List to data frame in python - python-3.x

I'm trying to grab transaction data from plaid and input it into a data frame with clean columns. The "before" format is a list as excerpted below.
My goal is that the "after" format is a data frame where there is a column for each name in the list (e.g., "account_id" or "amount") such that I can then parse the list and insert values in each column.
I'm new to python--I'm fluent in r/dplyr but the syntax is confusing me.
Thanks in advance!
{'account_id': 'nKllGzvJQeIpZwvxlv1Mhw98Zdo57Ec6ZNEm5',
'account_owner': None,
'amount': 4.33,
'authorized_date':, 12, 8),
'authorized_datetime': None,
'category': ['Food and Drink', 'Restaurants', 'Coffee Shop'],
'category_id': '13005043',
'check_number': None,
'date':, 12, 8),
'datetime': None,
'iso_currency_code': 'USD',
'location': {'address': None,
'city': None,
'country': None,
'lat': None,
'lon': None,
'postal_code': None,
'region': None,
'store_number': None},
'merchant_name': 'Starbucks',
'name': 'Starbucks',
'payment_channel': 'in store',
'payment_meta': {'by_order_of': None,
'payee': None,
'payer': None,
'payment_method': None,
'payment_processor': None,
'ppd_id': None,
'reason': None,
'reference_number': None},
'pending': False,
'pending_transaction_id': None,
'personal_finance_category': None,
'transaction_code': None,
'transaction_id': 'llvvGK61QjH1eX8yP8qZC8BxB3WegMFZrXRjr',
'transaction_type': 'place',
'unofficial_currency_code': None}
enter code here

In this case, I would use the DataFrame constructor, in the list-of-records format.
import datetime
import pandas as pd
transaction = {'account_id': 'nKllGzvJQeIpZwvxlv1Mhw98Zdo57Ec6ZNEm5',
'account_owner': None,
'amount': 4.33,
'authorized_date':, 12, 8),
'authorized_datetime': None,
'category': ['Food and Drink', 'Restaurants', 'Coffee Shop'],
'category_id': '13005043',
'check_number': None,
'date':, 12, 8),
'datetime': None,
'iso_currency_code': 'USD',
'location': {'address': None,
'city': None,
'country': None,
'lat': None,
'lon': None,
'postal_code': None,
'region': None,
'store_number': None},
'merchant_name': 'Starbucks',
'name': 'Starbucks',
'payment_channel': 'in store',
'payment_meta': {'by_order_of': None,
'payee': None,
'payer': None,
'payment_method': None,
'payment_processor': None,
'ppd_id': None,
'reason': None,
'reference_number': None},
'pending': False,
'pending_transaction_id': None,
'personal_finance_category': None,
'transaction_code': None,
'transaction_id': 'llvvGK61QjH1eX8yP8qZC8BxB3WegMFZrXRjr',
'transaction_type': 'place',
'unofficial_currency_code': None}
transactions = [transaction]
df = pd.DataFrame(transactions)
Note that some columns are themselves objects, like the payment category column or payment_meta column. You didn't specify if you thought those should be handled specially or broken out into multiple columns, but it's something you should consider doing.
Also note that transactions is a list, and you can put multiple transactions in the same format into it, and construct the dataframe all at once. (This is preferable to creating multiple dataframes and appending them together, for the same reason as in dplyr.)


how to set up "Flask" webhook for "telebot"?

Locally everything works, with the help of "ngrok" I hang up a webhook. I uploaded the code to "pythonanywhere" and the handlers are idle.
There is such a view for Flask
#app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def receive_update():
if request.headers.get("content-type") == "application/json":
json_string = request.get_data().decode("utf-8")
update = telebot.types.Update.de_json(json_string)
return ""
telegram sends updates to the server, but I'm confused by the presence of such entities
<telebot.types.User object at 0x7fc907fb8b0>,
instead of key: valueю
{'update_id': ******, 'message': {'content_type': 'text', 'id': ****, 'message_id': ****, 'from_user': <telebot.types.User object at 0x7f5c07fb8b0>, 'date': *********, 'chat': <telebot.types.Chat object at 0x7f5c907fb82>, 'sender_chat': None, 'forward_from': None, 'forward_from_chat': None, 'forward_from_message_id': None, 'forward_signature': None, 'forward_sender_name': None, 'forward_date': None, 'is_automatic_forward': None, 'reply_to_message': None, 'via_bot': None, 'edit_date': None, 'has_protected_content': None, 'media_group_id': None, 'author_signature': None, 'text': '/start', 'entities': [<telebot.types.MessageEntity object at 0x7f5c07fba00>], 'caption_entities': None, 'audio': None, 'document': None, 'photo': None, 'sticker': None, 'video': None, 'video_note': None, 'voice': None, 'caption': None, 'contact': None, 'location': None, 'venue': None, 'animation': None, 'dice': None, 'new_chat_member': None, 'new_chat

How to extract replies from Facebook comments stored in list of dictionaries?

I'm working with a Facebook scraping, however, I'm having difficulties working with the responses to the comments.
For the collection of comments, this is the code:
import pandas as pd
import facebook_scraper
post_ids = ['1014199301965488']
options = {"comments": True,
"reactors": True,
"allow_extra_requests": True,
cookies = "/content/cookies.txt" #it is necessary to generate a Facebook cookie file
replies = []
for post in facebook_scraper.get_posts(post_urls=post_ids, cookies=cookies, options=options):
for p in post['comments_full']:
Basically, each comment can have more than one answer. From what I understand, each answer is stored in a list of dictionaries. Here is an example of some replies.
[{'comment_id': '1014587065260045', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100002664042251', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Anderson Ritmoapoesia', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Boa irmão!\nTmj', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': '', 'comment_reactors': [{'name': 'Marcio J J Tomaz', 'link': '', 'type': 'like'}], 'comment_reactions': {'like': 1}, 'comment_reaction_count': 1}]
[{'comment_id': '1014272461958172', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100009587231687', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Cassia Danyelle', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Concordo!', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': None, 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': None, 'comment_reaction_count': None}, {'comment_id': '1014275711957847', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '1227694094', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Marcus Vinicius Espirito Santo', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Concordo Marcão a única observação que faço é: a justiça deveria funcionar sempre dessa forma rápida e precisa, como neste caso.', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': '', 'comment_reactors': [{'name': 'Marcos Alexandre de Souza', 'link': '', 'type': 'like'}], 'comment_reactions': {'like': 1}, 'comment_reaction_count': 1}]
[{'comment_id': '1014367808615304', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100005145968202', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Flavio Luis Schnurr', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'E porque você não morre ! Quem apoia assassinos também é!', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': None, 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': None, 'comment_reaction_count': None}]
[{'comment_id': '1014222638629821', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100009383732423', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Anerol Ahnuc', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Hã?', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': '', 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': {'like': 1}, 'comment_reaction_count': 1}, {'comment_id': '1014236578628427', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100009383732423', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Anerol Ahnuc', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Eu hein?', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': None, 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': None, 'comment_reaction_count': None}]
[{'comment_id': '1014435731941845', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100003779689547', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Márcia Pimentel', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Não é que sejam defensores Marcondes Martins,sim,eles falam que ele era um ser humano que errou e que podia ter pago de outra maneira,e não com a morte,porque só quem tem direito de tirar a vida das pessoas é Aquele que nos deu... Jesus.', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': None, 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': None, 'comment_reaction_count': None}, {'comment_id': '1014445965274155', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100000515531313', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Marcondes Martins', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Marcia Márcia Pimentel ta teoria é tudo bonitinho. Mas bandidos matam, estupram, humilham pessoas de bem e a justiça ainda protege esses vermes, a sociedade ja está cansada disso.', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': None, 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': None, 'comment_reaction_count': None}]
Based on the data above, I only need the values for 'comment_text', however, I've never worked with this type of structure. Is it possible to extract each occurrence in 'comment_text'?
Since you're working with a list of dictionaries, I would use a list comprehension to loop the items in the list, and then extract only the key I wanted from each dictionary:
replies.append([reply['comment_text'] for reply in p])
An example of what it would do
p = [{'comment_id': '1014272461958172', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '100009587231687', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Cassia Danyelle', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Concordo!', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': None, 'comment_reactors': [], 'comment_reactions': None, 'comment_reaction_count': None}, {'comment_id': '1014275711957847', 'comment_url': '', 'commenter_id': '1227694094', 'commenter_url': '', 'commenter_name': 'Marcus Vinicius Espirito Santo', 'commenter_meta': None, 'comment_text': 'Concordo Marcão a única observação que faço é: a justiça deveria funcionar sempre dessa forma rápida e precisa, como neste caso.', 'comment_time': datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 17, 0, 0), 'comment_image': '', 'comment_reactors': [{'name': 'Marcos Alexandre de Souza', 'link': '', 'type': 'like'}], 'comment_reactions': {'like': 1}, 'comment_reaction_count': 1}]
print([reply['comment_text'] for reply in p]) # ['Concordo!', 'Concordo Marcão a única observação que faço é: a justiça deveria funcionar sempre dessa forma rápida e precisa, como neste caso.']

Get value in Nested Dictionary Python Odoo

I have a problem...again. It is related to my previous question in Cron. I've got JSON value and I want to enter it in database. I need help in getting values in this nested dict. Plz help!
{'folders': [{'id': 94, 'name': 'Retargeting January 2021', 'totalBlacklisted': 606, 'uniqueSubscribers': 19988, 'totalSubscribers': 19382},
{'id': 90, 'name': 'Leads', 'totalBlacklisted': 0, 'uniqueSubscribers': 0, 'totalSubscribers': 0},
{'id': 84, 'name': 'Retargeting Year End', 'totalBlacklisted': 1367, 'uniqueSubscribers': 18847, 'totalSubscribers': 17480},
{'id': 79, 'name': 'CRM Folder', 'totalBlacklisted': 0, 'uniqueSubscribers': 3, 'totalSubscribers': 3},
{'id': 56, 'name': 'Curioo P', 'totalBlacklisted': 282, 'uniqueSubscribers': 3279, 'totalSubscribers': 2997}]}
res = simplejson.loads(response.text)
'id' :,
'name': res['name'],
'email_blacklist': res['totalBlacklisted'],
'email_subscribers': res['totalSubscribers'],
'unique_subscribers': res['uniqueSubscribers'],
'foldersId': res['id'],
At last it works. I try to spell out the values and I don't know how but it works this way. Thanks #Jack Dane for your help.
for folder in folders.get("folders"):
names = folder['name']
ids = folder['id']
blacklist = folder['totalBlacklisted']
subscribe = folder['totalSubscribers']
unique = folder['uniqueSubscribers']
# 'id' : folder['id'],
'name_folder': names,
'email_blacklist': blacklist,
'email_subscribers': subscribe,
'unique_subscribers': unique,
'foldersId': ids,
You can loop through the folders using a foreach loop call the create function:
folders = {'folders': [{'id': 94, 'name': 'Retargeting January 2021', 'totalBlacklisted': 606, 'uniqueSubscribers': 19988, 'totalSubscribers': 19382},
{'id': 90, 'name': 'Leads', 'totalBlacklisted': 0, 'uniqueSubscribers': 0, 'totalSubscribers': 0},
{'id': 84, 'name': 'Retargeting Year End', 'totalBlacklisted': 1367, 'uniqueSubscribers': 18847, 'totalSubscribers': 17480},
{'id': 79, 'name': 'CRM Folder', 'totalBlacklisted': 0, 'uniqueSubscribers': 3, 'totalSubscribers': 3},
{'id': 56, 'name': 'Curioo P', 'totalBlacklisted': 282, 'uniqueSubscribers': 3279, 'totalSubscribers': 2997}]}
for folder in folders.get("folders"):
'id' :,
'name': folder['name'],
'email_blacklist': folder['totalBlacklisted'],
'email_subscribers': folder['totalSubscribers'],
'unique_subscribers': folder['uniqueSubscribers'],
'foldersId': folder['id'],
In my case, I have used folders as the variable which will be returned as a JSON.
If you need any clarification let me know,

how to convert data to standard json

i need to convert this data in python3 to standard json for post json api
any solution ?
That looks like it's been URL form encoded.
import urllib.parse
import json
# note **without** the message= part
stuff = "%5B%7B%22values%22%3A+%7B%22momentum%22%3A+%220.00%22%7D%2C+%22exchange%22%3A+%22binance%22%2C+%22market%22%3A+%22BNT%2FETH%22%2C+%22base_currency%22%3A+%22BNT%22%2C+%22quote_currency%22%3A+%22ETH%22%2C+%22indicator%22%3A+%22momentum%22%2C+%22indicator_number%22%3A+0%2C+%22analysis%22%3A+%7B%22config%22%3A+%7B%22enabled%22%3A+true%2C+%22alert_enabled%22%3A+true%2C+%22alert_frequency%22%3A+%22once%22%2C+%22signal%22%3A+%5B%22momentum%22%5D%2C+%22hot%22%3A+0%2C+%22cold%22%3A+0%2C+%22candle_period%22%3A+%224h%22%2C+%22period_count%22%3A+10%7D%2C+%22status%22%3A+%22hot%22%7D%2C+%22status%22%3A+%22hot%22%2C+%22last_status%22%3A+%22hot%22%2C+%22prices%22%3A+%22+Open%3A+0.000989+High%3A+0.000998+Low%3A+0.000980+Close%3A+0.000998%22%2C+%22lrsi%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22creation_date%22%3A+%222020-05-10+16%3A16%3A23%22%2C+%22hot_cold_label%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22indicator_label%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22price_value%22%3A+%7B%22open%22%3A+0.000989%2C+%22high%22%3A+0.000998%2C+%22low%22%3A+0.00098%2C+%22close%22%3A+0.000998%7D%2C+%22decimal_format%22%3A+%22%25.6f%22%7D%2C+%7B%22values%22%3A+%7B%22leading_span_a%22%3A+%220.00%22%2C+%22leading_span_b%22%3A+%220.00%22%7D%2C+%22exchange%22%3A+%22binance%22%2C+%22market%22%3A+%22BNT%2FETH%22%2C+%22base_currency%22%3A+%22BNT%22%2C+%22quote_currency%22%3A+%22ETH%22%2C+%22indicator%22%3A+%22ichimoku%22%2C+%22indicator_number%22%3A+1%2C+%22analysis%22%3A+%7B%22config%22%3A+%7B%22enabled%22%3A+true%2C+%22alert_enabled%22%3A+true%2C+%22alert_frequency%22%3A+%22once%22%2C+%22signal%22%3A+%5B%22leading_span_a%22%2C+%22leading_span_b%22%5D%2C+%22hot%22%3A+true%2C+%22cold%22%3A+true%2C+%22candle_period%22%3A+%224h%22%2C+%22hot_label%22%3A+%22Bullish+Alert%22%2C+%22cold_label%22%3A+%22Bearish+Alert%22%2C+%22indicator_label%22%3A+%22ICHIMOKU+4+hr%22%2C+%22mute_cold%22%3A+false%7D%2C+%22status%22%3A+%22cold%22%7D%2C+%22status%22%3A+%22cold%22%2C+%22last_status%22%3A+%22cold%22%2C+%22prices%22%3A+%22+Open%3A+0.000989+High%3A+0.000998+Low%3A+0.000980+Close%3A+0.000998%22%2C+%22lrsi%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22creation_date%22%3A+%222020-05-10+16%3A16%3A23%22%2C+%22hot_cold_label%22%3A+%22Bearish+Alert%22%2C+%22indicator_label%22%3A+%22ICHIMOKU+4+hr%22%2C+%22price_value%22%3A+%7B%22open%22%3A+0.000989%2C+%22high%22%3A+0.000998%2C+%22low%22%3A+0.00098%2C+%22close%22%3A+0.000998%7D%2C+%22decimal_format%22%3A+%22%25.6f%22%7D%2C+%7B%22values%22%3A+%7B%22bbp%22%3A+%220.96%22%2C+%22mfi%22%3A+%2298.05%22%7D%2C+%22exchange%22%3A+%22binance%22%2C+%22market%22%3A+%22BNT%2FETH%22%2C+%22base_currency%22%3A+%22BNT%22%2C+%22quote_currency%22%3A+%22ETH%22%2C+%22indicator%22%3A+%22bbp%22%2C+%22indicator_number%22%3A+1%2C+%22analysis%22%3A+%7B%22config%22%3A+%7B%22enabled%22%3A+true%2C+%22alert_enabled%22%3A+true%2C+%22alert_frequency%22%3A+%22once%22%2C+%22candle_period%22%3A+%224h%22%2C+%22period_count%22%3A+20%2C+%22hot%22%3A+0.09%2C+%22cold%22%3A+0.8%2C+%22std_dev%22%3A+2%2C+%22signal%22%3A+%5B%22bbp%22%2C+%22mfi%22%5D%2C+%22hot_label%22%3A+%22Lower+Band%22%2C+%22cold_label%22%3A+%22Upper+Band+BB%22%2C+%22indicator_label%22%3A+%22Bollinger+4+hr%22%2C+%22mute_cold%22%3A+false%7D%2C+%22status%22%3A+%22cold%22%7D%2C+%22status%22%3A+%22cold%22%2C+%22last_status%22%3A+%22cold%22%2C+%22prices%22%3A+%22+Open%3A+0.000989+High%3A+0.000998+Low%3A+0.000980+Close%3A+0.000998%22%2C+%22lrsi%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22creation_date%22%3A+%222020-05-10+16%3A16%3A23%22%2C+%22hot_cold_label%22%3A+%22Upper+Band+BB%22%2C+%22indicator_label%22%3A+%22Bollinger+4+hr%22%2C+%22price_value%22%3A+%7B%22open%22%3A+0.000989%2C+%22high%22%3A+0.000998%2C+%22low%22%3A+0.00098%2C+%22close%22%3A+0.000998%7D%2C+%22decimal_format%22%3A+%22%25.6f%22%7D%5D"
parsed = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(stuff) # <<< encoded form, get rid of +
as_json = json.loads(parsed)
gives me
[{'values': {'momentum': '0.00'}, 'exchange': 'binance', 'market': 'BNT/ETH', 'base_currency': 'BNT', 'quote_currency': 'ETH', 'indicator': 'momentum', 'indicator_number': 0, 'analysis': {'config': {'enabled': True, 'alert_enabled': True, 'alert_frequency': 'once', 'signal': ['momentum'], 'hot': 0, 'cold': 0, 'candle_period': '4h', 'period_count': 10}, 'status': 'hot'}, 'status': 'hot', 'last_status': 'hot', 'prices': ' Open: 0.000989 High: 0.000998 Low: 0.000980 Close: 0.000998', 'lrsi': '', 'creation_date': '2020-05-10 16:16:23', 'hot_cold_label': '', 'indicator_label': '', 'price_value': {'open': 0.000989, 'high': 0.000998, 'low': 0.00098, 'close': 0.000998}, 'decimal_format': '%.6f'}, {'values': {'leading_span_a': '0.00', 'leading_span_b': '0.00'}, 'exchange': 'binance', 'market': 'BNT/ETH', 'base_currency': 'BNT', 'quote_currency': 'ETH', 'indicator': 'ichimoku', 'indicator_number': 1, 'analysis': {'config': {'enabled': True, 'alert_enabled': True, 'alert_frequency': 'once', 'signal': ['leading_span_a', 'leading_span_b'], 'hot': True, 'cold': True, 'candle_period': '4h', 'hot_label': 'Bullish Alert', 'cold_label': 'Bearish Alert', 'indicator_label': 'ICHIMOKU 4 hr', 'mute_cold': False}, 'status': 'cold'}, 'status': 'cold', 'last_status': 'cold', 'prices': ' Open: 0.000989 High: 0.000998 Low: 0.000980 Close: 0.000998', 'lrsi': '', 'creation_date': '2020-05-10 16:16:23', 'hot_cold_label': 'Bearish Alert', 'indicator_label': 'ICHIMOKU 4 hr', 'price_value': {'open': 0.000989, 'high': 0.000998, 'low': 0.00098, 'close': 0.000998}, 'decimal_format': '%.6f'}, {'values': {'bbp': '0.96', 'mfi': '98.05'}, 'exchange': 'binance', 'market': 'BNT/ETH', 'base_currency': 'BNT', 'quote_currency': 'ETH', 'indicator': 'bbp', 'indicator_number': 1, 'analysis': {'config': {'enabled': True, 'alert_enabled': True, 'alert_frequency': 'once', 'candle_period': '4h', 'period_count': 20, 'hot': 0.09, 'cold': 0.8, 'std_dev': 2, 'signal': ['bbp', 'mfi'], 'hot_label': 'Lower Band', 'cold_label': 'Upper Band BB', 'indicator_label': 'Bollinger 4 hr', 'mute_cold': False}, 'status': 'cold'}, 'status': 'cold', 'last_status': 'cold', 'prices': ' Open: 0.000989 High: 0.000998 Low: 0.000980 Close: 0.000998', 'lrsi': '', 'creation_date': '2020-05-10 16:16:23', 'hot_cold_label': 'Upper Band BB', 'indicator_label': 'Bollinger 4 hr', 'price_value': {'open': 0.000989, 'high': 0.000998, 'low': 0.00098, 'close': 0.000998}, 'decimal_format': '%.6f'}]
Whereas if you want a JSON string to POST somewhere, call as_string = json.dumps(parsed)

How do I remove an item in my dictionary?

I am trying to remove an item ("logs") from my dictionary using the del method.
this is my code:
del response.json() ["logs"]
this is my JSON dictionary:
{'count': 19804,
'next': {'limit': 1, 'offset': 1},
'previous': None,
[{'id': '334455',
'custom_id': '112',
'company': 28,
'company_name': 'Sunshine and Flowers',
'delivery_address': '34 olive beach house, #01-22, 612345',
'delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-12-06T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-12-06T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'},
'sender_name': 'Edward Shine',
'sender_email': '',
'sender_contact': '91234567',
'removed': None,
'recipient_name': 'Mint Shine',
'recipient_contact': '91234567',
'notes': '',
'items': [{'id': 21668, 'name': 'Loose hair flowers', 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 21667, 'name': "Groom's Boutonniere", 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 21666, 'name': 'Bridal Bouquet', 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}],
'latitude': '1.28283838383642000000',
'longitude': '103.2828037266201000000',
'created': '2019-08-15T05:40:30.385467Z',
'updated': '2019-08-15T05:41:27.930110Z',
'status': 'pending',
'verbose_status': 'Pending',
'**logs**': [{'id': 334455, 'order': '50c402d8-7c76-45b5-b883-e2fb887a507e', 'order_custom_id': '112', 'order_delivery_address': '34 olive beach house, #01-22, 6123458', 'order_delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-12-06T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-12-06T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'message': 'Order was created.', 'failure_reason': None, 'success_code': None, 'success_description': None, 'created': '2019-08-15T05:40:30.431790Z', 'removed': None}, {'id': 334455, 'order': '50c402d8-7c76-45b5-b883-e2fb887a507e', 'order_custom_id': '112', 'order_delivery_address': '34 olive beach house, #01-22, 612345', 'order_delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-12-06T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-12-06T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'message': 'Order is pending.', 'failure_reason': None, 'success_code': None, 'success_description': None, 'created': '2019-08-15T05:40:30.433139Z', 'removed': None}],
'reschedule_requests': [],
'signature': None}]
but it is saying this error
KeyError: 'logs'
what am i doing wrong? please assist
Every time you call response.json(), it returns a new dict, so the key you delete from response.json() won't be reflected in the next call to response.json().
You should instead save the returning value of response.json() to a variable before deleting the desired key:
data = response.json()
del data['results'][0]['logs']
