Is there a hotkey for adding quotes to Python dictionary in VS Code? - python-3.x

Copied "Query String Parameters" from Chrome Dev Tools, and it was like:
param = {
type: 24
interval_id: 100:90
start: 60
limit: 20
To make it works correctly as dictionary in Python, I have to add comma and quotes like this:
param = {
'type': '24',
'interval_id': '100:90',
'start': '60',
'limit': '20',
Is there a hotkey to adding quotes automatically?


Unique nested dictionary from the 'for' loop Python3

I've got the host which executes commands via 'subprocess' and gets output list of several parameters. The problem is that output can not be correctly modified to be translated to the dictionary, whether it's yaml or json. After list is received Regexp takes part to match valuable information and to perform grouping. I am interested in getting a unique dictionary, where crossing keys are put into nested dictionary.
Here is the code and the example of output list:
from re import compile,match
# Output can differ from request to request, the "keys" from the #
# list_of_values can dublicate or appear more than two times. The values #
# mapped to the keys can differ too. #
list_of_values = [
"paramId: '11'", "valueId*: '11'",
"elementId: '010_541'", 'mappingType: Both',
"startRng: ''", "finishRng: ''",
'DbType: sql', "activeSt: 'false'",
'profile: TestPr1', "specificHost: ''",
'hostGroup: tstGroup10', 'balance: all',
"paramId: '194'", "valueId*: '194'",
"elementId: '010_541'", 'mappingType: Both',
"startRng: '1020304050'", "finishRng: '1020304050'",
'DbType: sql', "activeSt: 'true'",
'profile: TestPr1', "specificHost: ''",
'hostGroup: tstGroup10', 'balance: all']
re_compile_valueId = compile(
"|balance:\s(?P<balance>none|all|priority group)"
iterator_loop = 0
uniq_dict = dict()
next_dict = dict()
for element in list_of_values:
match_result = match(re_compile_valueId,element)
if match_result:
temp_dict = match_result.groupdict()
for key, value in temp_dict.items():
if value:
if key == 'valueId':
uniq_dict['valueId'+str(iterator_loop)] = ''
iterator_loop +=1
next_dict.update({key: value})
next_dict.update({key: value})
uniq_dict['valueId'+str(iterator_loop-1)] = next_dict
This code right here responses with:
'valueId': '194',
'elementId': '010_541',
'DbType': 'sql',
'activeSt': 'true',
'profile': 'TestPr1',
'hostGroup': 'tstGroup10',
'balance': 'all',
'startRng': '1020304050',
'finishRng': '1020304050'
'valueId': '194',
'elementId': '010_541',
'DbType': 'sql',
'activeSt': 'true',
'profile': 'TestPr1',
'hostGroup': 'tstGroup10',
'balance': 'all',
'startRng': '1020304050',
'finishRng': '1020304050'
And I was waiting for something like:
'valueId': '11',
'elementId': '010_541',
'DbType': 'sql',
'activeSt': 'false',
'profile': 'TestPr1',
'hostGroup': 'tstGroup10',
'balance': 'all',
'startRng': '',
'finishRng': ''
'valueId': '194',
'elementId': '010_541',
'DbType': 'sql',
'activeSt': 'true',
'profile': 'TestPr1',
'hostGroup': 'tstGroup10',
'balance': 'all',
'startRng': '1020304050',
'finishRng': '1020304050'
I've also got another code below, which runs and puts values as expected. But the structure breaks the idea of having this all looped around, because each dictionary result key has its own order number mapped. The example below. The list_of_values and re_compile_valueId can be used from previous example.
for element in list_of_values:
match_result = match(re_compile_valueId,element)
if match_result:
temp_dict = match_result.groupdict()
for key, value in temp_dict.items():
if value:
if key == 'balance':
key = key+str(iterator_loop)
uniq_dict.update({key: value})
iterator_loop +=1
key = key+str(iterator_loop)
uniq_dict.update({key: value})
The output will look like:
'valueId1': '11', 'elementId1': '010_541',
'DbType1': 'sql', 'activeSt1': 'false',
'profile1': 'TestPr1', 'hostGroup1': 'tstGroup10',
'balance1': 'all', 'valueId2': '194',
'elementId2': '010_541', 'startRng2': '1020304050',
'finishRng2': '1020304050', 'DbType2': 'sql',
'activeSt2': 'true', 'profile2': 'TestPr1',
'hostGroup2': 'tstGroup10', 'balance2': 'all'
Would appreciate any help! Thanks!
It appeared that some documentation reading needs to be performed :D
The copy() of the next_dict under else statement needs to be applied. Thanks to thread:
Why does updating one dictionary object affect other?
Many thanks to answer's author #thefourtheye (
The final code:
for element in list_of_values:
match_result = match(re_compile_valueId,element)
if match_result:
temp_dict = match_result.groupdict()
for key, value in temp_dict.items():
if value:
if key == 'valueId':
uniq_dict['valueId'+str(iterator_loop)] = ''
iterator_loop +=1
next_dict.update({key: value})
next_dict.update({key: value})
uniq_dict['valueId'+str(iterator_loop-1)] = next_dict.copy()
Thanks for the involvement to everyone.

cds toolbox - Exception: Missing/incomplete configuration

cds toolbox - Exception: Missing/incomplete configuration
This is the code :
import cdsapi
c = cdsapi.Client()
'product_type': 'reanalysis',
'variable': [
'2m_temperature', 'cloud_base_height', 'total_precipitation',
'year': [
'1980', '1981', '1982',
'1983', '1984', '1985',
'1986', '1987', '1988',
'1989', '1990', '1991',
'1992', '1993', '1994',
'1995', '1996', '1997',
'1998', '1999',
'month': '10',
'day': '16',
'time': '21:00',
'format': 'netcdf',
This is my output :
go to user directory C:Users\username
create a text file (like sample.txt) and change its name to .cdsapirc i.e you have to create a file with extension .CDSAPIRC (it should not be having any name, its just a file with extension like .conda)
open this file with any text editor like Notepad++
paste this in your .cdsapirc file
key: xxxxx:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
you will get your own UID and API key from your user information via this URL or simply click on your username on the upper right corner, it will direct you to the page
so in the line change credentials as
key: UID:API-Key
Your Python File should work Now

pythonic way deal with DataError: Invalid input of type: 'dict'. Convert to a bytes, string, int or float first.?

redis veersion 3.4.1
must be use hash, can't use str or other data type
{'_anno': {
'ctp': 'list',
'dt': [],
'ml': 0,
'na': 'apple',
'pos': -1,
'rel': '',
'st_var': '',
'tp': 'object'},
'_att': {'_cuser': 'apple card',
'_last_editor': 'apple card',
'_protext': 'authorize',
'_status': 'normal',
'_theme_id': 'apple card',
'_view': '12'},
my code
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=host, port=port)
conn = redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=pool)
raise error
DataError: Invalid input of type: 'dict'. Convert to a bytes, string,
int or float first.
now code
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=host, port=port)
conn = redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=pool)
for key,value in data.items():
Is there a more pythonic way?
The solution for you problem is to use hexdigest() or digest() to convert your dictionary, you can use that:

No UiSlider remove decimal?

How to remove decimals digit from linked output
I am using this code
start: [2000, 24000],
connect: true,
step: 0.01,
range: {
'min': 0,
'max': 28500
format: wNumb({
decimals: false,
thousand: ',',
prefix: '$ ',
I didn't have access to the wNumb library in the environment I was working with.
Had a look under the hood in the library and this also works:
format: {
to: (v) => parseFloat(v).toFixed(0),
from: (v) => parseFloat(v).toFixed(0)
Decimals decimals: false is invalid, use decimals: 0. Also, you are setting formatting for the .val() method. Use it like this:
$('#slider_01').Link('lower').to($('#value-lower_1'), null, wNumb({
decimals: 0,
thousand: ',',
prefix: '$ ',
Change the step from 0.01 to 1.
I know it's a very old question, but I did not want to include another library Wnumb just to remove the decimal from one place. Here is my solution without using the wnumb.
var slider = document.getElementById('prcsldr');
noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: [10000],
range: {
min: 1000,
max: 50000
step: 1000,
to: (v) => v | 0,
from: (v) => v | 0

How to pretty print dictionary returned by robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn.get_variables

Jython v2.5
RobotFramework v2.7.5
Log4j v1.2.16
I have a Jython script as a listener that logs the variables dictionary but it is not pretty-printed by pprint module as it does with attributes dictionary.
I am using BuiltIn().get_variables() function to get the variables dictionary as:
def start_suite(self, name, attributes):'<<<start_suite>>>')
self.LOGGER.debug('variables # start suite: %s' % pprint.pformat(BuiltIn().get_variables()))
self.LOGGER.debug('attributes # start suite: %s' % pprint.pformat(attributes))
but this is the output in the logs:
2013-05-29 08:03:11,493 [51a618afdf08ff6296260098] DEBUG [NativeMethodAccessorImpl] - variables scoped at start suite: {'${outputdir}': u'/mypath/', '${outputfile}': 'NONE', '${reportfile}': 'NONE', '${none}': None, '${prevtestmessage}': '', '${suitemetadata}': {}, '${suitedocumentation}': '', '${\\n}': '\n', '${/}': '/', '${true}': True, '${:}': ':', '${suitesource}': u'/mypath/source', '${space}': ' ', u'${environment}': u'sit', '${suitename}': u'MySuite', '${debugfile}': 'NONE', '${null}': None, '${logfile}': 'NONE', '${prevteststatus}': '', '${tempdir}': u'/tmp', '${execdir}': u'mypath3', '${prevtestname}': '', '${false}': False, '#{empty}': (), '${empty}': ''}
2013-05-29 08:03:11,499 [51a618afdf08ff6296260098] DEBUG [NativeMethodAccessorImpl] - attributes # start suite: {'doc': '',
'longname': u'BcvDocumentImageRequestTest',
'metadata': {},
'source': u'/robotRoot/MyTest',
'starttime': '20130529 08:03:11.224',
'suites': [u'MyTest', u'MyTest'],
'tests': [],
'totaltests': 2}
As you observe, and is stated in the docs (albeit ambiguously), BuiltIn().get_variables() does not return a dictionary, but a dictionary-like object - to pretty-print you will have to get a dictionary from it:
