Managing Azure PIM permissions - azure

I have a single tenant with a single subscription. I have a custom role configured:
rbac role: for managing rbac on Azure Resources. Contains Microsoft.Authorization/*
Now I noticed that when I activate my rbac role I am unable to edit any roles or role assignments from the PIM panel.
However, when I activate the Owner role there are no issues.
I've been looking through the Operations, but I don't see anything other than Microsoft.Authorization provider that should be needed. Yet I am still missing something for my rbac role. Does anyone know in which provider I am supposed to look? I'm trying to downscope permissions.


Azure - Restrict Role Assignments to Managed Identities and Service Principals

Our Azure engineers need to be able to manage the identity and permissions used to run the software they deploy to the cloud.
However, granting them the ability to assign RBAC roles also allows them to assign permissions for any AD User or Group--not just system identities (Managed Identities, Service Principals).
How can I configure Azure to allow engineers to grant permissiona for their software to operate but prevent them from granting permissions to other AD entities?
Currently is not possible to limit the scope or selection of principals (users or services/applications) to be assigned roles. Usually, developers are given up to the Contributor role which give them access to almost all management features but user access while selected users are given the User Access Administrator role.

Restricting Access to what users can see in the Azure portal

For users that are assigned only a resource contributor role (such as Storage File Data SMB Share Contributor) the desired outcome is for them to see only the storage resources in Azure to which they are assigned
With this role, users can still see, however, the Subscription ID, a list of devices in Azure Active Directory, can log into Microsoft Intune, etc.
We have tried enabling "Restrict access to Azure Admin Portal" but some details are still visible.
I am looking for guidance on how to ensure restricted access for users with a resource contributor role assigned.
Ability to see the existence of an Azure subscription when you have any role assigned to a resource in the subscription is special behavior provided by ARM to allow users to browse to the resources they have access to...
The other items (devices in Azure AD, Intune) are not controlled by Azure RBAC roles. You should find that the users have the same permissions even if you remove their Azure RBAC role assignments.
These systems have independent authorization logic which may be granting some access to all users.

Azure global admin cannot(disabled) add roles under "Access Control(IAM)"

I activated my global admin role in Privileged Identity Management like so
When I navigate to the Access Control blade under a subscription, I see the Add role assignment options disabled.
Doesn't global admin has global rights and can do this?
Doesn't global admin has global rights and can do this?
No. You're global admin in your Azure AD so you can perform all operations in Azure AD. Azure AD roles are different than Azure Subscription roles.
To be able to perform IAM related activities in an Azure Subscription, you must be assigned an Owner or User Access Administrator role in that Azure Subscription.
Considering you're the global admin in your Azure AD, you can elevate your permissions to perform IAM activities in Azure Subscription. Please see this link for more details:
Other option would be to ask someone in your team with proper access in the Azure Subscription to assign you in Owner or User Access Administrator role.
Azure roles happen to be different than Azure AD roles.
By default AD roles manage AD and azure roles manage azure resources. However there are some cross roles which can access resources across when needed. more information here
Since Global Administrator is a cross-service role, he can elevate himself by granting himself the user access administrator role as here. Then I was able to see the disabled options, enabled.
more information

I cannot manage a RBAC role on a Azure resource with Privileged Identity Management

I'am a permanent member of the RBAC role "User Access Admin" on a resource in Azure. But when I try to access the resource from Azure AD PIM, I get a 403 error.
I can access and manage permissions the resource in the portal via IAM and I have the correct license.
Why doesn't PIM let me manage the resource?
The User Access Administrator belongs to the Azure RBAC roles which are used to manage the Azure resources in the subscription, if you have this role, you can manage the role assignments in Access control (IAM) of the subscription/resource directly.
Privileged Identity Management(PIM) is a feature of Azure AD, even it can also be used to manage the role assignments in subscription, to use it e.g. Assign users to roles, you need the Azure AD admin roles which are different from Azure RBAC roles, in this case, at least you need Privileged role administrator, see here.
To give an Azure AD admin role to a user, follow this link.

Divide Owner RBAC Role of Azure

I am trying to divide the Azure Owner RBAC role between IAM actions and Other Actions, is it possible if yes then please help.
I have tried to list out all the actions of all the Azure RBAC roles and tried to distinguish between IAM and Other actions but this is not a good practice i know, even i have tried to list out actions of Owner role which is "*". i have tried 100's of websites as well for the solutions but dint work for me
As mentioned in the comment, I think you can use the Contributor, compared to Owner, it can do anything as the Owner but not manage the access to resources(the AD related thing you said).
For the AD related thing of Owner, you could just check the NotActions of Contributor.
And if you want to divide the Owner's permissions in two, I think it does not make sense, because once your custom role has the permission to manage the access to resources, he can assign other roles(e.g. Owner) to anyone like himself.
So in your case, you could just assign the Owner to the user who should need the most permissions, assign the Contributor to the user that you don't want to give the permissions of AD related thing.
As far as I know, Azure RABC role is used to manage azure resource. Regarding how to manage actions in Azure AD, Azure provides other roles to control it. For more details, please refer to
