Trouble getting Vimeo filename from API using PyVimeo - python-3.x

I have an script using Python and PyVimeo that I am working on to use the "GET{video_id}" so I can get the file name. When I try to run my app, I am getting an error {'error': "The requested video couldn't be found."}. However, when I use this same video ID under the Try it out section (, it works fine.
I am assuming there is something wrong with my code, but if I use the demo from the github example (about_me = v.get('/me')), it works fine and that needs authentication as well.
Is there something simple I am missing? Thank you so much.
import vimeo
v = vimeo.VimeoClient(
token= 'VimeoToken',
key= 'VimeoKey',
secret= 'VimeoSecret'
class Vimeo:
def get_vimeo_data(video_file):
uri = '{video_file}'
# uri = '' - This response works
response = v.get(uri)
data = response.json()

You forgot to add an f before your f-string.
class Vimeo:
def get_vimeo_data(video_file):
# THIS f
uri = f"{video_file}"
# uri = '' - This response works
response = v.get(uri)
data = response.json()


Using request_mock to dynamically set response based on request

I am trying to mock a simple POST request that creates a resource from the request body, and returns the resource that was created. For simplicity, let's assume the created resource is exactly as passed in, but given an ID when created. Here is my code:
def test_create_resource(requests_mock):
# Helper function to generate dynamic response
def get_response(request, context):
context.status_code = 201
# I assumed this would contain the request body
response = request.json()
response['id'] = 100
return response
# Mock the response'test-url/resource', json=get_response)
resource = function_that_creates_resource()
assert resource['id'] == 100
I end up with runtime error JSONDecodeError('Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)'). I assume this is because request.json() does not contain what I am looking for. How can I access the request body?
I had to hack up your example a little bit as there is some information missing - but the basic idea works fine for me. I think as mentioned something is wrong with the way you're creating the post request.
import requests
import requests_mock
with requests_mock.mock() as mock:
# Helper function to generate dynamic response
def get_response(request, context):
context.status_code = 201
# I assumed this would contain the request body
response = request.json()
response['id'] = 100
return response
# Mock the response'', json=get_response)
# resource = function_that_creates_resource()
resp ='', json={'a': 1})
assert resp.json()['id'] == 100
This example is not complete and so we cannot truly see what is happening.
In particular, it would be useful to see a sample function_that_creates_resource.
That said, I think your get_response code is valid.
I believe that you are not sending valid JSON data in your post request in function_that_creates_resource.

python3, Trying to get an output from my function I defined, need some guidance

I found pretty cool ASN API tool that allows me to supply an AS # and it will go out and pull down the subnets that relate with that ASN.
Here is (rough) but partial code. I am defining a function ASNNUMBER (to which I will supply the number through another file)
When I call url here, it just gives me an n...
What I'm trying to do here, is append my str(ASNNUMBER) to the end of the ?q= parameter in the URL.
Once I do that, I'd like to display my results and output it to a file
import requests
def asnfinder(ASNNUMBER):
print('n\n######## Running ASNFinder ########\n')
url = '' + str(ASNNUMBER)
response = requests.get(url)
My results I'd like to get is an output of the get request I'm performing
## Running ASNFinder
Try to write something like that:
import requests
def asnfinder(ASNNUMBER):
print('n\n######## Running ASNFinder ########\n')
url = '' + str(ASNNUMBER)
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.text
with open('filename', 'r') as f:
It must works fine
P.S. If it helped ya, please make sure you mark this as the answer :)

How to subscribe with youtube api?
I cant figure how to subscribe to a youtube channel with a post request. Im not looking to use YoutubeSubscriptions as shown above. Im simple looking to pass an api key, but cant seem to figure it out. Any suggestions?
If you don't want to use the YoutubeSubscriptions, you have to get the session_token after login youtube account.
The session_token is stored in the hidden input tag:
or full-text search XSRF_TOKEN field, the corresponding value is session_token, reference regular:
const regex = /\'XSRF_TOKEN\':(.*?)\"(.*?)\"/g
Below is an implementation in Python:
def YouTubeSubscribe(url,SessionManager):
html = SessionManager.get(url).content
session_token = (re.findall("XSRF_TOKEN\W*(.*)=", html , re.IGNORECASE)[0]).split('"')[0]
id_yt = url.replace("","")
params = (('name', 'subscribeEndpoint'),)
data = [
('sej', '{"clickTrackingParams":"","commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"url":"/service_ajax","sendPost":true}},"subscribeEndpoint":{"channelIds":["'+id_yt+'"],"params":"EgIIAg%3D%3D"}}'),
('session_token', session_token+"=="),
response ='', params=params, data=data)
check_state = json.loads(response.content)['code']
if check_state == "SUCCESS":
return 1
return 0
except Exception as e:
print "[E] YouTubeSubscribe:"+ str(e)

Python: Facebook Graph API - pagination request using facebook-sdk

I'm trying to query Facebook for different information, for example - friends list. And it works fine, but of course it only gives limited number of results. How do I access the next batch of results?
import facebook
import json
def pp(o):
with open('facebook.txt', 'a') as f:
json.dump(o, f, indent=4)
g = facebook.GraphAPI(ACCESS_TOKEN)
pp(g.get_connections('me', 'friends'))
The result JSON does give me paging-cursors-before and after values - but where do I put it?
I'm exploring Facebook Graph API through the facepy library for Python (works on Python 3 too), but I think I can help.
You need to append &after=YOUR_AFTER_CODE to the URL you've called (e.g: https://graph.facebook/v2.8/YOUR_FB_ID/friends/?fields=id,name), giving you a link like this one: https://graph.facebook/v2.8/YOUR_FB_ID/friends/?fields=id,name&after=YOUR_AFTER_CODE, that you should make a GET Request.
You'll need requests in order to make a get request for Graph API using your user ID (I'm assuming you know how to find it programatically) and some url similar to the one I give you below (see URL variable).
import facebook
import json
import requests
URL="{}/friends?access_token={}&fields=id,name&limit=50&after=".format(YOUR_FB_ID, ACCESS_TOKEN)
def pp(o):
all_friends = []
if ('data' in o):
for friend in o:
if ('next' in friend['paging']):
resp = request.get(friend['paging']['next'])
elif ('after' in friend['paging']['cursors']):
new_url = URL + friend['paging']['cursors']['after']
resp = request.get(new_url)
print("Something went wrong")
# Do whatever you want with all_friends...
with open('facebook.txt', 'a') as f:
json.dump(o, f, indent=4)
g = facebook.GraphAPI(ACCESS_TOKEN)
pp(g.get_connections('me', 'friends'))
Hope this helps!

HTTPConnection.request fails but urllib.request.urlopen works?

I've been stuck here for quite a while but can't find anything helpful.
I'm trying to connect to a website and get a response json file in Python3. The code looks like below:
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection('host.address')
params = "xx"+ xx + "xx" + ...
conn.request('GET', '/a/b/c', params)
resp = conn.getresponse()
This actually won't return the json file but the webpage http://host.address/a/b/c, which is an error page.
However, while using the following code:
params = "xx"+ xx + "xx" + ...
resp = urllib.request.urlopen("http://host.address/a/b/c?"+params)
It returns correctly the json file.
Any idea what's wrong with the code?
In HTTP, only POST requests are supposed to have a body. The third parameter to request() is actually the body (see - just build the URL as shown in the second example.
Just to complement #sqrtsben's answer with an example:
import urllib.parse
import http.client
u = urllib.parse.urlparse("http://localhost:8080/index.php?utf8=✓")
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(u.hostname, u.port)
if u.query == '':
conn.request("GET", u.path)
conn.request("GET", u.path + '?' + u.query)
