Python .iloc error trying to input values into dataframe - python-3.x

From my df which has a huge amount of rows I attempt to physically enter some values for some of the "NaN". My code is below:
It does the task, however, It also throws this back in my face:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation:
self._setitem_single_block(indexer, value, name)

df['some_col'].iloc[:4] is so called index chaining, and its behaviour is unpredictable. I recommend reading the link in the error for details
For updating the data, it is recommended that you use a single .loc or iloc for both column/index:
col_idx = pamap2_df.columns.get_loc('heartrate')
pamap2_df.iloc[:4, col_idx] = 100
idx = pamap2_df.index[:4]
pamap2_df.loc[idx, 'heartrate'] = 100
Note the error might still persist if your pamap2_df is a slice of another dataframe. For example:
pamap2_df = df[df['Age'] < some_threshold]
idx = pamap2_df.index[:4]
# this will raise a warning / failure
pamap2_df.loc[idx, 'heartrate'] = 100
# this will do
df.loc[idx, 'heartrate'] = 100


Out of memory while checking string columns and saving error values to Databricks

I need to do a double quotes check in a dataframe. So I am iterating through all the columns for this check but takes lot of time. I am using Azure Databricks for this.
for column in columns_list:
column_name = "`" + column + "`"
df_reject = source_data.withColumn("flag_quotes",when(source_data[column_name].rlike("[\"\"]"),lit("Yes")).otherwise(lit("No")))
df_quo_rejected_df = df_reject.filter(col("flag_quotes") == "Yes")
df_quo_rejected_df = df_quo_rejected_df.withColumn('Error', lit(err))
I have got around 500 columns with 40 million records. I tried union the dataframes every iteration but the operation does OOM after sometime. So I save the dataframe and append it every iteration. Please help me with a way to optimize the running time.
Instead of looping through columns you can try checking their values using exists.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
columns_list = [f"`{c}`" for c in columns_list]
df_reject = source_data.filter(F.exists(F.array(*columns_list), lambda x: x.rlike("[\"\"]")))
df_cols_add ='*', F.lit('Yes').alias('flag_quotes'), F.lit(err).alias('Error'))

AWS Glue dynamic frames not getting updated

We are currrently facing an issue where we cannot insert more than 600K records in oracle db using AWS glue. We are getting connection reset error and DBA's are currently looking into it. As a temporary solution we thought of adding data in chunks by splitting a dataframe into multiple dataframe and looping this list of dataframe to add data. We are sure that splitting algorithm works fine and here is the code we use
def split_by_row_index(df, num_partitions=10):
# Let's assume you don't have a row_id column that has the row order
t = df.withColumn('_row_id', monotonically_increasing_id())
# Using ntile() because monotonically_increasing_id is discontinuous across partitions
t = t.withColumn('_partition', ntile(num_partitions).over(Window.orderBy(t._row_id)))
return [t.filter(t._partition == i + 1) for i in range(num_partitions)]
Here each DF have unique data but somehow when we convert this df in dynamic frame in loop it is we are getting common data in each dynamic frame. here is small snippet for this example
df_trns_details_list = split_by_row_index(df_trns_details, int(df_trns_details.count() / 100000))
trnsDetails1 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df_trns_details_list[0], glueContext, "trnsDetails1")
trnsDetails2 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df_trns_details_list[1], glueContext, "trnsDetails2")
print(df_trns_details_list[0].count())# counts are same
print(df_trns_details_list[1].count()) # counts are same
subDf1 = trnsDetails1.toDF().select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
subDf2 = trnsDetails2.toDF().select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
common = subDf1.intersect(subDf2)
# ------------------ common data exists----------------
subDf3 = df_trns_details_list[0].select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
subDf4 = df_trns_details_list[1].select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
#------------------0 common data----------------
common1 = subDf3.intersect(subDf4)
here Id and details_id combination will be unique
We used this logic in multiple areas where it worked not sure why this is happening.
We are also quite new to Python and AWS Glue so any suggestion to improve it also welcomed. Thanks

(KNN ) row compute use outer DataFrame on pyspark

my data structure is like this:
train_info:(over 30000 rows)
odt:string (unique)
array:array<double> (with variable length depend on different odt and holiday_type )
useful_index:array<int> (length same as vectors)
...(other not important cols)
label_data:(over 40000 rows)
od_label: string
l_origin_array:array<double> (with variable length)
...(other not important cols)
my expected result is like this(length same with train_info):
my solution is like this:
if __name__=='__main __'
loop_item = train_info.collect()
result = knn_for_loop(spark, loop_item,train_info.schema,label_data)
----- do something -------
def knn_for_loop(spark, predict_list, schema, label_data):
result = list()
for i in predict_list:
# turn this Row col to Data Frame and join on label data
# across to this row data pick label data array data
predict_df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([i]).toDF(schema) \
.join(label_data, on=['holiday_type', "od_label"], how='left') \
UDFuncs.value_from_array_by_index(f.col('l_origin_array'), f.col("useful_index"))) \
# pandas execute
train_x = predict_df.l_array.values
train_y = predict_df.label.values
test_x = predict_df.array.values[0]
test_y = KNN(train_x, train_y, test_x)
result.append((i['odt'], i['holiday_type'], i['od_label'], test_y))
return result
it's worked but is really slow, I estimate each row need 18s.
in R language I can do this easily using do function:
something my tries
I tried to join them before use,and query them when I compute, but the data is too large to run (these two df have 400 million rows after join and It takes up 180 GB disk space on hive and query really slowly).
I tried to use pandas_udf, but it only allows one parameter and slow).
I tried to use UDF, but UDF can't receive data frame obj.
I tried to use spark-knn package ,but I run with error,may be my offline
installation is wrong .
thanks for your help.

How do I give a text key to a dataframe stored as a value in a dictionary?

So I have 3 dataframes - df1,df2.df3. I'm trying to loop through each dataframe so that I can run some preprocessing - set date time, extract hour to a separate column etc. However, I'm running into some issues:
If I store the df in a dict as in df_dict = {'df1' : df1, 'df2' : df2, 'df3' : df3} and then loop through it as in
for k, v in df_dict.items():
if k == 'df1':
I get a NameError: name 'df1' is not defined
What am I doing wrong? I initially thought I was not reading in the df1..3 data in but that seems to operate ok (as in it doesn't fail and its clearly reading it in given the time lag (they are big files)). The code preceding it (for load) is:
DF_DATA = { 'df1': 'df1.csv','df2': 'df2.csv', 'df3': 'df3.csv' }
for k,v in DF_DATA.items():
print(k, v) #this works to print out both key and value
k = pd.read_csv(v) #this does not
I am thinking this maybe the cause but not sure.I'm expecting the load loop to create the 3 dataframes and put them into memory. Then for the loop on the top of the page, I want to reference the string key in my if block condition so that each df can get a slightly different preprocessing treatment.
Thanks very much in advance for your assist.
You didn't create df_dict correctly. Try this:
DF_DATA = { 'df1': 'df1.csv','df2': 'df2.csv', 'df3': 'df3.csv' }
df_dict= {k:pd.read_csv(v) for k,v in DF_DATA.items()}

How to handle min_itemsize exception in writing to pandas HDFStore

I am using pandas HDFStore to store dfs which I have created from data.
store = pd.HDFStore(storeName, ...)
for file in downloaded_files:
with as f:
data = json.loads(
df = json_normalize(data)
store.append(storekey, df, format='table', append=True)
except TypeError:
#File Error
I have received the error:
ValueError: Trying to store a string with len [82] in [values_block_2] column but
this column has a limit of [72]!
Consider using min_itemsize to preset the sizes on these columns
I found that it is possible to set min_itemsize for the column involved but this is not a viable solution as I do not know the max length I will encounter and all the columns which I will encounter the problem.
Is there a solution to automatically catch this exception and handle it each item it occur?
I think you can do it this way:
store.append(storekey, df, format='table', append=True, min_itemsize={'Long_string_column': 200})
basically it's very similar to the following create table SQL statement:
create table df(
id int,
str varchar(200)
where 200 is the maximal allowed length for the str column
The following links might be very helpful:
HDFStore.append(string, DataFrame) fails when string column contents are longer than those already there
Pandas pytable: how to specify min_itemsize of the elements of a MultiIndex
