Why my savedInstanceState is not working? - android-studio

I'm new to android studio with kotlin.
I want to make multiple choice quiz app, and I use data class and object constant to supply problem. If users choose correct choice, private var mCurrentPosition(Int) get plus 1 and setQuestion() work to change the problem, choices, and correctChoice.
To prevent the progress from being reset after the app is closed, I thought it would be okay if the int of mCurrentPosition was stored, so I use onSaveIntanceState. But progress is initialized after the app is closed...
class QuizActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var mCurrentPosition: Int = 1
private var mQuestion300List: ArrayList<Question300>? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if(savedInstanceState != null) {
with(savedInstanceState) {
mCurrentPosition = getInt(STATE_SCORE)
} else {
mCurrentPosition = 1
val questionList = Constant.getQuestions()
Log.i("Question Size", "${questionList.size}")
mQuestion300List = Constant.getQuestions()
tv_choice1.setOnClickListener {
if (tv_correctChoice.text.toString() == "1") {
mCurrentPosition ++
} else {
tv_choice2.setOnClickListener {
if (tv_correctChoice.text.toString() == "2") {
mCurrentPosition ++
} else {
tv_choice3.setOnClickListener {
if (tv_correctChoice.text.toString() == "3") {
mCurrentPosition ++
} else {
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
outState?.run {
putInt(STATE_SCORE, mCurrentPosition)
companion object {
val STATE_SCORE = "score"
private fun setQuestion() {
val question300 = mQuestion300List!![mCurrentPosition-1]
tv_question.text = question300!!.question
tv_choice1.text = question300.choice1
tv_choice2.text = question300.choice2
tv_choice3.text = question300.choice3
tv_correctChoice.text = question300.correctChoice
here is my app code. plz give me help :) thank you

savedInstanceState is really only meant for two things
surviving rotations, where the Activity gets destroyed and recreated
the system killing your app in the background - so when you return, the Activity needs to be recreated as it was, so the user doesn't see any difference between the app just being in the background, and the app being killed to save resources
When onCreate runs, if the Activity is being recreated from a previous state, you'll get a bundle passed in as savedInstanceState - this contains all the stuff you added in onSaveInstanceState before the app was stopped earlier. But if the user has closed the app (either by backing out with the back button, or swiping the app away in the task switcher etc.) then that's counted as a fresh start with no state to restore. And savedInstanceState will be null in onCreate (which is one way you can check if it's a fresh start or not).
So if you want to persist state even after the app is explicitly closed by the user, you'll need to use something else. Here's the docs on the subject - the typical way is to use SharedPreferences for small data, some kind of database like Room for larger state. DataStore is the new thing if you wanted to try that out


Observer is called twice at the same time in Kotlin

When the button is clicked, data is received from the API, after which the Observer is fired, however, even with removeObservers, it is called twice.
Without removeObservers it triggers more than 2 times.
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
TestApiAppTheme {
Surface() {
fun TextInfo() {
val viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(MainViewModel::class.java)
var txt = remember {
viewModel.serverInfoResponse.observe(this) {
txt.value = it.players
Toast.makeText(this, "${it.players} -", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Column() {
text = txt.value.toString(),
Button(onClick = {
visible = true
}) {
var serverInfoResponse = MutableLiveData<ServerInfo>()
fun getServerInfo() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val apiService = ApiService.getInstance()
val info = apiService.getInfo()
serverInfoResponse.value = info
A composable function can be called multiple times, whenever the it observes changes removeObserver() and observe() should not be called directly but, rather in some effect.
The extension function observeAsState() does all work to subscribe and correctly unsubscribe for you.
Composable functions can get called many times although the compiler tries to reduce how often.
You should not have side effects in them such as adding and removing the observer. Since LiveData sends the last item out to new subscribers, every time this function composes you get the value again.
The correct way to consume live data is to convert it to a state. https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/livedata/package-summary
But then you still have problems with showing the toast too often. For that you will need something like a LaunchEffect to make sure you only show a toast once. Might want to consider if you really need a toast or if a compose type UI would be better.

Invisible mode in Android studio (kotlin)

I'm working on a news app and I want my layout to become invisible when a user saves an article. Can anyone please tell me the right way to write this code?
2 things to note:
-when I run the app,the layout is visible in the "saved fragment"
but then when I add "hideSavedMessage" right next to the code that updates the recyclerView and I run the app, the layout becomes invisible.
I want the layout to be invisible only when the user saves an article.
PS: I know how the visible and invisible mode works. I have used it before. My major problem is not knowing the right place to write the code. And by layout, I mean the text view and image view that appears on the screen. I would appreciate any contributions. Thank you.
Here's my code
class SavedFragment : Fragment(R.layout.fragment_saved) {
lateinit var viewModel: NewsViewModel
lateinit var newsAdapter: SavedAdapter
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
viewModel = (activity as NewsActivity).viewModel
newsAdapter.setOnItemClickListener {
val bundle = Bundle().apply {
putSerializable("article", it)
val itemTouchHelperCallback = object : ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(
ItemTouchHelper.UP or ItemTouchHelper.DOWN,
ItemTouchHelper.LEFT or ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT
) {
override fun onMove(
recyclerView: RecyclerView,
viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder,
target: RecyclerView.ViewHolder
): Boolean {
return true
override fun onSwiped(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, direction: Int) {
val position =
viewHolder.adapterPosition//get position of item we deleted so that we swipe to left or right
val article =
newsAdapter.differ.currentList[position]//from news adapter at the index of the position
Snackbar.make(view, "Successfully deleted article", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.apply {
setAction("Undo") {
viewModel.saveArticle(article); hideSavedMessage()
val isAtLastItem = position <= 0
val shouldUpdateLayout = isAtLastItem
if (shouldUpdateLayout) {
ItemTouchHelper(itemTouchHelperCallback).apply {
viewModel.getSavedNews().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { articles ->
private fun setupRecyclerView() {
newsAdapter = SavedAdapter()
rvSavedNews.apply {
adapter = newsAdapter
layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(activity)
private fun hideSavedMessage() {
savedMessage.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
isArticleAdded = false
private fun showSavedMessage() {
savedMessage.visibility = View.VISIBLE
The problem is that code inside observer runs even at the beginning - when you run your app, right? If I understand your problem, you just have to manage to make the fun hideSavedMessage() not be running for the first time. You could for example instantiate a boolean in onCreate() and set it to false. Then, inside the observer, you could run the hideSavedMessage() only if that boolean is true - you would set it as true at the end of the observer. I hope you understand.

Binding a ReactiveCommand prevents a ViewModel from being garbage collected

When I bind a "back button" to a the router in ReactiveUI, my ViewModel is no longer garbage collected (my view too). Is this a bug, or is this me doing something dumb?
Here is my MeetingPageViewModel:
public class MeetingPageViewModel : ReactiveObject, IRoutableViewModel
public MeetingPageViewModel(IScreen hs, IMeetingRef mRef)
HostScreen = hs;
public IScreen HostScreen { get; private set; }
public string UrlPathSegment
get { return "/meeting"; }
Here is my MeetingPage.xaml.cs file:
public sealed partial class MeetingPage : Page, IViewFor<MeetingPageViewModel>
public MeetingPage()
// ** Comment this out and both the View and VM will get garbage collected.
this.BindCommand(ViewModel, x => x.HostScreen.Router.NavigateBack, y => y.backButton);
// Test that goes back right away to make sure the Execute
// wasn't what was causing the problem.
this.Loaded += (s, a) => ViewModel.HostScreen.Router.NavigateBack.Execute(null);
public MeetingPageViewModel ViewModel
get { return (MeetingPageViewModel)GetValue(ViewModelProperty); }
set { SetValue(ViewModelProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ViewModelProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ViewModel", typeof(MeetingPageViewModel), typeof(MeetingPage), new PropertyMetadata(null));
object IViewFor.ViewModel
get { return ViewModel; }
set { ViewModel = (MeetingPageViewModel)value; }
I then run, and to see what is up, I use VS 2013 Pro, and turn on the memory analyzer. I also (as a test) put in forced GC collection of all generations and a wait for finalizers. When that line is uncommented above, when all is done, there are three instances of MeetingPage and MeetingPageViewModel. If I remove the BindCommand line, there are no instances.
I was under the impression that these would go away on their own. Is the problem the HostScreen object or the Router that refers to an object that lives longer than this VM? And that pins things down?
If so, what is the recommended away of hooking up the back button? Using Splat and DI? Many thanks!
Following up on the idea I had at the end, I can solve this in the following way. In my App.xaml.cs, I make sure to declare the RoutingState to the dependency injector:
var r = new RoutingState();
Locator.CurrentMutable.RegisterConstant(r, typeof(RoutingState));
then, in the ctor of each view (the .xaml.cs code) with a back button for my Windows Store app, I no longer use the code above, but replace it with:
var router = Locator.Current.GetService<RoutingState>();
backButton.Click += (s, args) => router.NavigateBack.Execute(null);
After doing that I can visit the page as many times as I want and never do I see the instances remaining in the analyzer.
I'll wait to mark this as an answer to give real experts some time to suggest another (better?) approach.

Unity3D : Retry Menu (Scene Management)

I'm making a simple 2D game for Android using the Unity3D game engine. I created all the levels and everything but I'm stuck at making the game over/retry menu. So far I've been using new scenes as a game over menu. I used this simple script:
#pragma strict
var level = Application.LoadLevel;
function OnCollisionEnter(Collision : Collision)
if(Collision.collider.tag == "Player")
And this as a 'menu':
#pragma strict
var myGUISkin : GUISkin;
var btnTexture : Texture;
function OnGUI() {
GUI.skin = myGUISkin;
if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-60,Screen.height/2+30,100,40),"Retry"))
if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-90,Screen.height/2+100,170,40),"Main Menu"))
The problem stands at the part where I have to create over 200 game over scenes, obstacles (the objects that kill the player) and recreate the same script over 200 times for each level. Is there any other way to make this faster and less painful?
Edit : If possible,please when you suggest your ideas,use javascript only,I don't understand C#,not even a little bit.I know Im asking too much but it realy confuses me.
Thank you.
There are several different solutions, but I would recommend using PlayerPrefs. This has the extra benefit of persisting even when the application is closed and then re-opened.
In your Awake() function of your Main Menu class, you can get the current level and store it in a static string of your Main Menu class. If it is the player's 1st time, use the name for level 1.
Something like this:
static string currentLevelName;
void Awake()
currentLevelName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("CurrentLevel");
if (currentLevelName == defaultValue)
currentLevelName = "Level1"
Then, modify your button to do this instead:
if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-60,Screen.height/2+30,100,40),"Retry"))
Whenever the player advances to the next level, set the string in PlayerPrefs to the new level name:
PlayerPrefs.SetString("CurrentLevel", Application.loadedLevelName);
You can create a class with static properties. For example (in c#)
public class GameOverInput
public static string name;
public static string retryLevel;
//all the info you need
Then you can easily read the input in your game over scene (only one is needed)
public class GameOverMenu : MonoBehavior
void Start()
Debug.Log("You were killed by " + GameOverInput.name);
And you set this info just before loading the game over scene
if (Collision.collider.tag == "Player")
GameOverInput.name = "Baddie";
Another option would be to make something like a singleton LevelManager MonoBehavior and add it to an object named "Level Manager". Use the DontDestroyOnLoad function to make the object persist even when you load another level.
class LevelManager : MonoBehavior
static LevelManager _instance;
public string currentLevelName;
public string killedBy;
function Awake ()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = this;
Destroy(gameObject); // Make sure we never have more than 1 Level Manager.
LevelManager Instance
if (_instance == null)
GameObject levelManagerObject = GameObject.Find("Level Manager");
_instance = levelManagerObject.GetComponent<LevelManager>();
return _instance
Then, from the main menu class, you can always access the Level Manager like so:
Debug.Log("Killed by " + LevelManager.Instance.killedBy);
LevelManager.Instance.currentLevelName = Application.loadedLevelName;

Custom MvxTouchViewPresenter not showing subsequent ViewModel

I've written a custom MvxTouchViewPresenter that allows me to show either a SlidingPanel (RootView), or show a MvxTabBarViewController (AuthView).
When my app launches,
if I tell it to load the TabBarView (AuthView), it works as expected.
if I tell it to load the SlidingPanelView (RootView), it also works as expected.
The problem occurs when I load the AuthView and then try to ShowViewModel<RootView>()... basically what happens in this scenario is that I stay at the AuthView, even though I see the CustomPresenter.Show() method has run appropriately.
Here's the method
public override void Show(MvxViewModelRequest request)
var viewController = (UIViewController)Mvx.Resolve<IMvxTouchViewCreator>().CreateView(request);
RootController = new UIViewController();
// This needs to be a Tab View
if (request.ViewModelType == typeof(AuthViewModel))
_navigationController = new EmptyNavController(viewController);
if (request.ViewModelType == typeof(RootViewModel))
_navigationController = new SlidingPanelsNavController(viewController);
AddSlidingPanel<NavigationFragment>(PanelType.LeftPanel, 280);
And here's a Gist of the complete class
What am I missing in trying to make this work appropriately?
not sure if what I've done is "correct" but it's working for now. I'm still very much open to better answers.
What I've done in order to simply move on from this problem is add a call to SetWindowRootViewController(_navigationController); just before I call base.Show(request)
public override void Show(MvxViewModelRequest request)
_navigationController = null;
var viewController = (UIViewController)Mvx.Resolve<IMvxTouchViewCreator>().CreateView(request);
RootController = new UIViewController();
// This needs to be a Tab View
if (request.ViewModelType == typeof(AuthViewModel))
_navigationController = new EmptyNavController(viewController);
else if (request.ViewModelType == typeof (RootViewModel))
_navigationController = new SlidingPanelsNavController(viewController);
AddSlidingPanel<NavigationFragment>(PanelType.LeftPanel, 280);
throw new Exception("They View Type you're trying to show isn't currently supported.");
