How to define empty DataSource depending on param in URL in Xpage? - xpages

Design pattern in my Xpages application looks like below. When I in list view, I want to call dominoDocument1 for print and expect return null, because dominoDocument do not have key(documentId in url), but return UNID.I want this behavior for global custom control what can delete how in view mode and how in form mode. In form_toolbar component I what do something with dominoDocument and that`s why my dominoDocument define above another components.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp=""
<xp:dominoDocument var="dominoDocument1" formName="sample"
concurrencyMode="force" action="openDocument">
<xp:this.databaseName><![CDATA[#{javascript:var object1 = new SamplesDB();
<xp:script src="/dbClass.jss" clientSide="false"></xp:script>
<xc:form_toolbar xp:key="sample_form"></xc:form_toolbar>
<xc:view_toolbar xp:key="sample_view"></xc:view_toolbar>
<xc:form_toolbar xp:key="sample_to_researches_table"></xc:form_toolbar>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<xc:sample_form xp:key="sample_form"></xc:sample_form>
<xc:sample_view xp:key="sample_view"></xc:sample_view>

First, create the XPages application as a stand alone NSF for only one purpose, a web UI, and leave all the legacy Notes and new NSF data as data repositories for the UI.
-XPages UI NSF-
I think its best to create a 'Managed Bean' in faces-config, such as and name it 'app'. Then create a that gets and sets data to the database NSF.
Design Java model objects, plain old Java objects that are in between the NSF and XPages UI. Reuse in other XPages projects.
On start, the server instantiates the Java objects in faces-config.
You also can can add Action Listeners to events that will do some work like get all documents from a view and return a ArrayList and that 'persons' is what is the in the 'value' property of a <xp:repeat /> or <xp:table /> component.
You will will want your XPages UI components to bind to Plain Java objects and lists for data.
The benefit you can always switch out the backend, for example, instead of writing and reading from a Key/Value pair NSF data store you can create a or and implement the same methods from the and the UI does not change.


Xpage: programmatically set custom control from session variable?

I am starting to get the dynamic nature of Xpages and am trying to make my coding more streamlined.
I am using the switchFacet cc in my xpages to control which custom control to load, depending on the value in a sessionScope variable.
To keep things simple I made the name of the cc match the sessionScope variable. So I ended up with the following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlnsstrong text:xc=""
<xc:ccAppNav xp:key="LeftColumn" />
<xe:switchFacet id="switchFacet1" xp:key="facet_1"
selectedFacet="#{javascript:return sessionScope.pageSelected}">
<xc:cpApp2Title1Page1 xp:key="cpApp2Title1Page1" />
<xc:cpApp2Title2Page1 xp:key="cpApp2Title2Page1" />
<xc:cpApp2Title2Page2 xp:key="cpApp2Title2Page2" />
<xc:cpApp2Title3Page1 xp:key="cpApp2Title3Page1" />
Not to bad, but it seems to me things would be even cleaner if I could just directly set the cc to be the sessionScope variable. That way the code for this Xpage wouldn't have to change between different Xpages. I could get by with just one Xpage.
Is there a way to do this, and is it even a good idea?
What I am looking for is something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlnsstrong text:xc=""
<xc:ccAppNav xp:key="LeftColumn" />
<xc:#{javascript:return sessionScope.pageSelected} xp:key="facet_1"></xc:#{javascript:return sessionScope.pageSelected}>
That is a good suggestion, but as you indicated it only loads on page creation.
Is there a different way to do what I want, or is it just easier to leave the code as I originally had it?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlns:xc=""
<xc:ccAppNav xp:key="LeftColumn" />
<xp:include id="include1" xp:key="facet_1">
<xp:this.pageName><![CDATA[${javascript:sessionScope.pageSelected + ".xsp"}]]></xp:this.pageName>
You can use <xp:include... and "calculate" custom control's name:
<xp:include pageName="${sessionScope.yourCC}" />
The sessionScope variable has to contain the name of your custom control like "cpApp2Title1Page1.xsp". Don't forget ".xsp" at the end.
Be aware that pageName gets calculated only once at first page load.
I know from your previous question that you'd like to keep the possible pages flexible in a sessionScope variable. Assuming you have a sessionScope variable pages which contains all custom control names as an array then you'd use a repeat and put the xp:include in it:
rendered="#{javascript:sessionScope.pageSelected == key}">
pageName="${javascript:key + '.xsp'}" />
It will include all pages defined in sessionScope variable pages but render only the one page with the name contained in sessionScope variable pageSelected.
You'd include the code above instead your switchFacet.
Could you create one custom control to rule them all? A CC that takes the name of the desired CC as a custom property, then renders only the one you want. So shove the switchFacet into a new custom control, e.g. ccAll.xsp:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp=""
<xe:switchFacet id="switchFacet1" selectedFacet="#{javascript:return compositeData.ccName}">
<xc:cc1 xp:key="cc1" />
<xc:cc2 xp:key="cc2" />
<xc:cc3 xp:key="cc3" />
Add a custom property of ccName to the custom control using the "property definition" tab in the CC's properties.
Then add that to your XPage and pass in the sessionScope variable.
<xc:ccAll ccName="#{javascript:return sessionScope.pageSelected}"></xc:ccAll>
A while ago I have created a component to switch custom controls on-the-fly. The code is available at github:
The component can inject custom components whenever you want: during a partial refresh or depending on a variable.

Cannot get iNotes Calendar Data in Xpages

I cannot get the iNotesCalendar control to work.
It works in a tearoom.nsf. But if I put the controls in normal mail.nsf I always get a blank calendar.
I can get JSON via a web browser. Looks like this:
My code is this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<![CDATA[#{javascript:summarize = sessionScope.calendarFormatActions_selectedValue == "true";}]]>
You'd like to present the calendar view as iNotesCalendar for a normal mail database which is based on mail.ntf.
Your question's example is designed for and works with the teamroom.nsf. It uses a specialized view "calendarOutline". All calendarJsonLegacyService's properties which start with "col" define the specific column names of this view. So, you can't really use this example to read a "normal" calendar view of a mail database.
Luckily, all calendarJsonLegacyService properties' default values are dedicated to the "normal" calendar view "($Calendar) | Calendar" of mail boxes.
Change your code this way:
delete all "col..." parameters
change viewName property to "Calendar"
add property databaseName with value "yourServerName!!pathToMailDatabase.nsf"
Your restService would look like this then:
Your code for xe:restService and xe:calendarView looks similar to what I use.
I have experienced issues with using xe:calendarView with Internet Explorer 11. The problem is that the calendar is empty - exactly as what you experience. In order for it to work with IE11 I force IE11 to act as IE10 by setting the X-UA-Compatible to "IE=10".

Replace embedded views with multiple data sources

I am building an application that will have a parent documents with up to 5 different child documents attached to the parent. Each parent can have one and only 1 of each of the 5 types of child documents.
In traditional notes programming I would probably put an embedded view within the parent documents form. I was starting down that path when I wondered if this wouldn't be better done in Xpages with one Xpage that has multiple datasources.
A complicating factor is that each form/data source will have a different group of people who own it - only they can create or edit it. But I don't think this would be a problem.
Couple of ideas to consider ...
don't use response docs ... tie the related docs together via a document key like unid
put the create/edit function for the five child docs in their own separate panels ... childpanel1, childpanel2, etc.
add the datasources for the child docs in the respective panels ... childdoc1, childdoc2, etc
restrict edit access via the acl property for each panel
with multiple data sources on an XPage remember to set ignoreRequestParams="true" for the childdoc data sources
For example, here's the panel structure for the first child doc:
<xp:panel id="childpanel1">
<xp:dominoDocument var="childdoc1" formName="ChildForm1"
<xp:aclEntry type="GROUP" name="doc1group" right="EDITOR">
More on ignoreRequestParams:
In a two-page application involving a "view" XPage and a "document" XPage, when the application user clicks a link on the view page to open the document on the document page the ID for the document to open is passed with the REQUEST parameters. You can see this in the resulting URL for the document page which will have the ID for the document to open appended to the URL address, for example:
This works perfectly when the document page has only one Domino document data source. However, in the embedded view application the "document" XPage will also include a data source for the xp:viewPanel. When ignoreRequestParams is NOT true for the Domino view data source (and for any other additional data sources on the page, like childdoc1) then the parameters passed in the request ARE evaluated to determine which view entries to display in the xp:viewPasnel. These request parameters point to a UNID that is not the desired data source for the view so no view entries are displayed.
Note, you may not need to set ignoreRequestParams to true for ALL of the data sources on the XPage ... just be aware of this setting and what it does when things get wonky for one of the view or document data sources on the page.
Not sure if your question is how to limit the form creation or how to have something like an embedded view in xPages. Both are easier to do in xPages.
Basically you just need to make the children responses of the parent. I prefer to not use normal response documents and prefer instead to add a field called uid with the unid of the parent to the children. I then filter my datasource to match the uid of the parent document. You can use view controls for this but repeats look even better.
Its a great place to start using dialogs as you can have the second data source in the dialog and the user never needs to leave the page.
As far as restricting the view creation you can do something like hide the button to create a new child based on a criteria.
This action will add the unid of document1 to document3
<xp:modifyField name="uid"
value="#{javascript:document1.getDocument().getUniversalID()}" var="document3">
Here is the code I use for a repeat control datasource. The view is categorized by uid field
<xp:dominoView var="view7" viewName="VIEWNAME"
Then the repeat control just grabs the fields you want.
<xp:table styleClass="table">
<xp:td>Column Header</xp:td>
<xp:td>Column Header</xp:td>
<xp:td>Column Header</xp:td>
<xp:repeat id="repeat3" rows="30" value="#{view7}"
<xp:text escape="true"
id="computedField3" value="#{rowData.columnname1}">
<xp:text escape="true"
id="computedField4" value="#{rowData.columnname2}">
<xp:text escape="true"
id="computedField5" value="#{rowData.columnname3}">
Ignore some of the styleclasses as I am using bootstrap.

Add attachments to a xpage

I have a XPage with an data source attached to a notes document. On this XPage I have a button that calls method in a managed bean. This method retrieves a notes document from another notes database. This notes document has some attachements in a richtext field. These attachements shall be copied to my XPage.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I know how to retrieve the attachments from the notes document. But how can I attach them to my XPage?
For my task I can't use the File Upload control, because the "File Upload" should happend automaticly within my mananged bean.
I found something call AttachmentHolderValue that may fulfil my task, but unfortunately there is no documentation for this class.
Ok for the donwload display you could use code like this:
<xp:dominoDocument var="yourNewDocument"></xp:dominoDocument>
<xp:dominoDocument ignoreRequestParam="true" var="download" action="openDocument"
databaseName="otherDatabase" documentId="calculated">
<xp:fileDownload rows="30" id="fileDownload1"
displayLastModified="false" value="#{download.richTextItem}">
This will add you Document from the other Database as a dominoDocument dataSource wich you can use to bind a <xp:fileDownload> to.
Then you could add something to select the Attachments what you want to copy to your new Document for that i would recoment a repeatcontrol and use it like:
<xp:repeat id="repeat1" rows="30"
<xp:label value="#{javascript:attachment.getName() }" id="label1"></xp:label>
Insted of a label you could add a checkbox and in the onSave event you can run some code wich copys the selected elements to the new Document (have to look it up in my app).
You can copy them Using NotesDocument.copyAllItems() or saving the attachments to your server disk and add them with ritem.embedObject to your new's documents richTextItem. But i recomend doing the attachment copy in backend in my expirience working with attachments can be a very tricky part.

DataContext being executed multiple times

Has anyone noticed an issue with datacontexts in xpages. In certain scenario a single xpage with multiple custom controls would result in the datacontext being evaluated 12 times during a single page load?? Does this happen with other dataSources as well?
Here is a simple example, which gets executed 3 times!!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp=""
<xp:dataContext var="doc1">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("Form", "frmContact");
doc.replaceItemValue("fldFirstName", "test");
print("got here");
return doc;}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" value="#{doc1.fldFirstName}"></xp:inputText>
Should I not be using dataContexts in my application?
And also watch out, if you are using partial refresh. Let's assume, you datacontext is in id B and you do a refresh on id A. The datacontext in id B will also be refreshed. Also happens to all other data sources.
I have described this behaviour here
And there are also some hints about a PMR and a possible workaround for this.
Just like other controls on the page, the datacontext could be evaluated multiple times. See here for more information about the benefits of dataContexts. But in my opinion, from your code example, it could be faster to use a xp:data source but I'm not sure.
As with all other value bindings, if you change the # to a $, the value attribute of the dataContext may be requested multiple times, but the calculation to determine that value will only be executed once.
