API sandbox for ISO 8583 APIs - iso

I'm currently looking for ISO 8583 APIs Sandboxes. There seems to be a lot of resources for working with JSON/XML data exchange formats. But, I don't see much resources for working with ISO 8583 data.
I tried exploring https://community.developer.visa.com/t5/Sandbox-Test-Data/merchantsearch-v1-search-API-and-ISO-8583-message-mapping/td-p/15479, but the sandbox mentioned there does not work. Any links provided would be helpful.

these online coders/de-coders helped me when I worked with it


(ssg-wsg) How to get TSC details using MS Excel?

I am not a software developer (no coding experience too), and I find difficulties of searching of TSC / course details from SFw website.
I tried to import SSG-WSG's API to Excel by following the API/tutorial:
Is this a correct/proper way of retrieving data from SSG-WSG using API? Please suggest if it is not..
Anyway, I can only managed to retrieved up to 10 rows of data (see screenshots below).. could you please enlighten me on how to retrieve more than 10 rows of data?
APIs can be used in multiple ways whether to be used in Excel (like what you did), Postman, implement it in a software and etc.
https://mock-public-api.ssg-wsg.sg/courses/directory is a SSG-WSG mock APIs URL which only provides fixed responses. To get the actual responses, you have to subscribe their APIs and call to their production base URL: https://api.ssg-wsg.sg
You can find more information in their API documentation here

Building an Amazon Affiliate product link with an 'linkId'?

I want to build a plug-in for Joomla where the webmaster simply specifies the ASIN number, and it builds the entire product link as is done at the Amazon Affiliate website. With creating so many links, it is time consuming to build them one at a time at the Amazon website.
I looked into this, and it looks like the only difference between the links it builds are the asin, at least it has been this way in the past, but the iframes it builds includes a 'linkId'. Which is a unique number. It is unique each time you use the build product link even though it is on the same ASIN.
How is Amazon generating this number? How can I generate it? I've looked in their Product Advertising API document and did a search for 'linkId' and it didn't find anything. I also can't find documentation about it anywhere else, just speculation that it is used in the Amazon Affiliate Reports, which is an important report.
It appears that the 'linkId' is generated for internal use by Amazon and isn't a requirement for Amazon Affiliates. This might explain why it isn't mentioned in their documentation.

What are the steps for migrating from Parse to Azure Mobile Services?

For those who've already migrated from Parse's Cloud Code to Azure's Mobile Services or those who have a good enough grasp of both to know how this would be done: Can you outline the high-level steps for migrating off of Parse and into Azure?
My concerns:
Parse has an excellent ACL system but I wonder if there are scripts to translate it into Azure's DBs and tables.
I wonder what's a close mock-equivalent of Parse's JS SDK so that I could Simply swap out Parse.. with Azure.. and still have code running seamlessly.
Is this a pipe-dream?
Parse enables you to export files in a JSON format. You will find this feature under the Settings tab for your Parse app.
Since the announcement of the Parse shutdown, Microsoft has posted guidance on migrating from Parse here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-welcomes-parse-developers/
Perhaps a bit too late for the OP but hope it helps.

Excel VBA to Quickbooks Online Link?

Is there any way I can write an Excel VBA program to interface with Quickbooks online? I work for a company that uses quickbooks for accounting, and I'd like to write a simple program that I can run from one of our common excel files to take data from that file and dump into in a Quickbooks bill.
The problem Im running in to is that I dont know where to start. The quickbooks online API online seems suitable for other web apps, and any integration with Excel is online with quickbooks desktop. Are there any good resources? Is this even possible?
You can definitely use the QuickBooks Online API to do what you're looking to do.
The API is usable to both web apps and desktop apps.
If you follow the linked text above there's tons of documentation.
The basic process if you're building a desktop app would be to:
get your OAuth tokens from Intuit's OAuth playground
find an OAuth library for your language of choice
parse the Excel sheet
send OAuth signed REST requests to Intuit's API to send the data to QBO
If you're building a web app instead, you'd be better off implementing the entire OAuth signup process instead of using the playground tool.
You probably don't want to do this from directly within Excel because there's a lot of OAuth signing and other crazy stuff that likely won't be easy/available within Excel directly. But you should be able to use Intuit's .NET DevKit to do what you're trying to do.
I researched this last month. From what I can tell the API is only for creating apps for their app store. The apps have to comply with their standards for navigation, security etc... so the answer to your question from what I can tell is that it's not possible. (I could be wrong but I was asking myself the same question a few weeks ago.)
Probably not the answer you were hoping for but I came to accept it. After talking with my business partner who is a Pro Adviser he said that it was easy enough for him to just upload a csv file if the information was correct and the file was documented.
QuickBooks Online API Diagnostics.php ERROR However, from the looks of this post one might have a reason to believe otherwise.
EDIT The API has been updated. Keith Palmer's answer is correct.
Last week this sample was posted:
I have been using a modified oAuth part of this. I found it was easier to build out the transaction than use the SDK for the API. I have a wrapper class, exposed to com that is working in VBA.
Attending the Intuit's Friday Developer Google Hangout was very helpful in my Intuit Magical Mystery Tour.

Node.js Twitter library that supports update_with_media

None of the libraries I have tried support update_with_media for posting images:
All of these libraries claim to implement this functionality, which is very worrying.
If anyone is currently running software that is doing this, please reply. I am not interested in URL's linking to software that claims to support this feature.
I was searching for same thing for a while with little success.
So I decided to make my own which turned out to be short and sweet:
All the instructions are in the gist :)
I modified #Val's gist to support files from remote url's (i.e. s3) rather than reading it from a file. Thought I'd share in case it's useful to others. https://gist.github.com/travischoma/9279105
