I want to use dialogflow to create a prototype of an Instagram chatbot that uses the Messenger API for Instagram - instagram

I want to use dialogflow to create a prototype of an Instagram chatbot using the Messenger API for Instagram, but the Messenger API for Instagram is not recommended on the official dialogflow website.
Please let me know if there is a way.
What I need is the ability to send DMs in some form of auto-response to users' DMs, comments, Stories actions, and Stories mentions.
We are also considering adding a feature that would allow us to send DMs to users who responded to DMs that they are interested in jackets when new jacket products are released.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Send a Google Chat message from a regular account (not a bot)?

I'm trying to send a notification out using Google Chats. But I have a few problems with the documentation I've been able to find:
It requires me to have a paid service account, which I do not have, and will not be getting
It requires using a chat bot, which (in my understanding) needs to be added to a room, and cannot just send out messages
Chat bots can't send out messages directly to personal accounts?
I'm already using Google OAuth2 authentication to access another Google API, so I'd like to use a Google API to send messages directly from the authenticated account. How would I do that?
So far:
All the documentation I can find is about making a chat bot.
I've considered some alternatives to sending out messages, but due to corporate device restrictions that will not be changing, google chats is my best option.
At the moment what you're trying to do is not possible, for multiple reasons.
You may know this already, but Google Chat is an upgrade to their old "Classic Hangouts" chat. In Google's own words, this is focused on enterprise (i.e. paid) accounts. While personal accounts are also able to upgrade and get some of the benefits, their documentation shows that Google Chat for personal accounts is very similar to the old Hangouts and most of the new features are meant for the paid accounts. This also includes the use of bots.
As you've observed, the Chat API currently only has methods to create and manage bots. There are no methods to send messages as your own account. This could be to prevent spam or because their Chat API is relatively new, since the Classic Hangouts did not have an API, and Chat hasn't fully replaced it yet. Even then, given that Chat is "enterprise-focused", it is uncertain whether or not personal accounts would get access to any new API features.
You could try to post feedback on their issue tracker or request the feature to see if you get a response, but for an immediate solution you may want to just use the Gmail API to send a regular email or reconsider the other alternatives that you had in mind.

Is the integration of instagram and Watson Assistant possible?

I recently did some Watson Assistant integrations. Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger and now I'm looking to do the same thing with Instagram.
I saw that Facebook (now Meta) recently published the API to do this integration. But I tried to replicate what I had done on Facebook Messenger, (set up webhoock, link page, set up test user) and Direct doesn't give me a return.
I would like to know if Watson and this API are compatible with each other.
And if not, is there any platform to do this integration?
It is currently possible.
Instagram provides an API in which you can capture a Webhook and exchange messages, while node red creates a url that will be sent and received as responses
You can also use captivate hub to connect your watson assistant on instagram
Link: https://hub.captivat.io
Manual: https://manual.captivat.io/install/channels/instagram

How to wrap a chatbot created in Google's dialogflow.com in a different app?

I created a very basic and simple chatbot by Google's DialogFlow.com. DialogFlow allows us to embed the chatbot with a webpage by <iframe> but my intent is to use the bot for different users to track what each use may have to say. Is it possible to interact with the created chatbot by a POST request?
For e.g. when a user types in "Hello my friend" we would be able to POST it to dialogflow chatbot and get response back for that specific chat instance? If so how?

Is it possible to connect Dialogflow (Api.ai) with Slack so that humans can monitor and possibly even intervene or add to the conversation via Slack?

I know Dialogflow (Api.ai) can be a bot in Slack. But what about monitoring the conversation and possibly manually intervene in the conversation? If possible, what would be the general direction to implement this?
So Slack has Open APIs for interacting with the Slack App. Here
Since you want to monitor the conversations so Events APIs and Conversations APIs would help you to notify as well as capture the conversations.
conversations.history will help you to fetch the messages within public or private channels.
Since you want to intervene in the conversation then I suggest using chatbot, which will provide a suitable way to intervene and respond to some particular events. Bot Users
Dialogflow has an sample on how to do this: https://github.com/dialogflow/agent-human-handoff-nodejs
You'll have to build you own front end for the human to override the response and call the Dialogflow query API to integrate:
Slack <--> Front end w/human override <--> Dialogflow's query API <--> Dialogflow Agent
Yes, it's possible. Just login to DialogFlow with your Google credentials, then on the left sidebar you can see the Integrations Tab. Click on it. You will find a bunch of different integrations for line, telegram, Twilio, kik, Viber, Skype and a lot more.
Click on Slack. It will ask you for some details for connecting with endpoints such as client ID, token, client secret. You can get it from the Slack API. You can also check the Slack API integration link here. After everything is properly set up, click the "Test in Slack" button in the DialogFlow Slack integration.

Api.ai Detect Chat User Information

Is there any way in which Chat User information can be identified like user name, logged-in ids etc. in Slack or Skype integration with Api.ai.
This feature is now implemented only for Slack service. You could use context generic and its parameters slack_user_id and slack_channel.
For another services you have to implement your own processing using api.ai open source bots.
