The following gnuplot snippet generates a multiplot showing six plots of data ported via stdin, but the special filename '-' used is also printed on the output:
set term epslatex color
set output 'mwe.tex'
set multiplot layout 3,2 scale 1,1 columnsfirst
set xrange [-3.1415:3.1415]
set yrange[-1.0:1.0]
set cbrange [-1:1]
set size ratio -1.0
set palette rgb 33,13,10
unset colorbox
plot '-' with image
-3.1416 -1.00 0.00
-3.1089 -1.00 0.00
unset multiplot
(The 'plot' command and what follows until and including 'e' is repeated six times with different input before the unset multiplot command.)
The output is shown here. The special filename '-' must be included in the plot command to plot inline data, but it should not be shown in the resulting plot. How to avoid this behavior?
The problem persists when using the 'standalone' term option with epslatex, but it does not show up when using other terminals.
I use gnuplot 4.6 patch 2.
According to the StackOverflow rule "no answer in the comments", here again as answer. Also check help key and the options there.
set key noautotitle
plot '-' with image notitle
I am trying to plot a dotted line within an splot with the following code in Gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 4:
set terminal "pdfcairo" enhanced dashed size 15,10
set pm3d map
set output "test.pdf"
splot 'map.dat' using 1:($2/1000):3 notitle, \
'line1.dat' using 1:($2/1000):1 notitle with lines ls 2, \
'line2.dat' using 1:($2/1000):1 notitle with lines ls 2
unset output
The heat map works and so does line1.dat. However, the second line appears mostly solid. The difference is that line1.dat has 70 entries and line2.dat has 900. The second line has a jump between two points and there it is dotted.
Does somebody know how I can change the dot density so that the whole line appears dotted. Changing the original data file is not an option.
Thank you for your help,
One workaround I found is
splot 'line2.dat' every ...
but that can get unconvenient at the jump in the data.
The command (s)plot 'line.dat' with lines first plots the datapoints and then connects the datapoints using lines with the respective linestyle. If the datapoints are too close to each other, there is no place for some gaps when a dashed linestyle is used.
To display a dotted/dashed line, you can try to replace the points by a function or to reduce the number of points.
Try dotted lines instead of dashed lines. Linestyle and linecolor can be set independently: splot 'line.dat' with lines ls 0 lc 2. 900 points might be too many for this approach.
Fitting a function would work, but probably it is too difficult to find a suitable function.
The every option reduces the number of points.
Another possibility to reduce the number of points would be to interpolate the points using the smooth option. This requires a temporary file and works as follows:
# [prepare plot]
set samples 100
set table "line2.dat.tmp"
plot 'line2.dat' using 1:($2/1000) smooth mcsplines with lines ls 2
unset table
set terminal "pdfcairo" enhanced dashed size 15,10
set pm3d map
set output "test.pdf"
# [plot]
splot 'map.dat' using 1:($2/1000):3 notitle, \
'line1.dat' using 1:($2/1000):1 notitle with lines ls 2, \
'line2.dat.tmp' using 1:2:1 notitle with lines ls 2
unset output
In the [prepare plot] section a temporary file "line2.dat.tmp" is created which contains datapoints interpolating line2.dat. You have to play with set samples to get the right number of points. In the example we have 100 equidistant points instead of 900 points with different distances.
The option smooth mcsplines preserves the monotonicity and convexity of the original data points, see help smooth mcsplines in a gnuplot shell.
In the [plot] section the original "lines2.dat" is replaced by the interpolated data.
This approach works if the original data is smooth enough so that replacing 900 points by 100 points does not skip important information. Maybe you want to plot both "lines2.dat" and "lines2.dat.tmp" in a single diagram to compare them.
User the every key-word, like this:
'line2.dat' every 20 using 1:($2/1000):1 notitle with lines ls 2
I have the following gnuplot script:
set autoscale
unset log
unset label
set xtic auto
set ytic auto
unset title
set xlabel "Number of clusters"
set ylabel "Accuracy of classifier (%)"
plot "cluster.dat" using 1:3 title "PART" with lines, \
"cluster.dat" using 1:4 title "JRip" with lines, \
"cluster.dat" using 1:5 title "FURIA" with lines
I would like this script, when run, to output SVG or EPS - what would I need to add or modify to make this happen?
In gnuplot the output type is called terminal.
In your script, before the plot command use
set term svg
set output "output.svg"
set term eps
set output "output.eps"
both terminals have several options. Type help eps (on some gnuplot this is help epscairo) or help svg.
To get the list of available terminals for your build, type set terminal.
I wrote a simple gnuplot shell script
set terminal png
set xlabel "Time"
set ylabel "Prime and Probe #"
plot "file.dat" with points
Notice that there is an annoying "file.dat" on the upper right corner. How can I remove that?
gnuplot Version 4.6 patchlevel 4
Use the title parameter to change the key
plot "file.dat" title "my title"
or remove it for a single plot
plot "file.dat" notitle
or remove it for all plots with
unset key
I've got a multiplot like this:
How do I remove the trailing white space added by the xtics interval? Relevant configurations include:
set xtics 10
set mxtics 5
Data for the xaxis goes up to somewhere between 135 and 140.
You have to set your xrange explicitly if the data do not end at some nice round value. One way to do this is to use the stats command (gnuplot 4.6.0) and up:
stats 'data.dat'
set xrange[STATS_min_x:STATS_max_x]
Otherwise you can set xrange manually (if you know the value), or use the old-fashioned method:
set output '/dev/null'
plot 'data.dat'
set output'actual_output.png'
To disable the automatic extension of the autoscaled x-axis to the next tic mark use
set autoscale xfix
The general syntax is
set autoscale {<axes>{|min|max|fixmin|fixmax|fix} | fix | keepfix}
I am trying to use replot with png terminal in Gnuplot.
If I do the following I get two plots on one graph without any problem:
plot sin(x)/x
replot sin(x)
Now if do the same for a png terminal type the resulting png file only contains the first plot.
set terminal png
set output 'file.png'
plot sin(x)/x
replot sin(x)
Am I missing something at the end to get the second plot in my png file?
This is actually a very good question, and the behavior here is terminal dependent. Some terminals (e.g. postscript) will give you a new page for each replot. You have a couple of solutions...
First Option: You can make your plot prior to setting the terminal/output and then replot again after you set the terminal/output:
plot sin(x)/x
replot sin(x)
set terminal png
set output 'file.png
This option is sometimes convenient if you want to plot the same thing in multiple terminals, but I rarely use it for anything else.
Second (better) Option: You can pack multiple plots into one command separating each with a comma.
set terminal png
set output 'file.png'
plot sin(x)/x, sin(x)
I very much prefer the second way -- when in a multiplot environment, this is the only way to put multiple graphs on the same plot. If you have very long functions to plot, you can break the line with gnuplot's line continuation (\ at the end of the line -- Nothing is allowed after the \, not even whitespace)
plot sin(x)/x with lines linecolor rgb "blue" linetype 7 lineweight 4, \
sin(x), \