How to get the data in nodejs console to html - node.js

I am using smartapi provided by angelbroking.
I want to make a stock ticker which can display realtime price of stocks like this one
I am able to connect to websocket using the sdk provided in documentation but I don't know how to display that data in my html page.
Please suggest if you know how to get the json data from nodejs console to html.
The nodejs code is
let { SmartAPI, WebSocket } = require("smartapi-javascript");
let web_socket = new WebSocket({
client_code: "P529774",
feed_token: "0973308957"
.then(() => {
web_socket.runScript("nse_cm|2885", "cn") // SCRIPT: nse_cm|2885, mcx_fo|222900 TASK: mw|sfi|dp
web_socket.runScript("nse_cm|2885", "mw")
/*setTimeout(function() {
}, 60000)*/
web_socket.on('tick', receiveTick)
function receiveTick(data) {
console.log("receiveTick:::::", data)
The response I get is similar to this :
[{"lo":"1797.55","ts":"ACC-EQ","tp":null,"ltp":"1800.05","ltq":"27","bs":"16","tk":"22","ltt":"31\/08\/2017 11:32:01",
(Crs)","name":"sf","tbq":"76497","oi":null,"yh":"1801.25","e":"nse_cm","sp":"1800.90","op":"1814.00","c": "1811.20",
"to":"145093696.35","ut":"31-Aug-2017 11:32:01","h":"1817.55","v":"80391","nc":"- 00.62","ap":"1804.85","yl":"1800.00","ucl":null,"toi":"16654000" }]
The github repo for smartapi nodejs
The API Docs

There are many ways, here's two:
Cache the last message + HTTP polling
This is not the most efficient solution, but perhaps the simplest. Each time your recieveTick() callback hits, you could save the response message in a global object / collection (cache it). Better yet, you could pre-process the message and therefore just cache whatever info you actually care about in that global collection and save bandwidth on the connection between your frontend HTML and backend.
Then, add an HTTP endpoint to your backend that serves up the last info relevant to a given ticker. You could use Express.js or some other simple HTTP server library. That way when your frontend calls
Your backend will read from the cached data and serve up the needed data.
Create your own websocket and forward the data
This is a better solution, specially if your data providers API has a quick (subsecond) refresh rate. Create your own websocket server that will make a websocket connection with your frontend. Then, when you get a message from the data providers websocket, simply processes it in whatever way you would like (to get it into the format your frontend wants) then forward it to the frontend by using your websocket server. This will also be done within the recieveTick() function.
There are many websocket tools for nodejs. For help with the websocket stuff check this out
Also just a quick note, in your question you said " to get the json data from nodejs console to html". This kind of suggests that you would like to write the data to the console, and then read it from the console to html. This isn't the way you should think about it. The console was one destination, and the html is another, both originating from the websocket callback.


Streaming data to/from file in browser

Is there an API in the browser (outside of websockets) which allows us to stream data from a file to the browser? something like this:
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
reader.on('data', d => { // imaginary api
// new line of data d
what could happen is the user selects the local file, and some process on the local OS writes to it. If this doesn't work, then websockets is an option.
Browsers can consume streaming data using the Streams API, here how to use it, from those links:
The basic usage of Streams hinges around making responses available as streams. For example, the response body returned by a successful fetch request can be exposed as a ReadableStream, and you can then read it using a reader created with ReadableStream.getReader(), cancel it with ReadableStream.cancel()
// Fetch the original image
// Retrieve its body as ReadableStream
.then((response) => {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
// …
A good post about the Streams API
Another option could be using server sent events implementing the "streaming" as a sequence of reactions to events (new lines from the file?), still from mdn links EventSource Interface:
Unlike WebSockets, server-sent events are unidirectional; that is, data messages are delivered in one direction, from the server to the client (such as a user's web browser). That makes them an excellent choice when there's no need to send data from the client to the server in message form.
Here a link to another question with a lot of cool info and links
These solutions involve some Server side work of course

API that will continuously return data

Beginner here, I'm using Firebase real time database and I need my API to constantly return that value when something has been added see my code below.
if (err) return res.status(500).send('internal server error!');
return res;
this will return the error
Error [ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END]: write after end
but if i remove res.end it will show 1 record and constantly load until the page times out..
is what I'm doing possible or are there different ways to do it.
also I'm using firebase cloud functions for this api.
Uploaded the API but it does not return anything...
here is the link
tried axios and Event Source
Firebase functions logs the values but it does not return it..
If you're viewing the API response like a web page, your browser is buffering the data it's received until there's enough of it to form a more full page. Your browser is expecting content that ends, not some endless stream of data.
You should remove .end() if you expect to be able to continue to write to the output stream.
Also, I recommend using the Server-Sent Events (SSE) protocol for this. It provides a nice standards-based abstraction that makes it very easy to handle event streams client-side.
const eventSource = new EventSource('');
eventSource.addEventListener('userupdate', (e) => {
Server-side, there are a couple Express-based middlewares to make this even easier than it already is.
Operations in Cloud Functions must be relatively short-lived and end deterministically. There is no way to keep a connection open from Cloud Functions to the client.
Typically consider what triggers the need to send new data. For example, if it is triggered by the fact that a new user is registered, you can use trigger your Cloud Functions from Firebase Authentication. Then the function could for example write to the Realtime Database (or Cloud Firestore), and your client/app listens to the database for realtime updates. That way you're using all the pieces of Firebase in the way they're designed: Cloud Functions for short-lived updates triggered from events in the system, and the Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore for sending realtime updates.
If that doesn't work for your use-case, you'll need a runtime environment that allows you to keep processes alive. Something like App Engine flex, Kubernetes, or many other options come to mind for that.

Send data from websocket to front end - Nodejs, Expressjs

I'm working on a project that uses the binance api to create an interface to make day trading cryptos easier.
The call to their api looks like this:
binance.websockets.candlesticks(['BNBBTC'], "1m", function(candlesticks) {
let { e:eventType, E:eventTime, s:symbol, k:ticks } = candlesticks;
let { o:open, h:high, l:low, c:close, v:volume, n:trades, i:interval, x:isFinal, q:quoteVolume, V:buyVolume, Q:quoteBuyVolume } = ticks;
console.log(symbol+" "+interval+" candlestick update");
console.log("open: "+open);
console.log("high: "+high);
console.log("low: "+low);
console.log("close: "+close);
console.log("volume: "+volume);
console.log("isFinal: "+isFinal);
It seems to be returning data at a fixed interval, so I'm skeptical as to whether it's actually real time, but regardless, I'm wondering how to send this data to the front end as it comes in.
Currently, I'm doing this with the static data:
router.get('/interface', function(req,res) {
binance.candlesticks("BNBBTC", "5m", function(ticks, symbol) {
console.log("candlesticks()", ticks);
let last_tick = ticks[ticks.length - 1];
let [time, open, high, low, close, volume, closeTime, assetVolume, trades, buyBaseVolume, buyAssetVolume, ignored] = last_tick;
console.log(symbol+" last close: "+close);
res.render('interface', {ticks:ticks});
I've messed with in the past, but am unsure how to utilize it. Any help would be much appreciated! And please hmu if you're interested in cryptos. We are putting together a group in discord to share our research, and trading strategies.
To initiate the data sending process from the backend, (instead of frontend requesting data), you should use websockets (socketIO as you have mentioned).
To do that, first, you should start a socketio server in your express app, by wrapping the http/https server or express app.
Then, from the frontend, you should initiate a socketio-client.
Next, your frontend client should establish a connection with the server using the connect method of the socketio-client. It will fire an event in the server, with the socket connection.
Finally, the server can use that socket connection, to send any amount of data to the client. (You might need to save the connection for latter use).
i'm trying to do basically the same thing, what discord group you talking about?

Exposing Meteor's mongo DB to a stateless client

I need a legacy java application to pull information from a meteor's collection.
Ideally, I would need a simple service where my app would be able to download the latest list of items prices. A scenario like going on (through an http GET):
would return a json with an array
[{"item":"beer", price:"2.50"}, {"item":"water":, price:"1"}]
The problem is that I cannot make a meteor page printing the result "as is" because meteor assumes the client supports javascript. Note that I do plan to implement the java DDP client in a latter stage but here I would like to start with a very simple service.
Idea: I thought of doing my own Node.js request aside of the running meteor service in order to retrieve a snapshot of the collection. Then this request would be using a server based javascript DDP client in order to subscribe and filter to then return the collection once loaded as a jSON document (array).
Any idea on how to achieve this ?
Looks like you want to provide a REST interface. See the MeteorPedia page on REST for how to expose collection data. It might be as simple as
prices = new Mongo.Collection('prices');
// Add access points for `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`
HTTP.publish({collection: prices}, function (data) {
// here you have access to this.userId, this.query, this.params
return prices.find({});

Get a static request to push some data to clients using Node.js and

I'm new to Node.js, and I've been playing with the "chat" example provided with the install package. Is shows in a few lines of code how you can push some data to several clients (browsers) in a push-fashion (no pulling).
Here is the code on the server side :
I get how you can send a message to a client with client.broadcast(msg), but I don't get how you can do it outside of the
io.on('connection', function(client){
... }
I would like to invoke a client.broadcast(msg) when someone hits a particular url (like '/test.html'), see line #32. The device asking for the '/test.html' is not a typical "ajax-enabled" browser, but a mere text-based browser, so I cannot initialize an asynchronous request with the server. Any idea?
Thank you.
you can use .broadcast on your io object
case '/test.html':
io.broadcast('test'); // This is where I would like to invoke a client.broadcast(msg);
