Problem at taking trace through linux command - linux

I need your assistance for the below issue:
I use the following Linux command to take a trace:
sudo tcpdump -i any host IP -w file_name.cap
when I open the generated file using wireshark and click on (follow tcp stram), it's no any shown content as per the following screenshot:
so please advise me if the problem in the command or in the packets..
Many thanks..
Warda Jouria


RaspberryPI NextCloudPi Docker - Problem Loading Page

I'm trying to follow these steps to get a docker container running NextCloud on my RaspberryPI. The steps seem very straight forward except I can't seem to get this working. The biggest difference is that I want to use an external drive as the data location. Here's what's happening:
I run sudo docker run -d -p 4442:4443 -p 442:443 -p 79:80 -v /mnt/nextclouddata:/data --name nextcloud ownyourbits/nextcloudpi-armhf
but when I go to https://pi_ip_address:442/activate (or any of the other ports), I get "problem loading page". I've also tried using https://raspberrypi.local:442/activate as well as appending both the IP and the name to the end of the command (where the DOMAIN is listed in the instructions).
I've seen some posts talking about how this is a problem with how docker accesses mounted drives, but I can't seem to get it working. When I type sudo docker logs -f nextcloud I get the following errors:
/ line 47: /etc/services-enabled.d/010lamp: Permission denied
/ line 47: /etc/services-enabled.d/020nextcloud: Permission denied
Init done
Does anyone have any steps to help get this working? I can't seem to find a consistent/working answer.

How to solve apt-get command not found

Hi i am a new with ubuntu and linux,I'm working on baxter robot i have couple problems ..
As i follow the guide steps i have a command that i need to edit a gedit file and write my pc's hostname & ip_address :
i did it couple times and when i make the ssh connection when i write :
i get a not :
EXITING - Please edit this file, modifying the 'baxter_hostname' variable to reflect Baxter's current hostname.
after that i get error on rosrun,apt-get,rosnode commands
sudo: apt-get command not found
it worked ones when i changed ip address and hostname for first time and that time i didnt get that note, i dont know if that relevant just for more information .
thnx for help
To fix
EXITING - Please edit this file, modifying the 'baxter_hostname' variable to reflect Baxter's current hostname.
The first step is to make sure you set the baxter hostname. Per the baxter sdk guide:
Baxter's hostname is defaulted as the robot's serial number. The serial number can be located on the back of the robot, next to the power button.
Alternatively, you can find your robot's hostname by plugging a USB keyboard into the back of Baxter and pressing Ctrl+Alt+F3.
You can edit this by opening the file in your terminal (via gedit) or you can navigate to the file using your file browser and change it in a text editor.
To fix
sudo: apt-get command not found
Checkout some of the documentation on the script.

Decoding SNMP OIDs using tshark (wireshark)

I am debugging an SNMP trap problem using tshark (TShark 1.6.6) on a Linux platform. (The target platform does not support the wireshark GUI.) OIDs in PDUs are shown in numerical format even though I have MIBs installed in /usr/share/snmp/mibs with a link to that in /usr/local/share/mibs. I tried -V. There doesn't appear to be a tshark verbose or debugging option except for some memory debugging options. I have checked the man page and find nothing on SNMP or MIBs. I tried strace and I found a file /usr/share/wireshark/oid file but when I put the MIB directory there, I get a flex error, and a google search for what this mysterious file means turns up nothing. I can copy and paste the OIDs into an snmptranslate command and it correctly translates them. I tried creating a ~/.wireshark directory with smi_modules and smi_paths ("/usr/share/snmp/mibs"). I did a tshark -G currentprefs to see if there was a relevant preference but there isn't. I have googled this issue but I get way too much chaff to make any progress. I checked,, and this site. I verified that people ask wireshark questions on this site (10,000 of them) to make sure it was on topic.
Example invocation:
tshark -R "snmp && ip.dst==<nms_ip>" -i eth0
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth0
4.675952 <agent_ip> -> <nms_ip> SNMP 115 sNMPv2-Trap
Contents of ~/.wireshark/preferences:
name_resolve: mtC
name_resolve_load_smi_modules: TRUE
snmp.display_oid: TRUE
snmp.desegment: TRUE
snmp.var_in_tree: TRUE
How do I get the OIDs to be displayed in symbolic format, e.g. sysUpTimeInstance and snmpTrapOID.0?
I found the information Resolving SNMP OID in snmpbulkwalk and tshark useful.
Adding my MIBs to ~/.wireshark/smi_modules (via wireshark name resolution preferences), and ensuring the MIBs were located in the correct location
(on a mac I used dtrace to trace which files 'tshark' was accessing and located the path as /usr/share/snmp/mibs)

Unable to connect to a domain

Here is the error message I receive every time I try to connect to a local REDHAWK domain:
Failed to connect
How can I fix this? I tried performing a hard reset of omniNames and omniEvents, but that did not help.
The IDE sometimes has issues with launching the REDHAWK_DEV Domain. You can open up a terminal window and type:
nodeBooter -D
to launch the domain. Afterwards, you should be able to connect in the IDE.
I am assuming by "hard reset" you are referring to the instructions in Appendix M of the REDHAWK manual ( If this is the case, look for the omniNames process a couple of second after doing the reset (sometimes it will start up for a few seconds, and then error out: we want to make sure it stays up):
$ ps -ef | grep omni
If omniNames is not staying up, there are 3 things to look for.
Check the logs in /etc/log/omniORB for any errors. Please post any errors that you might find.
Verify that /etc/omniORB.cfg is set up incorrectly. Please post your omniORB.cfg file if possible.
Make sure the /var partition is not full:
$ df -h | grep var

NODEJS - SFTP - Handling process output

At the moment I'm trying to use node-sftp in order to provide my nodejs script with the ability to SFTP with a private key.
That module appears to be broken since v 0.6 of node ( is no longer a method).
So i've tried to use a child process and spawn my sftp command.
Now the connection appears to work fine (I checked the ftp servers logs # /var/log/auth.log)
I can also see some output in the Node window...
Permanently added '46.x.x.x' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to 46.x.x.x.
Changing to: /home/deploy/somefolder
When I connect directly via the command line using the following command it ends up with a prompt like sftp>, which is waiting for my FTP commands
sftp -o Port=22 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o IdentityFile=private_key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/v/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes deploy#46.x.x.x:/home/deploy/somefolder
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?
Its hard to say without a little more detail, but I would take a look at:
This will emulate a tty device that you can read and write to.
If you can provide some additional code you have tried, we may be able to point you in a better direction.
You could also try cloning the node-sftp module from: and using the library directly instead of from npm, it looks like the latest version in github has support for node versions newer that 0.6
