Homey Authorization - node.js

I've been doing a lot of research and testing for a couple of days now and decided to come here to ask instead since I, to be honest, have absolutely no idea how to do this. I've been able to code for quite some time now but I decided to try to connect to homey using node.js. I've been following tutorials, on different sites but I can't get it to work. My problem is trying to connect to homey. My current code looks like this:
const AthomCloudAPI = require('homey-api/lib/AthomCloudAPI');
async function myhome(){
// Create a Cloud API instance
const cloudApi = new AthomCloudAPI({
clientId: 'MyId',
clientSecret: 'MySecret',
// Get the logged in user
const user = await cloudApi.getAuthenticatedUser();
// Get the first Homey of the logged in user
const homeyApi = await user.getFirstHomey();
// Create a session on this Homey
const homey = await homey.authenticate();
The error I'm getting is:
APIError: The access token was not found
I understand that I need to authenticate but that's the part I'm having problems with.
How should I do this?

The Homey Web API documentation contains a working example and API credentials that you can use to test your project locally. https://api.developer.homey.app/
const AthomCloudAPI = require('homey-api/lib/AthomCloudAPI');
// Create a Cloud API instance
const cloudApi = new AthomCloudAPI({
clientId: '5a8d4ca6eb9f7a2c9d6ccf6d',
clientSecret: 'e3ace394af9f615857ceaa61b053f966ddcfb12a',
If you try to run that does it work?


How to integrate OIDC Provider in Node jS

I tried to Integrate OIDC Provider to Node JS and I have a Sample Code. So, I run this Sample code it's throwing an error(unrecognized route or not allowed method (GET on /api/v1/.well-known/openid-configuration)).The problem is Issuer(https://localhost:3000) this Issuer is working fine. but i will change this Issuer((https://localhost:3000/api/v1/)) it's not working How to fix this Issue and I facing another issue also when I implement oldc-provider in node js. They Routes are override how to fix this issue
const { Provider } = require('oidc-provider');
const configuration = {
// ... see available options /docs
clients: [{
client_id: 'foo',
client_secret: 'bar',
redirect_uris: ['http://localhost:3000/api/v1/'],
true_provider: "pcc"
// + other client properties
const oidc = new Provider('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/', configuration);
// express/nodejs style application callback (req, res, next) for use with express apps, see /examples/express.js
// or just expose a server standalone, see /examples/standalone.js
const server = oidc.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('oidc-provider listening on port 3000, check http://localhost:3000/api/v1/.well-known/openid-configuration');
Defining Issuer Identifier with a path component does not affect anything route-wise.
You have two options, either mount the provider to a path (see docs), or define the actual paths you want for each endpoint to be prefixed (see docs).
I think you're looking for a way to mount, so the first one.

Can't determine Firebase Database URL when trying to read Firebase Database from within Node.js Firebase function

I am using Flutter to build an app that accesses the Firebase database. All good from the Flutter side....but I am new to Node.js and Cloud Functions. I am trying to create a Node.js function to react to a deletion event of a record on one Firebase Database node and then delete records from two other Firebase Database nodes and image files from Firestore.
I am reacting to the trigger event with a functions.database.onDelete call, no problem, but falling at the very next hurdle i.e.trying to read admin.database to get a snapshot.
I have created a dummy function that uses .onUpdate to pick up a trigger event (don't want to keep having to recreate my data as I would if I used .onDelete) and then tries to read my Firebase Database to access a different node. The trigger event is picked up fine but I don't seem to have a database reference Url to do the read...yet it is the same database. Output on the console log from a call to process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG shows the Url is present.
The included function code also has commenting to show the various outputs I get on the console log.
I am going crazy over this.....PLEASE can anyone tell me where I am going wrong. Been searching Google, Stackoverflow, Firebase docs for the last two days :-(
const admin = require("firebase-admin"); // Import Admin SDK
const functions = require("firebase-functions"); // Import Cloud Functions
credential: admin.credential.cert(
exports.testDeleteFunction = functions.database
// Using .onUpdate as I don't want to keep restoring my data if I use .onDelete
.onUpdate((snapshot, context) => {
const userData = snapshot.after.val();
const userId = userData.userId;
console.log('userId: ' + userId); // Gives correct console log output: userId: wajzviEcUvPZEcMUbbkPzcw64MB2
// Gives correct console log output:
// {"projectId":"user-guy","databaseURL":"https://user-guy.firebaseio.com","storageBucket":"user-guy.appspot.com","cloudResourceLocation":"us-central"}
// I have tried each of the four following calls and received the console log message as indicated after each.
// var root = admin.database.ref(); // Console Log Message: TypeError: admin.database.ref is not a function
// var root = admin.database().ref(); // Console Log Message: Error: Can't determine Firebase Database URL.
// var root = admin.database.ref; // Fails at line 31 below with the message indicated.
// var root = admin.database().ref; // Console Log Message: Error: Can't determine Firebase Database URL.
console.log(root.toString); // Console Log Message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined.
// This is intended to read a chat thread for two users but processing never gets here.
var database = root.child('chats').child('0cSLt3Sa0FS26QIvOLbin6MFsL43GUPYmmAg9UUlRLnW97jpMCAkEHE3');
.then(snapshot => {
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
return null; // Will do stuff here once working.
Error messages shown in code comments.
If you want to use the configuration in FIREBASE_CONFIG, you should initialize the Admin SDK with no parameters:
This will use the default service account for your project, which should have full read and write access to the database.
You need to add your database url in admin.initializeApp
select Realtime Database in firebase and copy your url add in settings in fire config or watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOm_9y3vb80
config example
const config = {
apiKey: "",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "",
databaseURL: "https://youUrl.firebaseio.com/",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "",
appId: "",
measurementId: ""
Try initialize without parameters.
The SDK can also be initialized with no parameters. In this case, the SDK uses Google Application Default Credentials and reads options from the FIREBASE_CONFIG environment variable. If the content of the FIREBASE_CONFIG variable begins with a { it will be parsed as a JSON object. Otherwise the SDK assumes that the string is the name of a JSON file containing the options.
const admin = require("firebase-admin"); // Import Admin SDK
const functions = require("firebase-functions"); // Import Cloud Functions
Same issue 3 years later...
After DAYS! I found out all of the Flutter documents have code for Firestore instead of Firebase.
Basically there are two products. Firestore Database, and Real-time Database. You are calling the Real-time Database methods, but probably have a Firestore database.
Try admin.firebase().ref('/some_collection').push();
Basically everywhere you're calling .database(), replace it with .firebase() if you are using Firebase. Yes, the Flutter tutorials are mis-leading!!!

How to make Passport.js work in Adonis Framework

I wanted to know if Passport.js can ONLY be used in an Express framework and not in any other? The docs doesn't completely answer my question. I'm in the middle of migrating my project from Express to Adonis.js and I can't seem to make passport work. Here is a sample of my code:
const passport = use('passport')
const bearer = use('./bearer')
passport.use('bearer', bearer)
module.exports = passport
and here is how I register it:
const namedMiddleware = {
auth: 'Adonis/Middleware/Auth',
guest: 'Adonis/Middleware/AllowGuestOnly',
bearer: passport.authenticate(['bearer'], { session: false }),
this is the usage (I provided a bearer token):
Route.post('/', ({ response }) => {
response.json('Hello world')
It does not work. Error about res.setHeader is not a function showing. Maybe because the resoponse and http structure is different in adonis?
I know that Adonis has its own authentication library but my INITIAL goal is to get what I have now in Express to work in an Adonis environment before making any library changes to avoid any complications.
I recently migrated from knex to adonis.js as well. Integrating passport.js was initially painful but I get it to work with Macros.
For your error, Adonis' Request object has no setHeader. You will need to create a macro on Request for that function. Something like this
function setHeader (name, value) {
this.header(name, value)
Response.macro('setHeader', setHeader)
Add that to a provider or hooks and you should be all set.

How to login a user on a REST API using restful-keystone

I am trying to expose a model created with keystonejs over a REST API using restful-keystone. The API should allow to create a new user or to retrieve the information of a user. This is my code
var beforeRetrieve = function (req, res,next) {
User: {
show : ["_id","name", "email", ],
methods: ["retrieve", "create"]
User: {
retrieve: [beforeRetrieve, middleware.requireUser],
create: [],
The code is working but I am getting confused. console.log(req.user); is printing undefined which is logic. But how can I make it work and print the user initiating the request? Shall I include the user cookies in the request? Shall I create another API that allow the user to login and get the cookies/token? Is there already one in keystone? Can you please give me some idea on how to achieve that? My ideal case is to allow anyone to create a new user. By creating the new user a token should be returned and used in the future to identify the user. I am not sure how shall I proceed, can you please help me with some ideas, I am really confused
Please kindly check if you are using Keystone v4.0 but restful-keystone is supporting Keystone v0.3. For Keystone you can expose REST API without any additional modules.
For example you can edit routes/index.js to add a route:
// Setup Route Bindings
exports = module.exports = function (app) {
// Views
app.get('/', routes.views.index);
// API
app.get('/api/user', routes.api.user.get);
And then create route/api/user.js to capture the REST reqeust:
var keystone = require('keystone');
var cdf = keystone.list('User');
exports.get = function(req, res) {
But for user model, there is a ready-made REST API, but this requires Admin Permission:

Feathers Authentication via POST works but socket doesn't

Here is a repo showing my latest progress, and here is my configuration. As it stands that repo now doesn't even authenticate with REST - although I think something is wrong with socket auth that needs to be looked at.
I configured feathers, was able to create a user REST-fully with Postman, and even get an auth token (I can post to /authenticate to get a token, and then verify that token - yay postman! yay REST api!).
But in the browser the story ain't so happy. I can use find to get data back, but authenticate just gives me errors.
In my googling I found this post and updated my client javascript to be this. I have also tried doing jwt auth with the token from postman, but that gives the same Missing Credentials error. Halp!
Code incoming...
app.js (only the configuration part to show order)
app.configure(configuration(path.join(__dirname, '..')))
.use(helmet()) // best security practices
.use(favicon(path.join(app.get('public'), 'favicon.ico')))
.use('/', feathers.static(app.get('public')))
.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
.configure(services) // pull in all services from services/index.js
.configure(middleware) // middleware from middleware/index.js
Within services, I first add authentication, which is in its own file and that looks like this
const authentication = require('feathers-authentication');
const jwt = require('feathers-authentication-jwt');
const local = require('feathers-authentication-local');
const authManagement = require('feathers-authentication-management');
module.exports = function () {
const app = this;
const config = app.get('authentication');
// Set up authentication with the secret
// The `authentication` service is used to create a JWT.
// The before `create` hook registers strategies that can be used
// to create a new valid JWT (e.g. local or oauth2)
before: {
create: [
remove: [
index.html (mostly stripped, just showing relevant script)
let url = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname +
? ':' + location.port
: '');
const socket = io(url);
const feathersClient = feathers()
.configure(feathers.authentication({ storage: window.localStorage }));
Here's a screen shot showing some requests in chrome debugger and postman.
When default.json is set to use 'username' as the usernameField it outputs my Windows username, 'Matt'. This is because feathers-configuration checks to see if a value is a part of the OS environment.
Manually set this configuration in authentication.js, for example:
// Set up authentication with the secret
const localConfig = {
'entity': 'users',
'service': 'users',
'usernameField': 'username',
'passwordField': 'password'
