Access Windows Server EC2 instance with WMI Exporter in Prometheus - linux

does anyone know what i'm doing wrong here? i'm trying to access my windows-server 2019 ec2 node locally so i can successful collect metrics via WMI Exporter and point this at my prometheus instance.I'm trying to access port 9182 for WMI Exporter, and can connect fine via localhost on my remote widows instance, also the IPv4 Address on the same instance.I've also tried to configure the firewall port on the windows host 9182. When I try to access via localhost this returns This site can’t be reached, if i try via public address on both i get Can’t reach this page. Ive opened port 3389 inbound and all traffic ipv4 outbound. Any help would be great. I have also tried adding RDP Ip directly to the inbound security rules, yet still have the same issue. Many Thanks

After installing windows_exporter, the installer will create an inbound rule for windows_exporter itself. However it may be not enough and cause your issue for some reasons. See this similar issue.
Try to add a new inbound rule for the Windows firewall and let any programs can access the listening port (default 9182). That works for me.


How to create socket connection over internet?

I have created a server-side and client-side console based Chatroom. I have done the port forwarding and also added the inbound rule to the firewall settings both in client-side and server-side. It is working fine with computers on the same network but when I connect to the server/socket with different network(mobile hotspot) it doesn't work. I know my public ip address and I have it tried using it also. I am using TCP connection and a port-'55555'. I have windows 10 os on my laptop. Also tried after disabling the virus protection, it didn't work.
Can you please suggest some ideas regarding how to make it work?

Hosting a web site in IIS accessible from any web client?

Trying to host a web site on my local Win 10 Pro machine withing IIS, provided I share the IP to my friends. My host file contains something like:
They all work as expected except for the imaginary external ip (only for example), and adding the port or not makes not difference. Seems i've tried what makes sense, say my external is '1.2" Creating a host entry like
1.2 # or
1.2:Port # the external IP with port
Also attempted adding an exclusion for he firewall to help ensure the traffic is allowed by doing:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=81
Kind of lost what might be missing, any suggestions?
Thanks for he help.
First. There is no need to add port after IP address in hosts file. Port can be configured on IIS by setting binding.
Second. If you want to allow any web client can access the site host on local WIN10 pro, you need to make sure WIN10 pro and web client are in the same LAN. Otherwise it is need to buy a public domain and bind to WIN10 pro device.
Using Ping command is a great way to test traffic between devices. It can help you make sure if web client can create connection with WIN10 pro.

Node app accessible inside aws server but not outside

I am able to access my app inside the ec2 instance using elinks but when I try to do from the browser it says "This site can’t be reached".
I am trying to run a node app on port 3000
my netstat
my ec2 security group inbound rules
after going through other stackoverflow tickets I figured that there are two levels of checks
EC2 security groups
EC2 instance firewall
so although I added the port 3000 on security group inbound rules still I had to puncture the instance firewall as well. Port 80 is open by default
I'm actually doing the same thing, and in order to do so, you need to give it a public IPv4 address and also run a web server from it. At least that is the conclusion I reached this morning.

How do I get acces to server running on Bluemix Paas?

Few days ago I wanted to launch my own Agario server. I assumed not to spend any money on hosting/vps etc. After a long search I found Bluemix PaaS, I put open source Agario clone Ogar ( in them and server has already started in 1523 port, but when i try to connect to this server via agario site ( connect("ws://") ) I can't connect. I tried also other ways e.g. prepared link (, but nothing worked.
Has anyone met similar problem?
Inbound traffic is only on standard HTTP/HTTPS ports 80/443. Bluemix will tell your application what port to listen on with the VCAP_APP_PORT env variable. Inbound requests are then mapped to that port. So, once you bind to the VCAP_APP_PORT port, you should be able to connect to : ws://

Amazon Nodejs webserver

I'm getting stuck here, so i have an amazon ec2 (standard redhat server) host up and working. i can connect to it personally no problem, however it cannot be connected to outside of my ip.
I've checked the rules and i have port 80 and 3000 open to to be able to communicate, however outside of my computer (and computers in this network) i can not connect.
Everything I've found is about connecting to ssh which works fine, i have no rules in iptables, i haven't dealt much with them before, but since i can connect to the service i don't think its the issue.
Web server is running, i can connect from my computer to it, and any others in my local network, but nothing outside of it works.
i do have httpd installed as well as a simple forward from the browser to port 3000, however i cant connect to it either from outside my network.
so this is a new one for me, the dns forwarding works in houst, but not outside. so inside and outside here, i can use IP address to connect, but inside only i can connect with my dns lookup. not sure what caused this, but its not an amazon problem at least. going to look at that side.
