafe hangs when returning back from the fake SSO call to the React app. After this hang, we have to forcefully kill TestCafe on the command line with a ctrl-c.
Using chrome debug tools and looking at the console output, there is a message:
Uncaught TypeError: __get$ is not a function
at hotCreateRequire (bundle.js:73)
at bundle.js:719
at bundle.js:722
and a screenshot can be found at the end of this post below.
The Test code:
import { Selector } from 'testcafe'
fixture 'Landing Page Body Tests'
.page 'localhost:3000'
test ('Displays correct main welcome title', async t => {
const landingPage = Selector('.card-title')
await t
.expect((landingPage).innerText).eql('Welcome, Fakeuser', 'Incorrect Username Found')
Screenshot of TestCafe failure
Does anyone have any ideas as to why TestCafe crashes? I have reworked the test a few times, researched and experimented with using TestCafe's Roles and ClientFunction classes but to no avail. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like a bug in TestCafe. The __get$function is an internal TestCafe function, and the __get$ is not a function error means that TestCafe wasn't able to process your page properly and install its internal functions in the global window object.
I suggest that you create a new bug report in the TestCafe repository, and provide a HAR report and an example that can be used to reproduce the problem.

How to host nodeJS project to firebase?

I am using node, express and more other dependencies for the project. I wonder how to host this project on firebase. My project will have controller, view , and any other folders to make the project possible.It already has view engine like pug/handlebars.
Tutorials online only show how to host firebase with single index.html in public folder. How am I suppose to host my project with all other folders? I know how to use firebase in nodeJS, but how to host the project on firebase? How firebase will access the server file(either app/index.js)? Where should I put all these folders?
Hopefully I am not asking to much. If my question isn't clear, please let me know so that I can make clarification.
You're in luck. Firebase just this week released a video that walks step-by-step through setting up an Node.js/Express app on Firebase Hosting.
This has only been possible since the integration of Cloud Functions with Firebase Hosting, which was released at I/O 2017. Most tutorials likely are from before that time, when there was no way to run server-side code on Firebase Hosting.
You can do this by firebase cloud function.
Deployment auth is handled by the Firebase CLI, so getting a hello world up and running is literally:
firebase init functions
firebase deploy
A simple hello world function
functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
response.send(β€œHello from Firebase!”);
Note: You can use express with firebase function.
For more follow documentation link:

How can I test (integration-testing) with supertest a Node.js server with Passport JS using facebook/google... strategies with OAUTH2?

I have a Node Js application and I'm integration-testing my app with supertest/superagent + nockjs.
I have a problem, because I want to test my login rest apis using supertest to REPLY with a FAKE PROFILE RESPONSE + token for example for facebook/google/github and so on. (I'm not interested in LocalStrategy, because it' very simple)
How can I do that?
I'm trying with GitHub, and I wrote this code (not working) absolutely wrong, probably very stupid without any sense...It was an experiment XD.
location : "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/github/callback?code=ab7f9823f03071209b26"
.reply(200, responseMocked);
PS: probably I made a mistake with url and status, I don't know.
Also, where I should set the connection.sid's cookie ?
How can I fix/rewrite this code to be able to integration-testing my application?
I'm also interested to use passportjs stub/mock, but I want a library supported and well documented.
UPDATE: I fixed the name of the mocked profile object (responseMocked)
Thank you,
