how to use a stored log analytics query as a datasource in excel? - excel

In our project we created several useful queries on log analytics that we deploy as a "savedSearch" (Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches#2020-08-01).
Now when we load the query in the editor we can export it to excel, which can be nicely refreshed to view current data.
However this link is created to the query that is in the editor and not the stored/deployed query. The alternative is to export to Power Bi (M query) which generates a script that you can then use in excel.
In both cases the query itself seems to be in the connection, so it does not get updated when we deploy a new version. Does anyone know of a way to make this connection to a stored/deployed query?
I feel like this should be as straightforward as a connection to resource so that not only the data, but also the query itself gets updated.... I must be missing something

One way I can think of is to leverage Functions in log queries.
You can first save your query as a function, then export it to excel that would create a connection but execute the function, instead of the raw query.
You can tweak your query later if needed and save/overwrite to the same function, and the refresh should still be able to pull in the latest results since the changes are now neatly abstracted away via the function. :)


Stream Analytics Query (Select * into output)(Exclude specific columns)

I have a query like;
INTO [documentdb]
TIMESTAMP BY eventenqueuedutctime
I need to use * because data is dynamic and dont have specific schema. Problem is Iothub system information data is written to documentdb in this query. Is there any way to exclude Iothub system information data?
This is not possible currently but this will be possible in Job Compatibility Level 1.2 in near future. For now, one workaround is that you could create a post create trigger in Cosmos DB to remove this property from the document.
To answer your question, Azure stream analytics service doesn't have an in-built support for excluding columns from dynamic data (iothub information). But, we can achieve this by using UDF. Here is more info on UDF.
UDF can help us in deleting the column from input data and returning us the updated json.
There are two steps basically to achieve this:
Create a JavaScript UDF.
Go to functions from left hand side navigation (below inputs).
Click on Add --> JavaScript UDF.
Give a function alias = removeiothubinfo
keep output type - any.
copy paste following code into function definition.
function main(input) {
delete input['IoTHub'];
return input;
Click on Save
Update query
Go to query mode and copy paste the following query :
WITH NewInput AS
udf.removeiothubinfo(iothub) AS UpdatedJson
Click on Save
I suggest you to test your query before running the job by uploading a sample file containing similar structure for json.
Also, even in job compatibility level 1.2 there has been no additional functionality to achieve this. Check this out for more info.
As #chetangm said in his answer, no such filtering mechanism is supported in ASA so far. Yes, you could use create trigger in Cosmos db, however it need to be triggered in sdk code or REST API. It won't be triggered automatically.
I provide you with another workaround that using Azure Function Cosmos DB Triggered. It could be executed when data is added to or changed in Azure Cosmos DB. You just need to remove the fields you don't want in the function code.

Is it possible to save on database without a PXGraph or a Screen?

The entry for that screen is not needed. All the records are automatically generated. or probably by using DAC only.
The Graph/DAC logic is preferred as you get all of the framework freebies such as field defaulting and calculated formula fields.
You can however get around this using PXDatabase.Insert or PXDatabase.Update PXDatabase.Delete
I use these for upgrade processes or bulk delete of processing records. These calls do not require a graph to execute but ignore all DAC attributes which may or may not default values, calculate values, etc.
If you search on PXDatabase in the Acumatica code browser you can find examples. Here is one from EmployeeMaint.Location_RowPersisted:
new PXDataFieldAssign("VAPAccountLocationID", _KeyToAbort),
new PXDataFieldRestrict("LocationID", _KeyToAbort),
PXDataFieldAssign is setting column values.
PXDataFieldRestrict is your where condition.
It is best to find multiple examples of PXDatabase in Acumatica and confirm your query results using a tool such as SQL profiler to make sure its executing the correct statement you intend to run.
You can't use DAC without Graph. All BQL queries require PXGraph instance. The only way to save data without using BQL is using ODBC or any other ORM to connect strictly to database and do your changes. But it is not recommended way as in case of doing it in that way you will ignore all the Business Logic.

Read a table from Kentico database which was not declared as 'custom table'

My question is pretty simple. I am working on Kentico 9 with its SQL Server database which contains several tables which had been added directly from the SQL Management Studio by an external contractor. The fact is that those tables are being used to store custom content which will be displayed for a site, but, in the code they don't have the code for making queries. I mean, they don't have Info and Provider classes.
According with this, all tables into the Kentico database can be accessed by invoking methods on these classes, but I don't have it this time.
Something like this, it will not work if I use my table name:
var user = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");
var items = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems("MyTable")
.WhereEquals("ItemCreatedBy", user.UserID)
My question is:
can I query any table by its name?
One last thing:
I cannot declared those table as "custom table" because it seems to be a bug in the CMS.
Or you can pull data using your own SQL query:
var ds = ConnectionHelper.ExecuteQuery("select ....", null, QueryTypeEnum.SQLQuery);
Nevertheless I would recommend to create a custom class inside a custom module (much more robust than custom tables) instead and use the generated Info and InfoProvider classes to get and manipulate data.
I think an object has to be registered within the system (created through Kentico UI or API) in order to be pulled from DB with object query.
So I'd choose one of the following options:
Use Entity Framework or something similar to work with that data
Create appropriate custom tables or even custom module and push data there. Not sure why you can't create a custom table... What is an error you're getting?
If you need to present data on the UI only (without processing on the back end) - use just custom queries
Hope this helps.
If you are accessing in code then you could do it the good old fashioned way. If you want to pull data from the database to display on the website you could also do so by creating a custom query and using a transformation to display the fields, then use a repeater on the page to display the transformed data. Alternatively you can use a SQL datasource with a basic repeater, but you still have to create a transformation to display the data. Both methods allow you to access the data in the tables from within the CMS UI, no need to touch any code behind.
If your objective is to read data from these database tables to transform on webpage e.g. using CMS Repeater webpart, you can simply create custom query(s) in Kentico itself and load data using it. You can find the detail here on how to create custom custom queries and load data using it.
On the other hand you can also write your custom classes and define the custom methods where you can pull data using your own SQL query like this:
var ds = ConnectionHelper.ExecuteQuery("select ....", null, QueryTypeEnum.SQLQuery);
Lastly I don't think there should be any issue to create custom table instead of those direct DB tables, only thing we have to ensure code name of custom table should be unique means don't try to use exact same name because it'll cause exception due to same table name already exist in DB. You can please share exception you getting while creating custom table so that I can help you out further.

Azure Search, Is there a way to add Query when importing from SQL

When Importing data to an Index in Azure Search, from SQL (progrematically not through the interface), Is there a way to add Query to filter the data come from the SQL table ?
Looking at the REST API documentation for Create Data Source, as of today it is not possible to define a query to filter the data that populates an index.
However I read somewhere that you can create a View and use that as the data source for populating the index. However when using a view, you will not be able to use SQL Integrated change tracking for change / deletion detection. However, you will still be able to use High Water Mark change detection and Soft Delete Column deletion detection.
Also, please vote for this UserVoice suggestion to request adding support for query parameter.

Create fulltext index within Entity Framework Coded Migrations

TLDR; How do you add a full text index using Entity framework 5 coded migrations
I'm having issues adding a full text index to a database using Entity framework migrations. It needs to be there from the start so I'm attempting modifying the InitialCreate migration that was automatically generated to add it.
As there isn't a way to do it via the DbMigrations API I've resorted to running inline sql at the end of the 'Up' code.
Sql("create fulltext catalog AppNameCatalog;");
Sql("create fulltext index on Document (Data type column Extension) key index [PK_dbo.Document] on AppNameCatalog;");
When this runs everything gets created fine until it reaches this sql, then it throws the the sql error 'CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement cannot be used inside a user transaction.'. Which is expected and working as designed.
Thankfully Sql() has an overload that allows you to run the sql outside the migration transaction. Awesome! I thought.
Sql("create fulltext catalog AppNameCatalog;", true);
Sql("create fulltext index on Document (Data type column Extension) key index [PK_dbo.Document] on AppNameCatalog;", true);
But low and behold modifying the code to do this (see above) results in a new timeout error 'Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.'
I've tried spitting out the sql and running it manually and it works fine. I've also diff'd the generated sql with and without running it outside a transaction and they are identical so it must be something in the way sql is executed.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I had a similar problem. My InitialCreate migration was creating a table and then attempting to add a full text index to that table, using the overloaded Sql() to indicate that it needs to execute outside the transaction. I was also getting a timeout error and I suspect it's due to a thread deadlock.
I could get it to work in some scenarios by using Sql() calls instead of CreateTable() and by merging the CREATE FULL TEXT CATALOG and CREATE FULL TEXT INDEX statements into a single Sql() call. However, this wasn't very reliable. Sometimes it would work and sometimes it would fail with the same timeout error.
The only reliable solution I found was to move the creation of the catalog and full text index into a separate migration.
