Monaco-Editor fails on oracle jet build/serve when in release mode - requirejs

I'm trying to implement the Monaco editor within my oracle jet web application. I've tried with the dev and min folders. It works fine when I run serve without the release mode option but when I include --release on build or serve it is throwing the below error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/web/js/libs/vs/editor/edcore.main.js'
I'm not sure why Monaco is needing the file as that file is not included in either the dev or min folders but it is referenced in the "vs/editor/editor.main.js" file and that is where the error is coming from.
Within Oracle Jet for Require JS the info is stored in the path mapping json as follows :
"vs": {
"cdn": "3rdparty",
"cwd": "node_modules/monaco-editor/dev/vs",
"debug": {
"src": ["**"],
"path": "libs/vs/",
"cdnPath": ""
"release": {
"src": ["**"],
"path": "libs/vs",
"cdnPath": ""
Again, everything is perfect when not optimized into a single js file in the browser using the release option

You should remove the monaco editor library from the optimization.
Add to your before_optimize hook:
configObj.componentRequireJs.paths['vs'] = 'empty:';
configObj.requireJs.paths['vs'] = 'empty:';


Why my file is not added to the appImage (electron app)

I have an electron app which uses a database opened with the following code:
const fs = require("fs")
const sqlite = require("aa-sqlite")
My package.json contains :
"build": {
"appId": "crergr",
"linux": {
"target": [
"icon": "icon512.png"
"win": {
"target": "NSIS",
"icon": "icon256.ico"
"extraFiles": [
the cregr_db.db is in the same folder as my *js, index.html and style.css.
Everything runs fine when launched from the root directory of my app.
If I run the app image from elsewhere, I have an exception when I query the database and, in fact, the database file is not displayed in the file hierarchy.
I can not post an image here but you can find one at
What I am doing wrong ?
Thanks for your help.
In fact, the db file was probably added but in an ASAR archive so can't be read by the code posted above.
The solution I chose was to distribute the app without building an ASAR archive and in this case, everything works exactly like you are testing your app (tested on Linux and Windows).
There is a strong warning about building an app without an ASAR. I chose not to pay attention because any way there are ways to unpack the ASAR and see the code and besides, my app is GPL'ed.

Node.js live debugging in VSCode doesn't work

I have a small project (but issue also appears on the one created by npx create-react-app my-app). I use VsCode and developing inside container ( . Dockerfile is very minimal:
ARG VARIANT="16-bullseye"
devcontainer.json has, almost, just defaults:
"name": "Node.js",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"args": { "VARIANT": "16-bullseye" }
"settings": {},
"extensions": [
"remoteUser": "node"
To debug, I run npm start , then I (for the 1st time) i click on Debug URl.
On macOS everything works, including file monitoring, so when I change js file, npm is recompiling instantly.
On Windows 11 however, the last part doesn't work - I need to stop and start npm manually, to have changes implement.
I've even tried to remove .vscode directory from my profile - no change here...
Any idea what is going on? Why it does work on macOS and doesn't work on Windows ?
I have the same extensions on both systems...I just can't find what is going on with Windows machine...
EDIT: the issue seems to be related to "Remote Development" extension for vscode . Issue is present only when using this extension on Windows. So I've opened a bug there:

UnauthorizedAccessException for static files when using IIS

I am developing a web application using ASP.Net core MVC. Initially to get started I manually copied the bootstrap and jQuery directly under wwwroot/lib folder. This worked fine.
To make the code maintainable, I thought it would be better to use client side library manager like libman.
This is what I have got in libman.json
"version": "1.0",
"defaultProvider": "unpkg",
"libraries": [
"library": "bootstrap#4.1.3",
"destination": "wwwroot/lib/bootstrap/"
"provider": "cdnjs",
"library": "jquery#3.3.1",
"destination": "wwwroot/lib/jquery/"
When I restore the client side library, I can see the files correctly restored under lib folder
Now when I compile and test the app locally using IIS, I am getting 500 error in developer tools while fetching bootstrap.css, jquery.js and bootstrap.js
When I tried to load bootstrap.css directly, I get 500 and message that access to the file is denied
UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\code\wwwroot\lib\bootstrap\dist\css\bootstrap.css' is denied.
Any thoughts what would be causing this error?

Debug web add-in for outlook in visual studio code

I was following the tutorial for creating an advanced Outlook add-in here (Git the Gist)
The above is a node.js-app which uses Yeoman and Microsoft Office Add-in Project Generator. To simply start the add-in, you just type 'npm start' in your root project folder.
But: I want to debug the add-in in Visual Studio Code.
VS Code automatically creates a launch.json file when you want to debug a project. This file looks like this:
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\bsconfig.json"
However, when I debug I get the following error:
Cannot launch program 'c:\ZTesting\outlooktest\bsconfig.json'; setting
the outFiles attribute might help.
So are these outFiles truly the problem and - if so - what should they be?
And - if not - what is the solution towards debugging a web add-in created with node.js, Yeoman and Microsoft Office Add-in Project Generator?
The bsconfig.json file looks like this:
"ui": {
"port": 3000
"server": {
"routes": {
"/node_modules": "node_modules"
"https": {
"key": "./certs/server.key",
"cert": "./certs/server.crt"
"watch": true,
"files": "*.*"
I did not find out how to debug the add-in above in Visual Studio Code. However it is possible to debug the add-in with the F12-developer-app from Windows 10.
You can find more information about the F12-app here:
Debug add ins using F12 Developer-app from Windows 10
I have the same problem today.
However, there is a tricky way to debug your outlook add-ins if WIN10 F12-app not able to open your html file.
you can use tbody.append to show any value when you debug your add-ins in outlook
var tbody = $('.prop-table');
tbody.append(makeTableRow("asyncResult: ", item));
function makeTableRow(name, value) {
return $("<tr><td><strong>" + name +
"</strong></td><td class=\"prop-val\"><code>" +
value + "</code></td></tr>");
I had this same problem. The root cause is that the app does not actually run on the server. npm start actually runs a separate program, called webpack. You can see this by opening package.json. There should be a line like the following:
"start": "webpack-dev-server --mode development --https --key ./certs/server.key --cert ./certs/server.crt --cacert ./certs/ca.crt --port 3000"
When you run npm start, it adds node_modules/.bin/ to the path before running that line. So this script is actually calling an executable called node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server. Webpack does not run any of the code in index.js. It "packs" the code, and broadcasts it over https to the client.
Since the app code only runs on the client, it can only be debugged on the client. The use of npm start makes it look like you're writing server code, but the add-in is actually running clientside.

Problems with behat + mink

I'm trying to install behat + mink (on kohana framework, not symfony, I'm putting behat into the modules folder - I'm writting this just in case, but I guess that's not what causes my problem).
I am having the same search.feature file as it is in behat documentation, I'm changing features/bootstrap class into the:
use Behat\Behat\Context\ClosuredContextInterface,
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode,
use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
* Features context.
class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
And when I type "behat" in the CLI I get the following error: Call to a member function getSession() on a non object in .....RawMinkContext.php on line 80.
I've read somewhere that it's the behat.yml file which causes this error. I think the right thing to do is to create new behat.yml file in the root of the installed behat folder and put this code inside:
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
features: features
bootstrap: features/bootstrap
features: features/annotations
features: features/closures
But of couse it gives me the same error. I've tried a lot of configurations: copying only extensions part, changing default into context, copying the same content into three other behat.yml files (vendor/behat/behat, and vendor/behat/monk, and vendor/behat/monk-ententions) - none works.
Can someone tell me what's the right way to set this? Maybe someone here also had problems with that...
BTW. When I installed behat withough goutte, only with selenium2 driver, I was getting errors that goutte is not installed. But when I installed it with goutte, I was getting errors that there's no fabpot/goutte directory (or fapbot/, I don't remember, but I guess it was the first one :D), so I deleted everything and reinstalled behat with the following composer.json file, maybe this also has something to do with this error:
"name": "behat/mink-browserkit-driver",
"description": "Symfony2 BrowserKit driver for Mink framework",
"keywords": ["Symfony2", "testing", "browser"],
"homepage": "",
"type": "mink-driver",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Konstantin Kudryashov",
"email": "",
"homepage": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.1",
"symfony/browser-kit": ">=2.0.0,<2.2.0",
"symfony/dom-crawler": ">=2.0.0,<2.2.0",
"behat/behat": "2.4.*#stable",
"behat/mink": "1.4.*#stable",
"behat/mink-extension": "*",
"behat/mink-goutte-driver": "*",
"behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"Behat\\Mink\\Driver": "src/"
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin/"
The recommended way to install Behat+Mink for anything, not just Kohana, is via Composer. See for instructions. The autoload clause you have in your composer.json is not required.
As for your modules attempt, KO3.2 does not yet have the ability to load PSR-0 and so putting it in modules will not allow it to be loaded correctly.
Don't randomly copy your behat.yml - you only need one copy in your project root. If you are worried, you can explicitly load your behat.yml via bin/behat -c /path/to/behat.yml
With your composer.json set up correctly to have mink dependencies, you can then just do bin/behat -dl to verify mink works.
You can then do bin/behat --init to create your features filestructure.
This will create a FeatureContext which overrides Mink's definitions, so add
require_once __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
and change the class definition to:
class FeatureContext extends Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext
in your features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php file.
Everything should work as expected now. I recently did a Behat+Mink+KO3 setup, feel free to see how I did it here:
