Why webdriverio can't find element? - node.js

await this.browser.url(url);
await this.browser.pause(5000);
const link = await $('a');
It opens the URL but after a pause I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'isDevTools' of undefined
how to fix this?

Just need to use $ as browser object funtion
const link = await this.browser.$('a');

For anyone else seeing this issue, I later realized I was importing the $ command from the package, which was not correct. It was added without my knowledge – I think VS Code auto-imported while writing more tests.
import $ from 'webdriverio/build/commands/browser/$'; <<-- Removed this and it worked fine.
describe('Connect Apps / Manage Apps', async () => {
before(async () => {
const elem = await $('.results');
await elem.waitForDisplayed(5000, true);


Importing WASM files into Electron main process

I'm building an Electron app that needs to use Web-Assembly (WASM), however I'm hitting an issue with Fetch throwing a TypeError: Only absolute URLs are supported when importing my WASM file.
Also, perhaps this raises the broader question as to whether the Electron main process or the renderer process should be used to run the WASM ? It does seem to work in the render process.
Here's the complete error:
TypeError: Only absolute URLs are supported
at parseURL (/Users/devuser/development/electron-api-demos/node_modules/node-fetch/dist/index.cjs:897:8)
at new Request (/Users/devuser/development/electron-api-demos/node_modules/node-fetch/dist/index.cjs:922:17)
at /Users/devuser/development/electron-api-demos/node_modules/node-fetch/dist/index.cjs:1175:19
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at fetch (/Users/devuser/development/electron-api-demos/node_modules/node-fetch/dist/index.cjs:1173:9)
at IpcMainImpl.<anonymous> (/Users/cbourne/development/electron-api-demos/main-process/communication/async-msg.js:20:36)
at IpcMainImpl.emit (events.js:223:5)
at WebContents.<anonymous> (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:4093:15)
at WebContents.emit (events.js:223:5)
And here's the main-process code I'm testing with:
const {ipcMain} = require('electron')
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
ipcMain.on('asynchronous-message', (event, arg) => {
if (!WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) { // polyfill
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming = async (resp, importObject) => {
const source = await (await resp).arrayBuffer();
return await WebAssembly.instantiate(source, importObject);
const go = new Go();
let mod, inst;
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("test.wasm"), go.importObject).then((result) => {
mod = result.module;
inst = result.instance;
document.getElementById("runButton").disabled = false;
}).catch((err) => {
async function run() {
await go.run(inst);
inst = await WebAssembly.instantiate(mod, go.importObject); // reset instance
event.sender.send('asynchronous-reply', 'pong')
The problem is not WASM at all, but the request that is supposed to get the binary. Your fetch comes from node-fetch; the main process runs in Node.js and as such, does not have a base address like a normal page. Either provide a full file:/// absolute URL to fetch, or, more easily, use fs.readFileSync:
const fs = require('fs');
I can only answer part of your question.
WASM should probably not be run in the Main process. Even though WASM will run in an independent thread, you should reduce the load on the Main process to the maximum extent possible. When the Main process is blocked, even something like minimizing your app will not occur until it becomes unblocked.
For more info, this is a good article: https://medium.com/actualbudget/the-horror-of-blocking-electrons-main-process-351bf11a763c
Have you tried changing fetch("test.wasm") to fetch("./test.wasm") or hardcoding a direct path to local file at least for dev purposes?

Nodejs/Mocha - FieldValue.increment - FirebaseError: Function DocumentReference.update() called with invalid data

I have the following code:
NOTE getDb() is wrapper around admin.firestore() see the link in the end of the question for more details.
let wordRef = await getDb().
await wordRef.set({ word: word, 'count': 0 })
await wordRef.update('count', admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1))
When I execute it I get
FirebaseError: Function DocumentReference.update() called with invalid data. Unsupported field value: a custom object (found in field count)
How do I increment the value in node js, firestore, cloud functions?
NOTE: this problem is specific to Mocha testing, I didn't check but it will probably not fail on real env.
The problem is caused by the code using the real implementation in test, which need to be override by an emulator implementation, as explain in:
Where u can also find the definition of getDb() I used in the code snipet
The following code will replace the firebase admin at run time, only when running in test env.
NOTE: this code is based on https://claritydev.net/blog/testing-firestore-locally-with-firebase-emulators/
and for a full solution, one need to do the same trick for db as explained in the link
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
let firebase;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test") {
firebase = admin
exports.getFirebase = () => {
return firebase;
exports.setFirebase = (fb) => {
firebase = fb;
// package.test.js
process.env.NODE_ENV = "test"
beforeEach(() => {
// Set the emulator firebase before each test
// package.test.js and package.js (at the top)
const { setFirebase } = require("../db.js")
// package.js
let wordRef = await getDb()
await wordRef.set({ word: word, 'count': 0 })
await wordRef.update('count', getFirebase().firestore.FieldValue.increment(1))

TypeError: invNum.next is not a function

I have tried this code :
const invNum = require('invoice-number');
router.post('/checkout', async (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.session.cart) {
return res.redirect('/pos/');
var saleList = Sale.find().sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(1); // removed (err, data)=>{} to simply view it is working tested already
var settings = await Setting.find({}); // removed try and catch to simply view it is working tested already
var ticketNumber;
ticketNumber = !saleList ? invNum.next('0000000') : invNum.next(saleList.ticket_number);
var sale = new Sale({
cart: req.session.cart,
created_at: new Date()
sale.save((err, product) => {
createReceipt(settings, req.session.cart, "receipts/"+ticketNumber+".pdf");
req.session.cart = null;
I got this error:
TypeError: invNum.next is not a function
The problem is with invNum.next().
invNum.next() is a Node.js module to generate invoice number sequentially installed from npm.
// => 2017/08/ABC002
I have tried already suggestions from previous stackoverflow posts by trying Promises or await async function in order to get this code to work. Hopefully, you can help or suggest something. Thank you.
There is a problem in version of invoice-number module. In the npm it is showing as 1.0.6 but in the GitHub repository it has 1.0.5 in the package.json file.
I have tested this module by taking from Github repository and it's working fine.
Please take the source of this module from the given link it will works fine.
Seems to be some error in the module. I tried the below code snippet on RunKit
var invNum = require('invoice-number')
} catch(e){
Getting the same error
I got this error:
TypeError: invNum.next is not a function UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch()
What is the output when you use the console.log on invNum?
Also use try catch and inside call invNum.next with await. Maybe something inside this function is throwing an error.
Edit: as jfriend00 says, if an plain text (like your "0000...") is working, probably the saleList is returning some error and you are not catching or treating the error.
Edit2: The last update on this NPM code is from 1 year ago and fewer people used this lib, probably is broken.
There is some part of the code from the index.js of the lib:
function _next (invoiceNumber) {
if (!invoiceNumber)
throw new Error('invoiceNumber cannot be empty')
var array = invoiceNumber.split(/[_/:\-;\\]+/)
var lastSegment = array.pop()
var priorSegment = invoiceNumber.substr(0, invoiceNumber.indexOf(lastSegment))
var nextNumber = alphaNumericIncrementer(lastSegment)
return priorSegment + nextNumber}
var api = { next: _next}
module.exports = api

Node repl with async await

I would like to add support to async/await to node repl
Following this issue: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8382
I've tried to use this one https://github.com/paulserraino/babel-repl but it is missing async await suppport
I would like to use this snippet
const awaitMatcher = /^(?:\s*(?:(?:let|var|const)\s)?\s*([^=]+)=\s*|^\s*)(await\s[\s\S]*)/;
const asyncWrapper = (code, binder) => {
let assign = binder ? `root.${binder} = ` : '';
return `(function(){ async function _wrap() { return ${assign}${code} } return _wrap();})()`;
// match & transform
const match = input.match(awaitMatcher);
if(match) {
input = `${asyncWrapper(match[2], match[1])}`;
How can I add this snippet to a custom eval on node repl?
Example in node repl:
> const user = await User.findOne();
As of node ^10, you can use the following flag when starting the repl:
node --experimental-repl-await
$ await myPromise()
There is the project https://github.com/ef4/async-repl:
$ async-repl
async> 1 + 2
async> 1 + await new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(2), 1000))
async> let x = 1 + await new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(2), 1000))
async> x
Another option, slightly onerous to start but with a great UI, is to use the Chrome Devtools:
$ node --inspect -r esm
Debugger listening on ws://
For help see https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector
> Debugger attached.
(I am using the esm package here to allow Node to parse import statements.)
Then you go to chrome://inspect in Chrome and you will be able to connect to the node instance. Chrome Devtools has top-level await, great tab-completion etc.
The idea is to preprocess the command and wrap it in a async function if
there is an await syntax outside async function
this https://gist.github.com/princejwesley/a66d514d86ea174270210561c44b71ba is the final solution

Mongoose Trying to open unclosed connection

This is a simplified version of the problem, but basically I'm trying to open 2 mongodb connections with mongoose and it's giving me "Trying to open unclosed connection." error.
Code sample:
var db1 = require('mongoose');
db1.connect('my.db.ip.address', 'my-db');
var db2 = require('mongoose');
db2.connect('my.db.ip.address', 'my-db');
Any idea how to make it work?
connect() opens the default connection to the db. Since you want two different connections, use createConnection().
API link: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#index_Mongoose-createConnection
To add on Raghuveer answer :
I would also mention that instead of using mongoose directly (you are probably using it this way you end up on this post) :
You would use the returned connection :
var db = require('mongoose').connect('xxx', 'yyy');
I get this issue while running my tests.
This is what I did to solve it.
//- in my app.js file.
try {
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/userApi2'); //- starting a db connection
}catch(err) {
mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://localhost/userApi2'); //- starting another db connection
I had this problem doing unit test with mocha.
The problem came when I added a second test because beforeEach is called twice.
I've solved this with this code:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
describe('Your test suite', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
if (mongoose.connection.db) {
return; // or done();
} else {
// connect to mongodb
describe('GET /some-path', () => {
it('It should...', () => {
describe('POST /some-path', () => {
it('It should...', () => {
Hope it helps you!
You are attempting to open the default connection ( which is not yet closed ) a 2nd time.
do the following instead
var db = require('mongoose'); //note only one 'require' needed.
var connectionToDb1 = db.createConnection('my.db1.ip.address', 'my-db1');
var connectionToDb2 = db.createConnection('my.db2.ip.address', 'my-db2');
Using mongoose.disconnect(fn):
mongoose.disconnect(() => {
// here it would be possible "reset" models to fix
// OverwriteModelError errors
mongoose.models = {};
// here comes your logic like registering Hapi plugins
server.register(somePlugin, callback);
I found this question typing the error message and despite my problem is a bit different I believe it could be useful for those using Hapi. More specifically Hapi + rest-hapi + mocha.
When running mocha with --watch option I was facing both: OverwriteModelError and Error: Trying to open unclosed connection errors.
Simple Solution -
Use mongoose.createConnection() instead of mongoose.connect()
Its occurs because of version issue
