Instagram Graph API - media_product_type not showing STORY - instagram

I currently have the below API response for one of our instagram pages using the Graph API that includes media_product_type, even though our Page has a STORY we are not seeing it come through, but we do see FEED and IGTV, see here for the documentation on this field. Has this happened to anyone else?

You will need to use the stories endpoint (not media)
Note: story info is only around for 24 hours, so ideally you polls for infor and then setup the webhook to receive the final counts before the story dissapears.


Instagram - Get post comments

I did create a client in Instagram API but I'm in sandbox mode. My wife have a makeup store account and she is doing a giveaway and the rules is comment a post and mention another 3 friends. So, how can I get all the comments of the photo using or not Instagram API?
We have a web application in: and I though that I can put the people that already are in the comments.
You can use service like this one to host your giveaway (works for Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok and VK). You can automate all tasks and save your time (check for like, follow, sponsors).

Did Instagram change API rate limits on Mar 30, 2018?

I use some self developed script to get info about my posts and followers. Recently I discovered that Instagram changed rate limits for my app. I see following info in headers:
x-ratelimit-limit: 200
I learned Instagram blog and page with changes but found no mentions about any changes since Oct 1, 2017.
Is this new limit related only to my token or to entire platform? Could you check your token?
Yes It is, Although no official communication.
I also experienced that.
I found this in their documentation.
The Instagram API uses the same rate limiting as the Graph API (200 calls per user per hour) with one exception: the /media/comments edge limits writes to 60 writes per user per hour. Please refer to the Graph API's rate limiting documentation for more information.
Hope this will be helpful.
Further on 4th April few more APIs deprecated by Instagram.
Some perspective:
This 200 per hour call has been in the Graph API documentation for at least a month (according to wayback machine).
Facebook must have panicked over the weekend and pressed the "require Graph API permissions" button, thus our current situation. :\
The limit has been reduced.
Here are some reference links for detailed documentation:
Instagram API limit reduced to 200 from 5000
Hope it helps
Here's our answer:
The API deprecated immediately. So really the limits probably don't matter that much anymore. I really don't see myself building another app based on their API...
Here is The New Instagram's Public Api Update , unfortunately Limit rates are worthless for some Features in Instagram .
April 4, 2018
The following endpoints are deprecated immediately:
Follows and Relationships
GET /users/self/follows
GET /users/self/followed-by
GET /users/self/requested-by
GET /users/{user-id}/relationship
POST /users/{user-id}/relationship
Commenting on Public Content
GET /media/{media-id}/comments (Deprecation not relevant when fetching comments for self media)
POST /media/{media-id}/comments
DEL /media/{media-id}/comments/comment-id
GET /media/{media-id}
GET /media/shortcode/{shortcode}
GET /media/{media-id}/likes
POST /media/{media-id}/likes
DEL /media/{media-id}/likes
User Search
GET /users/{user-id}
GET /users/{user-id}/media/recent
GET /users/self/media/liked
GET /users/search
Subscriptions - to receive notifications when media is posted
Some information on Public Content returned through hashtag and location search will be removed - Name, Bio, Comments, Commenters, Follower Count, Following Count, Post Count, and Profile Picture

App only approved for basic scope

So my app just got approved, but only with the basic scope. I am creating a MyFollowers app that track new, lost followers etc.. I added video showing my login. Then the amount of following, followers and posts. Then I showed sandbox users for not follow me back.
These are the scopes I need: basic+follower_list+public_content+relationships
Any ideas what to do to get more scopes accepted?
From the Instagram page:
As of 10/1/2017, all permissions other than the basic permission will be unavailable to submit for or obtain.
If you need these permissions you would have to use the new Instagram graph API wich works only for instagram business accounts.
From my understanding, the basic permission ("basic - to read a user’s profile info and media"), which is the only one they are taking requests for now is for photo printing apps and apps like Tinder that retrieve photos.
I have been reading up on this the last few days and can't seem to find much else on the basic permission and how else it may apply, e.g. displaying posts, mind some forums say it doesn't allow this.
However If you look at this link they seem to be getting the thumbs up
Also, Tinder enables users to display 20 (i think) photos directly from Instagram which of course links the viewer to Instagram if they wish, thus they are displaying posts in a way.
See also which displays public profiles and posts.
From what sites I've seen with approval, and what I have read, it appears to me that the clause: "to read a user’s profile info and media" is quite broad so that Instagram have discretion as to who they approve. So, if you're not putting forward a great product built on a big budget, then you're likely not to be approved. IMO.
I will be going through the permission process next year. Would love to hear from others who have done so.

Instagram search user api always return empty result with success code

We are invoking instagram search users api to get profile list as{search-term}&access_token={access-token}
but we are getting always empty result with success code as
{"meta": {"code": 200}, "data": []}
Our search term would be always instagram username i.e. username portion from
I remember this was working before 2-3 months. Any other are facing similar issue?
Sounds like you already figured out your problem. In case anyone else is having the same problem, here's a short article summarizing how Instagram's Sandbox Mode works.
“Sandbox mode” is the (unintuitively-named) gatekeeper walling off
most of what you want to do. This is the default status for all
clients, that have not undergone the strict submission process. An API
client in sandbox mode has extremely limited permissions. In fact, it
has fewer permissions than an anonymous user viewing public content
because your app basically lives on a tiny desert island in which you
are the only Instagram user and only your past twenty posts exist. So,
for example, the /media/search endpoint will only return the media you
uploaded near a given location, excluding the media from everyone else
or any posts beyond your last twenty.
So your API call is succeeding. It just isn't finding any results because it can only "see" other sanbox users for your client.

Instagram API posting likes rate limit

I created an iOS app that using Instagram API and have a critical issue posting likes to Instagram.
Using endpoint – POST /media/media-id/likes, with user-specific access token. I request scope – likes from users.
Instagram API works fine for all requests except saving likes. We can only save/post a couple hundred likes to Instagram, and then response is "We've taken extra measures to protect the Instagram API from abnormal activity. Since you have recently created your API application, please contact to receive whitelisting for a higher rate limit."
There is other developers with same issue with no support or any feedback waiting for months.
Please, let me know if there is limits and how it works, or how to become whitelisted
I don’t want to create many Instagram API clients and assign users among them. It seems like bad acting for me, if there is official API with strict limits I want to work with it.
Instagram has new API limits: 100 likes/hr 60 follows/unfollows/hr per access token. That is only if you authenticate serverside and sign your headers. Check out the new authentication:
I'm using it for my new site that automates likes/follows/unfollows, haven't had any problems works great. Check it out:
Instagram takes increased measures to limit your API requests based on IP address. This is not common knowledge, it's just something I've come to know from working with the API extensively.
They've built an API that is FAR from perfect, but have been upgrading it to be "smart". Smart enough to know that a newer client, pinging the API many times just for one user, may very well be a script kiddie trying to bot the system. For this reason, they do not give you a rate limit error, they politely say "we have taken extra measures to protect our API from being spammed by bots".
The good news is, other users should still be able to access your liking mechanism. Just not you, from that IP.
