How to use bulk_load in apache airflow - python-3.x

I have apache airflow 2.1.4 and postgres database.
I need to insert multiple rows at a time. So I am going to use bulk_load method of PostgresHook but get error everytime.
data = pd.read_csv(open(filepath, 'rb'))
buffer = StringIO()
buffer.write(data.to_csv(index=None, header=None, sep='\t'))
schema_table = 'schema.table'
with PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id='my_pg_database'):
PostgresHook.bulk_load(table=schema_table, tmp_file=buffer)
The error I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/airflow/dags/", line 76, in <module>
my_func(filepath=my_file, target_schema=schema, target_table=table)
File "/home/airflow/dags/", line 39, in my_func
with PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id='my_pg_database'):
AttributeError: __enter__
I couldn't even find some examples of bulk_load usage. Would appriciate any clue. Thank you.

Postgres Hook (and any other hooks really) are not "context managers". You cannot use with: to use them.
Something like that should work:
postgres_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id='my_pg_database')


Cannot use custom key words with pvporcupine

I have already created an account in picovoice and recieved an access key, but when I try to put the path of my ppn file, it shows an error:
[ERROR] loading keyword file at 'C:\Users\Priyam\Desktop\hey keyazip' failed with 'IO_ERROR'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "e:\Personal Project\import", line 13, in <module>
porcupine = pvporcupine.create(access_key='access key',
File "C:\Users\Priyam\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pvporcupine\", line 77, in create
return Porcupine(
File "C:\Users\Priyam\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pvporcupine\", line 158, in __init__
the code is:
access_key="access key"
porcupine = pvporcupine.create(access_key='access key',
keyword_paths=['C:\\Users\Priyam\Desktop\hey keyazip'],keywords=['hey keya']) #pvporcupine.KEYWORDS for all keywords
while True:
if keyword_index>=0:
print("hotword detected")
if porcupine is not None:
if audio_stream is not None:
if paud is not None:
I tried the code above and the code provided by picovoice itself, yet I am facing the same issues
It looks like Porcupine is having trouble finding your keyword file: [ERROR] loading keyword file at 'C:\Users\Priyam\Desktop\hey keyazip' failed with 'IO_ERROR'.
The Picovoice console provides the keyword inside a compressed .zip file. You will need to decompress the file and in your code update the path to lead to the .ppn file located inside. For example: C:\\Users\Priyam\Desktop\hey-keya_en_windows_v2_1_0\hey-keya_en_windows_v2_1_0.ppn

Trouble sending a batch create entity request in dialogflow

I have defined the following function. The purpose is to make batch create entity request with dialogflow client. I am using this method after sending many individual tests did not scale well.
The problem seems to be the line that defines EntityType. Seems like "entityType" is not valid but that is what is in the dialogflow v2 documentation which is the current version I am using.
Any ideas on what the issue is?
def create_batch_entity_types(self):
client = self.get_entity_client()
EntityType = {
"entityTypes": DialogFlowClient.batch_list
response = client.batch_update_entity_types(parent=AGENT_PATH, entity_type_batch_inline=EntityType)
def callback(operation_future):
# Handle result.
result = operation_future.result()
After running the function I received this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 540, in <module>
File "", line 426, in create_entity_types_from_database
File "/Users/andrewflorial/Documents/PROJECTS/curlbot/dialogflow/", line 99, in create_batch_entity_types
response = client.batch_update_entity_types(parent=AGENT_PATH, entity_type_batch_inline=EntityType)
File "/Users/andrewflorial/Documents/PROJECTS/curlbot/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dialogflow_v2/gapic/", line 767, in batch_update_entity_types
ValueError: Protocol message EntityTypeBatch has no "entityTypes" field.
The argument for entity_type_batch_inline must have the same form as EntityTypeBatch.
Look how that type looks like:
It has to have entity_types field, not entityTypes.

AttributeError: module 'yagmail' has no attribute 'SMTP'

Why do I get the below error?
I have imported yagmail. I have also tried with importing the smtplib module
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Darsh/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/class programes/project1/", line 1, in <module>
from yagmail import *
File "C:/Users/Darsh/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/class programes/project1\", line 8, in <module>
yag = yagmail.SMTP(user="dar*******", password="*******", host='')
AttributeError: module 'yagmail' has no attribute 'SMTP'
import yagmail
receiver = "pat*******"
body = "Hello there from Yagmail"
filename = "c.pdf"
yag = yagmail(user="dar**********", password="**********", host='')
subject="Yagmail test with attachment",
Looks like you have a script named "", I believe that the error is due to a namespace collision. My script was named the same thing, after renaming it the issue went away.
I saw a similar post on a different page in a different language that solved it (yay Google Translate!).

No attribute 'HookManager'

I am copying the key logger from this video: ( and running the code:
import pyHook, sys, logging, pythoncom
file_log = 'C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python'
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
logging.basicConfig(filename = file_log, level = logging.DEBUG, format = '%(message)s')
logging.log(10, chr(event.Ascii))
return True
hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()
hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
This returns the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python\", line 2, in <module>
import pyHook, sys, logging, pythoncom
File "C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python\", line 12, in <module>
hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HookManager'
I am running Python 2.7.11 and a windows computer.
I don't know what the problem is; please help.
Thank you
I found the solution. If you open and change all 'key_hook' words to 'keyboard_hook' no more error occurs
I'm still unsure what the issue is but I found a solution.
If you move the program you are trying to run into the same folder as the file then it works.
For me this file was:
Bro this line is wrong
file_log = 'C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python'
As the system doesn't allow your program to write to the 'C' drive, you should use another path, like 'D' drive or 'E' drive or etc. as given below.
file_log = 'D:\keyloggerOutput.txt'
I had same message error after having installed pyWinhook-1.6.1 on Python 3.7 with the zip file
In application file, I replaced the import statement:" import pyWinhook as pyHook" with "from pywinhook import *". The problem was then solved.

Paginated request using python-asana API

I am trying to export all tasks from all of my asana work-spaces using python-asana API. But at some point it exists after giving the following error message.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 56, in <module>
for index, task in enumerate(tasks):
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\asana\", line 58, in items
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\asana\", line 54, in next
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\asana\", line 43, in __next__
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\asana\", line 74, in get_next
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\asana\", line 104, in get
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\asana\", line 75, in request
asana.error.InvalidRequestError: Invalid Request: Your pagination token has expired.
I read that to solve this we need to make paginated requests. But I tried passing only offset to my request as following:
tasks = client.tasks.find_all({'project' : project['id']}, limit=50)
But, there was no difference as I was not getting any 'next_page' value even though there was more than 50 tasks in the project.
So my question is:
How can I do paginated request using python-asana API? An explanation with an example would be best!
I am fetching the tasks as below:
tasks = client.tasks.find_all({'project' : project['id']}, item_limit=1)
print "Tasks", tasks # Prints generator object
for index, task in enumerate(tasks):
complete_task = client.tasks.find_by_id(task["id"])
print complete_task #Prints complete task dictionary
Now My question is where will I get the next_page content for the remaining tasks and how do I access it.
