Add "Contact Us"/"Support" link to the Sing-In form - azure-ad-b2c

I want to add a link directing users to our support to the Azure B2C Login form.
I don't see any way of doing it.
There is a "support" URL in Application Manifest but
it doesn't seem to be used (at least it's not documented)
it's displayed when consent is asked for the application, not on the login form
Is it possible to add a custom link to the standard layouts of Azure B2C or do I need to use a the HTML templates approach?
Even using the HTML templates I think I will only be able to add the link somewhere else on the page, not to the login form.

The best way to do this is the HTML form as you mentioned. You can add the link on the login form. You'll just need to add a div with your link. If you're having trouble getting it to work let me know and I can help you out.


Generating a link to the Sign-In in Azure B2C page

I use standard user flows and custom pages for Forgotten Password and Sign-Up. On these pages, I need to add a link to the Sign-In page. How to add the tag itself is described here.
At the moment, I do not understand how to generate the link itself correctly.
Out from the box on the Sign-In page, links for Forgotten Password and Sign-Up are generated using the getRedirectLink function, but I can’t generate a link for Sign-in using it.
As an alternative, it is suggested here to use history.back(), but unfortunately this is not covered all cases.
The getRedirectLink cannot be used to generate a link to the Sign-in user flow. You can it as a hard link though.
If we hard code the link (sign-in flow link) that won't work properly. A workaround is, place a link that points to your application itself.
Eg: Say "", is your application URL and it is a page requires authentication. When you place link to this URL, MSAL will redirect automatically to sign in page.

How to customize elements of the Azure AD B2C page while still using Azure's template

My business has the requirement of doing below changes while still using Azure blue template in Azure B2C's login page. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to achieve this?
B2C login page
If you need styling customization you need to go with your own template. If you want to be as close to the default one provided then you need to download it, change and use as your custom one. To do that just open Developer Tools in the browser, open your user flow and find something similar to this (image below) in the Network tab of Developer Tools:
Just double click it and the new page with template used with your flow will open. Just save it as HTML and you are free to go. Don't forget about checking any extenal references (CSS, JS, etc). Depending on what will you be changing you might want to download them and host on your own as well.

How to change ux element tags in Azure AD B2C custom policy

I want to control the elements that are generated dynamically by the azure b2c.
Like change the element <p> tags to <h2> on email signup page,
so that "Your Details" appear inside a header tag.
In the Azure AD B2C There is a way to customize the interface of user experiences for sign-up, sign-in, and profile editing. Please go through the document for more information.
We can use javascript in the B2C but for your scenario it wont work. As per the Guidelines we should change the html elements order using javascript. Please go through the document it may help you for future reference.

How do I link from one Azure AD custom page to another

I have a link on my website that takes a user to the Azure AD edit profile page. I have customized that page by adding 2 links at the bottom. One is for the user to change their password and the other is to update a phone number. These are 3 different policies within Azure AD. When I initially link to the page from my site I am sending a clientID and a redirect_uri in the query string. Unfortunately this is getting converted to a csrf_token and those query string parameters are gone so I don't have access to them to include them in the change password and change phone number links. When the user clicks on the links obviously they fail. How do I link someone from one custom policy page to another page in Azure Active Directory? My custom page uses javascript, css, and html. No server side code other than what Microsoft injects.
You should have a link back to your application, and your application should understand that this route starts a new authentication journey with the appropriate authentication library with the desired policyId for this URL path. Do not link B2C journeys directly from within your custom HTML, you go via your application.

Difference between Dashboard and My profile

I have been using Liferay portal. Its very easy and user friendly. Actually developer friendly ! But i have few doubts. Would want to get them clarified.
What is the difference between dashboard and my profile?
How do you restrict a user from adding portlets?
3.How to add animation effects/slideshow ?
yeah. That is all for now. Please help me get them clarified. Thanks in advance
Dashboard --> User's own Page, where user can have own set of portlets
My Profile --> Basically Users's Information Page, where user can add/edit them manually.
for more info :
User Personal Sites
The provided answer is not correct. My Profile is a page where you can add portlets. My Dashboard is a page where you can add portlets. See the difference? Neither do I. After much digging I found this:
Finally, the user section shows the users name and provides links to the user’s profile (his or her publicly-accessible pages), dashboard (his or her private pages) ...
So it looks like "My Profile" = publicly-accessible pages, while
"My Dashboard" = private pages. For an admin user, the dashboard appears to
contain links/portlets to manage the website, user accounts, etc.
