Rotate logfiles on an hourly basis by appending date and hour - linux

I wanted to implement a log rotation option in linux. I have a *.trc file where all the logs are getting written. I wanted a new log file to be created every hour. I have done some analysis and found the below
I have done some analysis and got to know about the logrotate option. Where we need to update the rotation details for a specific file in the logrotate.conf file
I wanted to know if there is an option without using the logrotate option. I wanted to rotate the logfiles on an hourly basis, so something like appending date and hour information to the log file and create new files based on the current hour information.
Im looking for some suggestions on how to implement the log rotation using the second option specified above.
Any details on the above would be really helpful

If you have control over the process that creates the logs, you could just timestamp the file at the moment of creation. This will remove the need to rename the log.
Before you write every line you check the time. If one hour passed after that file was created, you close the current file and open a new one with a new timestamp.
If you do not have control over the process, you can pipe the output of your process (stdout,stderr) to multilog, which is a binary that's part of the package daemon-tools in most Linux distros.


Nlog Create unique log file for every application startup

I would like to create a single log file for entire application.
The log file name convection should includes date and time like this: MyLog_31122022_0915.log
Right now each class creates a new instance meaning a new log file.
If I change the log file name convention, removing date and time, I get a single file, the problem is the the same file is used for each new run of the application.
How can it be done?
You can use ${processinfo} to log process-starttime:
You can adjust the DateTime-format to include seconds / milliseconds to make it more unique. Or you can include ${processid}:

Quartz Scheduling to delete files

I am using the file component with an argument quartz scheduler in order to pull some files from a given directory on every hour. Then i transform the data from the files and move the content to other files in other directory. After that I am moving the input files to an archive directory. When a file is moved to this directory it should stay there only a week and then it should be deleted automatically. The problem is that Im not really sure how can i start a new cron job because I dont really know when any of the files is moved to that archive directory. Maybe is something really trivial but I am pretty new to camel and I dont know the solution. Thank you in advance.
Use option "filterFile"
Every file has modified timestamp and you can use this timestamp to filter file that are older than 1 week. Under file component, there exist an option filterFile
Above evaluation comes from file language, ${date:file:yyyyMMdd} denote modified timestamp of the file in form (year)(month)(day) and ${date:now-7d:yyyyMMdd} denote current time minus 7 days in form (year)(month)(day).

Way To Append To File While Keeping the File Size Constant

I am looking for a way to write the logs from NodeJS to a file. I am using fs.appendFile option. Is there a way to keep adding to the file by keeping the file size constant--for example, if the file exceeds 5 MB and a new line comes in, delete the oldest line to accommodate the new line--sort of like in a rolling basis?
If you are open to use a library for your logging instead of appendfile. You could use winston with the Daily rotate file Transport where you can cap the filesize at 5MB or an amount of days or both.
I would suggest zipping up the logs and keeping them for a few days/weeks and setting up a cron job or something to delete the old files. If you really want to delete all logs, you could delete on rotate
transport.on('rotate', function(oldFilename, newFilename) {
Normally log rotation is handled by the operating system using something like logrotate

Configure Logstash to wait before parsing a file

I wonder if you can configure logstash in the following way:
Background Info:
Every day I get a xml file pushed to my server, which should be parsed.
To indicate a complete file transfer afterwards I get an empty .ctl (custom file) transfered to the same folder.
The files both have the following name schema 'feedback_{year}{yearday}_UTC{hoursminutesseconds}_51.{extention}' (e.g. feedback_16002_UTC235953_51.xml). So they have the same file name but one is with .xml and the other is a .ctl file.
Is there a way to configure logstash to wait parsing the xml file until the according .ctl file is present?
Is there maybe a way to archiev that with filebeat?
It would also be enough to be able to configure logstash in a way that it will wait x minutes before starting to process a new file, if that is easier.
Thanks for any help in advance
Your problem is that you don't want to start the parser before the file transfer hasn't been completed. So, why don't push the data to a file (file-complete.xml) when you find your flag file (empty.ctl)?
Here is the possible logic for a script and runs using crontab:
if empty.ctl exists:
Clear file-complete.xml
Add the content of file.xml to file-complete.xml.
Remove empty.ctl
This way, you'd need to parse the data from file-complete.xml. I think is simpler to debug and configure.
Hope it helps,

Unload a file from a ftp and rename it in host

I have one file delivered in a ftp daily. This file doesn´t have the same name everyday. It has the date and the hour of the creation. For example, today the file has the name 20130814_XX_YY_20130814152345, created at 15:23:45 and tomorrow the file can name 20130815_XX_YY_20130815152421. The _XX_YY_ is always the same but the hour will change everyday.
I want to create a host jcl that gets this file with variable name and rename it to a host file. How can I do this ?
Thank you
STEP1: You can use LS in FTP to write to disk, so you can have a file with the file-name in it. Then GET that file.
STEP2: Process the contents of your file to generate the FTP Control Cards (at least for the GET). The GET generated will be of the form GET 20130814_XX_YY_20130814152345 'HLQ.MAINFRAM.DATASET', where the server name has come from the file GETted in STEP1 and the local (Mainframe) file can be hard-coded, or supplied to the generation if flexibility is required.
STEP3: Run FTP again with the Control Card(s) generated.
Isn't there anything in the Spec?
Sometimes we create complexities where an "out of the box" solution simplifies life considerably.
After the post updated, I now understand the problem a bit better.
If the name is required to be so specific, then the other suggested solution (if i understand it) is to have a fixed file name on the server that contains a list of file names to be uploaded.
In fact, the server could create a fixed file name that is really the JCL to run on the mainframe!!! This file would include the //SYSIN DD * and GET commands! The mainframe uploads this file and submits it as-is to the job reader, which then runs on the mainframe. The last step of this job (created by the server, but run on the mainframe) is to FTP an empty JCL file back to the server, in this way the server "knows" that the mainframe has uploaded the files.
Alternatively, why does the non-Z\os system need to name the file with time information? If the mainframe processes the file daily then date should be sufficient.
With this change the mainframe can reliably predict the file name for the day, generate the appropriate GET command and run.
With a job scheduler it would be easy to run the upload to the mainframe twice a day. This might address any concerns that are expressed in the desire to include a time in the file's name.
Run a Rexx step via a Background TSO step:
Background TSO step
You can then run a listcat to get all the files. You could either write the listcat output to a file and read it in or trap the output via the Address command
or the OutTrap function.
Then use the standard TSO Rename command.
Alternatively you could run ISPF background rexx program and use the ISPF equivalents to get the file name
(1) The real solution to this should be through a scheduling tool for Mainframe jobs. These tools provide capabilities to take care of formatting like the one you described.
(2) Alternatives: REXX and COBOL
(3) If you don't want to prefer REXX, here's a little brief into how you could create the JCL dynamically using COBOL:
A COBOL program that would read a "template" JCL.
Using INSPECT / REPLACE, you could substitute the prototypes with the string that is populated with the date of your choice (you could supply this as a simple SYSIN parm too, if you want the COBOL code to be flexible on the date selection)
Now that your formatted JCL is ready, you could write it to the output stream
Anything that is written to INTRDR (Internal Reader), goes straight to JES to submit your job!
Hope this helps.
