I have to make a curl request to jenkins to get the job done but I am not sure how to do that using axios I am currently using nestjs as my backend framework I have tried googling it not much luck If anybody please help. The curl request looks a bit like below
curl -u pp:11d7b5072400da385981e24283472834 -H "${JENKINS_CRUMB}" -i -X POST $JENKINS_URL/job/$JOB_NAME/buildWithParameters --user pp:1232343454564123453 --data token=123456 --data
According to axis documents you can create request like that:
const JENKINS_URL = '***';
const JOB_NAME = '***';
const options = {
method: 'POST',
url: `${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JOB_NAME}/buildWithParameters`,
headers: {
JENKINS_SAMPLE_HEADER: 'jenkins_smaple_header'
withCredentials: true,
auth: {
username: 'pp',
password: '11d7b5072400da385981e24283472834'
data: {
token: '123456',
axios (options)
.then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error('Error', error);
I used this lovely tool and obtained this - after fixing a couple of errors in the original request:
const axios = require('axios');
const response = await axios.post(
new URLSearchParams({
'token': '123456'
auth: {
username: 'pp',
password: '1232343454564123453'
It's quite useful to help out when you don't know how to translate a request!
I'm struggling with AXIOS: it seems that my post request is not using my Cookie.
First of all, I'm creating an Axios Instance as following:
const api = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://mylocalserver:myport/api/',
header: {
'Content-type' : 'application/json',
withCredentials: true,
responseType: 'json'
The API I'm trying to interact with is requiring a password, thus I'm defining a variable containing my password:
const password = 'mybeautifulpassword';
First, I need to post a request to create a session, and get the cookie:
const createSession = async() => {
const response = await api.post('session', { password: password});
return response.headers['set-cookie'];
Now, by using the returned cookie (stored in cookieAuth variable), I can interact with the API.
I know there is an endpoint allowing me to retrieve informations:
const readInfo = async(cookieAuth) => {
return await api.get('endpoint/a', {
headers: {
Cookie: cookieAuth,
This is working properly.
It's another story when I want to launch a post request.
const createInfo = async(cookieAuth, infoName) => {
try {
const data = JSON.stringify({
name: infoName
return await api.post('endpoint/a', {
headers: {
Cookie: cookieAuth,
data: data,
} catch (error) {
When I launch the createInfo method, I got a 401 status (Unauthorized). It looks like Axios is not using my cookieAuth for the post request...
If I'm using Postman to make the same request, it works...
What am I doing wrong in this code? Thanks a lot for your help
I finally found my mistake.
As written in the Axios Doc ( https://axios-http.com/docs/instance )
The specified config will be merged with the instance config.
after creating the instance, I must follow the following structure to perform a post requests:
axios#post(url[, data[, config]])
My requests is working now :
await api.post('endpoint/a', {data: data}, {
headers: {
'Cookie': cookiesAuth
I am having trouble adding a contact to ActiveCampaign. I read a post in here: How to add a contact to a list in ActiveCampaign API v3 and am using v1 of the API. I used their contact_sync documentation to the best of my availability.
I'm developing using Gatsby/React --> GitHub --> Netlify, using a lamda function for the POST request.
Here is my axios POST:
method: 'post',
url: 'https://ACCOUNT.api-us1.com/admin/api.php?api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxx&api_action=contact_sync&api_output=json',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
body: {
email: 'email#email.com',
first_name: 'John'
And received the following response:
result_code: 0,
result_message: 'Could not add contact; missing email address',
result_output: 'json'
I'm talking to their endpoint. I just can't figure out how to feed the endpoint the email address?
Does anyone have a working example they would be kind enough to share? Guidance of any kind would be greatly appreciated!
I wanted to make sure to close this and share my answer.
Thanks so much to #reza jafari for his comment in this post where he brought to my attention the code window on the right margin of Postman where you can choose the language/server from a dropdown and it provides the correctly formatted response.
(I don't have enough reputation to upvote #reza's response so wanted to acknowledge it here.)
I was able to get my post working in Postman, and this little trick squared me away. I'll go ahead and post my solution to close this post.
const axios = require("axios")
const qs = require("qs")
exports.handler = async function (event) {
const { email, first_name } = JSON.parse(event.body)
const data = qs.stringify({
email: email,
first_name: first_name,
tags: '"api"',
"p[1]": "1",
const config = {
method: "post",
url: "https://ACCOUNT.api-us1.com/admin/api.php?api_key=xxxxxxxxx&api_action=contact_sync&api_output=json",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
data: data,
try {
const response = await axios(config)
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(response.data),
} catch (err) {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify(err),
I'm trying to make an instance of a database with node.js in firebase realtime database.
My node.js route looks like this:
const axios = require('axios');
var {google} = require("googleapis");
var serviceAccount = require("paht/to/json");
router.post('/createnewdatabase', function (req, res) {
//scopes used for the create
var scopes = [
// Authenticate a JWT client with the service account.
var jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
// Use the JWT client to generate an access token.
jwtClient.authorize(function(error, tokens) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error making request to generate access token:", error);
} else if (tokens.access_token === null) {
console.log("Provided service account does not have permission to generate access tokens");
} else {
var accessToken = tokens.access_token;
let apiKey = req.body.apiKey;
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken
method: 'post',
url: 'https://firebasedatabase.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/{project-id}/locations/europe-west1',
data: {
key: apiKey,
databaseId: 'segesggseg-656-sdgsdgs',
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
res.send('POST request to the homepage')
I'm getting a 404 when trying to call the route. I'm guessing it's something with the tokens. The documentation is here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/database/database-management/rest/v1beta/projects.locations.instances/create
I can't figure it out :-)
Please consider that according to the official documetation link:
"name field - Currently the only supported location is 'us-central1'."
I was able to create an instance using the api only with empty data parameter.
'https://firebasedatabase.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/111111111111/locations/us-central1/instances?databaseId=myinstanceiddd&validateOnly=true&key=[YOUR_API_KEY]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{}' \
"name": "projects/111111111111/locations/us-central1/instances/myinstanceiddd",
"project": "projects/111111111111",
"databaseUrl": "https://myinstanceiddd.firebaseio.com",
"type": "USER_DATABASE",
"state": "ACTIVE"
After answer above did not work for me... I was forced to read docs (https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/database/database-management/rest/v1beta/projects.locations.instances/create) word by word...
Second paragraph says that ur project needs to be on the Blaze plan in order to be able to create instance... After this doing this, it now works for me.
There is a curl request like this:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic [==APIKEYHERE==]' 'https://apipath.com/path?verbose=true'
I removed the APIKEY and the API path for privacy.
The curl request is working fine, I can't figure out how to convert this into an Axios request since it only needs an API key and not a username and password.
Here is the example I found:
axios.get('https://apipath.com/path?verbose=true', {}, {auth: {username: 'username', password: 'password'}})
.then(function(response) {
console.log(response.data, 'api response');
I'm not sure how to get this to work for my case?
The short answer to adding an X-Api-Key to an http request with axios can be summed up with the following example:
const url =
const config = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
// Add Your Key Here!!!
axios.defaults.headers.common = {
"X-API-Key": "******this_is_a_secret_api_key**********",
const smsD = await axios({
method: "post",
url: url,
data: {
message: "Some message to a lonely_server",
I was stuck for 8 hours trying to figure this out as the errors lined up in the queue, adding the key to the default headers was the only way I could get this to work.
Given the cURL command including --header 'Authorization: Basic [==APIKEYHERE==]', you know that the server wants a header sent using the Basic authentication scheme. That means that your API key is both the username and password joined by a : and encoded with Base64. So, you can decode what the username and password should be by decoding your API key with Base64 and seeing the values joined by the colon.
Consider the spec detailed on MDN: Authorization Header
So if your API key is Ym9iOnBhc3N3b3JkMQ==, and you decode it with Buffer.from("API_KEY", "base64").toString(), you would get the value bob:password1 meaning your username is bob and your password is password1 making your request:
const [username, password] = Buffer.from("YOUR_API_KEY", "base64").toString().split(":");
axios.get('https://apipath.com/path?verbose=true', {}, {
auth: {
.then(function(response) {
console.log(response.data, 'api response');
You can define a function like this, then you can pass the token to header after login success.
import axios from "axios";
const setAuthToken = token => {
if (token) {
// Apply to every request
axios.defaults.headers.common["Authorization"] = token;
} else {
// Delete auth header
delete axios.defaults.headers.common["Authorization"];
axios.get('https://apipath.com/path?verbose=true', {}, {auth: {username: 'username', password: 'password'}})
.then(() => setAuthToken(response.token));
I am trying to convert a cURL request from here to Axios.
curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials\
This works fine (when I put my credentials in).
I tried the following code:
import axios from "axios";
async function testApi() {
try {
const b = await axios.post("https://oauth.nzpost.co.nz/as/token.oauth2", {
client_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
client_secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
grant_type: "client_credentials"
} catch (error) {
This fails with Error 400. grant_type is required. I have tried putting it as a parameter, enclosing within a data: json block. I can't figure this out.
I fixed it , I needed to put the values in parameters
import axios from "axios";
async function testApi() {
try {
const b = await axios.post("https://oauth.nzpost.co.nz/as/token.oauth2",
params: {
client_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
client_secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
grant_type: "client_credentials"
} catch (error) {
curl -d is a shorter way of saying curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d. It is a POST request even though -X POST is not specified!
So make sure you configure your Axios request as a POST request, while also ensuring your data is URL Encoded with the Content-Type header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. For example...
const response = await axios({
url: 'example.com',
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// For Basic Authorization (curl -u), set via auth:
auth: {
username: 'myClientId',
password: 'myClientSecret'
// This will urlencode the data correctly:
data: new URLSearchParams({
grant_type: 'client_credentials'
Paste your command
curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=aaaaaaaa&client_secret=bbbbbbb" https://oauth.nzpost.co.nz/as/token.oauth2
into https://curlconverter.com/node-axios/ and it will convert it into
const axios = require('axios');
const response = await axios.post(
new URLSearchParams({
'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': 'aaaaaaaa',
'client_secret': 'bbbbbbb'
or many other libraries such as fetch(), Python's requests etc.