Thread safety of std::cout insertion operator - multithreading

I've always thought that using std::cout << something was thread safe.
For this little example
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void f()
std::cout << "Hello from f\n";
void g()
std::cout << "Hello from g\n";
int main()
std::thread t1(f);
std::thread t2(g);
my expectation was that the order of the two outputs would be undefined (and indeed that is what I observe in practice), but that the calls to operator<< are thread safe.
However, ThreadSanitizer, DRD and Helgrind all seem to give various errors regarding access to std::__1::ios_base::width(long) and std::__1::basic_ios<char, std::__1::char_traits >::fill()
On Compiler Explorer I don't see any errors.
On FreeBSD 13, ThreadSanitizer gives me 3 warnings, the two listed above plus the malloc/memcpy to the underlying i/o buffer.
Again in FreeBSD 13, DRD gives 4 errors, width() and fill() times two for the two threads.
Finally FreeBSD 13 Helgrind gives one known false positive related to TLS in thread creation, fill()and width() twice.
On Fedora 34
No errors with g++ 11.2.1 and ThreadSanitizer
DRD complains about malloc/memcpy in fwrite with g++ compiled exe
Helgrind also complains about fwrite and also for the construction of cout, again with the g++ compiled exe
clang++ 12 ThreadSanitizer complains about fill() and width()
DRD with the clang++ compiler exe complains about fill(), width(), fwrite and one other in start_thread
Helgrind with the clang++ exe complains about some TLS, fill(), width(), fwrite
macOS XCode clang++ ThreadSanitizer generates warnings as well (which will be libc++).
Looking at the libc++ and libstdc++ code I don't see anything at all that protects width(). So I don't understand why there are no complaints on compiler explorer.
I tried running with TSAN_OPTIONS=print_suppressions=1 and there was no more output (g++ Fedora ThreadSanitizer)
There does seem to be some consensus over the width() and fill() calls.
Looking more closely at the libstdc++ source I see that there is
(with some trimming and comments):
// ostream_insert.h
// __n is the length of the string pointed to by __s
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
__ostream_insert(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out,
const _CharT* __s, streamsize __n)
typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type;
typedef typename __ostream_type::ios_base __ios_base;
typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
if (__cerb)
const streamsize __w = __out.width();
if (__w > __n)
// snipped
// handle padding
__ostream_write(__out, __s, __n);
// why no hazard here?
__out is the stream object, global cout in this case. I don't see anything like locks or atomics.
Any suggestions as to how ThreadSanitizer/g++ is getting a "clean" output?
There is this somewhat cryptic comment
template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry::
sentry(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os)
: _M_ok(false), _M_os(__os)
if (__os.tie() && __os.good())
The libc++ code looks similar. In iostream
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
__put_character_sequence(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os,
const _CharT* __str, size_t __len)
typename basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry __s(__os);
if (__s)
typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> _Ip;
if (__pad_and_output(_Ip(__os),
(__os.flags() & ios_base::adjustfield) == ios_base::left ?
__str + __len :
__str + __len,
__os.setstate(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit);
and in locale
template <class _CharT, class _OutputIterator>
__pad_and_output(_OutputIterator __s,
const _CharT* __ob, const _CharT* __op, const _CharT* __oe,
ios_base& __iob, _CharT __fl)
streamsize __sz = __oe - __ob;
streamsize __ns = __iob.width();
if (__ns > __sz)
__ns -= __sz;
__ns = 0;
for (;__ob < __op; ++__ob, ++__s)
*__s = *__ob;
for (; __ns; --__ns, ++__s)
*__s = __fl;
for (; __ob < __oe; ++__ob, ++__s)
*__s = *__ob;
return __s;
Again I see no thread protection, but also this time the tools detect a hazard.
Are these real issues? For plain calls to operator<< the value of width doesn't change, and is always 0.

libstdc++ does not produce the error while libc++ does.
iostream.objects.overview Concurrent access to a synchronized ([ios.members.static]) standard iostream object's formatted and unformatted input ([istream]) and output ([ostream]) functions or a standard C stream by multiple threads does not result in a data race ([intro.multithread]).
So this looks like a libc++ bug to me.

I got the answer from Jonathan Wakely. Makes me feel rather stupid.
The difference is that on Fedora, contains an explicit instantiation of the iostream classes. isn't instrumented for ThreadSanitizer so it cannot detect any hazards related to it.


Running LLVM passes on Windows 10 gives no output in terminal?

I've the sample pass code from
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
struct Hello : public FunctionPass {
static char ID;
Hello() : FunctionPass(ID) {}
bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override {
errs() << "Hello: ";
errs().write_escaped(F.getName()) << '\n';
return false;
}; // end of struct Hello
} // end of anonymous namespace
char Hello::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<Hello> X("hello", "Hello World Pass",
false /* Only looks at CFG */,
false /* Analysis Pass */);
The project builds fine and creates a SkeletonPass.dll.
When I execute the command:
C:\Users\nlykkei\Projects\llvm-pass-tutorial\build>opt -load skeleton\Debug\SkeletonPass.dll -hello foo.bc
opt: Unknown command line argument '-hello'. Try: 'opt -help'
opt: Did you mean '-help'?
opt doesn't recognize -hello option, even thus everything works fine on Ubuntu 16.04.
In addition, if I execute:
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang skeleton\Debug\SkeletonPass.dll foo.bc
nothing is printed out on Visual Studio terminal (Native Tools Command Prompt x86). On Linux, the function names are printed nicely for the same bitcode file.
What can be the reason for my experience? I do exactly the same on Windows 10 as I do on Ubuntu, but very different results.
Plugins are special beasts on Windows, because the latter does not support proper dynamic linking, so, your pass simply does not register itself in the PassRegistry. So you'd either need to compile all the LLVM into .dll or link your pass statically into opt / clang.

Broken code generation for out function parameters

I made my own interface, simplistic version looks like this:
#ifndef _FOO_IDL_
#define _FOO_IDL_
module FOO {
typedef unsigned long Bar;
interface FOOInterface {
void getBar(out FOO::Bar b);
After that I made "REDHAWK IDL Project", used that IDL, compiled, installed.
Then I made Redhawk component, added output port and used that interface on it, did code generation. During compilation I got error:
port_impl.h:26:29: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&&’ token
void getBar(FOO::Bar&& b);
It looks like code generator adds excessive ampersand. What could I do about it?
Thank you.

Linux alternative to _NSGetExecutablePath?

Is it possible to side-step _NSGetExecutablePath on Ubuntu Linux in place of a non-Apple specific approach?
I am trying to compile the following code on Ubuntu:
As per this prior question that I asked: fatal error: mach-o/dyld.h: No such file or directory, I decided to comment out line 52 and am wondering if there is a general cross-platform (non-Apple specific) way that I can rewrite the code block of line 567 (the _NSGetExecutablePath block) in a manner that is non-Apple specific.
Alen Stojanov's answer to Programmatically retrieving the absolute path of an OS X command-line app and also How do you determine the full path of the currently running executable in go? gave me some ideas on where to start but I want to make certain that I am on the right track here before I go about doing this.
Is there a way to modify _NSGetExecutablePath to be compatible with Ubuntu Linux?
Currently, I am experiencing the following compiler error:
HeatmapGenerator_Macintosh_OSX.cxx:568:13: error: use of undeclared identifier
if (_NSGetExecutablePath(path, &size) == 0)
Basic idea how to do it in a way that should be portable across POSIX systems:
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static char *path;
const char *appPath(void)
return path;
static void cleanup()
int main(int argc, char **argv)
path = realpath(argv[0], 0);
if (!path)
return 1;
printf("App path: %s\n", appPath());
return 0;
You can define an own module for it, just pass it argv[0] and export the appPath() function from a header.
edit: replaced exported variable by accessor method

Qt5 and GLEW MX => glewInit fails

We are migrating our project from Qt 4.8 to 5.4. We use multiple contexts in multiple thread. We use GLEW MX for this purpose (We make the context we desire current then call glewInit() on a local instance of GLEWContextStruct).
I'm trying to change QGLWidget and QGLContext to QOpenGLWidget and QOpenGLContext but I ended up not being able to initialize glew anymore.
GLEW doesn't return an error but glGetError() does.
I did install Qt 5.4 64 with OpenGL version.
Here is the code reduced to a minimum :
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#define GLEW_MX
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <qopenglcontext.h>
#include <qwindow.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
bool errQt;
int errGlew;
GLenum errorGL;
QSurfaceFormat requestedFormat;
requestedFormat.setVersion(3, 3);
//Creates the QGLWidget using the current context:
QWindow window;
//Create context
QOpenGLContext context;
errQt = context.create(); //true
//Bind context
//Glew context creation
GLEWContext* pCtx = new GLEWContext; //All forwards undefined
//Release context
return 1;
Any suggestion ? Is GLEW alright with Qt5.4 ?
EDIT 1 :
It appears the problem is not Qt related. The GLEWContext created doesn't have any function forward defined (all function pointers are undefined). The code has been updated to help the reviewer not lose focus.
I use glewInit() with Qt 5.4 in my project, but I'm using QWindow as my base class, not QOpenGLWidget.
In my ctor I do this:
QRiftWindow::QRiftWindow() {
QSurfaceFormat format;
format.setVersion(4, 3);
m_context = new QOpenGLContext;
I execute my OpenGL work on a separate thread. Once the thread has started I call an setup method on my class
glewExperimental = true;
I've previously done this exact same setup with OpenGL 3.3 and had no issues.
You should actually get a warning about that:
#warning qopenglfunctions.h is not compatible with GLEW, GLEW defines will be undefined
#warning To use GLEW with Qt, do not include or after glew.h
Your "qopenglcontext.h" includes . To answer your question, you can use Qt + GLEW, but u can't easily mix up Qt-opengl with GLEW.

ELF weak import / fallback stubs for glibc functions

I am trying to make our program runnable on some old Linux versions. One common import that prevents it is __longjmp_chk, added in glibc 2.11 but missing in older ones. One "solution" is to use -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 but this turns off other fortify functions (__printf_chk etc) which are present in the target libc. Is there a way to make __longjmp_chk a "weak import" which would use the function from if present, and fall back to local stub if not?
Is there a way to make __longjmp_chk a "weak import" which would use
the function from if present, and fall back to local stub
if not?
I'd say yes, using dlsym() to check for __longjmp_chk and acting accordingly:
/* cc -ldl */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
void __longjmp_chk(sigjmp_buf env, int val)
void (*p)(sigjmp_buf, int) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "__longjmp_chk");
if (p)
printf("use the function from libc\n"),
p(env, val);
printf("falling back to local stub\n");
/* local stub - whatever that may be */
{ // try it
sigjmp_buf env;
while (!setjmp(env)) __longjmp_chk(env, 1);
return 0;
I am trying to make our program runnable on some old Linux versions.
There are only a few ways to make this work, and most of them are enumerated here.
Is there a way to make __longjmp_chk a "weak import".
