Why is the `message` for my Jest custom matcher not being displayed? - jestjs

I've created a Jest custom matcher. It works (meaning, it passes/fails when it should), but I don't see the message anywhere in Jest's output.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to do something to "enable" messages? Am I totally misunderstanding where the message is supposed to show up?
Environment: NestJS, Prisma
Execution command: jest --watch
Simplified code:
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R> {
toMatchHash(received: string, expected: string): R;
toMatchJsonHash(received, expected) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `Why doesn't this work?!`,
● MyService › should pass a test using a custom matcher
Expected: toMatchJsonHash<db0110285c148c77943f996a17cbaf27>
Received: {<Big ol' object redacted for conciseness>}
Number of calls: 1
178 |
179 | // #ts-ignore
> 180 | expect(prisma.name.findMany).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.toMatchJsonHash('db0110285c148c77943f996a17cbaf27'));
| ^
181 | // expect(prisma.name.findMany).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
182 | // select: { type: true, name: true },
183 | // where: {
at Object.<anonymous> (my/my.service.spec.ts:180:32)
I'm expecting to see "Why doesn't this work?!" somewhere in the output, but I don't. What am I missing?

As suggested by #jonsharpe, the reason was that Jest was showing the message from the "outer" matcher, .toHaveBeenCalledWith().
To fix this, I found the source that defines the .toHaveBeenCalledWith() matcher and "merged" its code into my custom matcher.
This enabled my custom matcher to effectively "extend" the functionality of the .toHaveBeenCalledWith() matcher, including my own custom code and messages.
In case it helps someone, the code I ended up with for my specific use case was:
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R> {
toHaveBeenCalledWithObjectMatchingHash(expected: string): CustomMatcherResult;
expect.extend({toHaveBeenCalledWithObjectMatchingHash(received, expected) {
const isSpy = (received: any) =>
received != null &&
received.calls != null &&
typeof received.calls.all === 'function' &&
typeof received.calls.count === 'function';
const receivedIsSpy = isSpy(received);
const receivedName = receivedIsSpy ? 'spy' : received.getMockName();
const calls = receivedIsSpy
? received.calls.all().map((x: any) => x.args)
: received.mock.calls;
if(calls.length === 0) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `expected the function to be called with an object that hashes to '${expected}'. Instead, the function was not called.`,
if(calls[0].length === 0) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `expected the function to be called with an object that hashes to '${expected}'. Instead, the function was called, but not with any arguments.`,
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
const receivedHash = md5Hash.update(JSON.stringify(calls[0][0])).digest('hex');
const pass = receivedHash === expected;
if(pass) {
return {
pass: true,
message: () => `expected the function to not be called with an object that hashes to '${expected}'. Instead, the passed object hashes to the same value.`,
} else {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `expected the function to be called with an object that hashes to '${expected}'. Instead, the passed object hashes to '${receivedHash}'.`,


Using expect while extending expect in jest

Per the documentation, we can extend expect globally by using custom matchers like this:
async toBeDivisibleByExternalValue(received) {
const externalValue = await getExternalValueFromRemoteSource();
const pass = received % externalValue == 0;
if (pass) {
return {
message: () =>
`expected ${received} not to be divisible by ${externalValue}`,
pass: true,
} else {
return {
message: () =>
`expected ${received} to be divisible by ${externalValue}`,
pass: false,
but is there any way to utilize expect(something).toBe(something) inside of the custom matcher without spamming try catches everywhere?

Why does jest mockResolvedValueOnce called multiple times returns the same value?

I have a class method where I trigger a #google-cloud/firestore multiple times. I would like to mock the call over the same .get() method multiple times.
Using a mockResolvedValueOnce multiple times with different values to return, the 2nd value is ignored.
jest.doMock('#google-cloud/firestore', () => class {
collection () {
return {
get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
docs: []
doc: () => {
return {
set: jest.fn(),
get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValueOnce({})
limit: () => {
return {
get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ empty: true })
onSnapshot: jest.fn(),
select: () => {
return {
get: jest.fn() // <------------ MULTIPLE CALLS CHAINED BELOW
size: 1
size: 2
When I console.log(snapshot.size) it returns me the same value "1" twice for both calls.
if (isEmptyModels || isStatsEmptyModels) {
// ...
console.log('📊 [STATS][MODELS] - Fulfilling the counters')
await Database.collection('models').select('id').get().then(snapshot => {
console.log(snapshot.size) // <--------- 1st call
this.fields.models.count = snapshot.size
this.fields.models.linked = snapshot.size
// ...
if (isEmptyProducts1P || isStatsEmptyProducts1P) {
// ...
console.log('📊 [STATS][PRODUCTS1P] - Fulfilling the counters')
await Database.collection('products1P').select('isMaintained').get().then(snapshot => {
console.log(snapshot.size) // <--------- 2nd call
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
if (doc.data().isMaintained) {
// ...
// ...
// ...
Why is that, and what is done wrong here ?
Error message is:
📊 [STATS][MODELS] - Fulfilling the counters
at Statistics.fulfillProductsCount (app/services/statistics/index.js:95:15)
at app/services/statistics/index.js:97:17
📊 [STATS][PRODUCTS1P] - Fulfilling the counters
at Statistics.fulfillProductsCount (app/services/statistics/index.js:106:15)
at app/services/statistics/index.js:108:17
TypeError: snapshot.forEach is not a function
117 | await Database.collection('products1P').select('isMaintained').get().then(snapshot => {
118 | console.log(snapshot.size)
> 119 | snapshot.forEach(doc => {
| ^
120 | if (doc.data().isMaintained) {
121 | this.fields.products1P.maintained += 1
122 | } else {
at app/services/statistics/index.js:119:18
This happens because each time you call Database.collection(), it creates a new object, and as a new object, this is the first time its properties are called. It is also valid for the others functions inside collection.
What I mean is that Database.collection is a function that returns an object that contains other functions that return object that contains properties mocked. By mocking this way, you will never be able to use mock...ValueOnce. But, I see two ways to "bypass" this problem :
1 - The short but conflicting way
You can use .mockReturnThis() to avoid entering into deep mock objects/functions, but in may be quickly conflicting when dealing with "fat" classes that have multiple times the same method names. In can also be helpful when mocking chainable methods (example: ORM queries with .find().filter().sort()...).
jest.doMock('#google-cloud/firestore', () => class {
collection = jest.fn().mockReturnThis();
select = jest.fn().mockReturnThis();
get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValueOnce({ size: 1 }).mockResolvedValueOnce({ size: 2 });
2 - The Long but working way
Mock the whole collection method Once instead of mocking only collection().select().get().
select: () => {
get: () => ({ size: 1 })
select: () => {
get: () => ({ size: 2 })
--> You will need access to the mocked Class and mock the method "collection" of the prototype (collection = jest.fn()).

Not translating key on model define unique custom error

Using 18next.t function to translate key, is getting me the generic sequelize unique constraint error message instead of defined custom message
Model definition candidate.js
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const Candidate = sequelize.define('Candidate', {
status: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM,
values: [
docTin : {
unique: {
args: 'candidates_unique_doctin_company_unity',
get msg() { return i18next.t('invalid-candidate-unique-doc-tin') }
docTin must be unique
{Custom error message located on lang.json}
The solution that i founded was prototyping the main create function on model definition, to allow use functions on unique msg properties
const orgCreate = Candidate.create;
Candidate.create = function(){
return orgCreate
.apply(this, arguments)
.catch(err => {
const uniqueErrorName = 'SequelizeUniqueConstraintError'
if (err.name === uniqueErrorName) {
err.errors = err.errors.map(e => ({
message: typeof e.message === 'function' ? e.message() : e.message
throw err;
get msg() { return i18next.t('invalid-candidate-unique-doc-tin') }
msg: () => i18next.t('invalid-candidate-unique-doc-tin')

Jest doMock the same method multiple times

I would like to test following part of the code:
// ... code above
const created = async payload => {
const model = await db.collection('models').doc(payload.model)
.get() // <--- 1st .get() occurence
if (!model.exists) {
// Add product to the orphans collection
await db.collection('orphans').doc(payload.sku).set(payload)
} else {
// Grab the categories field
const categories = model.get('categories') // <--- 2nd .get() occurence
// Product is either empty or does not exists at all
if (!categories || categories.length < 1) {
// Add product to the orphans collection
await db.collection('orphans').doc(payload.sku).set(payload)
} else {
// Otherwise remove from the orphans collection
await deleted(payload.sku)
I do not know how to properly mock the file twice in the same callback. Here is what I get:
test.only('it should react when an event "created" has been fired', async () => {
const spy = jest.fn()
jest.doMock('#google-cloud/firestore', () => class {
collection () {
return {
doc: () => {
return {
get: () => {
return {
exists: () => {
set: () => {
const observer = require('./product')
await observer('created', {})
await expect(spy.mock.calls.length).toBe(1)
I get this error:
● it should react when an event "created" has been fired
TypeError: model.get is not a function
25 | } else {
26 | // Grab the categories field
> 27 | const categories = model.get('categories')
| ^
28 |
29 | // Product is either empty or does not exists at all
30 | if (!categories || categories.length < 1) {
at created (app/observers/product.js:27:30)
at Object.<anonymous>.module.exports (app/observers/product.js:6:28)
at Object.<anonymous> (app/observers/product.spec.js:34:3)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 1 failed, 1 skipped, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.147 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites matching /app\/observers\/product.spec.js/i.
What is the working solution to test two scenarios of the same mocked get() method ?
In your code :
const model = await db.collection('models').doc(payload.model)
.get() // <--- 1st .get() occurence
If we look at your mock, the get method of doc returns :
exists: () => {
There are no property named get, so it is undefined (and not a function).
I guess you just have to change this part to :
exists: true, // can be false
get: spy,
And your problem should be solved.
Btw, you can also change the mock of set method to set: spy. Or you can keep it to set: () => { spy() }, but you should at least return the value if you want to mock it : set: () => { spy() }.
Now, about how to properly mock multiple times, here's what you can do :
const observer = require('./product')
const spyGet = jest.fn()
const spySet = jest.fn() // I like having different mocks, if one function use get & set, tests will be clever & more readable if you use different spies
describe('on event "created" fired', () => {
const categories = []
beforeEach(() => {
// I put mocks here to make test more readable
jest.doMock('#google-cloud/firestore', () => class {
collection () {
return {
doc: () => {
return {
get: () => {
return {
exists: true,
get: spyGet,
set: spySet
spyGet.mockResolvedValueOnce(categories) // you can also use mockResolvedValue, but mockResolvedValueOnce allow you to mock with different values on the same test & same mock
it.only('should get categories', async () => {
await observer('created', {})
// here's all the ways you can test it
expect(spyGet).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'categories')
Note : You should reset & clear your mocks between tests manually (in a afterEach or beforeEach) if you don't set it into jest config.

How to fix TypeScript error Property 'isBoom' does not exist on type 'Boom<any> | ResponseObject'

The following source code returns TypeScript errors:
type: 'onPreResponse',
method: async (request, handler) => {
if (request.response.isBoom && request.response.message !== 'Invalid request payload input') {
if (request.response.isServer) {
logger.captureException(request.response, null, {
digest: this.requestDigest(request)
} else {
logger.captureMessage(request.response.message, 'info', null, {
digest: this.requestDigest(request)
return handler.continue;
Property 'isBoom' does not exist on type 'Boom | ResponseObject'.
Property 'isBoom' does not exist on type 'ResponseObject'.
Property 'isServer' does not exist on type 'Boom |
ResponseObject'. Property 'isServer' does not exist on type
Argument of type 'string | ((httpMessage: string) => ResponseObject)'
is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type '(httpMessage:
string) => ResponseObject' is not assignable to type 'string'.
How can I fix them? Is there a problem with #types/hapi?
Since the response is a union ResponseObject | Boom | null we can only access common members of a union unless we use a type-guard.
There are several types of type-guards and you ca read more about the here .Below I use an in type guard to discriminated based on the existence of the property
import { Server } from 'hapi';
const hapi = new Server({})
type: 'onPreResponse',
method: async (request, handler) => {
if (request.response && 'isBoom' in request.response && request.response.message !== 'Invalid request payload input') {
if (request.response.isServer) {
request.response.message // string
return handler.continue;
Since the type Boom is a class an instanceof typeguard should also work:
type: 'onPreResponse',
method: async (request, handler) => {
if (request.response && request.response instanceof Boom && request.response.message !== 'Invalid request payload input') {
if (request.response.isServer) {
request.response.message // string
return handler.continue;
Note in both cases I added a check for request.response to exclude null from the union. This is only required by the compiler if strictNullChecks are enabled, but might be a good idea anyway.
