Azure api OAuth2 implicit flow works on http but not on htt - azure

I created an Api in azure and recently tried to change to authentication method to access it via OAuth2.
I requested a token using[TENANT]/oauth2/v2.0/token/ and tried to use it to access my api via postman.
Then I tried to use the received token to make a request to my api:
I used Postman's Authorization pane to specify OAuth2.0 as the authentication method and set the Grant Type configuration to "implicit" and sent a request.
Configured like this, the request goes through using the "http" version of my api but as soon as I try to use the "https" version, I get a 401 error "Unauthorized".
Have I configured my api wrong ? Or am I using the wrong url to authenticate ?
Thanks a lot for your time.

After a lot of research I found out what was wrong :
I had to add the application ID in the allowed token audiences of identity provider (in the azure app service, navigate to authentication > locate the identity provider > click on edit > at the bottom of the page add the your app registration's application ID. For good measure I also added api://[APPLICATION ID]/.default and api://[APPLICATION ID]
There was still some authentication code left in the source code of my api. When I was trying to connect I sometime had a response which consisted of HTML titled "Sign in to your account". It was caused by a segment of code in the startup.cs file of my api which verified the user who made the request against my Azure AAD. After removing it I no longer had the error


Authenticating with oAuth token from service principal, produces a "the audience is invalid" error

I'm authenticating with a service principal that was setup by another developer. I'm trying to authenticate against an internally developed API. The ASP is working when the other developer uses the SDK to authenticate. But when I try with Postman, I'm getting a 401 with this error.
The issue is that I don't really know which resource to use. I believe the client ID, secret, and scope is correct. But I can't seem to find any info on the type of resource to use. Is there any way to determine this for an internally developed API? I've used a ton of publicly available ones. Just as testing, as I can't find any info. And leaving it blank does not work.
Assuming you have two applications created in azure ad app registration, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, (or in app registration you must have selected the required client application) and then you must be using the client application to call the Web api application.
NOTE: When you call web API , make sure you are sending Access token (not Id token)
you track the token you get in .
Azure AD audience must match the “aud” claim when.
The Audience must equal the AppId or client id set for the application.
Check iss value of token in and see the version of login url. If it is v2 set manifest json in the app registration for the API to 2, as it may be by default be 2.
"accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2
In the app registration if your exposed api is something like : api://xxxx-xxx-xxx ,then the client id in appsettings.json of your app must be the same.
Note:Client id may be configured differently according to application.
If above doesn't work try client ID : instead of api://
You may need to grant application permissions to your client applications (this is the role permissions you define yourself, you can find it in My APIs when you add permissions).Then you need to click the admin consent button to grant administrator consent for this permission.
Here I exposed scope >> api://xxx-xxx-xxx/access_as_user. Make sure to use the same scope configured in portal is included in application configuration. The scope should include the exposing resource's identifier (the Application ID URI) in the code too.
Here Ex: scopes: "api://xxxx-xxx-xxxx/access_as_user "
In postman Set Authorization header to refer a global variable 'Bearer {{bearerToken}}' and add the authorization data to Request Headers,
If you are using postman call back uri , uncheck the authorize using browser for callbackurl in postman configuration.(see enable-azure-ad-authentication| csharpcorner )

Azure FHIR Proxy using Postman - 401 You do not have permission to view this directory or page

I have set up an instance of Azure FHIR with an Azure FHIR proxy using this tutorial:
I am unable to call the proxy without getting the following error message:
You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
I have created a token successfully using the following tutorial:
I have created an app service principal in Azure with the permissions to access the FHIR proxy:
I am generating the token using the following in postman:
Auth URL:
Access Token URL:
Client ID: 4d138742-44c0-42cb-9878-8647a1d2ef17
Client Secret: Well..that's a secret!
Scope: openid profile
State: 12345
Postman returns 3 tokens: Access_token, Refresh_token, Id_token.
I have tried each token and all return the same 401 error.
ID token JWT looks like this:
I have tried calling the FHIR proxy API's, due to the tutorial I am not 100% which are the correct URLs:
None of this works, I just keep getting the same error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Should I be calling the FHIR proxy API using the token? If so, why is the API not letting me in?
I managed to fix the issue. I found that the resource ID was needed in the auth URL:
This can be obtained from Enterprise Applications:
Also, creating two separate app registrations:
The link ending with ".../api/fhirproxy/Patient" is correct for the proxy deployment.
I'd suggest that you do a quick test that you can access the FHIR API without the proxy. You can use the existing deployment and follow instructions at
Once you get that working, test the FHIR API with the proxy. You can start with the proxy that has the its security disabled (The FHIR api still requires security and you cannot disable it). Once you get that working, you can enable the proxy's security.
Since the proxy is a web app acting as a proxy, you will need two sets of credentials, one set for the FHIR api itself, which you specify in the proxy app, and one set for the proxy web app, which you specify in your client app, e.g. Postman or curl.
The reason for the error is actually very simple, you are using the wrong scope.
Usually the 401 error means that the audience of your token does not match your api. When you use the token to call the api, you will receive a 401 unauthorized error. The access token is issued based on the audience, so you must Make sure to set the scope to your api when you request the token. Of course you can also parse the token, check the aud claim, and make sure it is the api you want to call.
Therefore, according to your requirements, try to change the scope to:
By the way, if you want to call api, you should use access token instead of refresh token and id token.

Access token not working Azure AD custom policy

I made a custom policy for Azure B2C, added as a reply URL and everything seems to be working fine. When I log in, I get redirected to showing the token and it's contents. However when I try to link my angular frontend to this custom policy, it does not seem to work. In need the response type id_token token, but when I use this response type I get the error "This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation."
When I use the response type id_token it seems to work fine and I get a reply with the JWT token.
I thought the problem might be in the Implicit grant settings under applications, so I have tried enabling Access tokens and ID tokens for all applications but this did not help.
Implicit grant settings
The request looks as follows:
So if you replace the characters it looks like this:
&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4200/&response_type=id_token token
&scope=openid https://{tenant}
I expect the login flow to return both the JWT ID token and an access token.
I created a whole new B2C tenant with a standard Signupsignin user flow and I still experience the same issues. So I concluded that it is not a custom policy issue, but an issue caused by a configuration in Azure or the front-end application.
After a lot of experiment I come to know about your problem. I guess you are not trying in a right format. Even I don't know which document you are refereed to. Okay the first problem is...
You are getting this error "This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation"
You have not set API access in your target application on azure portal. To achieve that you have add API access on your application.
Let say you have two Published scopes on your B2C tenant application like below:
Create API Access
To avoid above error Add API access. To do that , go to your application select API access after that you will see a Add button on top. click and right side API access window will be open just click Ok. See the below screen shot:
After successful API Access It should looks like below
Note: Hope It will solve your error while you are trying to send request.
B2C id_token and Access Token
Follow the below steps for Id_token
ID Token Access Process
client_id= YourApplicationId
&redirect_uri= Your reply from Application
Take a look below at Id_token:
Note: Just fill out the above format and paste at your browser with no space between. If is it correct then a sign in page will be
prompted. After sign in you will be given id_token on your browser.
B2C Access Token
Follow the below format In POSTMAN:
Grant Type:authorization_code
Callback URL: Your Reply URL
Access Token URL:
Client ID: Your Application Id
Client Secret = Application Key
Scope= any of your Published scopes
Post Man request Process
Go to postman and click on Authorization Tab and Select type as OAuth 2.0 See the below screen shot:
For getting access token click on Get New Access Token You will be prompt following window fill out it with above mentioned format.
After hitting Request Token button you will be prompted a sign in window after successful login you will get access_token in response. Like below:
Note: In B2C there is no supported way to get `Id-Token and access_token together in a single request. You have to achieve it in
separate request. For more details you could refer here
If you still have any problem please feel free to share here in comment. Thank you and happy coding!

Azure AD server authentication, No permission to view directory

I have created a Xamarin.Forms project and a Table API project. Both have been created through the QuickStart menu in Azure Portal.
I have configured an Azure AD in my portal and I can successfully retrieve a token from the AD through my XForms app. But when I try to login to the Table API using the LoginAsync method from the MobileServiceClient, I receive a "You do not have permission to view til directory or page."
I have been looking through the following guides but with no luck.
How to configure your App Service application to use Azure Active Directory login
Add authentication to your Xamarin.Forms app
How to: Work with authentication
I have also look at the following question but didn't find a solution.
Cordova AAD server flow authentication hangs on Android and iOS
I Am thinking that I might be missing some specific authentication on the Table API project?
Here is my code and setups:
var ar = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(Constants.GraphResourceUri, Constants.ClientId, userCredintials);
JObject payload = new JObject();
payload["access_token"] = ar.AccessToken;
var client = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.ApplicationUrl);
var user = await client.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.WindowsAzureActiveDirectory, payload);
The Constants.ClientID is the ClientId of the Native Client app and not the webserver. If I switch it around I get a 404.
public class StatisticController : ApiController
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.UseAppServiceAuthentication(new AppServiceAuthenticationOptions());
I can duplicate the error through PostMan with the following setup:
I tried to include a "X-ZUMO-AUTH" header with the value of the access_token but with the same result. Still no permission. I also tried to exclude every header in the POST request but with no changes. Does this mean that POST requests from my mobile app or Postmand is not allowed?
If I manually browse to in a browser, then I can log in with the users from my AD. So it seems that the AD is communicating correctly with the service and vise versa.
Great thanks to mattchenderson! As he suggests I should change the constant GraphResourceUri to the client id of my service instead of the normal graph api. Along with adding a single instance of the client I can now successfully log in to my service.
POST requests are allowed, and I use Postman all the time for testing.
The most common cause of an issue like this is an audience validation issue. The audience is a property of the AAD token which says for what resource is this token valid. Given the code above, I would expect the audience to be equal to Constants.GraphResourceUri. My guess is that this is actually the graph API, and not your application, and that would cause a validation failure, although I would expect it to happen when you call LoginAsync(). I would suggest trying the web application client ID instead (that's the Client ID from the "MOBILE SERVICE AUTH SETUP" screenshot).
For an easier time debugging, you can take your AAD token to something like, and that will help you see the token properties. "aud" is expected to the same as the client ID of the application as registered in the portal, and you want the issuer fields to match up as well. Make sure the token is not expired either.
When using the token to access protected APIs, there are two ways to provide it:
Use the token returned as part of LoginAsync() in the X-ZUMO-AUTH header of your request. This will automatically be done by the SDK for table operations using the same MobileServiceClient.
Use the AAD token directly according to the bearer token spec. That is, include it in the Authorization header, with the value "Bearer ", replacing token with your value.
Also, I see in your code that you are creating a new MobileServiceClient for the login operation. This is something we generally discourage, as the login information is attached to the MobileServiceClient object. If you lose a reference to that, you lose the login information (and a few other settings), and they won't be applied to your table operations. The recommendation is to use a single instance that is referenced elsewhere - for example, in Xamarin, a static variable within your shared code.

Is it possible to anonymously call API App and it automatically redirect the browser to AD Login page?

During the recent Microsoft Cloud roadshow in London, something that came out of one of the talks on App Service was using AAD B2C for authentication.
It is possible currently to add Azure AD as an authentication for an API App:
Calling this API app from a browser based web app with no authorization header results in a 302 redirect immediately followed by a 401 response.
It was mentioned at the cloud event that it would be possible to call an API app anonymously from a web app, and have the azure App service handle the redirection to the AAD login page, get the token on successful login and then pass the call on to the API app and return the data.
However, I am struggling to see how this can be achieved without any responsibility on the calling web app to handle the redirect. Normally you would handle a 401 response from an API by obtaining a bearer token via AAD on the client side and sending it through as the authorisation header with the api request.
I have been through numerous examples on the Azure site and others and all of them are handling the logon/obtaining the token in the client web app.
Is this even possible?
UPDATE I just realized (as pointed out by #Darrel-Miller that you don't really want to allow the user to put the credentials in.
The only thing that is still unclear to me, is where do you want to provide the credentials for AAD?, What is it exactly what you would like to accomplish.
Even more, why would you use AAD if there no user interaction at all.
If all that you want is a secure connection you can just use the standard application key for the web api without enabling AAD. And its as pretty straight forward to just add the MS_ApplicationKey to your header and you are good to go.
As you described in your comment you have a webclient that tries to do the requests and gets the 302, that is why my original answer wast that you would use ADAL. But now that I get deeper into what you want probably what you want to use is KurveJS :
And it has the AAD app model v2 with Active Directoy B2C.
This makes it easy to add third party identity providers such as Facebook and signup/signin/profile edit experiences using AD B2C policies
You can read more about it here:
Do you mean this??
Just use ADAL nuget package to handle the call...
You can read this from the post:
As soon as the execution hits the call to AcquireToken, you’ll get the authentication dialog shown in Figure 8. ADAL takes care of contacting the right endpoint and rendering the authentication experience provided by the server in a pop-up dialog without requiring you to write any UI code.
I hope this works for you!
